animal testing commercial

at 463. Legal F. 195, 208-09. Animals are used to develop medical treatments, determine the toxicity of medications, check the safety of products destined for human use, and other biomedical, commercial, and health care uses. Other popular alternative methods that have been scientifically validated and accepted include Episkin, EpiDerm, and Epipak, which all test cultures of human skin cells to determine potentially harmful substances. 32 McGeorge L. Rev. Animal Testing of Nanomaterials , available at . The marketing of drugs, cosmetics, pesticides, food additives, and many other commercial products that could potentially be dangerous or hazardous to human health and/or the environment is controlled by regulations and laws. 461, 464. Legal F. 195, 196. PETA's heartbreaking new video shows what happens when a girl's lost companion is found on the street and taken to a laboratory. Well Treated Animals Give Better Test Results. 2006 U. Chi. Within the United States, the ICCVAM has validated both the Corrisitex Test and the Murine Local Lymph Node Assay Test (LLNA) as alternative methods of testing consumer products without the use of animals. 461, 465. The Animal Legal Defense Fund is rated four-stars by Charity Navigator, is a Platinum Level GuideStar Exchange participant, a Better Business Bureau Accredited Charity, and an Independent Charity Seal of Excellence awardee, ensuring that we meet the highest standards … On the other hand, animal welfare advocates argue for the protection of animals and believe animals deserve consideration in regards to their well being throughout the testing process. Moreover, California has even forced industry through punitive legislation to use other forms of product testing ( See , West's Ann. Julija Nėjė. Dije Ndreu, Keeping Bad Science Out of the Courtroom: Why Post-Daubert Courts are Correct in Excluding Opinions Based on Animal Studies from Birth-Defects Cases , 36 Golden Gate U. L. Rev. While inherent problems exist when performing tests on animals, advocates of animal testing argue that no adequate alternatives exist and the long-standing tradition of testing upon animals has worked thus far. Last, some alternatives to animal testing are revealed and the future of animal testing is discussed. The Animal Legal Defense Fund is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. testing to be valuable for advances in human health, the development of cosmetics, and the discovery of cures and medications. Animal testing is a process in which small animals like rats, mice, rabbits, pigs, dogs, etc., are used for experimentation. Using animals in research and to test the safety of products has been a topic of heated debate for decades. 32 McGeorge L. Rev. See McNeal. v. Veneman , 262 F.3d 406 (D.C. Cir. National Institute of Mental Health (2002). § 2131 - 2159, California: CA CIVIL § 1834.9 - Alternative animal test methods; required use by manufacturers and contract testing facilities, New Jersey:  NJ ST 4:22-58 - 60 - Restrictions upon use of traditional animal testing methods for which there is an appropriate alternative testing method, New York: NY PUB HEALTH § 500 - 505a - § 505. DETECT MY LOCATION . Despite the fact that the LD50 Test may test chemicals or products that are not very toxic, injury or death may occur from other complications involved during the testing process, including death from the sheer volume of chemical or product forced into an animal’s system. 2002 publication. However, the Act does not require the use of animal testing to determine product safety or “FDA premarket approval.”   See U.S. Food and Drug Administration, supra . Under the AWA, any individual scientist or animal testing institution that receives federal funding is required to institute and maintain an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). The FDA concerns itself with proper labeling of commercial products and assuring that such products are safe for consumers. Stacy E. Gillespie, A Cover-Girl Face does not have to begin with Animal Cruelty: Chapter 476 gives Legal Force to Alternative Testing Methods , 32 McGeorge L. Rev. As such, the public can be assured that the commercial products they are purchasing have not been tested on animals. Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources; Commission on Life Sciences; National Research Council, Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals , 1996, available at . Moreover, Chapter 467 allows injunctive measures and fines for relief against companies and businesses that violate said legislation. Proponents say that animal testing has enabled the development of many life-saving treatments for both humans and animals and that there is no alternative method for researching a complete living organism. Federal agencies continue to allow commercial products manufacturers and industries to test on animals. 32 McGeorge L. Rev. Once accreditation is obtained for animal testing, a site visit by the AAALAC and a program evaluation must be done once every three years in order to maintain accreditation. The focus of animal testing varies from focusing on: 1) Developing fundamental knowledge of an organism 2) To applied research, which may focus on finding a cure for a disease or observing a reaction to a chemical or cosmetic material. See McNeal . at 470. Awards. at 214. Most importantly, “the AWA only applies to six species of animals used in experiments: dogs, cats, nonhuman primates, rabbits, hamsters, and guinea pigs” but fails to protect “rats, mice, birds, fish, or farm animals.”   Darian M. Ibrahim, Reduce, Refine, Replace: The Failure of the Three R’s and the Future of Animal Experimentation , 2006 U. Chi. Opening The Laboratory Door: National and International Legal Responsibilities for the Use of Animals in Scientific Research--An Australian Perspective , Katrina Sharman, 2 Journal of Animal Law 67 (2006) . Id. However, one must proceed with caution when developing alternatives to animal testing because scientific validity may be questioned. Methods and Welfare Considerations in Behavioral Research with Animals: Report of a National Institutes of Health Workshop. Advocates of animal testing argue that no alternatives exist, and that a long-standing tradition of animal testing takes precedence over other methods. See 510 ILCS 70/10 . Testing cosmetics on animals is both cruel and unnecessary because companies can already create innovative products using thousands of ingredients that have a history of safe use and do not require any additional testing. View more of's award-winning projects » » Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Animal Welfare Act Information , April 26, 2010, available at . We take our responsibility for the ethical treatment of animals in medical research very seriously. 459, 467-68 (2006). Morrison AR; Evans HL; Ator NA; Nakamura RK (eds). Last, replacement includes the development of non-animal alternatives which would ultimately replace animals and eliminate their use in testing altogether. Id. Controversy and debate surround animal testing, especially regarding commercial products. § 4:22-59 (2007) , and Animal Irritancy Tests Prohibited , N.Y. Public Health Law § 505 (2009) . Methods and Welfare Considerations in Behavioral Research with Animals: Report of a National Institutes of Health Workshop. In addition to the AWA , federal regulations, and state anti-cruelty laws relating to laws and regulations governing animal testing, the commercial products industry has its own views on standards as well. Id. Animal testing is when medical and commercial companies relocate animals from their natural habitats and expose them to dangerous chemicals. Moreover, a number of toxicity tests are performed in order to determine the safety of chemicals, food additives, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and certain nanomaterials. Controversy and debate surround animal testing, especially with regard to commercial products. Moreover, an exception to the protections of the AWA exists when a researcher determines it is not scientifically necessary or would negatively affect the results of testing. 32 McGeorge L. Rev. Instead of specifically requiring animal testing, the FDA has “consistently advised cosmetic manufacturers to employ whatever testing is appropriate and effective for substantiating the safety of their products.”   See Id. The Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics (CCIC) runs a program that offers a list of commercial products companies that have adopted a “Corporate Standard of Compassion for Animals.”   The Humane Society of the United States, Questions and Answers About Cosmetic and Product Testing , October 7, 2009, available at . Standing issues are created for animal advocate groups because of the “real party interest” requirement in litigation. Animal Testing of Food Additives , available at ; The Humane Society of the United States, Questions and Answers About U.S. Id. Id. In addition, advocates argue that public health and welfare depend upon animal testing and the elimination of animal testing would subsequently lead to the sale of unsafe or hazardous products. An estimated 26 million animals are used every year in the United States for scientific and commercial testing. In 1988, PETA conducted an eyewitness investigation of animal-testing laboratory Biosearch. Animal testing is a kind of scientific experimentation that uses animals to see what intended effects and side effects a wide variety of chemicals and products might have on humans. The Farm Security Act of 2002 excludes a majority of the animals used in testing facilities. Certain federal agencies require animal testing to determine the safety of a product, while others do not. There are much more accurate and safer alternatives to save the lives of innocent creatures and humans. Another important exception to the protections offered under the AWA exists when a researcher determines it is not scientifically necessary or would negatively affect the results of testing. What is animal testing? While certain laws and regulations, such as the AWA and many state animal cruelty laws, appear ineffective at monitoring and ensuring the welfare of animals used in research, a current developmental trend toward alternatives to animal testing has recently strengthened. Historically, the LD50 Test was one of the first animal testing methods used to determine the toxicity of a chemical or product. Some states have begun to require the use of alternatives when certain requirements are met, and scientific development of more advanced alternatives continues. A majority of companies dealing with commercial products traditionally perform toxicology and safety testing on animals to ensure they are not liable for any injury or death associated with said commercial products. They suffer as we do, and most experiments are painful, artificially induced diseases. ... UT, providing cleaning products, equipment, and services for commercial kitchens, laundry, breweries, wineries, and housekeeping operations. Moreover, the same federal agencies that adopted the “Three R’s” methodology also remain dependent upon animal testing when determining whether a substance or commercial product is safe for consumers. As such, many of the laws and regulations that exist, including the AWA and many state anti-cruelty laws, are largely ineffective. See McNeal . Presents the text for the "U.S. Government Principles for the Utilization and Care of Vertebrate Animals Used in Testing, Research and Training" as well as the "Health Research Extension Act of 1985" (Public Law 99-158, "Animals in Research," November 20, 1985), which provides the statutory mandate for the PHS Policy.

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