... 9/14/15: Lecture: Toxicokinetics – additional considerations and … Most organ systems have the ability to metabolize toxicants but the liver is the most important one in this regard through its enzyme systems e.g. Hard copies of lecture notes will generally not be provided on the day of the lecture in class. TOXICOKINETICS-Biotransformation Process of chemically converting xenobiotics,by creating less toxic and more water-soluble metabolites This process typically enhances elimination of toxicants from the body. TOXICOKINETICS Characterization (Quantitation) of the time course of disposition (ADME) of xenobiotics in the whole organism “a substance gets into the body and what happens to it in the body". TOXICOLOGY: TOXICOKINETICS AND TOXICODYNAMICS TOXICOKINETICS ADME ABSORPTION: The processes involved in the passage of xenobiotics across the membranes i.e. Lecture notes will contain the references from which the lecture was developed and will be noted as “Resources” on the last slide of each set. See Lecture Schedule for Delivery Date. To arrive at the receptor or target site, the xenobiotics must be translocated across the cell membrane. Toxicokinetics and Metabolism 137 Fig. Lecture 8 - Biotransformation. Explain the role of biotransformation in toxicokinetics. translocation of xenobiotics. 25.03.2016 4. There is also a comprehensive list of online toxicological resources, a full glossary of terms, and a final exam and evaluation. B. Caspase-dependent C. Dying cells shrink and condense and then fragment, … Powerpoint and pdf files of the lecture notes can be accessed on-line, through the course website. Training resources include: expanded lecture notes complementing the live course modules and serving as a useful reference after the course; a toxicology glossary containing a handy list of essential toxicology terms for your review; 2. Toxicology Training Online comprises over 5 hours of video presentations accompanied by lecture notes, copies of the slides used and other handouts. A. Distinguish between Phase I and Phase II … 1 The committee comments on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) analysis of the fate of inhaled formaldehyde in the respiratory tract (portal of entry) and … HST-151 4 II. Describe how biotransformation facilitates the elimination of toxicants or their metabolites from the body. the cytochrome P450s toxicokinetics; human health risk assessment; and, the assessment of toxicological effects. Apoptosis: one of the main forms of programmed cell death (not as dangerous to organism as necrosis). Not all chemicals are impactful in the same ways, sometimes metabolism, for example, may not be an issue because of the way our liver metabolizes the compound and converts it into an inert substance. Distribution of Drugs A. Tissue differences in rates of uptake of drugs. 4. Blood flow: distribution occurs most rapidly into tissues with high blood flow (lungs, kidneys, liver, brain) and least rapidly in tissues with low flow (fat). Learning Objectives. discussed in class (e.g., Wylie Burke’s lectures). Oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curves of normal human blood, of blood containing 50% carboxyhaemoglobin and of blood with a 50% normal haemoglobin concentration due to anaemia (adapted from Roughton & Darling, 1944; Rahn & Fenn, 1955; NRC, 1977). This chapter provides the committee’s review of the draft IRIS assessment that is relevant to formaldehyde toxicokinetics, carcinogenic modes of action, pharmacokinetic models, and biologically based dose-response (BBDR) models. 1. The end result of these toxicokinetic processes is a biologically effective Introduction: Chemical impact on health is usually investigated via the concept of ADME.This is how a chemical is A bsorbed, D istributed, M etabolized, or E liminated in living systems. Active form of cell death enabling individual cells to commit suicide.
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