philosophical discussions examples

16. Is there any cause you would give your life for? Does happiness exist without sadness? ‘Many philosophers today deny that philosophical questions about knowledge have any special character.’. 74. Or does every challenge break you down just a bit? Do you think the human race will go extinct? After all, when trying to find a connection between the nature of the universe and human existence, how can anyone ever be 100% positive? Is there really any completely selfless act of kindness? (2001), especially his discussions pertaining to parrhesia. Is it more admirable to live for a cause or to die for it? Philosophical argumentation on the moral issue Contemporary philosophical literature contains two kinds of arguments concerning the morality of abortion. The key is to have an open mind by thinking critically, systemically, and comprehensively. Or are our fates predestined? How do you know when you’re being genuine or authentic to your true self? The relation between religion and politics continues to be an important theme in political philosophy, despite the emergent consensus (both among political theorists and in practical political contexts, such as the United Nations) on the right to freedom of conscience and on the need for some sort of separation between church and state. How would the world change if everyone focused on what society is doing well rather than how society is messing up? If so, is there any animal you would never consider breeding with? At what point does your consciousness form? 55 Deep Philosophical Questions for a Thought-Provoking Conversation, Final Thoughts on Philosophical Questions, check out our collection of how well do you know me questions, 200+ of the Best Self-Help and Personal Development Books, 71 Morning Routine Ideas to Successfully Start Your Day, Learn Something New: 101 New Skills to Learn Starting Today, Best Pedometer Watch (and Wearable) Review for 2020. Is It time? 103. 38. Are animals freer than us? So keeping in mind that he has to answer him on One day, his morals don’t allow him to go astray. Our desire for knowledge and meaning in our lives inspires us to learn, get ahead, and become better people. 62. 116. Is free will real or just an illusion? Retrieved from, This is just a sample. How do you know if something really happened if no one witnessed it? Things like the defunding of the police will occur. Is It The Condition and Fulfillment of Your Soul? 59. 122. Although painstaking research is more commonly associated with exact sciences, such as math or chemistry, writing a powerful philosophy … When did time begin? Explore and engage in riveting philosophical debate topics, including debates about the meaning of life, good vs. evil and much more. If you were to die tomorrow, what words would be written on your tombstone? b) Able to write a thoughtful OP of reasonable length that illustrates this … Is there anything in the world that you believe everyone finds to be beautiful? 86. 6. 46. Examples of substantial philosophical conversations of children found in Lone (2012), McCall (2009), Pritchard (1996), Shapiro (2012), and Wartenberg (2009), among many others, should leave little doubt that children have this ability. 1. Do people really change or do they just recognize and react logically to new circumstances? adjective. Question 1: Philosophical Discussions on Ethics. How can you be sure that your perceptions are real? Was it human or alien? 9. 3.1. What movies would you recommend for philosophical discussions? 107. If so, do they also have souls? Is It Death? 117. 1 Relating or devoted to the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. 80. Descartes' dualism provided the philosophical rationale for the latter by expelling the final cause from the physical universe (or res extensa) in favor of the mind (or res cogitans). 19 examples: In this sense there are two distinct philosophical perspectives offered here… ‘Many philosophers today deny that philosophical questions about knowledge have any special character.’. 8. 105. There are great for parties and teen groups – anytime you are in a group and want to have fun or start a conversation. ‘the American Philosophical Society’. 70. An important thing to consider here is the impact on our morals when they are accredited to the existence of God. 61. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy, The input space is limited by 250 symbols. What if we all really are fighting for a limited number of spaces in heaven? Download it now, before diving into this article. 23. philosophical. …Or a rhetorical question? Should you live for the present moment or for your future’s potential? Chat Stations. Do you believe the name we are born with has an effect on our personality? What happens when you die? 52. 115. A civil war of sorts will take place, with the country dividing itself into separately governed territories? Can we ever live in a socially just society if there are still unjust people around? Sorry, but copying text is forbidden on this website.        According to few, moral standards are a person’s own individuality, but if this is our perception, then it will make no difference if God exists or not. If you were gifted with one superpower, which would you choose and why? You’re trying to find a connection between two very subjective and unexplainable things, it’s not like you’re searching for the relationship between freezing temperatures and icy road conditions. 1. I also think it’s important to provide justification for … Or is fame merely an illusion based on how others perceive the famous? One of the longest philosophical discussions can be summed up in three words: nature versus nurture. 1 Relating or devoted to the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. Our funny philosophical questions stretch your mind and tickle your funny bone. Yet, in the absence of fear would we live the same life? If you could have a conversation with anyone, living or dead, who would you choose? Is there such a thing as fate? Food trades raise issues of fairness and equity in the global market. There might be affiliate links on this page, which means we get a small commission of anything you buy. Is there such a thing as an ideal government? Would you give all of your possessions away to spend one more day with a loved one who died? 76. 64. If it weren’t, this search for answers to questions that people have been asking since the B.C. Or at some point does it just circle back to the beginning? Philosophy, which looks at knowledge, truth, meaning, and existence, is one of the oldest-practiced sciences in human history. It is fitting, therefore, that his moral philosophy is based around assessing the broad characters of human beings rather than assessing singular acts in isolation. If you need this or any other sample, we can send it to you via email. If so, how long of a grieving period do you think is appropriate? Are people born evil? Although these are not only restricted to the belief in God, but are no doubt strengthened by having a faith in His existence. 119. …Even though the conversation that results from your question might not get you very far–and could potentially leave you more confused than when you started. 13. adjective. Is there one factor that’s universal for everyone? If you want to understand someone better–their motivations, actions, daily routines, decision-making processes, etc.–asking them deep philosophical questions is an effective method of doing so. If so, what is it? In the last year of his life he composed at least eight of his philosophical works. If atheists do not believe in God, what is their moral compass driven by? Who, if anyone, would you spend it with? As we observed, philosophical discussions were not always disconnected from empirical cases and philosophers’ reflections on individuality have been motivated by intriguing biological and other material examples. Normative judgment tells us how we should behave. There are moral reasons for each choice. The reluctance of Euthyphro to continue the discussion shows the general attitude towards philosophy … If you believe in Heaven, what do you think it is like? How do you know when the tipping point happens between dating someone and being in love with them? 92. Does an answer count as an answer if it’s another question? Do parents really mean it when they say they love all of their children equally? How would our lives change if the average lifespan of a person was 500 years? If so, how? A moral dilemma is a conflict in which a person must choose between two or more actions, all of which they have the ability to do. Have you ever thought you weren’t good enough? In order to help you understand exactly what is meant by “moral dilemma” we have provided some examples, … What is freedom? Please do your own research before making any online purchase. You're likely to have more freedom in the Shoutbox or in discussions in the Lounge, for example, than in the philosophical discussions. Is it possible to go through life without telling a lie? You can’t visit anyone who doesn’t already live there or take any vacations for 15 years. Would you be upset if your child wanted to join the armed forces if you never served? Les enfants développent et expérimentent de multiples habiletés de pensée au cours de la pratique des discussions philosophiques – celles-ci étant la forme pédagogique choisie pour la pratique de la philosophie avec les enfants, depuis sa naissance. “I write my lessons to target higher-order thinking skills from Bloom’s … You can pick any place in the world you’d like to be stationed; however, the position requires that you never leave this place until your contract is up. Where are people before they’re born? Are our minds capable of not imposing judgment or bringing emotions into our decision making? ‘philosophical discussions about free will’. Answering philosophical questions helps us gain a better understanding of ourselves and the world we live in. Would you prefer to have a President that put your mind at ease in the darkest of times, or one who was feared by others? What if everyone had the same opinion about everything? If you had a choice between spending life after death walking amongst the living as a ghost, or living in your own personal paradise, which would you pick? 104. What should be the goal of humanity? Higher-Prep Discussion Strategies Gallery Walk > a.k.a. 9. Why were you born? 7. Sample Educational Philosophy Statement . 43. Would you prefer to be thin or healthy for the rest of your life? Hearing, sight, taste, smell or touch? Is there life after death? Would you ever eat insects in a restaurant? Since the topic covers several aspects, our major focus will be on the influence of God on our moral values. Do you believe that humans are the most intelligent species in the universe? But each is to a product that we've researched and highly recommend. 114. What does it take to achieve true happiness and contentment in life? Or do they secretly love or favor one child more than the other? Having grown up watching shows and movies about the future… do you feel as if technology is meeting, exceeding, or falling short of your expectations? Do you believe that Catholicism or Judaism can ever be eradicated? Do you side with the Big Bang theory or Evolution? Do you see the Unites falling apart in your lifetime? I like to use films in my courses. This is because he knows that there exists a Supreme Authority who has already specified a path to follow. The goal of this technique is for one group to gain insight about the other perspective by having this opportunity to listen and formulate questions. Consider the following examples: What is truth — and is it true for everyone? 85. 1. If you’re unsuccessful in all of your endeavors and never make a difference in anyone else’s life? Who or what do you think they are being held accountable to? Would you choose immortality knowing everyone else you loved would still die? 109. Do you believe you have just one soulmate (or any) in this world? If so, do we have free will? 100. 14. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. 11. 28. 83. 72. For example, case study (see Chapter 9) and focus-group research (see Chapter 12) can be adopted in several philosophical traditions. Moral Dilemma Examples. Times, Sunday Times (2006) The point is both philosophical and political. Your answers to these questions determines your thoughts, emotions, actions, and life experiences. How much free will do we actually have to make our own choices, and what is pre-determined for us as at birth? When she is not writing, Connie is either spending time with her 4-year-old daughter, running, or making efforts in her community to promote social justice. 2. Is there a meaning to life? 71. You’re at a cocktail reception and find yourself talking to a stranger. 49. Could the world make any progress if technology didn’t exist? Essay, Use multiple resourses when assembling your essay, Get help form professional writers when not sure you can do it yourself, Use Plagiarism Checker to double check your essay, Do not copy and paste free to download essays. 3. 48. 39. Or a loaded question? If you could cheat on your partner and never get caught, would you? your own paper. Do you believe the theory that animals can see dead spirits? For example, if you have departments engaging in some sort of project, a gallery walk might be a good choice for having them present their projects to smaller groups so that the various departments can learn from one another. Would you prefer to live in outer space or under the sea? If you were given the opportunity to genetically engineer the sex and physical traits of your child before they were born, would you? Sometimes all we need is a good laugh. Aristotle (384–322 BC) was a scholar in disciplines such as ethics, metaphysics, biology and botany, among others. 5. 8. 57. 47. A rapist or a thief? Can stress actually make you physically sick? 5. 78. But first, get killer presentation tips and professional strategies in our free eBook: The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations. In ancient Greece, philosophy literally meant a love of knowledge and wisdom. How about our planet? If you could do the one job that you truly loved and have all of the necessities in life taken care of (shelter, food, clothing), but never go on a single vacation or drive a nice car, would it be worth it? This means that the existence of God does influence our moral standards, but then again a question arises, that haven’t we seen infidels having those moral standards? 1. What if they were your friend or family member? Wood, David Philosophy at the Limit (1990) Such an approach seemed questionable on both philosophical and theological grounds. Since the topic covers several aspects, our major focus will be on the influence of God on our moral values. 21. If your spouse died, would you consider remarriage? How would people behave if there were no rules or laws? Before everyone gets excited, this is not a suggestion that … Can right exist without wrong? If people are able to erase bad memories, would anyone choose to forget their entire life? 17. Do you think there are any bad events that have happened in the world that have actually made us better as a society? Having to live life in a wheelchair with a loving partner by your side? Introduction to “Heidegger’s Aesthetics”: Beyond the Oxymoron. Or would you prefer to live each day believing that you have all of the time in the world? In case you can’t find a sample example, our professional writers are ready to help you with writing Is there any such thing as luck? 113. 42. Contrary to popular misconception, writing a philosophic essay is not going to be easy as ABC, even though philosophy is an inexact science. How do we know that one’s experience of consciousness is the same as everyone else’s experience of consciousness? What lies beyond our universe? - It occurs a lot… 69. What would people say about you? 98. Does your dog know you love him? Philosophical Conversations. How much free will do we actually have to make our own choices, and what is pre-determined for us … Politics? A change in their core beliefs and convictions? A Fishbowl for Opposing Positions: This is a type of group discussion that can be utilized when there are two distinct positions or arguments.Each group has an opportunity to discuss the issue while the other group observes. Indian philosophy refers to philosophical traditions of the Indian subcontinent.A traditional classification divides āstika and nāstika schools of philosophy, depending on one of three alternate criteria: whether it believes the Vedas as a valid source of knowledge; whether the school believes in the premises of Brahman and Atman; and whether the school believes in afterlife and Devas. What are your thoughts? Therefore, while Cartesian dualism paved the way for modern physics , it also held the door open for religious beliefs about the immortality of the soul . Are any of thoughts, opinions or perceptions truly objective? Not only do they give us a a mini-break around exam time but let us have some fun things to talk about. Introduction: The Question and the Strategy 1.1 The Nature of the Question. If you raise your child according to your family religion, would you be upset if they wanted to convert when they got older? If you found out that you only had one week to live, what would you spend it doing? So far she’s just described the story; she hasn’t indicated her own view. For instance, hoverboards and flying cars? 95. 75. 55 Deep Philosophical Questions for a Thought-Provoking Conversation. 102. When you overcome a challenge, do you come out stronger on the other side? (Examples in link.) 34. The middle and lower class will go to war against the wealthy, causing the crime rate to go up. 1. Does inherent beauty exist? However, for this purpose, the answers you’re looking for people to come up with are those that are interesting, thought-provoking, and great conversation starters. 31. Which career would you choose? Which would be worse for you? If we risk facing consequences for actions deemed illegal or inappropriate by our society, then how are we truly free? 20. Do you believe this same source defines your purpose in life? What does love actually feel like? What’s so great about humanity? 73. Starting new discussions: Don't start a new discussion unless you are: a) Genuinely interested in the topic you've begun and are willing to engage those who engage you. 23 exemples: This does not make them unfit for philosophical discussion. How was it created and who determined the length of one second? Everyone lives with their own unique set of beliefs, ideas, and realities, so you can gain a great amount of insight into someone else’s individual experiences, perceptions, and judgments by asking them philosophical questions and engaging in the resulting conversation. 26. Because humans live according to conclusions made through inductive reasoning, is there any truth to logic, math, or scientific and everyday assumptions that we make? 121 Thought Provoking Questions to Make You Think, 25 Best Philosophy Podcasts to Check Out in 2021, 57 Karma Quotes on What Goes Around Comes Around, >> Click to Grab the FREE Book: The Morning Routine for Peak Performance<<. 3. The food supply chain will also suffer, more people will lose their jobs and you may be forced to defend yourself and your home.

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