keen interest in a sentence

'Of course, it takes a keen military intellect to understand the strategic importance of . volume_up more_vert. That house is big and green. Keen Interest synonyms - 304 Words and Phrases for Keen ... Lack in a Sentence - 45 Real Example Sentences avid. He has absolutely no interest in the study. Synonyms for Keen Interest (other words and phrases for Keen Interest). Since you are reading this article, chances are you take a keen interest in law and want to know the basics of life sentences. Menard rose, and with the priest peered through the cracks at the rear of the hut. Big data refers to a large and diverse amount of information that is continually growing - in terms of size, scope, and complexity. When using the word "keen" in your writing, make sure it conforms to the style of your writing. . " Keen commonly means eager, interested, or enthusiastic. 36 Unit 2 • Understanding Paragraph Basics Word Order: Be + Adjective If the main verb of a sentence is be, the adjective can come after the verb. To avoid sounding insincere with your compliments, bring up a . volume_up more_vert. A keen interest in politics, civics, and social affairs kept her mind active until the end of her life. Learn the definition of the word "keen" and how to use keen in a sentence. Save sentence. est 1. Definition of keen_1 adjective in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. He watched it with the keenest attention. keen interest in a sentence - Use keen interest in a sentence and its meaning 1. But through all situations of his life he preserved his equanimity, his keen interest in science, and his indefatigable zeal for the instruction of others. 34. copy. keep an eye out. play. The meaning of eager is very excited and interested. Having a fine, sharp cutting edge or point. antonyms. He was a fine horseman and keen hunter. 31. Having or showing a capacity for persistent effort; not tiring or relenting. keen on. largely mostly. She kept a keen eye out for the same kind of weed and was surprised at how much they found. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. 3. The meaning of keen is having or showing an ability to think clearly and to understand what is not obvious or simple about something. Creating Long Sentences in English: Boost Your Communication Skills. . He continued to take a keen interest in art and science. However, it contains only one independent clause. Talk about your strengths with examples that set you apart from others. Having or marked by intellectual quickness and acuity. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Use words and phrases you would use when speaking to the employer. Simple Sentences with "be keen on" A simple sentence with "be keen on" contains a subject and a verb, and it may also have an object and modifiers. If a sentence doesn't have a subject and a verb, it is not a complete sentence (e.g., In the sentence "Went to bed," we don't know who went to bed). The young boy has a keen intellect and excels in a variety of subjects. He is a keen cricket enthusiast. If the company you're applying for was recently in the news, mention it in the opening line and tie it into why you admire the company. He wasn't too keen on the idea when she first told him about it. Answer (1 of 3): As other writers have noted, the word "KEEN " is usually followed by the preposition "ON." So, she is keen on building (pursuing) a career in music." The word "keen" in this sentence is used to show that someone is enthusiastic about pursuing something, and just as she was keen o. Arriazu, 24, has been a prime feeder of this keen interest. This would almost be better as a comment on another answer, or edited into one. The ongoing drought in the state is being described . is not responsible for their content. If you have a keen interest in something, you are really, really into it. Another way to say Keen Interest? The world is in constant need of teachers who can teach English as a foreign or second language. I have no interest in music. i have a genuine interest. use "keen" in a sentence. I am keen that you should get the prize. English words and Examples of Usage Example Sentences for "keen" Livia is a very keen student who asks lots of questions, and always puts in a great deal of effort on all her assignmentsDakota isn't very keen to go to the party because there won't be many people she knows there. * acute: having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions; "He was a keen observer of politics and politicians" * a funeral . Man is gaining knowledge in the field of their interest. i am curious. 34. Keyword Extraction in Python. More details, basically. In fact, at times she had been almost brutally clear that she was no longer interested in him. volumeOutline. Keen example sentences, listen the pronunciation, easily copy & paste. : A charitable man he always took a keen interest in local affairs and was always ready with support for local events. Keen interest in definition: If you have an interest in something, you want to learn or hear more about it. Although he had to dismiss his childhood ambition to be a professional skier due to what he calls a "lack of talent," Mr. Bamber is a keen triathlete. . Keen example sentences, listen the pronunciation, easily copy & paste. English We take a keen interest in the question of the death penalty everywhere. After successful completion of this masterclass, you'll become a certified TESOL teacher and can start teaching English all . Talk about things that can excite the . do have an interest. Throughout much of his career Palmer displayed a keen interest in shipbuilding and helped to design packets (passenger boats), pleasure yachts, and clipper ships. = He has a keen interest in art history. A keen intellect is one that's sharp in the sense of being mentally strong. See more. Next Post i have a natural interest. The topic and concluding sentences state that he was an African American inventor who grew up on his family's farm and had a keen interest in acquiring knowledge. James is an avid supporter of any organization that is trying to improve the environment. 2. example sentences. A dog's keen sense of smell compensates for his inability to see colors, and enables him to differentiate between things. Learn the definition of the word "keen" and how to use keen in a sentence. He wasn't too keen on the idea when she first told him about it. Example sentences using "Keen". View synonyms. We are also going to take a look into some of the longest life sentences that prisoners have served. You can't lead effectively unless you communicate elegantly. Remember - it is important not to start every sentence with "I". got an interest. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. This Book Covers The Following Topics: The ongoing drought in the state is being described as the country's worst in many decades, causing agricultural distress and forcing villagers to move to urban areas looking for work. Newsreaders are expected to deliver current information apathetically, irrespective of the myriad emotions the news being delivered may create in them. Sentence examples for displayed a keen interest in from inspiring English sources. Modifiers are . An "interest" can also refer to a hobby, something that you like to do or learn about. What does indefatigable mean? 2. 23. Lot of example sentences with the word keen on. The strength of a cover letter lies in the language and the detail, so it makes good sense to devote the necessary time and effort to writing an effective cover letter. Answer (1 of 5): You would want to reverse the way it is written and start it off with "Although I lack employment experiences, I have a deep interest in human resource management." - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar Toggle navigation share. . Keen Sentence Examples. A similar use of "interest" refers to wanting to know more about a subject, and this is how the word is used in the phrase "Thank you for your interest.". He continued to take a keen interest in art and science. i have a proper interest. Use these 'power sentences' to advance in your career. Short & Simple Example Sentence For Keenest | Keenest Sentence. Definition of discerning - having or revealing keen insight and good judgment.Examples of it in a sentence:She had a discerning eye for color.He was a discerning critic. exact ( 6 ) "I have a keen interest in the children understanding what learning is for themselves, and seeing themselves as learners," he says. ; The cloud-throned moon from his dominion Peered drowsily through veils of mist. 2.1. He continued to take a keen interest in art and science. See how to use keen on in a sentence. LuAnn is an avid fan of high school sports, and she wears the team colors to every . She kept a keen eye out for the same kind of weed and was surprised at how much they found. have a stake. 184. Millions of people around the world speak in English and billions are looking to improve their English skills. Two ladies pitched and rolled about, exactly as if they were peasants, and laughing as if they were children--this was a spectacle and a keen appreciation of a joke that brought joy to a rustic blouse. Data comes from various sources such as social media, transactions, machines (sensors and IoT . Keen Sentence Examples. More example sentences. Sending your letter of interest out with a generic heading. arrow_drop_down. Terry listened with the keenest disappointment. 2. Brag a little. last but not least. Simple Sentences with "thou" A simple sentence with "thou" contains a subject and a verb, and it may also have an object and modifiers.

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keen interest in a sentence