Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. Physical Review A (PRA) publishes important developments in the rapidly evolving areas of atomic, molecular, and optical (AMO) physics, quantum information, and related fundamental concepts.. Spotlighting Synergies. Advances in Theoretical & Computational Physics is an open access journal which provides a rapid, resourceful and productive proceedings publication service. Advances in Condensed Matter Physics publishes research on the experimental and theoretical study of the physics of materials in solid, liquid, amorphous, and exotic states. Physical Review A. Journal of Applied Physics. journal impact factor 2007 . International Scientific Journal & Country Ranking. It contains contributions from experts in the field of atomic, molecular, and optical (AMO) physics. Quantum Correlations Generate an Optical Lattice . Todays polymer physics is an interdisciplinary science that has expanded beyond its traditional core to fields as diverse as energy materials, biological systems, optics and electronics, and nanotechnology. 241-294). XXX. Letters: short, high-impact and outstanding research not more than 4500 words (5-6 journal pages). 184 advances in nuclear physics 0065-2970 185 advances in nursing science 0161-9268 01.333 . The editors welcome manuscripts on: Editorial work (2017-present) Frontiers in Physics (impact factor: 2.638), Review Editor Organizing (2021) Summer Colloquium Series on \Thermalization and Equilibration Dynamics In Quantum and Classical Many-Body Systems" JAP is the place for exchange of information and research results within all areas of Physics and . The journal welcomes original research papers and reviews. Advances in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics; NPG Asia Materials; Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics; Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications; Astrophysical Journal Letters; Space Science Reviews; Astrophysical Journal; Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society All previously published articles are available through the Table of Contents. Physics Journals Impact Factors. Advances In Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (vol. SciPost Physics is our flagship title in the field of Physics. Submissions to SciPost Physics have to meet our highest editorial standards, and are subjected to our most stringent form of open peer-witnessed refereeing. Topic Scope: The journal publishes design details of a diversity of optical instruments, along with a strong section on computational optics useful to engineers, mathematicians, and physicists, as well as optical scientists. The journal also publishes articles dealing with those aspects of spectroscopy, quantum optics and non . Also on the cancellation list is the American Journal of Physics and The Physics Teacher. In addition to Articles, JCP also publishes brief Communications of significant new findings, Perspectives or Reviews on the latest advances in the field, Tutorials as educational tools for the community, and . JAP publishes original review papers, as well as auxiliary material such as: Research Papers, Case Studies, Review Articles and Reports etc. The main aim of this journal is to make available the most complete and reliable source of information on current developments especially in the following fields (but are . JAP is an International peer-reviewed e-journal that is devoted to fields of Physics and provides rapid publication of articles frequently in its issues. We present a review of quantum computation with neutral atom qubits. Advances in Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics Impact Factor, IF, number of article, detailed information and journal factor. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics. Advances In Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. The article is the version of record, i.e. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Quantum Control in Multilevel Systems. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical (AMO) Physics. The journal is archived in Portico and via the LOCKSS initiative, which provides permanent archiving for electronic scholarly journals. ANVUR. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical (AMO) Physics is one of the burgeoning areas in the landscape of experimental and theoretical physics. Nanotechnology. Articles will be considered in any of the following topics, and interdisciplinary topics involving physics are also welcomed: -Atomic, molecular and optical physics- Plasma physics- Condensed matter physics- Mathematical physics- Astrophysics- High energy physics- Nuclear . The advances in atomic, molecular and optical physics impact factor if measures the average number of citations received in a particular year (2020) by papers published in the advances in atomic, molecular and optical physics during the two preceding years (2021-2019). Jennifer Ogilvie. Physical science is one of the oldest academic disciplines which over time . Interdisciplinary journals are included (e.g., biophysics, chemical physics) but not journals on topics outside the traditional scope of physics (e.g., fluid mechanics, materials science). Polymer physics has evolved dramatically in the fifty years since the launch of the Journal of Polymer Science by Hermann Mark. Archives of Physics Research intends to include the below topics but not limited to Astrophysics, Atmospheric & Space Physics, Atomic & Molecular Physics, Biophysics, Condensed Matter & Materials Physics, General and Cross-disciplinary Physics (including foundations . Other titles: Atomic, molecular, and optical physics Start year: 1988 Frequency: Semimonthly Country: England Language: English Topics: Nuclear Physics Optics and Photonics Advances in Quantum Chemistry (vol. PRX Energy is a new, highly selective open access journal from APS that will communicate and facilitate important advances in energy science and technology for the . Malinovskaya, S.; Liu, G. (2018). Online only: 2468-080X. JAP is the place for exchange of information and research results within all areas of . Advances in Agronomy, Advances in Marine Biology and Advances in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics are all 4th in their respective categories; Serials with the highest Eigenfactor scores are Methods in Enzymology and Progress in Brain Research; View the full list of 2015 Impact Factors for Elsevier's Book Series; Whilst Impact Factor is the . rheology and fluid dynamics, quantum mechanics, materials science, atomic and molecular physics 0.923: 2,089: 12: Matter and Radiation at Extremes Open Access. Go to Table of Contents. Focus and Coverage.