Get in touch with us on 0808 189 0463 or make an enquiry. Super is an important consideration at every life stage. The types of benefits generally provided in salary sacrifice arrangements by employers include: 1. Make changes to your salary packaging. This article explores the advantages and disadvantages of salary sacrificing part of your wage into superannuation. His mantra has always been "Hope for the best, but PLAN for the worst", and believes that the biggest impact that an adviser can have on a client's life journey is to take them on a journey from generally having little or no real idea of what their retirement will look like, to giving them the understanding of what their retirement looks like now, then helping them navigate a path to what they WANT their retirement to be. Salary sacrificing into super helps you to save for retirement in a portfolio that is inaccessible to you until you reach a certain age. By making an enquiry you accept that your information will be passed to one of the specialists. Typically, this includes all servicing, maintenance and repair, a no-quibble tyre policy, all automotive glass, annual road fund licence and breakdown and recovery assistance. A salary sacrifice arrangement is a contractual agreement between an employee and an employer, where the employee exchanges a proportion of their pensionable pay for non-cash benefits. Speak with a salary sacrifice pensions expert, Salary Sacrifice Pension for Higher-Rate Taxpayers, Salary Sacrifice Alternatives for Self-Employed, Salary Sacrifice Pension Alternatives for the Self-Employed, Salary Sacrifice into Your Personal Pension – A Quick Guide. The important thing is that these benefits form part of your remuneration. As anyone involved in HR and benefits probably knows, salary sacrifice is an increasingly popular employee benefit. Is there any risk with a salary sacrifice pension scheme? Download form. The most common salary packaging items are superannuation, fringe benefits such as car or living allowance. The employee finances the car through payroll deductions and take advantage of the employer's right to deduct VAT and reduced social security contributions. A Salary sacrifice pension allows you to use the money you save on National Insurance Contributions and income tax to top up your pension and increase its value over time. Hi, I hope you enjoyed reading this article. Taking full advantage of salary sacrifice schemes is a fantastic way to accelerate your path to financial independence. The higher our take-home earnings, the more we can sock away in those tax-efficient investment vehicles and watch compound interest work its magic. Salary sacrificing into super helps you to save for retirement in a portfolio that is inaccessible to you until you reach a certain age. About Us More than 70% of people who have their pension reviewed find a better deal. These types of salary sacrificing arrangements can also be referred to as salary packaging. All earnings derived from investments within a superannuation accumulation account are, Salary sacrifice contributions are classified as, Any amount contributed to super is inaccessible until you meet a superannuation condition of release. By requesting to salary sacrifice part of your wage into super, your employer will make the SG contributions, as well as your nominated salary sacrifice contributions. 70% of customers who have a pension review find a better deal. © 2020 OnlineMoneyAdvisor. Required fields are marked *, MAIN MENU Join SuperGuy HUB Need Advice Contact About Disclaimer, RESOURCES Superannuation Retirement Investments SMSF Insurance Death Benefits, Financial Advisor Melbourne | Financial Advisor Sydney | Financial Advisor Gold Coast. Salary sacrifice is an arrangement with your employer whereby you give up some of your salary in exchange for increased superannuation contributions. to reduce an employeeâs entitlement to cash pay, usually in return for a non-cash benefit. Online Money Advisor is a trading name of FIND A MORTGAGE ONLINE LTD. Find a Mortgage Online Ltd is registered in England under number 8662127. Because of the savings you can make, pension contributions made in this way are more tax efficient than the personal contributions youâd ordinarily pay into your pension. Salary sacrifice car is a cost-neutral option for companies who want to offer their employees a car. A salary sacrificing package, especially when pitched at the right figure to take advantage of tax thresholds, can give the employee thousands more in the pocket yet allow the NFP organisation to spend less on salaries. Helps save. If you’re thinking about opting into your company’s salary sacrifice pension scheme, you’ll likely find there are some great benefits if you do. Need advice on how to reach your financial goals? You are limited with how much you can salary sacrifice into super. Before you do, make sure you seek independent financial advice and independent tax advice before entering into a salary sacrifice ⦠But, even where your pension investment rules are set to take as a little financial risk as possible, there is always a chance that your pension won’t grow as much as you expect. He wishes to salary sacrifice $15,000 per year, as he does not need his full wage to cover lifestyle expenses and understands he cannot touch any salary sacrifice contributions until he meets a superannuation condition of release. Salary sacrifice contributions increase the taxable component within super. If your personal income tax rate is below 15%, there is generally no benefit in salary sacrificing, as the tax on this portion of your salary will be taxed at a higher rate (15%) than your personal income tax rate; plus you will be ‘locking-up’ your funds within super. Electric car salary sacrifice scheme. Your employer is already required to make standard superannuation guarantee (SG) contributions into your account. Each individual situation is unique, but an experienced pension expert can make the balance of good and bad of salary sacrifice pensions easier to understand. It is important to check that contributions are being paid into your super account by logging into your super fund portal, contacting your super fund provider or checking your superannuation statement. Salary sacrificing into super has many advantages including, but not limited to: Salary sacrificing into super has disadvantages also including, but not limited to: In order to salary sacrifice into super, you will need to notify your employer of how much of your wage you would like to salary sacrifice. Book a free, no-obligation pension review today. Of course, the main one is that you’ll grow your pension for when you retire so you can enjoy life after work. Website: A salary sacrifice arrangement is when you agree to receive less take-home income from your employer in return for benefits. Lower life cover (this is because employers generally work out the entitlement as a multiple of salary and salary sacrifice makes that salary lower) Lower borrowing available on mortgages (as per life cover the borrowing level is determined by a multiple of a lower salary) How can we use salary sacrifice as a recruitment incentive or money saver? There are a number of advantages and disadvantages of a salary sacrifice arrangement, as detailed below. An advantage of salary sacrificing into super is that the amount contributed will be invested. Difference Between Concessional and Non-Concessional Contributions, Remserv – A Comprehensive List of Salary Packaging Items, Difference Between Superannuation and Retirement, Any amount contributed to super under a salary sacrifice arrangement will not be taxed at your. You must submit a request to your employer if you wish ⦠The benefit of salary sacrificing is that you are reducing the amount of salary being taxed at your marginal tax rate, while also increasing your retirement savings in ⦠⢠Or, salary sacrifice can be used to boost your pension savings while leaving your net take home income unchanged. Secondsight has worked with a number of employers on salary sacrifice arrangements from guidance and advice to identify what potential savings could be, through to implementation and communication. Dispute a transaction - Use this form if you need to dispute a transaction on your EML card. Need help activating your new salary packaging card or revealing your PIN â click here. This means the only cost to you will be the salary deduction, based on the monthly lease cost of the vehicle. If the amount of your salary you choose to sacrifice brings you below a certain threshold, you may lose a proportion of life cover your employer provides. That’s because aside from any profit from investment decisions, your pension will grow by more than the additional contribution you put in from your salary sacrifice. Tony regularly writes for trade press, usually on topical and pensions pieces as well as acting as a judge at prestigious national events. Can I Buy A House With My Superannuation? Planning for your future and working out how best to save for a good pension is something that calls for time and thought. Without doubt the major benefit of a salary sacrifice car is the all-embracing and fully expensed nature of the package provided with the car. A. Salary sacrifice is an arrangement with your employer to forego part of your salary or wages in return for your employer providing benefits of a similar value. The upside is you do not pay tax or National Insurance Contributions (NICs) on your foregone salary. ACC income benefits and levies are based on salary up to $120,070 (1 April 2015). Advantage Salary Packaging, Statements, Employer, Employee, Employer Group. Salary sacrificing is generally only beneficial up to a point where your personal income tax rate is 15% or higher, after taking into account salary sacrifice contributions, due to all salary sacrifice contributions incurring contributions tax of 15%. See the calculator below. Thanks for stopping by - Chris. Download form. They replace what otherwise could have been paid as salary. As with most things, there are both advantages and disadvantages to personal pensions, which is why we’ve written this guide to help you explore this plan in detail.. The concept of salary sacrifice is best understood with some examples, so let's look at a good one. Other pros of salary sacrifice pensions include: In short, salary sacrifice pension schemes are can be a good, tax-efficient use of your earnings to fund a more comfortable retirement. Please refer to these resources for more information on salary packaging: Finally, you may wish to salary sacrifice as part of a salary sacrifice pension strategy, which can provide noticeable tax savings. We are an information only website and aim to provide the best guides and tips but can’t guarantee to be perfect, so do note you use the information at your own risk and we can’t accept liability if things go wrong. The calculator below allows you to calculate the maximum amount that you should be able to salary sacrifice to stay within the cap, based on your wage. To get a more detailed and specific idea of how you would benefit financially from joining your company’s salary sacrifice pension scheme, speak with an advisor. See how you may be able to benefit. I hope this has given you the information that you were looking for in relation to the advantages and disadvantages of salary sacrifice arrangements. We’ve already discussed the potential disadvantages of them and whether or not they apply to your salary sacrifice pension decision. How to Manage Your Super Without Paying a Financial Adviser, Download our 6-step checklist & take control of your super. Once a salary sacrifice arrangement is in place, it should appear on your payslip, together with your salary and SGC contributions. Salary package and save every day with Advantage Salary packaging is the easy way to boost your income Salary packaging â also known as salary sacrifice - means allocating a portion of your salary to pay certain expenses before income tax is calculated. 1800 555 582; Level 1, 1121 High St Armadale VIC 3143 [email protected] Return to Advantage Salary Packaging Website. However, as a benefit heavily regulated by ⦠A lower income could mean reduced benefits from your employer. Thatâs because aside from any profit from investment decisions, your pension will grow by more than the additional contribution you put in ⦠Gary is 52 years of age and earns $80,000 per year. For example, you may also have private life cover, so that change may not be too important. This year, you may agree to receive only $75,000 as your salary, in return for a $25,000 car. Of course, as well as advantages, there are also disadvantages to salary sacrifice pension schemes. Reduces personal income tax. It is an arrangement between an employer and an employee, where the employee: agrees to permanently forego part of their future entitlement to salary or wages. While the above listed cons are possibilities, not all of them may be relevant to you. Download form. Any amount contributed to super under a salary sacrifice arrangement will not be taxed at your personal tax rate. If you’re an employee on a low income, where salary sacrifice pension contributions could take your earnings below the national minimum wage, then you may not be able to join the scheme or reap the benefits. Chat to one of our expert advisors to see how we can help you. After all, it is one of the few legal options we have to minimize the amount of tax we pay and maximize our take-home earnings.. Things to consider before taking a salary sacrifice Need help registering for your new salary packaging card â click here . ⢠Salary sacrifice can be used to maintain your level of pension savings and see an increase in your net take home income. This car would be your benefit in exchange for reducing your salary. Salary sacrifice car â what is it? Strategic salary packaging example: Benefits can include goods and services like a car or laptop or contributions to your superannuation account . You also need to consider these to decide if joining one is the right decision for you. The deductions are made from gross salary, so are free from tax and national insurance (NI). Where employees sacrifice salary below this level, they save on their own ACC levy (likewise, so does the employer) but will also reduce any ACC income-related benefit that becomes payable. Likewise, if you’ve already had children and don’t plan on having any more, then any potential loss of maternity pay wouldn’t be a problem for you either. Fundamentally, sacrificing your salary signifies that a deduction is made to your pay before it gets to your hands. In most cases, it’s possible to have your pension invested in the most risk averse way possible. As with most financial products, there is an element of risk with a scheme that can facilitate pension contributions from salary sacrifice. ⢠You can save NIC of 12% of the amount sacrificed on Some employees may therefore not wish to sacrifice below this level. It is important to not exceed the concessional contribution cap, otherwise you risk incurring excess concessional contributions tax and the excess concessional contributions charge. Start salary packaging. In short, salary sacrifice pension schemes are can be a good, tax-efficient use of your earnings to fund a more comfortable retirement. There is no restriction on the types of benefits you can sacrifice. Your Login: Welcome to the Advantage Portal: Package Number (max. Advantages and Disadvantages of Non-Concessional Contributions. receives benefits of a similar cost (to the employer) in return. Salary packaging is a great way to give yourself a pay rise If you pay income tax, then you could benefit from salary packaging Quite simply, with salary packaging you: Spend part of your pay before tax is ⦠We can arrange a free pension review for you today. Your email address will not be published. SuperGuy helps you maximise your super and build your retirement plan. In saying this, it can still be advantageous if you are eligible to receive the low income super contribution. Salary Sacrifice Pension: The Pros and Cons. If you are a middle to high-income earner, then it may be worth considering salary sacrifice to reduce your taxable income and to take advantage of some of those benefits. Tony is also a highly qualified Independent Financial Adviser in his own right.
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