1-2, 4-5, 8], Livy: Books 1, 6, 21 [in trans. The Great Gatsby (1925) – F. Scott Fitzgerald. All prefatory material is included as well as the critical apparatus and indexes.Five large textbases produced by Chadwyck-Healey are available to Princeton users from both the Chadwyck-Healey LION service and the SSP service at the University of Michigan. This is a significantly expanded edition of one of the greatest works of modern political theory. No Vonnegut. The Department of Classics at Brown stands in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and condemns police brutality and murder of Black people. Department of Classics Princeton University 141 East Pyne Princeton, NJ 08544 tel: (609) 258-3951 fax: (609) 258-1943 classics@princeton.edu Facebook The achievements of the many remarkable scholars who received their advanced training here stand collectively as one of our department’s most significant contributions to the field. Places Books Places Books, published by Princeton University Press in association with Places Journal, presents smart, lively titles on architecture... View Series POINT: Essays on Architecture POINT offers a new cadence to architecture’s contemporary conversation. Here, Henri Pirenne argues that it was not the invasion of the Germanic tribes that... For the Western world, the period from 1760 to 1800 was the great revolutionary era in which the outlines of the modern democratic state came into being. Classics is the investigation of the life and cultural expressions of the ancient Greek and Roman worlds. You will be asked to write a commentary on TWO of these three documents, and you may take up to two hours to complete the examination. “Reading Translations of Ovid’s Rapes” Main page content. Jael Hernandez-Vasquez. The first is a longstanding recognition that an intellectual concentration on any … We're now on Instagram! ), Translated Documents of Ancient Greece and Rome, 2. US Recommended Reading List: Classics This reading list includes recommendations from Upper School students and teachers. Authoritative history of the ancient world presented in downloadable PDF chapters. Category. Field Reading Lists, Requirements and Exams Please see the Program Overview and Requirements for information about exam and coursework based field certification. Gorgias: Helen Greek. The Reign of Terror continues to fascinate scholars as one of the bloodiest periods in French history, when the Committee of Public Safety strove to defend the first Republic from its many enemies, creating a climate of fear and... Frank Lloyd Wright first noted the affinity between modern Western architecture and the philosophy of the ancient Chinese writer Laotzu. ), Virgil: Eclogues; Georgics 4; Aeneid 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 12 Part II. Cait Mongrain. 133 today 490 Books This Book Lover Has Read, and Some From the Never-Ending to Be Read List! China, Europe, and the Making of the Modern World Economy, The Dehumanization of Art and Other Essays on Art, Culture, and Literature, A Psychological History of the German Film. With handsome new cover designs and in many cases new features, these elegant and affordable editions bring classic works to a new generation of readers. Great list! about 427 (Fornara 132), ML 69 Reassessment of the tribute of the Athenian Empire: 425-4 (Fornara 136), ML 86 Republication of Draco’s law on homicide: 409-408 (Fornara 15), RO 22 Prospectus of the Second Athenian League, 378/7, RO 25 Athenian law on approvers of silver coinage, 375/4, RO 30 A Theban monument after Leuctra, 371, RO 34 Alliance between Athens and Dionysius of Syracuse, 368/7, RO 76 Common Peace and League of Corinth, 338/7, RO 79 Athenian law threatening the Areopagus in the event of a plot against democracy, 337/6, RO 88 The Athenian ephebic oath and the ‘oath of Plataea’, mid fourth century, RO 101 Restoration of exiles at Tegea, 324/2, ISE 44 Hellenic League of Antigonos and Demetrios (Harding 138), Sylloge3 374 Athens honors Philippides, son of Philokles, from Kephale, a friend of King Lysimachos, 283/2 (Burstein 11), OGIS 219 A decree of Ilion honoring Antiochos I, 280-278 (Burstein 15), Sylloge3 390 Decree of the League of the Islanders recognizing the Ptolemaieia, 280- 278 (Burstein 92), OGIS 221 Dossier concerning a grant of royal land by Antiochos I to Aristodikides of Assos, 281-262 (Burstein 21), Sylloge3 434/5 The Chremonides decree, first half of the 260’s (Burstein 56), OGIS 55 Telmessos honors Ptolemaios, son of Lysimachos, 240/39 (Burstein 100), ISE 87 Treaty between Rome and the Aetolian League, 212 or 211(Sherk 2), SEG 41.1003 Teos awards Antiochos III and his queen Laodike III divine honors for granting the city inviolability and relieving it of the tributes it had paid to Attalos I, 204/3 (Burstein 33), OGIS 90 The Rosetta Stone: selections from the Greek version of a trilingual decree passed by a synod of the priests of Egypt at Memphis on the occasion of the coronation of Ptolemaios V as king of Egypt, 196 (Burstein 103), Sylloge3 646 Two decrees of the senate on affairs at Thisbai, 170 (Sherk 21), OGIS 763 Letter of Eumenes II to the Ionian League, 167/6 (Burstein 88), SEG 9.7 Testament of Ptolemaios VIII Euergetes II, leaving his kingdom of Cyrene to the Romans, 155 (Burstein 104), Sylloge3 683 Dossier concerning the arbitration of a land dispute between Messene and Sparta by Miletos, about 138 (Burstein 80), Sokolowksi LSAM 49 The cult of the goddess Roma in Miletus, c. 130 (Sherk 41), Sylloge3 684 Letter of Q. Fabius Maximus to the city of Dyme, perhaps 115 BC (Sherk 50), Sylloge3 725 The Lindos Chronicle, 99 (Burstein 46), Sylloge3 764 A letter of Caesar with a copy of a decree of the senate concerning Mytilene (Sherk 83), Cicero: In Cat. The Greek House. Rhodes and R. Osborne (eds. Eleanor's Insanely Impossible Reading List. This classic is the benchmark against which all modern books about Nietzsche are measured. Aristophanes: Frogs. Nathan T. Arrington. Phone: +86 10 8457 8802 My academic list includes: Amanda Anderson, “Bleak Liberalism”; Adi Ophir and Ishay Rosen-Zvi, “Goy: Israel’s Multiple Others and the Birth of the Gentile”; Stephen Bush, “Williams James on Democratic Individuality”; Jennifer Pitts, “Boundaries of the International: Law and Empire”; David Clough, “On Animals”; and Cathleen Kaveny (a 1984 alumna), “Ethics at the Edges of Law” (perhaps the first … The commentary should include the following: identification of the document and the category of documents to which it belongs (treaty, civic decree, etc. 3.1: 272; ILS 24-26; Inscr. They are some really great books that have been much neglected by readers. ), SC de Gnaeo Pisone Patre (W. Eck, A. Caballos & F. Fernández eds. Two lectures, one preceptorial. Please choose from the list below, for the required texts related to your program. These two stories are similar but not alike. Originally written to amuse his friend Sir... From its first publication in 1992, Men, Women, and Chain Saws has offered a groundbreaking perspective on the creativity and influence of horror cinema since the mid-1970s. This landmark book probes Muslims' attitudes toward Jews and Judaism as a special case of their view of other religious minorities in predominantly Muslim societies. The Origins and History of Consciousness draws on a full range of world mythology to show how individual consciousness undergoes the same archetypal stages of development as human consciousness as a whole. Sarah Johnson. Joshua T. Katz, a distinguished Classics professor at Princeton, published a brave essay on Quillette the other day, criticizing a lengthy list of demands by woke Princeton professors. revised by F. Hiller von Gaertringen, Lipsiae 1915-20. River Emrys. 141 East Pyne No Jane Austen. Title. With authority, sympathy and wit, Bernard Lewis demolishes two... Over a decade ago, Arthur Danto announced that art ended in the sixties. One of the great classics of European literature, Faust is Goethe's most complex and profound work. We would like those reading Honour Moderations Course IA and IC to read the whole of the Iliad in translation before they come up. Sherk = R.K. Sherk (ed. In this volume, Albert Hirschman reconstructs the intellectual climate of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries to illuminate the intricate ideological transformation that occurred, wherein the pursuit of material interests--so long... 41 William Street The Muqaddimah, often translated as "Introduction" or "Prolegomenon," is the most important Islamic history of the premodern world. Candidates should prepare seven to ten of the 19 options, selected in consultation with their advisor; substitutions for the texts listed are permitted with the adviser’s consent. ), Senatus Consultum de Bacchanalibus (ILS 18), The Polla Elogium & Gracchan land markers (ILS 23; Inscr. You may find that you get better results if you use LION to search some textbases and the SSP to search others. First published in English in 1954, this founding work of the history of religions secured the North American reputation of the Romanian émigré-scholar Mircea Eliade. Check our account periodically to see what exciting things Classics has been up to. Celebrated historian J.G.A. Plato: Apology, Phaedo, Republic I, II, IV, V 471c-VII, X to 607a. (Dessau numbers have been provided simply as a standard point of reference; CIL, Inscr. Erich Neumann was one of C. G.... Nearly a century after it was first published in 1925, Medieval Cities remains one of the most provocative works of medieval history ever written. is it an isolated phenomenon or part of a larger group of related documents? Two lectures, one preceptorial. Did you know the Classics Department is on Facebook? Cambridge Companions: Classics. View Series Princeton Series in Applied Mathematics The Princeton Series in Applied Mathematics features high-quality advanced texts and monographs in all areas of applied mathematics. 447-6 (Fornara 99), ML 49 Athenian colony at Brea: c. 445 (Fornara 100), ML 58 Financial decrees moved by Kallias: 434-3 (Fornara 119), ML 67 Contributions to the Spartan war fund: (?) First published in 1939, on the eve of the Second World War, and... Are antisemitism and white supremacy manifestations of a general phenomenon? ML 2 Law on the constitution: Dreros, 650-600 (Fornara 11), ML 5 The foundation of Cyrene: late seventh century (Fornara 18), ML 6 The Athenian archon-list (Fornara 23), ML 7 Greek mercenaries in Egyptian service: 591 (Fornara 24), ML 8 Law from Chios: 575-550 (Fornara 19), ML 20 Law of the Eastern Lokrians relative to their colony at Naupaktos: (?) 146 today 38 A Strange Collection of Read Books. Classics Reading List. Readings include history, biography, religious narrative, comedy, and epic poetry. ), A selection of Greek historical inscriptions to the end of the fifth century BC, revised edition, Oxford 1988. All graduate students in the Department of Classics have required reading. Unit 2702, NUO Centre Princeton's Ph.D. program in the Department of Classics recognizes the increasing diversity of approaches and subjects housed within the discipline and aims to provide students with the opportunity to develop a varied and comprehensive course of study appropriate to their developing research interests. Read More. Callimachus: Hymn to Pallas, Aetia fr. The Open Society and Its Enemies Karl R. Popper. 1.9, 4.5, 5.12, 8.1, 15.5, 15.6), Ovid; Metamorphoses 1, 8, 15; Fasti 4; Tristia 4.10, Petronius: Satyricon 26-72 (=‘Cena Trimalchionis’). CLA. A landmark defense of democracy that has been hailed as one of the most important books of the twentieth century. I am finally getting around to reading Naomi Klein’s harrowing and dangerously lucid “This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. Inspired by a lifetime of teaching and research, On the Medieval Origins of the Modern State is a classic... One of the most influential and compelling books in American literature, Walden is a vivid account of the years that Henry D. Thoreau spent alone in a secluded cabin at Walden Pond. : 3-6, 22], Thucydides: Books 1, 2, 7 [in trans. Princeton Architectural Press is a world leader in architecture and design publishing. CLA. Please note: for Hellenistic inscriptions, refer to Harding, Burstein and Sherk also for chronology and bibliography. : all], Juvenal: 3, 6, 10 [in trans. Directions, 6 Oxford Street, Woodstock Department of Classics Princeton University 141 East Pyne Princeton, NJ 08544 tel: (609) 258-3951 fax: (609) 258-1943 classics@princeton.edu Facebook ISE = L. Moretti (ed. Why didn't racism appear in Europe before the fourteenth century, and why did it flourish as never before in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries? The reasons behind Detroit’s persistent racialized poverty after World War II. All dates are B.C. Classics major Erica Choi is speaking at Princeton Research Day, a celebration of the research and creative endeavors of undergraduates, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and other non-faculty researchers. Oxfordshire, OX20 1TR Ital., AE, Crawford RS, and FIRA where they are more accessible. Department of Classics Burstein (ed), Translated Documents of Ancient Greece and Rome, 3, The Hellenistic Age from the battle of Ipsos to the death of Kleopatra VII, Cambridge 1985. No Anthony Trollope. c. 450-446 (Fornara 97), ML 47 Athenian treaty with Kolophon: (?) No Tolstoy. Princeton has been offering graduate study in the classics since 1869. This is the reading list required by all concentrations, except Classical archaeology, for the “Q” Examination. 3.1: 275-279: land markers), So-called ‘Pirate Law’/Lex de provinciis praetoriis from Delphi/Cnidos (Crawford, RS, 1: 12), Lex Acilia Repetundarum (Crawford, RS, 1:1), Tabula Heracleensis (Crawford, RS, 1: 24), Lex Coloniae Ursonensis/Coloniae Genetivae (Crawford, RS, 1: 25), ‘Elogium of Turia’ / ‘Laudatio Turiae’ (ILS 8393 = S. Lancel ed., Paris, 2002), Augustus, Res Gestae (P. Brunt-J. Originally published in 1957, this classic work has guided generations of scholars through the arcane mysteries of medieval political theology. Richmond Lattimore’s translation is excellent, but others are more than acceptable. Get DOWNLOAD [PDF] Faust I & II, Volume 2: Goethe’s Collected Works (Princeton Classics) PDF file for free from our online library Created Date: 20171009024224 … 1; Pro Caelio; Philippic 2; selected letters (Att. Directions, Princeton Asia (Beijing) Consulting Co., Ltd. 1.16, 2.19, 4.1, 4.4, 9.6a, 13.52, 14.12; Fam. Student Presentation. My reading list is always overwhelming! Oh my god. Sorry about that - I'll try and cover them off in the next 50 years. Princeton Asia (Beijing) Consulting Co., Ltd. The foundational work on shamanism now available as a Princeton Classics paperback. However, you must If one service is not working, try the … what does it tell us that we would otherwise not know? You should be prepared to refer to relevant secondary literature as appropriate, especially with reference to points 4 and 5 above. Elizabeth Erikson. Peters has rethought and thoroughly rewritten his classic The Children of Abraham for a new generation of... Leviathan and the Air-Pump examines the conflicts over the value and propriety of experimental methods between two major seventeenth-century thinkers: Thomas Hobbes, author of the political treatise Leviathan and vehement critic of... Modern presidents regularly appeal over the heads of Congress to the people at large to generate support for public policies. Please note that these texts are suggested as a helpful guide and are not intended to be regarded as required. China Rome and the Greek East to the death of Augustus, Cambridge 1984. Andrew M. Feldherr. The Epicureans, Skeptics, and Stoics practiced philosophy not as a detached intellectual discipline but as a worldly art of grappling with issues of daily and urgent human significance. Chiayi (Sherry) Lee. The modern state, however we conceive of it today, is based on a pattern that emerged in Europe in the period from 1100 to 1600. United States Use discount code CAITC to enjoy 30% off our May Book Club Pick – Making Motherhood Work by Caitlyn Collins. The list below is divided into two sections, Greek and Roman, and each section comprises two parts: the texts listed in Part I of each section are those on which you will be tested in Part I (translation) of the PAW general examination; the documents listed in Part II of each section are those on which you will be tested in Part II (commentary) of the general examination. Two features particularly characterize our graduate program. DOWNLOAD [PDF] FAUST I & II, VOLUME 2: GOETHE’S COLLECTED WORKS (PRINCETON CLASSICS) PDF Keywords: Read Online and Download PDF Ebook DOWNLOAD [PDF] Faust I & II, Volume 2: Goethe’s Collected Works (Princeton Classics). The Sophistic Movement “B” fragments in Diels-Kranz of: Gorgias; Antiphon. Date. The Hard Facts of the Grimms' Fairy Tales: Murder, mutilation, cannibalism, infanticide, and incest: the darker side of classic fairy tales is the subject of this groundbreaking and intriguing study of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s. ), Translated Documents of Ancient Greece and Rome, 1, Archaic Times to the end of the Peloponnesian War, second edition, Cambridge 1983. Aristotle: NE I. Euripides: Bacchae. Selection of funerary epitaphs (7873, 7927, 7966, 7989, 8130, 8162, 8216, 8272, Typical senatorial and equestrian career inscriptions (senators: ILS 915, 986, 1029, 1065, 1067; equites: 1326, 1330, 1374, 1410, 1412), Citizenship: Tabula Banasitana (AE 1971: 534), African domain inscription: Henchir Mettich (CIL 8.25902 = FIRA/1/100), Praetorian Prefect: Control of Herders/Saepinum (CIL 9.2438; FIRA 1/2/61), Mining Regulations: Lex Metalli Vipascensis (ILS 6891; FIRA 1/2/104), Games: Gaius Appuleius Diocles the charioteer (ILS 5287), Games: Control of Gladiatorial Costs (ILS 5163), Typical sales contracts: slaves and houses (FIRA 3: 87-90, 132, 136), ‘Testamentum Dasumii’ (CIL 6.10229; FIRA 3: 48), Alimenta inscription: Ligures Baebiani (ILS 6509: selection), A selection of municipal career inscriptions (ILS 6163, 6264, 6286, 6797, 6818, 6827), Edictum de pretiis maximis Diocletiani (S. Lauffer ed., 1971). 1996), Honors for Germanicus: Tabula Siarensis (Crawford, RS 37), Honors for Germanicus: Tabula Hebana (Crawford, RS 38), Speech of Claudius from Lugdunum (ILS 212), Lex de Imperio Vespasiani (ILS 244 = McCrum-Woodhead, no. 506. Cambridge Ancient History. The Department of Philosophy 212 1879 Hall Princeton University Princeton, NJ 08544-1006. Sokoloswki LSAM = F. Sokolowski, Lois sacrées de l’Asie Mineure, Paris 1955. Instructed by: M. Domingo Gygax Brown Classics is on Instagram! In Part II of the examination three texts drawn from the second part of the reading list above will be set: these texts will be either whole documents or portions of longer documents that will be recognizable to a historian who has read the documents with care. Phone: +44 1993 814500 When it first appeared in 1979, Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature hit the philosophical world like a bombshell. M. Moore; or A. E. Cooley ed. What’s on your summer reading list? Sarah Norvell. Reading List for PhD candidates in Classical Philosophy Students may petition the graduate committee to make substitutions of items on the reading list in two categories: Substitutions of a work by the same author, provided that the substituted material is roughly of the same length and parallel in genre, and THE PRINCETON CLASSICS DEPARTMENT investigates the history, language, literature, and thought of ancient Greece and Rome. Linda McNulty Perez. Why did... A compelling look at the problem of evil in modern thought, from the Inquisition to global terrorism. Fornara (ed. Event Subtitle / Short Description. Browse books, paper + goods, and children's books on architecture, design, photography, landscape, and visual culture. ); discussion of the historical context: what are the circumstances that caused it to be produced? 2A Jiangtai Road, Chaoyang District Jefferson, along with most wealthy young men of his time, studied classics at college, where students often spent half their time reading and translating Greek and Roman texts. The Coming of the French Revolution remains essential reading for anyone interested in the origins of this great turning point in the formation of the modern world. 117 today 97 Amanda's Books 2016-2021. As a further guide, the texts noted in square brackets, after the phrase ‘in trans.’, are those you would find it especially helpful to have read in English translation. : all], Theocritus: 1, 2, 7, 11, 15 [in trans. When Walter Kaufmann wrote it in the immediate aftermath of World War II, most scholars outside Germany viewed Nietzsche as part madman, part... More than half a century after its translation into English, Erich Auerbach's Mimesis remains a masterpiece of literary criticism. The Praise of Folly is perhaps his best-known work. Desiderius Erasmus (1466–1536) was a Dutch humanist, scholar, and social critic, and one of the most important figures of the Renaissance. The list below is divided into two sections, Greek and Roman, and each section comprises two parts: the texts listed in Part I of each section are those on which you will be tested in Part I (translation) of the PAW general examination; the documents listed in Part II of each section are those on which you will be tested in Part II (commentary) of the general examination. 123 today 250 Almost Every Book I've Read So Far (22 Years of Reading) 119 today 747 Several of the Same Author. Phone: +1 609 258 4900 fax: (609) 258-1943classics@princeton.eduFacebook, Haec sic pernosces parva perductus opella…, “So you’ll become very knowledgeable about these things, guided with just a little effort…”, © 2020 The Trustees of Princeton University, Herodotus: Books 1, 7, 8 [in trans. Fornara = C.W. tel: (609) 258-3951 ), Translated Documents of Ancient Greece and Rome, 4. May 10, 2018. Ital. Presocaratics (“B” fragments only, in Diels-Kranz): Anaximander; Xenophanes; Heraclitus; Parmenides; Zeno; Empedocles (, Pyrrhonian Skepticism and Stoicism Sextus Empirius. In this classic work, Martha Nussbaum maintains... F. E. Peters, a scholar without peer in the comparative study of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, revisits his pioneering work. Aeschylus: Agamemnon. Latin Authors - Options: Candidates should prepare two to four of the eight options, selected in consultation with their advisers; substitutions for the text listed are permitted with the adviser’s consent. Phone: (609) 258-4289 Fax: (609) 258-1502 Follow Us! Survey of Selected Latin Literature: Roman Literary History. From the end of the Peloponnesian War to the battle of Ipsus, Cambridge 1985. Beijing 100016, P.R. Titles marked with an asterisk (*) are especially suited for students in grades 11 and 12 due to the sophistication of their style or content. American Politics. Topics are from one of two sections: Antiquity, which covers the ancient world of Greece and Rome, and the Classical Tradition, which covers the history of classical scholarship. Properly qualified graduate students in philosophy who wish to do intensive work in logic and philosophy of science may wish to enroll in the United Kingdom In this novella, Nick Carraway, the rather dull narrator, … The Climate,” and then Michael Löwy’s “Ecosocialism: A Radical Alternative to Climate Catastrophe.” I also have Ira Katznelson’s “Fear Itself: The New Deal and the Origins of Our Time” on the list … ), Greek historical inscriptions, 404-323 BC, Oxford 2003 (includes translations). Al-Jahiz, Kitab al-Bukhala (Book of Misers) or Risdlat al-qiydn (Epistle on the Singing Girls) (classical Arabic) Allende, Isabel, La casa de los espíritus, La ciudad de las bestias (or any other novel) (Spanish) Anand, Mulk Raj, Untouchable (English) Apuleius, The Golden Ass (Latin) This landmark book explores the Great Mother as a primordial image of the human psyche. Comparative … We use the perspectives of multiple disciplines to understand and imagine the diversity of these civilizations over almost two thousand years and to reflect on what the classical past has meant to later ages, and to our own. For the documents listed in Part II, please note that you are expected to read … Burstein = S.M. Princeton University : Books 2-5, 22], Pliny: selected letters (1.12, 2.1, 2.20, 3.14, 3.16, 3.21, 4.19, 4.22, 5.8, 7.17, 7.24, 7.27: Sherwin- White ed.). ML = R. Meiggs and D.M. I'm a lover of classics myself, and if you haven't read them already, I highly recommend "La dame aux camelias" by Alexandre Dumas fils and "Manon Lescaut" by L'Abbe Prevost. Harding = P. Harding (ed. 458-7 (Fornara 81), ML 41 Civil laws of Gortyn: about 450 (Fornara 88), ML 45 Athenian decree enforcing the use of Athenian coins, weights, and measures: (?) A groundbreaking history of how the Christian “West” emerged from the ancient Mediterranean world, A landmark comparative history of Europe and China that examines why the Industrial Revolution emerged in the West, The foundational work on shamanism now available as a Princeton Classics paperback, A landmark defense of democracy that has been hailed as one of the most important books of the twentieth century, A Princeton Classics edition of an essential work of twentieth-century scholarship on India, From one of the great modern writers, the acclaimed lectures in which he draws on a lifetime of experience to take the measure of Shakespeare's plays and sonnets, A classic work on radical aesthetics by one of the great philosophers of the early twentieth century, A clear, accessible exploration of how and why we love by prominent philosopher and bestselling author Harry Frankfurt, An essential work of the cinematic history of the Weimar Republic by a leading figure of film criticism. 500- 475 (Fornara 47), ML 23 The decree of Themistokles: 480 (Fornara 55), ML 37 Athenian alliance with Egesta: (?) discussion of the historical significance: what consequences did it have? Ever since this declaration, he has been at the forefront of a radical critique of the nature of art in our time. Lewis (eds. The department currently offers four curricular options: literature and philology, history (Program in the … Pliny: selected letters (1.12, 2.1, 2.20, 3.14, 3.16, 3.21, 4.19, 4.22, 5.8, 7.17, 7.24, 7.27: Seneca: selected letters (51, 56, 79, 84, 86, 88, 114, 122: Summers ed. As I put the list to together, I was surprised by how many 'classics' I had read and shocked by how many I had not. Home > Academics > Graduate Program > Field Exam Readings, Course Lists and Exams. Originally published in 1964, The Struggle for Equality presents an incisive and vivid look at the abolitionist movement and the legal basis it provided to the civil rights movement of the 1960s. The idea of human cruelty to animals so consumes novelist Elizabeth Costello in her later years that she can no longer look another person in the eye: humans, especially meat-eating ones, seem to her to be conspirators in a crime of... Gershom Scholem stands out among modern thinkers for the richness and power of his historical imagination. American Politics Reading List American Politics Subfield Courses and Requirements American Politics Old Exams. Pria Jackson. 503. Originally published in 1975, The Machiavellian Moment remains a landmark of historical and political thought. When Israeli Nobel Laureate S. Y. Agnon published the novel Only Yesterday in 1945, it quickly became recognized as a major work of world literature, not only for its vivid historical reconstruction of Israel's founding society. In this classic work, Amos Ih Tiao Chang expands on that idea, developing the parallel with the aid... A landmark work that demystifies the rich tradition of Indian art, Myths and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization analyzes key motifs found in legend, myth, and folklore taken directly from the Sanskrit. Princeton, New Jersey 08540 OGIS = W. Dittenberger (ed. what person or group of persons produced it? 1 Pfeiffer (=Prolog), Hesiod: Theogony 1-210, Works and Days 1-382, Homer: Iliad 1, 2.1-493, 6, 9, 16, 18, 22, 24; Odyssey 6, 9-12, 19, 21-2, Lyric: Campbell’s selections of Archilochus, Tyrtaeus, Alcman, Mimnermus, Solon, Stesichorus, Sappho, Alcaeus, Anacreon, Xenophanes, Simonides, Bacchylides 17 & 18, Lysias: 1 (On the Murder of Eratosthenes), Pindar: Olympian 1, 7, 14; Pythian 1, 8; Nemean 7.
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