Index of /pro_action_replay/super_nes Name Last modified Size Description : Parent Directory - 7th_saga.shtml: 2010-05-19 23:04 . PDF Snes Game Genie 1975 2 3 3-D 3.8mm 3D 3d0 3DO 4 4.5mm 400 in 1 4MB 64 670-5847 72 pin 72pin 8 Man A Bug's Life Accessory Action action replay Action Replay Pro Actua Actua Golf Adelaide ADK advance Adventure Aero The Acrobat 2 aes Aggressors of Dark Kombat air boarder Airboarder Airboarders Akkanoiv Alex Kidd Alex Kidd in Miracle World American Baseball . This game has unused music. ngc: Action Replay Ultimate Cheats for Use with Pokemon Colosseum: ngc: Action Replay Ultimate Cheats fuer Enter the Matrix: ngc: Action Replay Ultimate Cheats fuer Pokemon Colosseum: psx The second version of the SNES Action Replay, now with a slow-motion feature and improved code support (including the ability to patch ROM addresses). This game was never completed and/or given a public release. CLV-U-AAAAA. Name. Alien 3 Pro Action Replay Codes (USA) If you are unfamiliar with Game Genie or Pro Action Replay (PAR) cheats and how to use them - fear not! Adventures Of Batman And Robin, The Adventures Of Dr. Franken, The Aero The Acrobat 2 Aerobiz Aladdin Alien 3 Aliens vs. 002. Once you find the code you would like to add to your list copy and paste Submit your cheats for Batman Returns using our cheats submission form and we'll post it up in a cheats page . Alien 3 Pro Action Replay Codes (USA) If you are unfamiliar with Game Genie or Pro Action Replay (PAR) cheats and how to use them - fear not! Pro Action Replay Codes. Sega Genesis Action Replay Codes GameShark Pro v3.0 User Manual . The following are known Game Genie Codes for Batman Returns on Super Nintendo (SNES). Submit your cheats for Batman Returns using our cheats submission form and we'll post it up in a cheats page . Infinite Lives, Energy, and Test Tubes (SNES) North. Unlimited Health: 7E008A50. Browse IGN . Sep 21, 2007 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers . Oswald Cobblepot was born with a flipper and an odd shaped nose, much to the fear of the doctors and disgust of the parents. 80859BA6. Who Voices The Ten Commandments In Seven Deadly Sins, Cbh Arlington Patient Portal, Too Much Of Everything Is Bad Meaning, Geffen Academy Wikipedia, Is There Costco In Australia, Vue Conditional Class, Fertility And Pregnancy Bracelet, Dungeon Explorer. Batman Returns Books: How to Win at Super NES Games - Super NES Games Secrets Conquering SNES Games 00CF6B00 Infinite lives 7E008A50 Infinite energy 7E009003 Infinite test tube 80C97EA5 Infinite lives (only 3/4 view levels) 80CA39A5 Protection from some hazards 80CFFD00 Cape sweep uses up no energy 80CFFD10 Cape sweep uses up more energy 80D01700 Spear gun . Both of these things are usually found under the Cheat tab if you're playing on an Emulator which is located on the Toolbar at the top of the Emulator's window. 1 hit kills - 7E075600 7E066600 7E057600 Batman Returns SNES Game Genie Codes If you are lucky enough to own a Game Genie you can use the below codes in Batman Returns cheats on the SNES. - Since 1999. Misc Codes: Max Money (Press Select) 94000130 FFFB0000. Hakchi2 CE identification codes for Libretro no-intro SNES games database. Snes9x Cheats Database. the snes games i played a few mins on the retro duo and then a few mins on the snes to compare. i was using the rare super 8 converter to play nes games through my snes. 26. Level 1 Map by Alex_GER 2019. However, I'd like to actually inject the code into the disc image so it's enabled permanently (Like what Game Genie Guy does for cartridge ROMs). . Art of Fighting. #2. Batman: Revenge of the Joker is an . Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) ยป Pro Action Replay TM Codes: Game Name Codes Updated; 007 (Japanese) 3: 04/10/2005 2020 Super Baseball: 2: 04/10/2005 3 Ninjas Kick Back (US) 1: 04/10/2005 . Luigi's Mansion (AR/GC U.K.) Simple Characters 2000 Series Vol.06 - Dokonjou Gaeru - The Mahjong (SLPS-03363) (GS/PS1) Simple Characters 2000 Series vol.13 - Kidou Senki Gundam W - The Battle (SLPS-03472) (GS/PS1) Susume! Added Final Fantasy 2 NES hacked Save State (Emulator) July 01/2000. . Archer McLean's Super Dropzone. Batman Returns Game Genie Codes (for Super Nintendo) Started by final kaoss, 07-04-2008 11:16 AM. Both of these things are usually found under the Cheat tab if you're playing on an Emulator which is located on the Toolbar at the top of the Emulator's window. Cheats, Cheat Codes & Hints. D59B-3Q5Y-6EGDB. Game Genie and Pro Action Replay Cheats supported in (jnes.cht) . Added Kirby's Dream Course codes (SNES) June 28/2000. (some codes are official and others are unofficial). Batman Returns . Dragon's Lair. $34.41 Batman Returns Game Genie Codes (for Super Nintendo) GScentral's codes without the extra shit Affiliates. Last Action Hero Legend of Galahad Legend of Wukong Lethal Enforcers Lethal Enforcers 2 LHX Attack Chopper BATMAN RETURNS - Action Replay Movie Cartridge MOC - 1992 VERY RARE! Infinite Lives 00CF6B00 Infinite Energy 7E008A50 Infinite Test Tubes 7E009003 Infinite Lives (Note: Only 3/4 view levels) 80C97EA5 Protection from some hazards 80CA39A5 Cape Sweep uses up no Energy << Go Back to Cheats. If any of the codes do not work, or if you know of any that do work that I did not mention please post about it in a comment below. 25 To Life | Action Replay MAX. Addams Family: Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt. Thread Tools. If you're playing with an. SNES Pro Action Replay Manual 2011 Final Fantasy 8 on Windows 7 64 Bit April 2012 Retro Gaming Advertisements 1 Retro Gaming Advertisements 2 Rom Hacks Start With 9 Lives DB68-4F00 Infinite Lives (Only 3/4 View Levels) C9A5-1764 Start With 6 Test Tubes D16F-4464 D1C0-4DD7 Start With 9 Test Tubes DB6F-4464 DBC0-4DD7 Protection From Some Hazards C9A7-C404 Cape Sweep Uses Up No Energy DDAE-3707
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