iacuc tumor size

Deviations from these sizes must have prior IACUC review and approval based on scientific necessity/justification. Mission and Vision. Monitoring Mass (mg) = Tumor volume (mm3) = d2 x D/2 where d and D are the shortest and longest diameter in mm, respectively. • Animals reaching any endpoint described in the IACUC protocol must be euthanized. can open, drain and even regress in size, there may be a significant individual variation in the response an animal has to a tumor burden; it is necessary to rely on experience and clinical judgment in assessing the need for euthanasia. For animals carrying several tumors, the total tumor burden must not exceed the maximum burden of a single tumor. • The humane endpoints associated with tumor burden must be clearly described in the approved IACUC protocol and followed. c. Tumor size must not exceed 20mm (2.0cm) at the largest diameter in an adult mouse and 40 mm (4.0cm) in adult rats. UM SOM Animal Care and Use Program: Rodent Tumor Production & Monitoring Guidelines PSC Review Date: 06/2018 IACUC Approval Date: 07/20/18 Page 2 of 3 The guidance below assumes that a normally sized adult rodent will be studied (a ~25 g mouse or a 250+ g rat). Any individual tumor 8-17 mm in any dimension; Score=5 c. Any individual tumor 18-20 mm in any dimension; Score=14 d. Any individual tumor >20 mm in any dimension; Score=17 d. • Total combined tumor volumes of multiple tumors should not exceed these size limits. The weight reference is the weight of the animal on the day of tumor implantation ii. c. Tumor size equal to 15% of body weight (Figure 1) i. percentage of weight loss, etc. described for animal weights, tumor size, clinical observations, and treatment or animal disposition. The length of the tumor is about half the length and width of the animal. Figure 4 panels taken from doi: 10.7150/jca.33013. Document Number: IACUC-SOP-02.14.00 Tumor Burden Guidelines several ways. 5. Tumors, like other biologics, may carry viruses or other pathogenswhich can contaminate The mass of the tumor is calculated from the following formula: iii. size is the maximum allowable size for all tumors combined. 304.4.3 Tumor size (NOTE: In cases with multiple tumors, score will be based on the largest single tumor measured) a. Tumor Volume • Maximum tumor volume should not exceed 2000 (mm)ᶾ for mice and 4000 (mm)ᶾ for rats. If the tumor is Figure 4B shows the average size of the tumor diameter in 6 mice, reaching 29 mm after 35 days. It appears that the size of the tumor in this mouse was far beyond animal ethics guidelines. Determine a measurable concentration of a tumor marker associated with the model. Without a specific exception justified in the IACUC protocol, animals should be euthanized before tumors reach this size. Body weight should be monitored when tumors exhibiting these properties are utilized. Tumor Scoring Version #: 02 Approved by IACUC Date: 7/10/19 . tumor system. If multiple subcutaneous tumors are implanted, smaller maximum tumor sizes must be described in the IACUC protocol. Study termination will be dependent upon factors other than tumor burden, i.e. i. UCSF – Institutional Animal Care Use Committee is “Advancing Health Worldwide” by promoting humane care and use of animal subjects in research. In tumor experiments in adult rodents, weight loss should not exceed 20 percent iii. Any individual tumor < 7mm in any dimension; Score=0 b. Exceptions to tumor size must be approved by the IACUC. For more information, please contact the BRC staff at 310-222-3791. Larger size tumors must be specifically justified in the IACUC protocol. iv. Please use the following guidelines when writing your IACUC protocol:1 Tumor size o Either a primary tumor size (e.g., for subcutaneous tumors the maximum size is 20 mm in diameter for a mouse and 40 mm in diameter for a rat; 5 mm in diameter for an intramuscular tumor in a mouse) or weight (4000 mg maximum for a mouse and 8000 mg The IACUC oversees all UCSF research and instruction that involves vertebrate animals, in order to ensure that the highest ethical and animal welfare standards are met through all applicable federal, … Use a scientific approach involving termination after a fixed period of time. These records must be available for veterinary or IACUC review. Determine a specific tumor size to designate as ‘moribund’ or ‘dead’ ii. before the tumor has attained appreciable size.

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