As a nickname it was used by William II Rufus, a king of England, because of his red hair. Dixerat aliquis leniorem sententiam, ut primo M. Marcellus, ingressus in eam orationem, non oportere ante de ea re ad senatum referri, quam dilectus tota Italia habiti et exercitus conscripti essent, quo praesidio tuto et libere senatus, quae vellet, decernere auderet; ut M. Calidius, qui censebat, ut Pompeius in suas provincias proficieceretur, ne qua esset armorum causa: timere Caesarem ereptis ab eo duabus legionibus, ne ad eius periculum reservare et retinere eas ad urbem Pompeius videretur; ut M. "Some delivered their sentiments with more moderation, as Marcellus first, who in the beginning of his speech, said, ""that the question ought not to be put to the senate on this matter, till levies were made throughout all Italy, and armies raised under whose protection the senate might freely and safely pass such resolutions as they thought proper;"" as Marcus Calidius afterward, who was of opinion, ""that Pompey should set out for his province, that there might be no cause for arms; that Caesar was naturally apprehensive as two legions were forced from him, that Pompey was retaining those troops, and keeping them near the city to do him injury:"" as Marcus, Publius Gallus eques Romanus, quod Faenio, Publius Gallus, a Roman knight, was outlawed for having been intimate with, Partial crossings Around 980–982, Norse explorer Erik the. Roman cognomen meaning "red-haired" in Latin. We hope this will help you in … What does rufus mean in Latin? Rufus is a Latin name meaning "red" or "red-haired." RUFOUS Meaning: "reddish-brown," 1782, from Latin rufus "red, reddish, tawny, red-haired," from an Osco-Umbrian cognate… See definitions of rufous. Alas Lucrio is in the house. Swedish: vildkatt (common) Welsh: cath wyllt (fem.) Latin translation of the English word “Rufus”. la. Transliteration: Rhouphos. Et L. Domitius in consilio dixit placere sibi bello confecto ternas tabellas dari ad iudicandum eis, qui ordinis essent senatorii belloque una cum ipsis interfuissent, sententiasque de singulis ferrent, qui Romae remansissent quique intra praesidia Pompei fuissent neque operam in re militari praestitissent: unam fore tabellam, qui liberandos omni periculo censerent; alteram, qui capitis damnarent; tertiam, qui pecunia multarent. Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. English Translation. The generic name combines the Ancient Greek antron meaning "cavern" and stoma meaning "mouth". Several early saints had this name, including one mentioned in one of Paul’s epistles in the New Testament. "Historiarum Alexandri Magni Libri Qui Supersunt" (in Latin). Quintus Curtius Rufus wrote a "History of Alexander the Great of Macedon", which has been translated by J.C.Rolfe in his Loeb edition, with the Latin text on facing pages. en. Quintus Curtius Rufus was a Roman historian, probably of the 1st century, author of his only known and only surviving work, Historiae Alexandri Magni, "Histories of Alexander the Great", or more fully Historiarum Alexandri Magni Macedonis Libri Qui Supersunt, "All the Books That Survive of the Histories of Alexander the Great of Macedon." 2 people from Philippines and the United Kingdom agree the name Rufus means "Red". "Quintus Curtius [History of Alexander] with an English translation by John C. Rolfe (2 voll., Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann Ltd, 1971-76)" (in Latin and English). See definitions of rufus. Etymology: From Latin rūfus ("red") . RUFUS is a Latin reader written to help beginning students gain the confidence and skills necessary to read Latin. Technical Translation Specialized translation of documentation, guides, and manuals produced by technical writers; Document Translation Quick and Accurate translation checked by a dedicated quality assurance team in terms of style, grammar, and relevance; Medical Translation Accurate medical translations of leaflets, prescriptions, or reports for pharmacies, clinics, or physician offices Next on the prosecution of the Bithynians, Cadius Rufus, was condemned under the law against extortion. This book, the first of two, contains twenty-six stories about Rufus, a young Roman slave. Contextual translation of "canus rufus" into Latin. I'm working diligently. Then he turned to the tribune of the soldiers, who was standing near and said. Hathi Trust Digital Library. Rufus in Latin translation and definition "Rufus", English-Latin Dictionary online 2. Look through examples of Neocossyphus rufus translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. This edition can be found on the Hathi Trust website, and the following table contains links to the individual chapters in the translation, together with the translator's introduction. Apart from his name on the manuscripts, … rufus meaning in Latin » DictZone English-Latin dictionary. tum ad tribunum militum, qui adstabat, se vertit. Rufus is a small application that creates bootable USB drives, which can then be used to install or run Microsoft Windows, Linux or DOS. damnatus et lege repetundarum Cadius Rufus accusantibus Bithynis. Marcus Apinius Dama, Freedman of Marcus. The vocabulary and grammar contained in each story support and reinforce the vocabulary and grammar in the Ecce Romani series. rubicundus, ruber, rubens, rutilus, coloratus. Several early saints had this name, including one mentioned in one of Paul 's epistles in the New Testament. Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. Usage: Rufus, a Christian man in Rome, probably to be identified with the brother of Alexander and son of Simon of Cyrene. Of the birth of Curtius Rufus, whom some affirm to have been the son of a gladiator, I would not publish a falsehood, while I shrink from telling the truth. Check 'Neocossyphus rufus' translations into Latin. Hurrah. If you want to learn rufus color in English, you will find the translation here, along with other translations from Latin to English. Famous bearers include American-Canadian singer Rufus Wainwright. More meanings for rufus. Meaning of Rufus. Tamen commeatus laophoricus hic numquam activus fuit, sed hoc vehiculum est solum a his quod hodie in urbe gubernat. Publius Vibius Optatus, freedman of Publius, Of the tribe Palatina. What does rufus color mean in English? Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine. Would you like to know how to translate lynx rufus to Latin? not though you may shake her by the gift of a dress of fine texture, 4. aut perluciduli deliciis lapidis. A: What did you say? Yandex.Translate works with words, texts, and webpages. + English Translation - Hide Translation This is madness! Poppaea Translation I am expecting a friend. My Rufus… Learn rufus in English translation and other related translations from Latin to English. Rufus (ProperNoun) Two persons mentioned in the New Testament ( Mark 15:21 and Romans 16:13) Rufus (ProperNoun) Either of two persons mentioned in the New Testament. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Rufus: translation English : from a Latin nickname meaning ‘red(-haired)’, sometimes used in medieval documents as a translation of various surnames with the same sense. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Home page • Multilingual translation dictionary • English-German dictionary • Translation of sentences • Contact; Preferred language. Rufus (ProperNoun) A male given name from Latin, used since the seventeenth century. Iulia Nicario, freedwoman of Gaia. Questions and Answers. Phonetic Spelling: (hroo'-fos) Definition: "red", Rufus, a Christian at Rome. As a nickname it was used by William II Rufus, a king of England, because of his red hair. Who do you say? Marcus Apinius Alexa, Freedman of … This edition can be found on the Hathi Trust website, and the following table contains links to the individual chapters in the translation, together with the translator's introduction. (Biblical) Two persons mentioned in the New Testament ( Mark 15:21 and Romans 16:13). A submission from California, U.S. says the name Rufus means "Chosen in the Lord" and is of Hebrew origin. Agricola, ubi hoc vidit, custodes iussit Quintum auferre medicumque arcessere. This page provides all possible translations of the word lynx rufus in the Latin language. There is little in this monograph on Rufus’ fragments in Aetius and none on his The word rufus was cognate with the Latin word ruber, from which comes our word "ruby". Latin text English translation; 1. farmers are not working today. + English Translation - Hide Translation Rufus is a Roman boy, and Julia is a Roman girl. Free online translation from Latin into English and back, Latin-English dictionary with transcription, pronunciation, and examples of usage. Email This BlogThis! Notify me of new comments via email. Discover rufus meaning and improve your English skills! Next on the prosecution of the Bithynians, Cadius Rufus, was condemned under the law against extortion. NOLI admirari, quare tibi femina nulla, You need not wonder why no dainty woman. For these texts we reference the translations published by the Aristoteles Latinus project of the Union Académique Internationale, Corpus Philosophorum medii aevi academiarum consociatarum auspiciis et consilio editum. Labels: St.5, Translation. Texts Rufus Expounded Aristotle . lupus Rufus Latin; Discuss this lynx rufus English translation with the community: 0 Comments. It is most famously associated with King William II of England, son of William the Conqueror, who was called "Rufus" because of his red complexion and hair. Strong's Greek 4504 2 … Cookies help us deliver our services. red. Meaning of Rufus: Roman cognomen which meant “red-haired” in Latin. damnatus et lege repetundarum Cadius Rufus accusantibus Bithynis. Information and translations of Rufus in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions … Romans 16:13 N-AMS GRK: ἀσπάσασθε Ῥοῦφον τὸν ἐκλεκτὸν NAS: Greet Rufus, a choice man in the Lord, KJV: Salute Rufus chosen in INT: greet Rufus the chosen. ruddy adjective. RUFUS is a Latin reader written to help beginning students gain the confidence and skills necessary to read Latin. Tyrannius Rufinus, also called Rufinus of Aquileia (Rufinus Aquileiensis) or Rufinus of Concordia (344/345–411), was a monk, historian, and theologian.He is best known as a translator of Greek patristic material, especially the work of Origen, into Latin Surely you're not sleeping? Contextual translation of "Rufus" from Latin into Spanish. )… Dixerat aliquis leniorem sententiam, ut primo M. Marcellus, ingressus in eam orationem, non oportere ante de ea re ad senatum referri, quam dilectus tota Italia habiti et exercitus conscripti essent, quo praesidio tuto et libere senatus, quae vellet, decernere auderet; ut M. Calidius, qui censebat, ut Pompeius in suas provincias proficieceretur, ne qua esset armorum causa: timere Caesarem ereptis ab eo duabus legionibus, ne ad eius periculum reservare et retinere eas ad urbem Pompeius videretur; ut M. Publius Gallus, a Roman knight, was outlawed for having been intimate with Faenius, Publius Gallus eques Romanus, quod Faenio. Our English word "red" comes from an ancient proto-Indo-European root (namely reudh- ) that has left its traces in languages from Russian to German, and it's the only color for which such an old … Related to ruber. Search. Where is the friend? Etymology: From Latin rūfus ("red") . Probably from an Italic cognate such as Oscan [script needed] Rufus est puer Romanus, et Iulia est puella Romana. No comments: Glosbe uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience, The words of their conversation had two witnesses in Cluvius, saepe domi congressi, postremo in aede Apollinis, ut, McChronicle thinks all of this can be undone in case he is stopped with his car on the day he is on his way to. Translation “Publius Vibius Rufus, son of Marcus, of the tribe Pollia, Calpurnia, his wife. The Latin Library. Definition of Rufus in the dictionary. Being left on the road with a small number, he fell in with Vibullius, Relictus in itinere cum paucis incidit in Vibullium, As for Thrace, since the division of the kingdom between Rhoemetalces and the children of Cotys, who because of their tender age were under the guardianship of Trebellienus, nam Thraecia diviso imperio in Rhoemetalcen et libetos Cotyis, quis ob infantiam tutor erat Trebellenus, During the consulship of Memmius Regulus and Verginius, For the emperor had appointed two men to the command of the praetorian cohorts, Faenius, quippe Caesar duos praetoriis cohortibus imposuerat, Faenium, On his arrival there, he was informed that Vibullius, Quo cum venisset, cognoscit missum a Pompeio Vibullium, Among the persons of senatorial rank were Lucius Domitius, Publius Lentulus Spinther, Lucius Vibullius, Erant quinquaginta; ordinis senatorii L. Domitius, P. Lentulus Spinther, L. Caecilius, Decius Calpurnianus too, commander of the watch, Sulpicius, Decrius quoque Calpurnianus vigilum praefectus, Sulpicius, The soldiers' part too in the conspiracy no longer escaped discovery, some in their rage becoming informers to betray Faenius, Ceterum militaris quoque conspiratio non ultra fefellit, accensis [quoque] indicibus ad prodendum Faenium, "Some delivered their sentiments with more moderation, as Marcellus first, who in the beginning of his speech, said, ""that the question ought not to be put to the senate on this matter, till levies were made throughout all Italy, and armies raised under whose protection the senate might freely and safely pass such resolutions as they thought proper;"" as Marcus Calidius afterward, who was of opinion, ""that Pompey should set out for his province, that there might be no cause for arms; that Caesar was naturally apprehensive as two legions were forced from him, that Pompey was retaining those troops, and keeping them near the city to do him injury:"" as Marcus. Most of Rufus' commentaries are based on translations from the Greek. Rufus is a Latin name that dates waaaaay back to Roman times. Latvian: rudmatis (masc. reddish adjective. It began to be used as a given name in the 19th century. More information Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! User Submitted Meanings. Felix rufus – see bobcat domesticated cat returned to the wild – see feral cat… redhead: …Italian: testarossa (fem.) Musonius Rufus translation in Latin-English dictionary. Sorex and Actius are here. ), rudmate (fem. When Subius Flavus at his side asked him by a sign whether he should draw his sword in the middle of the trial and perpetrate the fatal deed, idem Subrio Flavo adsistenti adnuentique, an inter ipsam cognitionem destringeret gladium caedemque patraret. Japanese: 赤毛 (あかげ, akage) Latin: rufus (masc.) The specific epithet is Latin for "red". Practical examples. What does Rufus mean? Quintus Curtius Rufus wrote a "History of Alexander the Great of Macedon", which has been translated by J.C.Rolfe in his Loeb edition, with the Latin text on facing pages. English translation of the Latin word “rufus”. rufus. And in 1930, Ilberg wrote a monograph on Rufus, focusing on his fragments in Oribasius. Hic furor est ! It began as a cognomen in Ancient Rome’s three-part naming system known as the Tria Nomina: the praenomen (personal name), the nomen (family name), and the cognomen (nickname).The cognomen was the last element of a full name to appear (around 300 BC) and was at first (for many centuries) restricted only to the aristocracy. Hurrah!The actors are acting in a play.Actors are here! ; Search for more names by meaning. Translation of Rufus ... Rufus’ extant Greek works and well as the Latin version of his Joints and Diseases. NAS: of Alexander and Rufus), to bear KJV: of Alexander and Rufus, to bear INT: of Alexander and Rufus that he might carry. But the color red has since antiquity had a very special meaning, namely that of beginnings and primitivity. RUFUS Meaning: "red-haired," from Latin rufus "red, tawny, red-haired" (see rufous). Search By using our services, you implicitly agree to our use of cookies. I guard the togas for the citizens. Four subspecies are recognised: A. r. minimus (Griscom & Greenway, 1937) – south Costa Rica to Colombia and Venezuela; A. r. rufus (Boddaert, 1783) – south Venezuela, the Guianas and north Brazil wildcat: …(masc.) I want to hurry to … Page (152) S: Why aren't you working, Anthrax? Quintus Curtius Rufus. Meaning & History. Automatically generated examples in Latin: "Qui primus egressus est rufus erat et totus quasi pallium pilosum; vocatumque est … This book, the first of two, contains twenty-six stories about Rufus, a young Roman slave. Rufus was used frequently by early Christians. The vocabulary and grammar contained in each story support and reinforce the vocabulary and grammar in the Ecce Romani series. latin-ancient. ... Rufus Heaton at 6:35 AM. Relictus in itinere cum paucis incidit in Vibullium Rufum missum a Pompeio in agrum Picenum confirmandorum hominum causa. Much of it is missing. Examples translated by humans: rufo, vario, lince rojo, baboja roja, lince rojo mexicano. Glosbe uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience, Relictus in itinere cum paucis incidit in Vibullium, Being left on the road with a small number, he fell in with Vibullius, nam Thraecia diviso imperio in Rhoemetalcen et libetos Cotyis, quis ob infantiam tutor erat Trebellenus, As for Thrace, since the division of the kingdom between Rhoemetalces and the children of Cotys, who because of their tender age were under the guardianship of Trebellienus, During the consulship of Memmius Regulus and Verginius, quippe Caesar duos praetoriis cohortibus imposuerat, Faenium, For the emperor had appointed two men to the command of the praetorian cohorts, Faenius, Quo cum venisset, cognoscit missum a Pompeio Vibullium, On his arrival there, he was informed that Vibullius, Erant quinquaginta; ordinis senatorii L. Domitius, P. Lentulus Spinther, L. Caecilius, Among the persons of senatorial rank were Lucius Domitius, Publius Lentulus Spinther, Lucius, Decrius quoque Calpurnianus vigilum praefectus, Sulpicius, Decius Calpurnianus too, commander of the watch, Sulpicius, Ceterum militaris quoque conspiratio non ultra fefellit, accensis [quoque] indicibus ad prodendum Faenium, The soldiers' part too in the conspiracy no longer escaped discovery, some in their rage becoming informers to betray Faenius.
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