Use Terrorize in a sentence | Sentence examples of Terrorize truculence: The state or character of being truculent; savageness of manners and appearance; ferociousness; ferocity. . Ferociousness in a sentence | Example sentences Synonyms: "Extreme Makeover" on ABC; celebrity make-up artists . săv′ĭj-nĭs. Football Player In A Sentence. Information and translations of ferociousness in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. (Another word for ferocity is ferociousness, being fierce, cruel or savage.) Extremely powerful or destructive: a ferocious gale. s. savagery salvajismo. Or, in a possibly more likely scenario, as the writing on the wall of that election draws nearer, the committee itself will be forced to dial back its ferociousness in order to avoid criticisms that could completely wipe out the Democrats' chances of electoral success. Today we have a new type of soldier that is fighting us with more ferociousness and professionalism, the battle has changed: it's now in their Alawite home. Antonyms for intensity | List of English antonyms 'The battle to save the environment, if there is to be a successful one, will require extreme ferociousness and bravery coupled with extreme strategic intelligence.'. Such crazed banthas are set loose in the desert. Ferocious definition: A ferocious animal, person, or action is very fierce and violent . savage, feral, or violently angry. Ferocious synonyms | Best 48 synonyms for ferocious ferocious definition: 1. frightening and violent: 2. frightening and violent: 3. fierce and violent: . A ferocious warrior on the battlefield is capable of destroying the enemy without regret and will instill fear in the hearts of his enemies. This website can serve as a reference for the one who is looking how to use a word in sentences. Maybe in another universe, beings are like clouds or shadows in a cloudy or shadowy milieu. While he pursued the case with his usual passion and ferociousness, the threats to his family were increasing by the day. RhymeZone: intensity rhymes (viciousness) ferociousness: the trait of extreme cruelty; The following is a list of major and minor characters, with biographical information, from the anime and manga series Cowboy Bebop, directed by Shinichirō Watanabe and written by Keiko Nobumoto. The page not only provides Urdu meaning of Ferocious but also gives extensive definition in English language. Irony occurs as a result of either a difference in information or a difference in understanding. Drunk, suicidal, heavily armed rednecks terrorize cops and their families. 2. : very great or extreme. Ferocious definition, savagely fierce, as a wild beast, person, action, or aspect; violently cruel: a ferocious beating. 3. Salmon Fishery: Another Ecosystem on its Last Gasp « Colleen Anderson The strikes slowed for a while late last year as peace talks got underway but returned with a ferociousness in the new year. ferocious animals. more_vert. He stalks in his vivid stripes. Top News (17) Raider Buggies and Venoms work extremely well as do Black Hands and Flame Tanks. ferociously (also: bitterly, fiercely, rabidly, savagely, savagely) volume_up. In this form of irony a smart man pretends to be stupid and asks questions that seem innocent and even simple. Anderson talk about her first big-screen role: a force-of-nature performance in his love letter to the 1970s Valley "Alana has a ferocious and intimidating . While most canines are friendly, a wild wolf is more likely to act ferocious and deadly to a person since they are not domesticated. He had a ferocious [= savage] look in his eye. b) Though Craig was an expert on the Serengeti lion, now he also knew about the Tsavo lions. . Found on Reuters 6 years ago. iii. They tend to bite each other, often quite ferociously and usually on the face. Commonly used words are shown in bold.Rare words are dimmed. violence violencia. Extremely powerful or destructive: a ferocious gale. Xenophobia. 22. 1. Friend 2: They have been arguing a lot lately.. Parliament had long been ferociously demanding Mary's execution, not because she was guilty but because she was dangerous to the public peace. In AtoZChallenge 2016, Five Sentence Fiction, Uncategorized. Friend 2: Yes.When people allow their fighting to reach that point, things are said in anger that are regretted later. More example sentences. 9. THE AMERICAN HERITAGE® SPANISH DICTIONARY by the Editors of the American Heritage Dictionaries. 13. ferociousness translation in English-Vietnamese dictionary. James Baldwin. noun. You're very ferocious, you're a free spirit, you're outgoing. Below are ways to write this to say you are comparing one wild animal (the tiger) to oth. See more. Imagery - The poet has given detailed visual description about the tiger - He stalks in his vivid stripes. See more. 3. Everybody who opposes that including Tillerson and McMaster have to go. Advertisement. 2) The sentence which concludes the first paragraph, "Now they knew better", implies that . Disconcerting in a sentence | Short example sentence for disconcerting . : Experts on arguably the nation's most ferocious beast, say the cold February and March mean midges will appear about a month later than normal. Raider sentence examples:1.look! Wasps set their stall out from the start, our forward rucking ferociously and driving Teddington off the ball. 7. Synonyms are other words that mean the same thing. b. ferocious: [adjective] exhibiting or given to extreme fierceness and unrestrained violence and brutality. Examples of Ferocious in a sentence. And once the very zealousness of our comrades almost brought about the horror I feared. [fig.] More Sentences: 1 2 3 Neighbors "ferociously" in a sentence , "ferociously stoned" in a sentence , "ferociousness" in a sentence , "ferociousnesses" in a sentence , "ferocities" in a sentence , "ferodo" in a sentence , "ferodo ltd" in a sentence , "feroe building" in a sentence , "feroghe" in a sentence , Translate ferocidad into English. 7. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples. warning Request revision. He saw Gazzer's fingers jab ferociously into Simon's face. You must add a descriptor (e.g., "most, other"). ness. What does ferocious mean? Characterized by or showing extreme aggressiveness or violence: a ferocious glare; ferocious claws. He had a ferocious [= savage] look in his eye. A female lion defends her young ferociously. 1. : very fierce or violent. 2. Definition of Ferocious. (adjective) A ferocious demand for a product; ferocious courage. 2. Find 1279 ways to say WILDNESS, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. open_in_new Link to TED; warning Request revision; While the brutality of the video is indisputable -- if you decide to watch it, we must warn you . Find another word for ferociousness.In this page you can discover 15 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for ferociousness, like: depth . The guitarist-singer and director P.T. Even the Merlion is bathed in light, making it look especially ferocious. Extreme in activity or feeling; intense. For any queries please . Cookies help us deliver our services. iv. Even one or two with their apparent ferociousness though it would be wise to remember that not all is always as it seems. ferociousness ferocidad feminine. Learn more. That ferociousness involved learning to drive a big - rig truck for an incredible sequence in which Alana and Gary run out of gas after delivering a water bed to the house of real-life movie . b. Two friends are talking . ferociously. Maybe in another universe, sentient beings, as well as their very environment, are incorporeal. Commonly used words are shown in bold.Rare words are dimmed. Marahil sa ibang sansinukob, ang mga pagkatao ay parang ulap o anino sa maulap o maaninong kaligiran. [fə'rou∫əsnis] như ferociousness. Some paranormals are retaliating by using their powers to terrorize people. More example sentences. "I decided to stay away from the jungle because of the ferocity of the cannibals who lived there." "His eyes conveyed . more_vert. 7 sentence examples: 1. 1. a. there's the new tomb Raider video game you've been wanting.2.the armour of the redeemer is the same as that of the land Raider.3.i was able to find a great tusken Raider costume and model robot, which enabled me to paint from life as well as from imagination.4.the unit incorporates a p Learn more. v. Assonance - There is a prominent sound of the vowel 'i' - 1. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "FEROCIDADE" - portuguese-english translations and search engine for portuguese translations. 50. A tiger is a wild animal, but your sentence seems to indicate it is not a wild animal. Most of the sentences are taken from the books available in public domain. open_in_new Link to TED; warning Request revision; Perhaps what stands out the most is his ferociousness inside the octagon. Additionally, if in the Raider's chosen terrain, the Raider can inspire allies to ferociousness . Find 24 ways to say FEROCIOUSNESS, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples It was the terrier who had ferociously attacked the lion, and the lion was charmed. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples (adjective) A ferocious demand for a product; ferocious courage. : And, there are a large variety of such inflatables, including owl, ferocious looking tiger, jumpy kangaroos, and other members of their kingdom. Ferociousness in a sentence | Short example sentence for ferociousness[Class 1-5] Obtuseness in a sentence | Short example sentence for obtuseness[Class 1-5] . The definition of Ferocious is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. 'Fur seals can look adorable, but have grown a reputation on board for ferociousness.'. . A synonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression that has the same meaning as another, or almost the same meaning. The definition of Ferociously is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. 'Boxing Gym': A Bout With Human Nature. violentemente {adv.} 1. a. Previous of Ferociously. Again blows were struck and again A inquired ferociously as to the cause of the slip-up. Examples of zealousness in a sentence: 1. 1. : very fierce or violent. Antonym definition. Learn how to use Football Player in a sentence and make better sentences with word `Football Player` by reading from 260 Football Player sentence examples. Tra từ ferocity - Từ điển Anh Việt - English Vietnamese Dictionary. An antonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression whose meaning is opposite to that of a . Tendono a morsicarsi l'un l'altro, spesso abbastanza ferocemente e sul muso. savage act salvajada. 5. What does ferociousness mean? Friend 1: I think Jennifer and Stewart are going to break up soon.. More meanings of ferociousness, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations. Click on a word above to view its definition. 3. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples. The more dirt he found, the more trouble loomed on the horizon for his family and friends. Extreme in activity or feeling; intense: a ferocious demand for a product; ferocious courage . Ferociousness meaning is also available in other languages as well as you can also check the spelling of word Ferociousness. . - Abu Yousef al-Mouhajer. 2. ferocious animals. (19) Additionally, if in the Raider's chosen terrain, the Raider can inspire allies to ferociousness . What does voraciously mean? 2. : very great or extreme. . 3. Ferociousness: the trait of extreme cruelty. Maybe even simple-minded. 7. Ferociousness meanings in Urdu are وحشت پنا, خونخواری, دردنگی, بے رحمی Ferociousness in Urdu. Krishna was watching from his porch . We found 129 sentences of 'Mcmaster' to help you understand how to use Mcmaster in a sentence. Extreme in activity or feeling; intense: a ferocious demand for a product; ferocious courage . Anyone notice the increase in ferocity of these things this year?. 10. 10. Ferociousness in a sentence | Short example sentence for ferociousness. 4. English How to use "ferocious" in a sentence Click on a word above to view its definition. Ferocious definition, savagely fierce, as a wild beast, person, action, or aspect; violently cruel: a ferocious beating. The minimum sentence was natural life in prison (prison until death - no parole). Ferociousness in a sentence | ferociousness example sentences. Seeing his ferociousnes See ferocious. Extremely aggressive or violent: a ferocious attack dog. We had to counter their ferociousness with a level of passionate and tenacious defense unprecedented in that court. To me, Jungle Kitty is a frame of mind where you don't apologize for who you are. ferocity. [fə'rɔsiti] Cách viết khác: ferociousness. Armed thieves terrorize women without husbands or sons to protect them. The special assistant prosecutor and the detective in charge were ruthless. noun. Whats not to love I mean the hero is a football player, who doesn't love a football player. Characterized by or showing extreme aggressiveness or violence: a ferocious glare; ferocious claws. Answer (1 of 15): This sentence is understandable, but it is inaccurate. cruelty crueldad feminine. Fergon: trade name of a drug rich in iron; used to treat some types of anemia. cious (fə-rō′shəs) adj. 14. (18) Police said the raider fled empty - handed. Translations in context of "FEROCIDADE" in portuguese-english. McMaster had developed perspectives contrary to an accommodation of Mr. A ferocious wind swept the beach. Examples of Ferocious in a sentence. With the help of this platform, learn the appropriate use of the Ferociousness in a sentence.
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