DSM-III-R Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 3rd Edition-Revised - American Psychiatric Association's official manual of mental disorders. FFY Federal Fiscal Year - Oct. 1 through Sept. 30. MDRC Manpower Development Research Corp. is a nonprofit, nonpartisan research organization. Acronyms and Abbreviations. QI Qualified Individual - a person eligible for payment of all or part of the Medicare Part B payment by the MA program. While it is as extensive as possible, it may not contain all items used by the various Components of the Department within their individual operations. CCE Continuing Care for the Elderly Division - An administrative division at DHS that provides policy development and program administration of facility and community-based services for elderly Minnesotans. Archived Content. ], MCDHH Minnesota Commission serving Deaf and Hard of Hearing people. The program funds home and community based services for people 65 and older who require the level of medical care provided in a nursing home but choose to reside in the community. ASD Affective Sensory Disorder or Autism Spectrum Disorder. Allows states to establish a state-designed program, to expand their Medicaid program, or to use a combination of these approaches to provide health insurance to low-income children. SIRS Surveillance & Integrity Review Section. HSAC’s membership includes medical directors from the health plans that the department contracts with, and DHS’ Medical Director serves as a non-voting member of the Council. This is not an exhaustive list. skip to content. DHS requires a CANS assessment be completed for every child within 60 days of entering the system. MARN also produces Minnesota's Waiting Children, a publication that lists children who are available for adoption. EVS DHS' system to verify enrollees' coverage and eligibility dates under the health care programs. The information on this page is out of date. DHAP: Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention. HCPCS HCFA Common Procedure Coding System, HCPD Health Care Purchasing and Delivery Systems. Emergency Preparedness Initiative – All Hazards RSS Regional Services Specialist - An expert in the area of developmental disabilities, who authorizes home and community-based services under the case managers in-service provision, and acts as a liaison between the county and the state in a given area of the state. Security. SILS Semi-Independent Living Services - A residential program for developmentally disabled adults in which they can live semi-independently, such as in an apartment with a roommate, with follow-along services to help the client live as "normal" a life as possible. ARC Automated Receipt Center — A unit in Financial Management that processes receipts and an imaging function. SGA Substantial Gainful Activity - Term used by the SSI program to mean work activity that involves significant physical or mental activities done for pay or profit. Federal funding is appropriated based on these dates. SA-PSNF Statewide average payment rate for nursing facilities. See Minnesota Statues and Rules, Chapter 245B, Rule 20 Grants for providing semi-independent living services for persons with developmental disabilities, Rule 24 Rules to govern implementation of the chemical dependency consolidated treatment fund, Rule 25 Establishes criteria for the appropriate level of chemical dependency care for public assistance recipients, Rule 26 Licensure of the Minnesota Sexual Psychopathic Personality Treatment Center. MAPS Minnesota Accounting and Procurement Systems — MAPS is the statewide government accounting system used to budget and account for all state revenues and expenditures. Rule 80 Licensure of residential facilities and services for the physically handicapped. SMHAC State Mental Health Advisory Council - Established by state statute (M.S. 131. Rule 5 Licensure of residential treatment programs for children with severe emotional disturbance and shelter services. FISCAM. See Minnesota Statues and Rules, Chapter 245B. AVATAR The application used by State Operated Services for patient information, patient billing and the Electronic Health Record. HIV/AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. LCTS Local collaborative time study is a federal funding source for family service collaboratives and Children’s Mental Health Collaboratives. The division also provides staffing assistance to the Minnesota Board on Aging in the administration of the federal Older Americans Act and state senior nutrition and volunteer programs. ONDCP Office of National Drug Control Policy, OOA Out Of Area - Coverage for treatment obtained by a covered person outside the network service area. For example, federal monies available through Title XX of the Social Service Act to be used in payment for social services. EIS Executive Information System - DHS data warehouse. PMI Person Master Index - a unique identification number that MAXIS assigns to each person, PMQI Performance Measurement & Quality Improvement. SRU A unit of staff within the Benefit Recovery Section with collections as its primary responsibility. CQI Community Quality Initiatives - a unit of Continuing Care, CSAP Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, CSAT Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. View up to date information on Illinois' (COVID-19) vaccine plan and vaccination eligibility from the State of Illinois Coronavirus Response Site Originating from the Department of Human Services, this is a statewide system. 134 for disabled children who require a level of care of an institutional setting and who, if they lived in an institution, would be MA eligible but for whom care at home is less expensive for the MA program. 9. ACT Assertive Community Treatment-Intensive, 24/7 services for people with serious mental illness provided mostly in community settings by multidisciplinary treatment teams. See Minnesota Statues and Rules, Chapter 245B. MACMH Minnesota Association for Children's Mental Health, MACMHP Minnesota Association of Community Mental Health Programs. CAPTA Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act provides federal funding to states in support of prevention, assessment, investigation, prosecution and treatment. It includes five projects covering 37 counties. AMI Alliance for the Mentally Ill of Minnesota, AMRTC Anoka-Metro Regional Treatment Center. WIS Welfare Information System - Computerized case information file which maintains eligibility information for the various public assistance programs. ADL Activities of daily living - Tasks essential to performance of routine self-care functions such as dressing, bathing and cooking. CDCS may include services, support and/or items currently available through the MA waivers, as well as additional allowable services that provide needed support to persons. DHS administers PA system. AC Alternative Care (formerly Alternative Care Grants) is a home and community care program to pay for in-home supportive care and services in the home of an elderly individual who is at risk of requiring nursing facility care. Government, Technology, United States. Monitoring is done by peers, rather than the state. SSA Social Security Administration, also Social Security Act. ), OBRA Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981 [Federal Laws: OBRA 1987 (Public Law 100-203), OBRA 1989 (Public Law 101-239), and OBRA 1990 (Public Law 101-5080) and OBRA 1993 (Public Law 103-66).]. CCDTF Consolidated Chemical Dependency Treatment Fund - Combination of funds used for CD treatment. MBA Minnesota Board of Aging - Established by state statute, composed of 25 governor-appointed members to administer and establish policy relating to the Older Americans Act. This is also referred to as just User ID. DHHS U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. HMO Health Maintenance Organization - An organization that provides an agreed-upon set of basic and supplemental health maintenance and treatment services to an enrolled group of persons within a particular geographic area. If you do not see the acronym or term you are searching for, you can find more acronyms on the Web at: www.acronymfinder.com. Rule 35 Licensure of residential chemical dependency rehabilitation programs. Contents taken from Global Change Acronyms and Abbreviations, 1995. See above. COBRA Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 [Federal Public Law 99-272.]. TIP Food Stamp Targeted Intervention Project. A standardized set of performance measures used to assess the performance of health plans in several areas, including access to care and quality of care. CBHH Community behavioral health hospitals-16-bed inpatient acute psychiatric hospital operated by State Operated Services. SAIL Seniors’ Agenda for Independent Living – See EDP. To find an acronym, select its first letter and browse the list.
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