As per the Census India 2011, Pratapgarh Tehsil has 106092 households, population of 640208 of which 323955 are males and 316253 are females. Blocks | District Raebareli,Goverment of Uttar Pradesh | India To get total village list. BhuLekh here you also know how many district in Pratapgarh In Uttar Pradesh with name and Uttar Pradesh district list, Uttar Pradesh collector name list, if you want to know how many district in Uttar Pradesh and 2021 district of Uttar Pradesh It is one of 5 Tehsils of Pratapgarh district. Lalganj Tehsil Branch - Punjab National Bank IFSC, address, branch phone number, manager contact number, email address. Please click here S.No. Pratapgarh district has the world's first temple dedicated to farmers, named Kisan Devta Mandir. Pratapgarh has a population of 8,67,848 peoples. In India, the Block or C.D.Block is often the next level of administrative division after the tehsil. Know list of police station (Thana) of Pratapgarh district. Directory. Home > Uttar Pradesh > Pratapgarh > Pratapgarh. #. Primarily, an agragrian district, for a while now, Pratapgarh has risen in ranks as the top producer of Aonla fruit. Toggle navigation Census 2011 View satellite images/ street maps of villages in Patti Tehsil of Pratapgarh district in Uttar Pradesh, India. Find the Complete List of Places and Area in Allahabad In Uttar Pradesh with all detail you get here. 1. Find your nearest NGOs address, contact details and more. The total population of Pratapgarh Tehsil is 248,813 out . BhuLekh. It is a sub-division among the 5 sub-divisions of the Pratapgarh district. Jaipur, Jodhpur, and Kota have two municipal corporations each since October 2019, because their populations have exceeded 10 lakh each. District- Pratapgarh. Pratapgarh (173) कुण्डा. List of Blocks in Prayagraj district; S.No. List of all villages and towns in Pratapgarh Tehsil of Pratapgarh district, Rajasthan. Phone Numbers: 9415638927. Customer Service Cell Area officer: 0532-2408589. Home > Uttar Pradesh > Pratapgarh > Patti. Dev Narayan Yojana District Tehsil Area places of interest district prayagraj government of, haryana labour search shops, top ten private engineering colleges india the top ten in, pratapgarh uttar pradesh wikipedia, chap 22 welfare of bc tad rajasthan, mahwa tehsil sindhindia, pensionscheme u p, churu district emitra recruitment apply online Get list of villages in Pratapgarh , Rajasthan. Disclaimer List of Tehsils in Pratapgarh District; Tehsil/Taluk Name Total (Rural + Urban) Population (2001) in Number . List of all villages and towns in Patti Tehsil of Pratapgarh district, Uttar Pradesh. Jio Stores Address Contact Number; Jio Point - Delhupur: Reliance Retail Limited : Khatauni No 565 Khasra No 115, Village Saherua Tehsil sadar, Delhupur, Dist - Pratapgarh, Uttar Pradesh , Pincode . Find the Complete List of Places and Area in Pratapgarh In Uttar Pradesh with all detail you get here. Patti is a Tehsil located in Pratapgarh district of Uttar Pradesh. List of all Tehsils in Pratapgarh district of Rajasthan state with details of Population, Religion, Literacy and Sex Ratio. 2. List of all towns and Villages in Pratapgarh Tehsil of Pratapgarh district, Rajasthan. The total population of Patti Tehsil is 610,548 out of which . Indane Gas Agency in Pratapgarh, Uttar Pradesh. Rajasthan has 10 Municipal Corporations, 34 Municipal Councils and 152 Municipal Boards or Nagar Pachayats.Thus Rajasthan has total 196 Municipalities or Urban Local Bodies(ULBs). District Raebareli has 18 Blocks Amawan Bachhrawan Sataon Dalmau Harchandpur Kheeron Lalganj Maharajganj Jagatpur Rahi Rohaniya Sareni Shivgarh Deen Shah Gaura . Pratapgarh has a population of 6,40,208 peoples. Neemuch City , Nimbahera City , Pratapgarh City , Manasa City are the nearby Cities to Chhoti Sadri. Get list of villages in Pratapgarh , Rajasthan. As per Census 2011, total . List of all towns and Villages in Kunda Tehsil of Pratapgarh district, Uttar Pradesh. Tehsils in Pratapgarh District, Rajasthan. #. District Name (English) Tehsil Name (English) Tehsil Name (Hindi) 1. District Code District Name Tehsil Code Tehsil Name; 1: 172: Fatehpur: 00879: Khaga: 2: 172: Fatehpur: 00878: Fatehpur Sadar: 3 . Kunda Pratapgarh Pin Code is 230204, Get Postal code (Zip Code) of Kunda Pratapgarh which is located in Pratapgarh, Zone, Uttar Pradesh in India Sunday, November 14, 2021 English →. It is one of 5 Tehsils of Pratapgarh district. There are 207 villages and 0 towns in Peepalkhoont Tehsil. [1] The Rajasthan Municipalities Act, 2009 governs the administration of all the urban local bodies in the state. It belongs to Udaipur Division . Punjab National Bank - Lalganj Tehsil is located at Uttar Pradesh state, Pratapgarh district, Deewanganj city and the bank branch's address is [Lalgunj Tehsil Dist Pratapgarh Uttapradesh 230132]. Pratapgarh: JAI CHAND MOHIL SAMUDAYIK SWASTHYA KENDR: BHANWAR MATA ROAD CHHOTISADRI TEHSIL CHHOTISADRI: T11224: Pali: COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER SOJATROAD: opp ladha colony sojatroad: T11028: Banswara: COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER BAGIDORA: near vidhyaniketan school , naugama road , bagidora: T10935: Alwar: COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER NEEMRANA: CHC . Map showing all villages, major roads, train route, hotels, hospitals, schools, colleges, religious places and . Find the most comprehensive list of NGOs in Pratapgarh. Click on the Tehsil name to get complete details villages and towns with Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data. © District Pratapgarh,Uttar Pradesh , Developed and hosted by National Informatics Centre, Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India . Get list of villages in Kunda , Uttar Pradesh. In Mirzapur there are 1967 villages whereas its block wise details are mentioned below. Learn about NGOs serving elderly, sick, poor, children, environment in Pratapgarh. As per Census 2011, there are 6 towns and 410 villages within Pratapgarh Tehsil. khategaon tehsil dewas district, pratapgarh uttar pradesh ipfs, pradhan mantri awas yojana gramin pmay g list, poverty alleviation unit welcome to malappuram, district gonda government of uttar pradesh green gonda, kala dev village in lateri vidisha madhya pradesh, top ten private engineering Disclaimer List of Tehsils in Pratapgarh District; Tehsil/Taluk Name Total (Rural + Urban) Population (2001) in Number . It is situated on National Highway 113.Pipalkhunt is a town located on the Banswara - Jaipur Expressway surrounded . © District Pratapgarh,Uttar Pradesh , Developed and hosted by National Informatics Centre, Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India . State Unit Lucknow : Disclaimer: Data is Provided by the District Supply Office, Government of UP. Tehsil Name (English) Tehsil Name (Hindi) 1. Find the Complete List of Places and Area in Pratapgarh In Uttar Pradesh with all detail you get here. It is one of 5 Tehsils of Pratapgarh district. Punjab National Bank Lalganj Tehsil, Pratapgarh, Uttar Pradesh (Branch Code 74900) IFSC code (PUNB0874900) for NEFT / RTGS / ECS, MICR code, branch code, BIC code, phone number, fax number, toll free number, email Id, address, timings, website details and map of branch location. List of Municipal Corporations or Nagar Nigams of Rajasthan. Its population growth rate over the decade 2001-2011 was 16.2%. * Pratapgarh Tehsil Map highlights the name and location of all the mandals. The Pratapgarh district is further divided in to Tehsils / Blocks / Community Development Blocks (C.D.Blocks) for administrative purposes. There are 556 villages and 1 towns in Patti Tehsil. Uttar Pradesh District Websites: Agra: Aligarh: Ambedkar Nagar: Vill.And Post- Purab Gaon. here you also know how many district in Pratapgarh In Uttar Pradesh with name and Uttar Pradesh district list, Uttar Pradesh collector name list, if you want to know how many district in Uttar Pradesh and 2021 district of Uttar Pradesh Total area of Pratapgarh is 641 km² including 611.84 km² rural area and 29.21 km² urban area. Complete details of Population, Religion, Literacy and Sex Ratio in tabular format. Contact Details of Police Administration: click here. The total population of Pratapgarh District is 3,209,141 out of which urban population is 175,242 while rural is 3,033,899. Click on the Tehsil name to get complete details villages and towns with Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data. According to Census 2011 information the sub-district code of Pratapgarh block is 00882. Pratapgarh town (Pin Code 312605, STD Code 01478) is the administrative headquarters of the district. 29,391. It is located 41 KM towards west from District head quarters Pratapgarh. As per Census 2011, there are 1 towns and 293 villages within Pratapgarh Tehsil. Aashvi Purab Gaon Indane Grami. View satellite images/ street maps of villages in Pratapgarh Tehsil of Pratapgarh district in Uttar Pradesh, India. Peepal Khoont (Hindi: पीपलखूंट) mainly known as Pipalkhunt is a Tehsil headquarter and Panchayat Samiti of the Pratapgarh district of Rajasthan state. Reduced Map. List of municipalities in Rajasthan Last updated November 15, 2020. In this district, farmers are revered as gods. Serial No. Pratapgarh has a population of 32,09,141 peoples. The total population of Pratapgarh District is 867,848 out of which urban population is 71,807 while rural is 796,041. List of all towns and Villages in Patti Tehsil of Pratapgarh district, Uttar Pradesh. All tehsils of the division; S.No. The temple was established by Shailendra Yogi, a homeopathic doctor, in Sarai Mahesh village of Patti tehsil of Pratapgarh in 2015. Contact List of District Administration and Helpline are listed below-. Dhariawad is a Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Pratapgarh District of Rajasthan. According to Census 2011 information the sub-district code of Dhariawad block is 00696. NIC (UP) State Unit/District Unit will not be Responsible for any Descrepancy Found in Information Displaying on Website. Directory. Contact List of District Administration and Helpline are listed below-.
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