Now, the main question in front of common people is how to get these shares recovered in their name. Upon submission, Form No. If the application is incomplete or is rejected, authority should communicate properly with the claimant as well as the related company regarding the deficiencies in the application. 6. What is the process if IEPF does not refund within 60 days of submission? 5. They can also apply for the refund under clause (a) of subsection (3) of section 125 or under provision to subsection (3) of section 125 to the concerned authority. Process to get refund shares from IEPF: Any person, whose shares, unclaimed dividend, matured deposits, matured debentures, application money due for refund, or interest thereon, sale proceeds of fractional shares, redemption proceeds of preference shares, etc. In cases of transmission, loss of original shares, mismatch in name and address etc., relevant documents as mentioned in Schedule II, III and IV respectively. So, there are lot of unclaimed shares as on today. Copyright © TaxGuru. 8. Any person may claim their shares and unclaimed dividend by submitting online application in Form IEPF-5 alongwith the documents required to file to the authority of IEPF.After submission of online application, the applicant has to submit the application in physical form along with the original documents required to the Nodal officer at the registered office of the Company. It shall be online monitorable process with fixed timelines for all stakeholders. One of the reasons dividends of shares remain unclaimed for years is because people tend to forget about their ownership of shares if the amount invested is low. Are Physical Shares Worthless After The Ban? Join our newsletter to stay updated on Taxation and Corporate Law. For Example, An Investor bought 100 shares in 1996 and first time company declared dividend in 2009-10. Claimant to register themselves online on this weblink,, 2. Then, it will either credit the shares lying in IEPF suspense account with lying depository participant. The account should be linked to Aadhaar if the applicant is not NRI or foreigner. Your email address will not be published. In case of non-availability of Aadhar Card for super senior citizens or some specific states, other ID Proofs issued by government clearly mentioning the address of the claimant needs to be submitted. The shares that are transferred to IEPF are valued at the current market price to the tune of `18,000 crore and the amount of unclaimed dividend is `2,300 crore. An investor may face such … 4. The e-form shall be authenticated through DSC of the concerned nodal or deputy nodal officer. To ease your worries, we’re proficient in getting your unclaimed or unpaid amount that has been transferred by the company to IEPF! Recoversy team can take care of all the processes and documentation for IEPF claims, transfer/transmission of shares, all we need is your signatures. After seven years, the dividends must be transferred to the IEPF account and it’ll dwell in that account until a claimant makes a legitimate claim request to IEPF with relevant documents. 5. If you are claiming for the refund, then original certificate of deposit or debenture. If the claimant is the legal heir or successor or nominee of the registered shareholder, then he or she to make sure that the company completes the transmission process before filing the claim with authority. Only one such form can be claimed in a year for each company. The company shall be required to e-verify the claim as soon as it receives original documents from the claimant but not later than 30 days from the filing of claim failing which it shall be liable to pay an additional fee of Rs 50 per day up to a maximum of Rs 2500. Please fill all the required information carefully. Download the IEPF Form-5 from the IEPF website and fill in the details that have been asked and submit them online. However, they need to follow due procedure and submit the documents required. There is a whopping amount of unclaimed money left in Equity Shares, Share Application, Dividend, Debentures which have piled up over the years and have been unclaimed for a long … We can assist in case of transfer of shares and mutual funds, forgotten investments, demat of shares to unclaimed dividends, obtaining duplicate share certificates and much more. Share Consultation is one of the leading supporters that help in retracing shares that are unclaimed for years. Any person whose shares, dividend which is unclaimed, matured deposits, debentures, refund of application money or interest on it, sale proceeds of fractional shares redemption proceeds of preference shares, etc. In this step the person has to apply to MCA through e-form IEPF-5 by furnishing below mentioned details: No document is required to be attached with the form. The procedure to file the application to get the refund of unclaimed or lost shares from the IEPF Authority could be complicated for investors with a little knowledge about IEPF regulations. Dear Reader, Any other document relevant to prove entitlement of the claimant. IEPF-5 under sub rule 1, shall send physical set of following documentation to the Nodal Officer of the Company for verification: 1. If the investor does not claim it, then from 2017-18 onwards it will become eligible to transfer to IEPF. According to these rules any money as dividend not claimed by the investor within 7 years and 37 days from the declaration date of the dividend along with the interest accumulated, if any will be transferred by the company to Investor education and protection fund. In cases covered under rule 7(8) and 7(9), the company shall also be required to issue entitlement letter under rule 7(9) of IEPF Rules in favour of claimant and send a scanned copy of it with its e-verification report. Refund of Unclaimed Shares from IEPF: Any person, whose shares, unclaimed dividend, matured deposits, matured debentures, application money due for refund, or interest thereon, sale proceeds of fractional shares, redemption proceeds of preferred stock, etc. This is done for the verification of the claim. Copyright © 2018-2021 Garg Law Chambers | All rights reserved | SitemapDisclaimer: We are not associated with the IEPF Authority in any way. 1. Sending the physical copy of such application duly signed by all the … In case of Indian Citizen – to prove the identity of the claimant self-certified copy of Pan Card and Aadhar Card are required to be submitted. We assist investors for hassle free refund of shares & dividend from IEPF. If the amount is less than 10000, then the acknowledgement can be done on plain paper. The company shall also be required to attach scanned copy of such authenticated documents with its e-verification report. A claimant can file only once claim in respect of a company in a financial year. In case of refund of dividend amount of Rs. The documents submitted by the claimant should also be submitted. 4. 10000. Contact us to know IEPF Refund process & rules. Below is the step by step procedure of the same. After completing verification process of the entitlement of the claimant, the authority and its Drawing and Disbursement officer will present the bill to be paid to the Accounts officer for the purpose of e-payment according to the guidelines, if the claimant has claimed the amount. All the documents which are required to be attached in the online IEPF -5 form needs to be provided in original in physical to the nodal officer of the company apart from the above. F. Most important things to be noted. Although the government has ensured unclaimed dividends, deposits, debentures, bonus, split shares etc to be in safe hands so that the investors can claim it even after a certain period, the number of the affected investors are no less. Basically, IEPF Claim is the process for claiming back the unclaimed dividends, shares, and investments from IEPF. Printout of the IEPF-5 form filled duly with the signature of claimant. Let’s also discuss the common mistakes one commits while applying. We at Recoversy feel immensely grateful to our clients for trusting us with the opportunity to assist them in the … Copy link. The name and the email id of the officer is provided on the website. 10,000 or less, indemnity bond can be executed on a plain paper. IIFL Securities and Axis Securities to Acquire Karvy Accounts. If anyone need help from Hyderabad Telangana state to get back shares and unclaimed dividend from IEPF, duplicate share certificates, transmission of shares and obtain a Succession Certificate from the court. The name and the email id of the officer is provided on the website. Shares of many people have been transferred since the rule is applied practically. Hiring a legal expert could ease out the filing process for your claim; A legal firm will take responsibility for … Required fields are marked *, Notice: It seems you have Javascript disabled in your Browser. The attachments to be sent are mentioned below: The company should send verification report to the authority within 15 days from receipt of claim form in the format prescribed by the authority. has been transferred to the Fund, may claim the shares under provision to sub-section (6) of section 124 or apply for refund under clause (a) of sub-section (3) of section 125 or under proviso … This has happened pursuant to the Companies Act 2013 whereby the shares whose dividends are unclaimed for a consecutive period of 7 years are transferred to a government authority called IEPF . Self-attested copy of Aadhaar Card, Copy of Passport, OCI and PIO card in case of foreigners and NRI duly apostilized. After filing the refund claim through the online form, the claimant should send the prescribed attachments to the Nodal Officer of the company taking care of IEPF related matters. With IEPF, the unclaimed dividend and lost shares that have remained dormant for more than 7 years are taken care of on behalf of the rightful shareholders. Though the original shares will be transferred to IEPF in case the dividends are not claimed for the past 7 years, the bonus shares will still lie with the owners. The new process shall not require any submission of physical documents to the Authority. 2. A large number of shares and unclaimed dividends have been transferred by many companies to the Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) Account maintained by the IEPF Authority. Best IEPF Expert Consultants to help you with transfer of shares & transmission. a. The shares or dividends which are unclaimed for more than seven years are sent to IEPF. It requires a particular degree of financial and legal experience to file the IEPF claim form to the fund manager. Common Mistakes in IEPF Form 5 and Documents Required for IEPF Claim. PROCEDURE FOR CLAIMING REFUND. Print out of duly filled claim form with claimant signature and if joint holders are involved than the Form should be signed by all the joint holders along with annexures submitted with form. 10. The system generated Indemnity bond, Advance Receipt, Acknowledgement of IEPF-5 and pdf version of the IEPF-5 web form submitted can be downloaded by the Claimant from, ‘Track IEPF-5 SRN’ Service available on MCA website. Proof of entitlement which includes certificate of share or application number of interest warrant. It is done to demat account of the claimant to the level of his or her entitlement. PROCEDURE FOR CLAIMING REFUND. If the shares have been transferred to Govt of India, then apart from dealing with company and fulfilling their formalities, investor / claimant would have to additionally comply with the procedure of IEPF claim or IEPF refund or IEPF refund. Recoversy is a one stop destination for recovery. 1. Procedure for claiming back the shares from IEPF Suspense Account Shareholder can claim from IEPF Authority both unclaimed dividend amount and the shares transferred to IEPF Demat Account. If you are NRI or foreigner, Particulars of bank account in which the refund has to be done. Disclaimer: We are not associated with the IEPF Authority in any way. Fresh e-verification report shall be filed for resubmission cases. Amount of Unclaimed and Unpaid for F.Y 2017-18 as on March 31, 2020; Amount of Unclaimed and Unpaid for F.Y 2018-19 as on March 31, 2020; Details of Shareholders and Equity shares due for transfer to IEPF DEMAT Account for 2009 - 10 ; Details of Shareholders and Equity shares due for transfer to IEPF DEMAT Account for FY 2010 - 11 iepf Details of Shares transferred to Investor Education and Protection Fund Procedure … 8. The claimant has to download IEPF-5 form from the official website Answer: Yes, a shareholder (even their legal heirs & representative) can claim their shares transferred to IEPF by making an application in Form IEPF-5 to IEPF authority. The huge no. To claim due from IEPF authority the investor needs to fill an IEPF claim form-5 which is available on the website. In a crux, We will help you to recover your In order to claim the shares, we have to make application in Form IEPF 5. In cases, authority requires additional documents from company only, it shall intimate the same for fresh e-verification report without any resubmission on part of the claimant. On receipt of the original documents from claimant, the company shall be required to authenticate the same with the scanned copy attached with the claim form. Indemnity Bond and Advance receipt (original) auto generated after uploading the claim Form IEPF 5 with signature of claimant and witness and after affixing requisite stamp and advance receipt. Documents required for IEPF claim and e-filing IEPF-5, Revised guidelines for companies to facilitate the claimant’s refund by IEPF Authority, Details of deposits or securities year wise, Aadhaar details or Passport or OCI or PIO Card No. Info. Here is How You Can Obtain Duplicate Share Certificates. What are Section 124 (5) and (6) of The Companies Act 2013? As we all are aware MCA has set Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority Rules 2017. So, let’s try to understand the process to claim these shares from IEPF to your demat account. E. Practical aspects/procedure on the part of shareholder/claimant. In case any Joint holder is deceased, Copy of Death certificate to be attached. Any person, whose unclaimed or unpaid amount has been transferred by the company to IEPF may claim their refunds to the IEPF authority. The Company e-vertification report can be downloaded from the weblink This is a body setup by govt, where all these unclaimed money gets transferred and investors can claim them back by … Tap to unmute. Claimant to login and fill web based IEPF – 5 form. Other possible reasons for the people not claiming shares … We’ll look after the process and fetch you … 7. which has been sent to the IRPF, may raise a claim for the shares under the Sub-Section (6) Section … The application duly verified and submitted by the company for refund of any claim to the authority, must be prepared by the authority within 60 days from the date of receipt of verification report submitted by the company. These attachments should be sent in an envelope labeled as “Claim for refund from IEPF authority. The claim procedure for refund of unclaimed dividends and lost shares may be a difficult process. As the name states, IEPF is a fund that collects all unclaimed shares. Therefore, a legal expert's assistance is necessary to file the claim. Recently IEPF authority recovered back Rs 1,514 Crores from Peerless finance which had done a fraud in past where lots of investors lost their hard earned money. Original Cancelled Cheque leaf, Self-attested copy of Client Master List. If the claimant has claimed the shares, the authority will issue sanction order for refund with the approval of concerned authority. 3. The voting rights on shares transferred to the Fund shall remain frozen until the rightful owner claims the shares. We provide a whole range of servcies to investors to recover their unclaimed dividends, bonuses, split shares etc. of shares and dividends transferred by HDFC bank to the IEPF might make some people look through their investment history to find if they have any unclaimed shares left of HDFC or not. The IEPF- Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) Authority looks after the unclaimed dividends and seeks to protect the interests of the investors. This is done for the … Original indemnity bond with the signature of claimant. IEPF ADVICE is your one-stop solution to claim these unclaimed shares and does it for you uniquely and differently. Hi Ashish, Generally IEPF is taking longer to refund the shares. Something which is unclaimed for a period of 7 yrs., goes into IEPF, example are .. Unclaimed shares lying in demat accounts from years In a financial year, a claimant can file how many claim form in respect of a company? Procedure for Claiming Unclaimed Dividend/Shares from Investor Education Protection Fund (IEPF) and Steps to be Followed by Company to Process the Claim 1. 4. Recoversy specializes in the search and claim of shares & dividends transferred to IEPF Authority. After filing the refund claim through the online form, the claimant should send the prescribed attachments to the Nodal Officer of the company taking care of IEPF related matters. The answer is IEPF, which is Investor Education Protection Fund Authority (IEPF) by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India. G. FAQs on IEPF claim process (A) BRIEF NOTATION. 7. Process of Claiming The nodal officer of the company shall be intimated through email notification as soon as the web-form IEPF -5 is filed by the claimant. Above all, IEPF Claim involves the filing of IEPF Form-5, submission of documents, and approval from the competent IEPF authority The nodal officer or the deputy nodal officer of the company can file everification report in the e-form available for same on website through their MCA 21 account. For claim of only amount of Rs. Then, fill in the above mentioned details carefully and upload the form on same website. Through IEPF, the investors can now get a refund for the unclaimed rewards. We help investors search & claim back their lost, forgotten & unclaimed investments assisting them in IEPF claim. The authority shall process and intimate approval, rejection, resubmission or discrepancies in FIFO order within a period not exceeding 60 days from receipt of verification report. If you are an Indian citizen, then copy of Aadhaar card. All Rights Reserved. Copy of acknowledgement generated after uploading the claim Form IEPF 5. This should be done on the non-judicial stamp paper of the value mentioned under Stamp Act if the amount of the claim is more than or equal to Rs. Watch later. C. Step-wise procedure for refund of securities from IEPF (unclaimed dividend and shares) D. Statutory provisions. These attachments should be sent in an envelope labeled as “Claim for refund from IEPF authority. If there are physical certificates, then the duplicate certificates are cancelled and shares are transferred on the name of claimant. Any issues call to whatsapp no 9959895156. i have 36 reliance share in physical form and already goes in to iepf, now market value of shares is around 65000-70000 for Indemnity bond which amount of stamp required ????? Maintained by, Taxguru Consultancy & Online Publication LLP, 509, Swapna Siddhi, Akurli Road, Near Railway Station, Kandivali (East), Procedure for Claiming Unclaimed Dividend/Shares from IEPF, Investor Education Protection Fund (IEPF), Provisions for Deposits under Companies Act, 2013 & Rules, Company Law Ready Reckoner to Various Limits & Applicability, Sources of Loans for LLP, Private Company & Public Company- A brief Comparison, Oppression/Mismanagement under Companies Act of 2013 – Understanding through Case Laws, Procedure of accepting deposits from Members under Companies Act, 2013 in brief, Forex Gain in Personal Loan repayment are not taxable – ITAT, Refundable security deposit shown as a liability in books cannot be added to Income, Audited books cannot be rejected in a casual manner, ‘C’ Forms cannot be rejected for Mismatch without providing the Opportunity, DGFT introducing online e- EPCG Committee module, No addition against wife merely based on statement of husband, Consumer Protection (E-Commerce) (Amendment) Rules, 2021, FAQs on Direct Tax Vivad Se Vishwas Act, 2020, FAQs in respect of filling-up of ITR forms for AY 2021-22, Rates of Depreciation as Per Income Tax Act, 1961, Carry Forward and Set Off of Losses with FAQs, Income Tax audit under section 44AB: FAQs, Tax Benefits Available to Senior Citizens, Authority for Advance Ruling under Income Tax, Advance Tax Provisions, Challan, e-payment Utility & Examples, Income Tax Offences liable to prosecution. Please bear in mind a share gets transferred to IEPF only if dividend remains unclaimed for seven years. The Claimant can refer to the Instructions kit by downloading the same from weblink filing on the online IEPF – 5 form. What exactly gets transferred to IEPF? 2. For claiming such amount, the claimant needs to file form IEPF-5 along with requisite documents on the IEPF website. In case of refund of matured deposit or debenture or bond or where shares (in physical form) are claimed, original certificate/shares thereto. To those who do have really old shares (count 25 years) of HDFC bank, you have a permanent reason to smile as these shares have now increased to unfathomable values. 6. We help in turning the “non-claimed” status of your funds to “claimed” status. Original advance stamped receipt along with the signature of claimant and two witnesses. For claiming such amount, claimant needs to file form IEPF-5 alongwith requisite documents. If … 9. After transferring the shares to IEPF, the physical shares that are lying with general public which are not transferred to IEPF is over Rs.1,00,000 crores. The nodal officer of the company shall be intimated through email notification as soon as the web-form IEPF -5 is... 2. One has to be very careful while filling the form as only one chance is provided for a company in one financial year. So, all the businesses must transfer all the dormant shares from their unclaimed dividend account to the IEPF if they’re older than seven years. Recoversy is a liaison agency and has no association with the Investor Education and Protection fund (IEPF… IEPF Claim helps you recover unclaimed shares & dividends. In order to submit a comment to this post, please write this code along with your comment: aae093a49014c4e789974502ff22c535. If the authority does not receive the documents 90 days after the date of filing of form IEPF-5, it gives 30 days’ of time to the claimant to furnish the response and may reject the form if does not get it. Fill the form according to the instructions given in its instruction kit Upload the filled form on the IEPF portal After the Form 5- INV is filled and uploaded on the MCA21 portal, you are required to provide the investor wise details of unclaimed and unpaid amount in an excel file Download the excel template from the IEPF Portal If you wish to find your unclaimed investments viz unclaimed shares, dividends, bonds, mutual fund units, public provident fund (PPF), employee provident fund (EPF), properties, etc. 10,000 or more and/or market value of shares, non- judicial stamp paper of appropriate value as prescribed under Stamp Act according to state is required. Weblink, 3. It is a tedious task to retrace the claim directly. By making an application in Form IEPF-5 online on the website along with specified fees and 2. has been transferred on the name of IEPF can claim the shares under the provision to subsection (6) of section 124. IEPF-5 shall be transmitted online to the Nodal Officer of the company for verification of claim: Provided that the claimant after making an application in Form No. In case of NRI – to prove the identity of the claimant, self-attested copy of Passport or self-attested copy of Overseas Indian Card (OIC) issued by MHA along with any of the documents available with him. The company can reject such claims due to non-receipt of original documents from the claimant. For claiming such amount, claimant needs to file form IEPF-5 along with requisite documents on the IEPF website. In case of foreigners, instead of Aadhar Card, copy of Passport or PIO Card duly apostatized as per Hague Convention. If you are claiming the refund of shares, then the acknowledgement should be done on the non-judicial stamp paper of value mentioned in the Stamp Act. Our exhaustive search platform brings you information of all unclaimed investments under one roof. Procedure to claim Refund 1. At, you will get complete help for all your doubts and queries related to shares, transfer of shares, issue of duplicate shares, transposition of shares, name deletion, etc. Hiring a legal professional can assist you in saving lots of hassles related to this tedious task. IEPF (Investor Education And Protection Fund), How to claim shares & unclaimed dividends. IEPF – 5 CLAIM PROCESS FOR CLAIMANTS UNDER COMPANIES ACT 2013, 1. Share. Else, you may try filing an RTI to know the status of your claim. 2. Any person, whose shares, unclaimed dividend, matured deposits, matured debentures, application money due for refund, or interest thereon, sale proceeds of fractional shares, redemption proceeds of preference shares, … 9. However, one may try by sending Email’s to the concerned officers. As per the act, all this money should be transferred to the IEPF. Shopping. This means that, all shares for which dividend has not been claimed or paid for seven years or more shall be transferred by the company on the name of Investor education and protection fund. 3. For this IEPF Authority have a Demat account and company will transfer shares within 30 days of its getting due. The experts at IEPFClaim with years of experience help you to get back your unclaimed and blocked investment money back. 10. Yes, any shareholder whose shares are transferred to the IEPF is entitled to claim for transfer of shares back in their name.
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