who regulates the animal welfare act quizlet

Per the AWA, what information that must be embossed or stamped on the official tag? the idea that using animals obligates people to tend to basic needs considered to be good husbandry, deals with philosophy, sociology, & public policy as they apply to the standing of animals in relation to human society, Describe Bernard Rollin's explanation of the new animal ethic, "It is not opposed to animal use; it is opposed to animal use that goes against the animals' natures and tries to force square pegs into round holes, leading to friction and suffering.". Originally enacted in 1966, the Laboratory Animal Welfare Act has been amended several times and renamed the Animal Welfare Act. The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. What are the Present & Future Issues of Animal Rights? 1) Freedom from hunger & thirst: by ready access to fresh water & a diet to maintain full health & vigor. Per the AWA, what materials are permissible allowed for the official tag? Per the AWA, What are the cage requirements for guinea pigs? What is the maximum number of cats that can be contained in one primary enclosure? Uses the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals as the standards for the regulation. Per the AWA, how often must IACUC inspect all animal study areas and animal facilities? Per the AWA, what is a significant deficiency? Per the AWA, where must major surgeries on non-rodents be performed? How frequently does the AWA require the IACUC to conduct continuing review of protocols? Group 1: <2.2 lbs (<1kg) - 1.6ft (0.15m) - 20in(50.8cm). Per the AWA, At what temperature must shelter be provided for rabbits housed in outdoor facilities? The Australian Government is responsible for trade and international agreements relating to livestock welfare, including live animal exports and export abattoirs. Per the AWA, When must auxiliary ventilation be provided for rabbits? Only in facilities designed for that purpose (unless a field study). Australian Animal Welfare Strategy. (1) insure that animals intended for use in research or exhibition are provided humane care and treatment. However, the term "animals," for purposes of the … Per the AWA, what 3 main areas must be addressed by nonhuman primate enrichment plan, social grouping, environmental enrichment, special considerations (special attention), Per the AWA, What is the break requirement for nonhuman primates restrained more than 12 hours, at least one continuous hour of unrestrained activity. Animal welfare regulation. Per the AWA, what are the housing requirements for hamsters? will be counted as part of the floor space. Per the AWA, In federal research facilities, where should deficiencies be reported? Per the AWA, No dealer or exhibitor shall sell or otherwise dispose of any dog or cat within a period of ________ after the acquisition of such animal, No dealer or exhibitor shall sell or otherwise dispose of any dog or cat within a period of (five business days) after the acquisition of such animal. A reasonable and specific plan AND schedule with dates for correcting each deficiency. What are the 5 Freedoms of the Farm Animal Welfare Council? 2. It also requires the use of anesthesia or analgesic drugs for potentially painful procedures and … The PFPS Act amends the Act to: limit the number of fertile female dogs a breeder can keep Per the AWA, Where must records for transported animals be kept? There are many other laws delegated by states and local authorities that provide more protection, however, the Animal Welfare Act provides the minimum coverage allowed. The Animal Welfare Act was signed into law in 1966. Fill in the blank (from AWA): No animal will be used in more than one major operative procedure from which it is allowed to recover, unless: justified for scientific reasons by the principal investigator in writing, required veterinary care, on an individual basis. Per the AWA, What methods of identification may be used for puppies and kittens? Practicing animal welfarists because a well-cared-for animal performs better & thus is more profitable. Per the AWA, what is the definition of weaned? Per the AWA, what shapes and sizes are permissible for the official tags? The CFIA has the discretion to enforce these outcome-based requirements to prevent and act on situations where animal welfare is compromised. Per the AWA, what methods may be used for identification of live cats and dogs, official tag or tattoo, or tag, tattoo, or collar applied by facility. Per the AWA, which live dogs and cats need not be identified? 10 full days, not including the day of acquisition of acquisition or time in transit. Per the AWA, a mother with infants less than ________ of age may be housed in a primary enclosure that meets the floor and height requirements of the mother. B. snakes. 1) Cloning: Dolly the cloned sheep: ethics of cloning animals & humans, federal legislation & amendments that protects pets from theft; defines minimum holding times for pets in pounds sold to dealers; deals with basic animal management & veterinary care; & regulates research facilities, animal dealers, animal exhibitors, intermediate handlers of animals, including air & truck lines; & prohibits certain forms of animal fighting. 1) Humane methods of animal maintenance and experimentation (basic species needs, proper handling and care, proper pre- and post-procedural care), Per the AWA, what is required when the attending veterinarian is part-time, A written program of veterinary care AND regularly scheduled visits to the research facility. Per the AWA, Who shall the IACUC notify if deficiencies are not corrected by the specified date? the USDA regulates vaccines through which of the following centers center of veterinary biologics records of controlled drugs must include all of the following except At least twice daily for one hour each time, Per the AWA, List 4 brachiating species of nonhuman primates. (1) suffering dogs or cats may be euthanized. Per the AWA, What period of time must an official tag must be held by a research facility? Per the AWA, Fill in the blank: when dogs or cats are present, the ambient temperature in the facility must not fall below___ for animals not acclimated, breeds that cannot tolerate lower temperatures, and for sick, aged, young, or infirm dogs accept as approved by vet. What year were the US Government Principles first published? one copy at facility (animal and transport) and copy with shipment. Per the AWA, What is the required floor space for dogs in feet? Per the AWA, what are the minimum and maximum temperatures for dogs and cats in indoor housing facilities? What is the Basis of the Welfarist Position? As you’ll see, there are few laws protecting laboratory animals, and little regulatory oversight to ensure compliance with these laws. What species covered by the AWA may not be housed in primary enclosures with other species? What dealers are not required by the AWA to obtain a license? Developed to outline directi ons for future improvements in the welfare of animals. Per the AWA, A DVM must certify they inspected an animal not more than _______days prior to delivery. Per the AWA: Fill in the blank: low resting surfaces that do not allow the space under them to be comfortably occupied by the animal ___. Appendix 1 – Definitions and key terms used for the humane transport of animals (those marked with * are defined within Part XII of the HAR) Per the AWA, The Secretary of Agriculture may exempt an institution from the AWA unless: (1) uses or intends to use live dogs and cats. 89-54) to prevent pets from being stolen for sale to research laboratories, and to regulate the humane care and handling of dogs, cats, and other laboratory animals. (1) signature of majority of members involved in inspection. Per the AWA, Fill in the blank: during transport, each nonhuman primate that is 1 year of age of more must be offered food __ and each nonhuman primate under 1 year of age must be offered food __. Per the AWA, what must be contained in IACUC's report to the IO? Per the AWA, How often must a research facility report to the Secretary of Agriculture? Per the AWA, how long should the IACUC report of the facility inspection be kept on file? Per the AWA, What are the label requirements for primary enclosures used to transport live covered species? If the animal actually suffers as a result of its abandonment, there may also be an offence committed under section 4. The Animal Welfare Act \⠀䄀圀䄀尩 and its corresponding regulations, regulate the transportation, purchase, sale, housing, care, h\ൡndling and treatment of animals intended for use in research, in animal exhibitions, or as pets. The Act introduces a range of amendments to the Domestic Animals Act 1994 (Act). Animal is any living vertebrate. … D. laboratory animals. Per the AWA, How soon after change to name, address, or ownership of registrant must the dealer notify the AC Regional Director? Which nonhuman primates may require more space than the established Group 6 requirements? Per the AWA, At what temperature must bedding be provided to dogs and cats in sheltered facilities? It places a legal duty of care on people in charge of animals to meet those animals' needs in an appropriate way.. SEC. An animal shelter may accept animals from: (1) the owner of the animal where the owner signs a relinquishment form which states he or she is the owner of the animal; (2) an animal shelter licensed under this Act; or (3) an out-of-state animal control facility, rescue group, or animal shelter that is duly licensed in their state or is a not-for-profit organization. One that is or may be a threat to animal welfare (within judgement of IACUC and IO). Per the AWA, what is the minimum interior height for rabbits primary enclosures? guinea pigs, hamsters, and nonhuman primates. 2.50 (a)(2): Live puppies or kittens, < 16 weeks can be identified by official tag, distinctive legible tattoo, plastic-type collar. Per the AWA, Who is responsible for communicating the standards of humane handling, care, treatment, and transportation of animals by dealers, research facilities, and exhibitors? (same for bitch with litter), Additional floor space for each nursing kitten is equivalent to less than 5% of minimum requirement for queen. Transitional regulations are in place, such as carrying over the previous standards of care and administrative standards, to ensure animals are protected while long-term regulations are developed through consultation. Per the AWA, What assurance must be contained in the USDA annual report? the only federal law in the u.s that regulates the treatment of animals in research and exhibition the minimal accepted standard for animal treatment and care -animals covered under this act include ANY live or dead cat, dog, hamster, rabbit, non human primate, guinea pig, and any other warm-blooded animal determined by the secretary of agriculture for research per use of … Per the AWA, what are the 3 potential outcomes of IACUC protocol review? Per the AWA, What is the maximum number of live dogs or cats that may be transported in one primary enclosure? Per the AWA, what restrictions apply to housing compatibility among cats and dogs, animals in heat, with litters, or under 4 months may not be housed in same primary enclosures as other adults (other than dam or foster dam). Responsibility for administering the Animal Welfare Act was delegated within the United States Department of Agriculture to the Administrator of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, and regulations and standards have been … From 1 August 2020, use of electric prodders on horses will be an act of cruelty under changes to the Queensland animal welfare laws to protect horses from unnecessary pain. 1. review and approve procedures 2. inspect at least once … Specially trained Biosecurity Queensland or RSPCA animal welfare inspectors, or the police, investigate … The Act is administered by Biosecurity Queensland. However the Council may assist if they have appointed Inspectors under the Animal Welfare Act. Per the AWA, which animal areas may be excluded from IACUC semiannual inspection? Per the AWA, how frequently must the IACUC review the research facility's program for humane care and use of animals? may not approve or withhold approval, may not vote. What two People influenced Modern Animal Rights Philosophy? Assisting stakeholders of Animal Ethics Committees to access information about the operation of the Animal Research Act 1985, Animal Research Regulation 2010. Per the AWA, How much time must transpire before an official tag may be reused? federal legislation & amendments that protects pets from theft; defines minimum holding times for pets in pounds sold to dealers; deals with basic animal management & veterinary care; & regulates … How do animal agriculturists describe their relationships with animals? Per the AWA, what is the required holding period for dogs and cats acquired from sources other than dealers, exhibitors, and exempt persons? Per the AWA, which species shall be provided diet at least equivalent to quality and content to commercially produced pelleted rations? Per the AWA, how frequently must guinea pigs and hamsters be provided potable water? State and territory governments are responsible for animal production and welfare laws and their enforcement. However, most are covered either under the PHS … Per the AWA, Which groups or persons are exempt from the USDA licensing requirements? "Nature is cruel, but we don't have to be. What factors have contributed to the issue of Animal Welfare & Animal Rights? Per the AWA, how is the AC Regional Director described? Per the AWA, what are the specific requirements for housing of flying species? How could the Issues of Animal Rights be Solved? Per the AWA, Which dogs are exempt from the exercise requirement? Why are people uncomfortable with modern confinement systems? Per the AWA, how frequently must potable water be provided to nonhuman primates? Per the AWA, what records must be kept by each research facility regarding dogs and cats purchased, owned, or otherwise acquired. Per the AWA, Which dogs and cats can not be kept in outdoor facilities (same categories for temp requirement)? The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is responsible for doing what at all research facilities once established? Per the AWA, Fill in the blank: if live guinea pigs or hamsters are to be transported for a period of more than 6 hours: the animals shall have access to food and water (or food containing water). Per the AWA, what is the minimum frequency with which covered species may be fed. 7 USC 2131 note. (6 items), (1) Dealer identification (name, address, and license or registration). (1) Name and address of person to whom a live dog or cat is transported or sold. Per the AWA, Fill in the blank: Hard surface with which nonhuman primates come in contact must be ___. 1) General population doesn't have the same contact with livestock/farmers/ranchers as previous generations, farming is very different today in production systems compared to the more traditional roe & treatment of animals in yesteryear's smaller, less specialized farm, Describe the Animal Welfare Rights Movement, the establishment & emergence of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals: PETA, concerned with an animal's treatment & well-being while the animal provides for human needs. What is the required composition of IACUC per the AWA? Per the AWA, When can C.O.D. Per the AWA, what are the goals of the National Agriculture Library? It is the only Federal law in the United States that regulates the treatment of animals in research, exhibition, transport, and by dealers. Per the AWA, how long may temperatures rise above maximum or fall below minimums on primary conveyances? Per the AWA, what documentation must be provided if shelter animals are lost or stray? Animal free of infectious disease or physical abnormality that would endanger the animal or other animals or public heath, Per the AWA, Fill in the blank: No person shall import a dog into the US for purposes of resale, unless the dog is __>, Per the AWA, What must be contained in the valid certification that must be provided in the certification provided by the dealer to the recipient? Per the AWA, List the minimum housing requirements for NHP. In most of the Western world, including the U.S. what is pro-animal use philosophy based on? Per the AWA, How frequently must dogs and cats be fed? Per the AWA, what animal sources are allowed for class B dealers? Per the AWA, How frequently must food receptacles be sanitized? if unable to notify after 24 hours, or if physical delivery is not taken within 48 hour (these records must be held 1 year). Per the AWA, When is the USDA annual report due? The Animal Welfare Act regulates the care of - 1123352 blondie2294 blondie2294 03/22/2016 Health High School The Animal Welfare Act regulates the care of A. large animals. APHIS and the federal funding agency (NIH), Per the AWA, what training must be provided to scientists, technicians, and other personnel. Per the AWA, Fill in the blank: When one or more animals, other than dogs or cats, are confined in a primary enclosure, a label must be attached to the enclosure containing: Per the AWA, What is the minimum holding period required at a subsequent dealer for dogs and cats that have completed a 5 or 10 day holding period? durable alloy such as brass, bronze, steel, durable plastic, or aluminum of sufficient thickness. Per the AWA, what actions must be taken when a protocol is suspended? Per the AWA, What is the minimum height requirement for a nonhuman primate perimeter fence? Per the AWA, Fill in the blank: The ambient temperature in the sheltered part of the facility must not fall below ___ for dogs and cats not acclimated to lower temperatures. At what temperature is additional bedding required, Per the AWA, Fill in the blank: the ambient temperature in the mobile or traveling housing facility must not fall below ___ for dogs and cats not acclimated to lower temperatures. be accepted for animal transport? See AAWS for more information Per the AWA, what temperature must be used for sanitizing primary enclosures? The Council does not have any legal duty to act in such cases. (4 categories). Per the AWA, at what temperature is auxiliary ventilation required for dogs and cats in indoor housing facilites (also in sheltered facility)? Per the AWA, How frequently must an exemption from exercise be reviewed by the Attending Veterinarian? The states and territories set and enforce animal welfare standards through administration of state legislation for animal welfare or the prevention of animal cruelty. Per the AWA, What is the maximal coliform bacteria count for primary enclosures of aquatic species?

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