saifedean ammous twitter

We’re in an era of commercialized mass-produced art that takes no effort to make and is treated as a high platform of cultural significance because people are pontificating rather than just being struck by the beauty of something. The opportunity is so large with how many people are in the world today. That’s at S‑A-I-F-E-D-E-A‑N and George @GeorgeGammon. No, absolutely not. I saw it all come together at that point. Taleb is not the first, probably not the last, to note Saif’s unhinged ability to miss large points. By her twenties or thirties, she was in charge of her own career. Up to date details available on Members of my patreon will receive access to my online learning platform on, which includes weekly chapters from my two forthcoming books, The Fiat Standard and Principles of Economics, as well as … For example, I made my sculpture with no patron, nobody wanting it, no one would really care if I sold it. People built art to last and to leave an impression whereas today, we see that art can take much less time to finish and is not built to last. One of the remarkable things about it is how the discerning people really are, and how good things will find their way to prominence. This will hopefully beat inflation in the long run. You also see the reflection of time preference on individuals. This could be by acquiring the art or sponsoring a commission that has no instructions. I’ve done t-shirts, jewelry, pencil drawings, pretty much anything. You can continuously produce art but you have to try to shoot a little above your skill level so you can get better. It’s truly fiat art, art by decree. Somebody there had mentioned the clock and calendar nature of bitcoin and it really lit fireworks in my mind. I just made it because I wanted to. Absolutely. Ammous is best known for authoring The Bitcoin Standard, a best-selling overview of the world’s foremost digital asset and the broader beneficial power of blockchain … I had two totally different experiences with it. Somehow, making a statement is a good thing if it’s a pretentious artist who is making it and it’s really actually against something that’s valuable to many people, but these bums, the people who vomit over pieces of cloth and call it art, why is it so wrong to make fun of them? People can denigrate the aspect of selling things, but it wasn’t so romantic, it was just turning up and drawing somebody for a portrait. Number 10 is reserved, and all the other ones have been sold. I could never quite put my finger on it until I learned Austrian Economics and learned about time preference. Just to point this out, you had a tweet that really made me think and it said, bitcoin price continues to follow the predicted value from the Stock to Flow model. She managed all of this with incredible success. Our two guests are Stephen Chow – the founder of the Chow Art Fund whose mission is to embrace the bitcoin standard in order to sponsor living artists creating masterpieces, and we also have FractalEncrypt which is a pseudonym of an artist who has produced some astonishing bitcoin art which he’s going to be telling us about and whose inspiration for some of it was my book The Bitcoin Standard. There’s nothing for me in this necessarily, it’s all satoshi. It wasn’t because there was gold at the end of the rainbow or defined payout that I was going to get. All right. I’m interested to see where that takes you! Time preference is really the best way of understanding that. Every couple of years, there’s a new generation of people that are into this. The approach to art under a hard monetary system versus under an easy monetary system. Recently, I’ve become very obsessed with listening to all the modern singers that do covers for her songs. Thank you guys for joining today. I wrote this article myself. I have to say, the inspiration for my chapter on art is something that I always thought about for a very long time, long before I heard about Bitcoin, long before it existed, long before I had even learned economics. Wall Street and the media covering Wall Street have NO IDEA what’s happening right now. I thought this would be a great occasion to discuss this with them because it is a fascinating topic – I have mentioned it in The Bitcoin Standard. The tax aspect of it creates enormous incentives for the inflation of the value of art. There’s a drive as an artist or anybody, to use that time preference in your daily actions and saying where do I invest in myself and my skills? Even modern artists can’t make art at an inflation rate that is faster than the FED can make money. We wouldn’t run out of art if we didn’t have the government finance those things. Hopefully, this is how bitcoin fixes this. They can point to things that might not, in their mind, belong in an economics book: “why did you make fun of Hirst or Rothko?”, or any of those people. At this point they excel mostly with covers of her songs. I have a map that breaks down each ring. Because masterpieces are so rare, there’s an incentive to increase or broaden the definition of what a masterpiece is. By introducing the Bitcoin standard into society, like you were saying Saifedean, the standard of what a masterpiece is can revert to what it used to be. Bitcoiners can be pretty critical. eventually you will have bills to pay. We chat about how the fiat standard started, and the propaganda that they use to maintain it. Copy link to Tweet; Embed Tweet. The fact that they’re wavy arcs present the Poisson distribution over time. On behalf of the Swan team, thanks so much for joining us. That’s an important thing, how does it work? They think it's only about buying low and selling high , — Omar Bham (Crypt0) (@crypt0snews) March 23, 2020. Yes! For example, as an artist you can take a canvas that’s 10 dollars, a set of paints that’s 20 dollars and turn it into a masterpiece that’s worth 100,000 dollars. And that’s just fascinating. TL;DR: CoinSpice scours the Twittersphere to shine light upon the top crypto tweets of the week. Liquid IOUs are not bitcoin and this MUST be made clear. I thought this would be a great occasion to discuss this with them because it is a fascinating topic – I have mentioned it in The Bitcoin Standard. PODCAST Bitcoin Cash at 3: A Blue Ocean of Opportunity, By Chris Troutner. Everybody is always talking about his model and it triggers people a lot, but because it’s a good model, it gets attention. Umm Kulthuum did this as a job. The reason I came across your book is you came to my town and did an in-person talk to promote the book. The wood doesn’t update. but I’ve done all kinds of art across all kinds of mediums. I played around with a lot of it because at first, it seemed revolutionary. There’s hope though. Saifedean Ammous twitter @saifedean. Along with these ancient mediums that they’re using and the traditional practices that go along with the artworks. That just dilutes the standard that a museum will hold for its existing collection. Bitcoin twitter gets its bad reputation from the number of people that are confronted with truths they would rather not confront. Tweet Share Email Embed. Legendary Bitcoin Tweets. First of all, how did you react when you first read the book? Experienced high-yield credit trader Greg Foss joins Saifedean Ammous for a discussion on why bond investors should own Bitcoin. Retweets: 270 Likes: 1,064 8. I enjoyed this a lot, thank you very much for joining us and I’ll see you guys next week for the next seminar, take care! Its mere existence is an insurance policy that will remind governments that the last object the establishment could control, namely, the currency, is no longer their monopoly. This was mainly through researching Instagram. I’m not entirely convinced of this. Drop some BCH at the merch shop — we’ve got some spicy shirts for men and women. She would sing, there would be a composer, a writer who would write the songs and an enormous band that played it. If you had a projector projecting light onto the sculpture that was linked into your full node, that would work too. Whether it’s an anon account who comes in and provides interesting information, like PlanB for instance, he came in and made that model and now he’s got 250,000 followers, something like that. It challenges society and it has pretentious claims. If you think about it this way, once you start realizing this is important for the production of good art, then it makes sense why we see so much of the modern art that is just, as Stephen was saying, people making statements. You mentioned some of the shitcoin based art that is in the space today. The idea that people are paying money for it is ridiculous. The benefit to me as an artist is, I get free value for my art when I do sell it. For many people, that’s a good that they’re willing to pay for. It was something that I made because I wanted to. In ring 2, it’s the time bitcoin was created in 2009 for 132 years all the way to 2140 when the last bitcoin will be mined. Mubarak’s Odious Debts. That’s what economics is about. I’m leaning more towards Byzantine as the years go by. With the NFT stuff, another thing artists get excited about is secondary market sales, meaning if you create art and you sell it to a buyer, if they resell it, you as the artist wouldn’t get money so some of these platforms have secondary market sales and it’s very hyped up. These are being sold entirely peer-to-peer. It might not seem very precise if you look at it over the last year that we’ve gone from say three to 13,000 and back and forth. Saifedean Ammous prefers to live a private life and has not exposed his family details in the media. At the moment, what really strikes me as really powerful are artworks that are being created from a strong cultural or even religious background. ethereum was the platform where art was happening. Peter Young is the moderator of the debate. Alright, thank you very much guys, this has been a nice refreshing change from the usual number go up propaganda on this channel! Making art that is eye-catching, breathtaking and interesting is hard work. I displayed the piece there, and one of the speakers at the conference bought it. That’s at S‑A-I-F-E-D-E-A‑N and George @GeorgeGammon. It’s not that. Plan B: Saifedean Ammous Talks Crypto Twitter. Bookmark Save as PDF Libra whitepaper initial analysis: The only digital currency other than bitcoin that matters, and it could succeed massively. hy did you make fun of Hirst or Rothko?”. As you have asked about the working functions of it, this outer ring tracks the node stats at the time of a block. Don’t forget to help spread the word about CoinSpice on social media. If you bring up something that’s bullshit, people are going to call you out on it very quickly. So, this piece was something that I conceptualized when I was at the bitcoin 2019 conference in July of 2019. The way I see it is, at some level you must’ve considered the possibility of selling this. Saifedean Ammous is a lecturer in economics at the Lebanese American University. Specifically, picking on those people is very important. As soon as those people stop putting your art on the blockchain, if that company fails, your crypto kitty is nothing but a token. Add to 'My Authors' Read all threads. I do see this kind of patronage but not necessarily for the kinds of art that I am sponsoring. From an artist’s perspective, I don’t think that’s very powerful. DISCLOSURE: The author holds cryptocurrency as part of his financial portfolio, including BCH. It is not necessarily the art that I am seeing being promoted by anyone else. Sure. He is the author of The Bitcoin Standard. In today’s seminar, we are going to be discussing art on The Bitcoin Standard. Apparently, the Taleb appreciation for Ammous has runs its course. But it does not compete with bitcoin, it reinforces bitcoin's value proposition, and will likely need to rely on bitcoin if it succeeds. Saifedean’s main points. You allocate your resources straight into investments and you cash out the investments immediately when you want to spend, so you never really need to hold any money. We hope you enjoyed this episode of the Swan Signal … Saifedean ammous december 22, 2020. I was thinking about adding intro music to the podcast, I’ve not done it yet, and I was thinking of adding part of her songs as intro music. Saifedean Ammous Wife And Family. NFT is hot right now and the bitcoin maximalists make fun of the NFT people, they say :”you’re just buying a jpeg that you can copy and paste”, but it’s way worse than that. This is ring 2 here, It’s the wheel of time that takes you 132 years, it’s green. I was reading it like you were telling me that I wasn’t making good art and I was personally insulted. I understand what you’re saying, the vast majority of it is crap fiat but is there an enclave hidden somewhere of people doing her level of quality? In this seminar we discuss optimal fiat strategies for bitcoiners, and the risks involved, based on Michael Saylor's comments in seminar 34, and the early chapters of The Fiat Standard. The Bitcoin part of it is much more long-term in that the money that I am using for funding projects is coming from fiat just by working my normal job. You don’t even get the jpeg. Add to 'My Authors' Read all threads. He has a legal and quantitative finance background and has always been fascinated by modeling risk & return. We can’t just let the Soviets beat us to garbage art! One of the really interesting things is, in your book you said that no one could be considered to be an artist at that time without putting in the dedicated work and the time it takes to do that. Bitcoin could fix this in both senses. All they get is a hash of that jpeg that’s placed into the token metadata of the shitcoin they hold now. Modern art in its form is truly political. It wasn’t because there was gold at the end of the rainbow or defined payout that I was going to get. That was something for me that did turn a corner. You don’t buy the jpeg, anybody can see the jpeg, right? Also, he has not announced anything about their children. Let’s move on to FractalEncrypt. It’ll highlight the time up to the current block height. Another note I had is, anybody who has the same jpeg, you can hash it and issue a new token that has the same jpeg attached to it, so the scarcity is ridiculous. The artist will create the art and it’s then uploaded to a file sharing platform called IPFS which is another shitcoin with another called Filecoin. I’ll post a link to some of her songs. Twitter was the entire thing; bitcoin twitter was the entire marketing team here. Absolutely. It’s functional as well, right? That may be but as a bitcoiner, not speaking as an artist, one of the things we like to do is stack Sats. She was the boss. Also, he has not announced anything about their children. Perhaps it was a little bit tangential, but it did drive the point of time preference home. Once I had the design work done, it looks like this, where you have a black and white map of each piece. I have some images here which might give the viewers and listeners something to check out. Use them to demonstrate how silly the work is and how little talent and effort it takes and how much of a high time preference it is. Particularly with the move toward easy money, I think that’s when it starts to make sense. She started singing at the age of 5. Lyn starts by giving her view on the investment case for Bitcoin, PlanB’s Stock to Flow model, and whether Bitcoin can be characterized as a Ponzi scheme. Can you give us a brief bitcoin maximalist take on what is all of this stuff and why we shouldn’t be paying any attention to it? Jan 31, 2012 Saifedean Ammous & Edmund S. Phelps. If you knew what was going to happen in the future, when you needed to spend money, and you knew when you were going to earn the money, you could make it so that you never hold money. In her twenties she became very famous in Egypt. There is no ceiling to what I can do with embracing bitcoin to fund these projects. I make it you’re a fan of more classical styles of art, right? Maybe when we take that out, it becomes more about taste and about building for the long-term. “Bitcoin has no owner, no authority that can decide on its fate. Without that ability I wouldn’t get to where I am. There’s nothing wrong with making a statement but it’s very easy to make a statement, it doesn’t require much work and effort. The Bitcoin Standard's Saifedean Ammous talks with Nolan Bauerle and … Bullish Bitcoiner Vijay Boyapati. It is a really beautiful piece of work. Somebody there had mentioned the clock and calendar nature of bitcoin and it really lit fireworks in my mind. With living artists, I was starting this in 2016, before I have heard about bitcoin. It is fiat art because these people go around and decide that a mattress with a bunch of scribbles on it is valuable art whereas that stuff isn’t. Saifedean Ammous: How’s everyone doing today? Saifedean, do you mind spelling out the singer’s name? If I spend another 50 years researching what’s out there, I expect to be constantly surprised every single year about all these great artists. [00:32:23] And there’s an e Bitcoin twitter is an incredible force of nature. It's embarrassing how few Bitcoin holders grasp the significance of the disinflationary, parallel, decentralized, world's first, nigh-unstoppable, digital currency they own. Nice, that’s amazing. It could give everybody a lower time preference because it makes the future less uncertain because you can save for the future. In my book I discuss how art, under the gold standard, was funded with hard money by people with a low time preference. Tell us about your bitcoin piece first. There’s absolutely no art that’s living on chain and most artists don’t even realize that. Is it better to sell bitcoin or borrow against it? You read about her stories and the stories about her contemporaries, it’s a different world. If you can’t establish some mechanism for the scarcity, then I don’t see where the value is. We can’t just let the Soviets beat us to garbage art! Every year it’s another two or three thousand years. How did bitcoin change what you were doing with art? Find Dr. Saifedean Ammous at his website:, and on Twitter … I’ve never thought about the government financing crappy art in that way, but that really makes so much sense when you see the source of easy money feeding it in a certain way. According this website, total M2 money supply for USD is $15.x trillion as of Feb 2020. Instead of modern art being a financial asset, where it’s a way of protecting people from inflation, we’re mass-producing paintings so people can store their wealth in them. If you bring up something that’s bullshit, people are going to call you out on it very quickly. Then the Soviets would win! Yes, I would love to see a world where that happens, where you have bitcoin fixing this. Tweet Share Email Embed. Effectively, even if it’s not those things it’s just controlled by bureaucrats. This is really one key point that I had in The Bitcoin Standard. You can encode information within the art. I am @CitizenBitcoin. My book seems to really hit a nerve with a lot of people that are into modern art. Look at your sculptures, it’s taken you a lot of time to do that and you were working with lasers, it smells unpleasant. As I said, in that 2018 time I was heavy into my shitcoinery phase. Commentaries; Sort by: Latest Popular Show: All On Point. “Bitcoin has no owner, no authority that can decide on its fate. You can’t keep dedicating your life to something that isn’t financially rewarding. Good way to market this. People don’t think much about the long term when they’re building their art. Bitcoin is just a way to fund the projects that they’ve been trying to do. Usually people will say that it’s commercialized, but as we were saying earlier, I don’t think that’s the problem. Saifedean Ammous @saifedean The greatest trick socialists ever pulled was calling their propaganda rags "capitalist" and "pro free market", so that all their idiotic ideas' inevitable failure is blamed on capitalism, necessitating more idiotic and socialist "solutions". The patronage will allow the person to share the work with others. There’s a lot of trickery. My friends thought I was becoming a hermit at that point. .”. One of the mediums that I’ve been working in recently is. Saifedean Ammous Joins the Crew at Plan B to Talk About Crypto Twitter. One of the many exciting things about watching the bitcoin world advance. There are artists that depend on it and that is a concern. I spoke about examples like – inventions and technology, and one of the examples I wanted to speak about was architecture but it’s not something that I know enough about. In this podcast Saifedean and Lyn discuss Bitcoin and trends taking place in the macroeconomy. As soon as you try to transfer it to your friend, there’s no secondary market sales if your friend then sells it outside of that contract. You will no longer be able to: See blocked member's posts Mention this member in posts Thread by @saifedean: "Sixty years of health authorities promoting poisonous plant fats & creating global hysteria about animal fats were this astoundingly idiotic and dishonest "study" by Ancel Keys, one of the most destructive humans to ever li […]" Thread Reader Saifedean Ammous. All of them were paid entirely in bitcoin. Our podcast, The CoinSpice Podcast, has amazing guests. They do not really align with what my idea is art that has a very long-lasting impact. Bitcoiners can be pretty critical. @saifedean, 5 tweets, 2 min read Bookmark Save as PDF My Authors. For example, right now we’re in 2021, as you go down, we’re right around block 630,000. It all worked and was all extremely successful. You risk severe reputation damage if you continue. Then, two twitter users contacted me. If you'd like to learn how to say such absurdities with a. Bitcoin Chart Month Bitcoin can be a tempting investment when share prices are volatile, but I think buying cheap FTSE 100 shares is a better way. Good. You can find Saif on Twitter at @saifedean. Absolutely! The easiest place to view it is going to be at the auction site which is. When I can get value, I feel like people are giving me a fair exchange. If you apply this lens to art, it’s actually incredibly powerful as an explanation. These little lines represent the ten-minute block time. The whole thing became a much more high-time preference operation. There’s some math in there as well. Follow CoinSpice on Twitter. All Works. Something that you’re getting at is, if an artist is relying on selling their work full time and make a full-time salary, they might not be incentivized to create such a dream project because it might not necessarily sell as quickly or with as much enthusiasm as something on a smaller scale that appeal to a smaller budget. Yes, I totally agree, and I certainly wasn’t denigrating selling. The bitcoin is kind of hiding in storage for the much longer term, until I have a better idea of what I can be doing through the research. It was a cold Sunday morning in Teaneck, N.J. 79451 tweets. I’ve done t-shirts, jewelry, pencil drawings, pretty much anything. Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn; Whatsapp; Commentaries. It’s just within the walls of a smart contract. They’re very different from the current day musicians. Presented at the Mises Institute's Libertarian Scholars Conference on 28 September 2019, at The King's College in New York City. You will no longer be able to: See blocked member's posts Mention this member in posts These idiots, the people who get really worked up about it and like this kind of stuff walked into it by making my point for me. Saifedean Ammous Joins Blockcap as Strategic Advisor Massive North American Bitcoin Miner Blockcap Adds Bitcoin Industry Luminary as Strategic … You’ve dabbled in that space? For many years I thought digital art was kind of cheating and not real art. Everybody deferred to her, nobody could say no to her about anything. So, there’s only one left? I did a lot of contracting NFT projects, everything from individuals to centralized services, even different chains. You see the influence of not giving an incentive, or not giving a temperament that would allow them to produce long term works of art. Do you think anybody is producing music of that same quality that she did, today? I’m very happy to see artists be able to monetize art. For me, that’s how I create value. Follow on Twitter. It makes sense for people to keep inflating the value because it helps them make donations that are tax deductible. I certainly hope so. I saw the Mayan calendar schema where they use both a calendar that tells time and tells a story within the graphical glyphs that are presented. Also, when you think about great work, great artists, great musicians, that’s how they made their living. One song would take many months of preparation. Using bitcoin magic, you’re able to use this giant piece of wood as a block explorer. You can also go in like a clock. Then the Soviets would win! “And it now has a track record of several years, enough for it to be an animal in its own right. We just entered a “bull market”…, Cops shut the last of the straggler restaurants in Da Nang down this morning by going door to door. Last updated on 20 July 2020. I see. As I kept going and seeing what this actually was, I learned very quickly that what things are presented as are not actually what you’re getting. They talk about why Bitcoin represents insurance against sovereign debt defaults, how Greg’s values Bitcoin using data from the … Can you work out how much poorer you become over that peroid just because of that? It would give you the current block hash, what your hash rate is, what the current difficulty is, the block height, block timestamp and the blockchain size. It’s absolutely astounding when you look at her work. And so it was quite the get when BTC maximalist Saifedean Ammous scored Taleb to write a Forward for Ammous’ book, The Bitcoin Standard. Saifedean Ammous: So, there’s only one left? PlanB@100trillionUSD is a former Dutch institutional investor with 25 years of experiences in financial markets. I think so. People built art to last and to leave an impression whereas today, we see that art can take much less time to finish and is not built to last. Bitcoin fit right into what I was trying to do in the near and far future. The Soviets were producing their own brand of garbage fiat art, so the Americans felt they needed to produce even. Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito. Holding money is the thing that gives us the least risk for the future.

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