Assam Geography MCQ - For APSC, PNRD, TET, DHS, Assam Police, etc. Finally, Assam got separated from Arunachal Pradesh and Mizoram in 1972 and became an independent state in 1986. Assam Geography MCQ - For APSC, PNRD, TET, DHS, Assam ... Sania was hired to film the video shoot while Islam, Azad, and Ibrahim Ali were on their Youtube Channel SR Official. Ethnic groups in Assam Gangetic gharial, 19 species of tortoises and 77 species of snakes and lizards are found in the state. It is the mother tongue/language of Assamese people. It is known for its wildlife, tea plantations, and varied culture. Medicinal Plants and Natural Herbs of Assam | Assam Yellow ... Description of State bird of Assam - White-winged wood duck. Neo-Vaishnavism in Assam : Satras and Namghar - Indic Today The state is bordered by Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh to the north; Nagaland and Manipur to the east; Meghalaya, Tripura, Mizoram and Bangladesh to the south; and West Bengal to . It's an Indo-aryan language also known as sister language of Bengali, Oriya and Maithili. [12] Assam is home to the one-horned Indian rhinoceros, along with the wild water buffalo, pygmy hog, tiger and various species of Asiatic birds, and provides one of the last wild habitats for the Asian elephant. Dispur is the capital of Assam. Hollong is a medium hardwood, timber tree. All these Eastern Indo-aryan languages evolved from Magadhi Prakrit. In Assam, along with jewelry created by gold, silver etc, you also get to wear jewelry made out of bamboo and cane. Here is a set of Assam Geography MCQ (multiple choice question). Ans: Hollong. As Assam Lemon is rich in Vitamin C, the zest and leaves of Assam Lemon has many medicinal values. They can not only cure our ailments but can also be a potential source of economic development. info)) (Assamese: অসম Ôxôm [ɔxɔm]) metung yang estadu king dake nang pangulu-aslagan ning India, a maki tungku/capitoliu king Dispu king bandang kilual (outskirts) ning lakanbalen ning Guwahati.Atiu iti king bandang aslagan ning kabundukan a Himalayas, a bibilugan ning lambak da reng ilug a Brahmaputra ampong Barak, ampo ing Karbi Anglong ampo reng . Assam is a land of many peoples. Ans: Indian rhinoceros. In NalbariRaax festival is celebrated in the premises of HariMandir in the heart of the town. In the East, The Ahoms who invaded in 1228 had captured a large portion of Chutiya and Kachari Kingdoms. The jaapi is a conical hat made of bamboo and covered with dried tokou (a palm tree found in rainforests of Upper Assam) leaves. History [ edit ] Assamese as a nationalistic identity was seeded when the Ahom kingdom came under repeated attacks from the Bengal Sultanate in the early 16th century and the people banded together under Suhungmung (1497-1539) to resist a . Here, we have curated a list of the best tea estates in Assam, for you to visit on your next trip to this beautiful state. As part of this, it has offered incentives to farmers . List of medicinal plants and natural herbs of assam.There are over 1500 species of medicinal plants reported so far from India and more than 350 species from Assam. State Tree. The State of Assam is a constituent unit of the Eastern Himalayan Biodiversity Region; one of the two biodiversity "Hot Spots" in the country. This post is going to be very useful for various competitive examinations e.g., APSC, Assam Police, TET, DHS, PNRD etc. 15 Best Tea Estates In Assam That Are A Must Visit. If you think the "Know your state Assam" article is not enough and want to know deeply about Assam, then we like to recommend this awesome book on Assam . An idea about the flourishing state of cane and bamboo products of Assam was fond even during the time of Bhaskara Varman (early part of the 7th century A.D.), the king of Assam, may be had from the following extract. As 'Asama', 'Peerless', means 'to be defeated, with the Assamese Prefix 'A', Assam means Undefeated. Assam was ruled by three dynasties: Kamarupa-Palas (900-1100 CE), The Mlechchha dynasty (655-900 CE) and the Vermanas (350-650 CE). Q: Which is the Assam state Animal ? Q: Which is the Assam state Flower? ldentities of some ethnic groups of Assam are given below;- Since then, the Assamese are living peacefully irrespective of their tribal, cultural, racial, or regional differences. The Upper region of the state of Assam is the most productive region in the state, . region have 70 species of Amphibions reported from the region.. Assam is known for Assam tea and Assam silk. Saniya Akhtar, her mother Monowara, begum from Daypam. Assamese is the most beautiful language. Assamese (/ ˌ æ s ə ˈ m iː z /), also Asamiya ([ɔ̞ˈx̟omia] অসমীয়া), is an Indo-Aryan language spoken mainly in the northeast Indian state of Assam, where it is an official language.It is the easternmost Indo-European language, spoken by over 23 million speakers, and serves as lingua franca of the region.. Nefamese, an Assamese-based pidgin, is used in Arunachal Pradesh . If you see the roots of both these languages, you'll note that the ancient versions of these languages sounded nothing like the modern-day versions of the languages. What is the name of State bird of Assam. And about the vocabulary and speech, t. Habit and habitat of White-winged wood duck. List of medicinal plants and natural herbs of assam.There are over 1500 species of medicinal plants reported so far from India and more than 350 species from Assam. Q: Which is the Assam state . Most of the dresses here are hand - loomed. Jaapi. Tropical Wet Evergreen, Tropical Semi-Evergreen, Tropical Moist Deciduous, Sub-Tropical Broad leaved Hill, Sub-Tropical Pine and Littoral, and Swamp Forests are the main forest types found in the state. The flower of the Indian Rose Chestnut tree is the State Flower of Tripura, locally called as nageshwar.. Calophyllaceae (Calophyllum family) » Mesua ferrea L. ¿ may-SEW-ah ?-- named after Mesue, father-son, Arabian physicians and botanists . Guwahati became the first city in the country to have its own city animal with the district administration declaring the Gangetic river . (C) Monalisa Baruah Mehta. This university pays special emphasis on the growth and prosperity of the art and craft of north east India, with particular focus on the state of Assam. Deo Hah (Assamese) STATE TREE Hollong Dipterocarpus macrocarpus Hollong (Assamese) STATE FLOWER Fox-tail Orchid Rhynchostylis retusa Kopou Phul (Assamese) STATE SYMBOLS OF ASSAM STATE ANIMAL Indian one-horned Rhino Rhinoceros unicornis Gor (Assamese) AGRICULTURE In Assam, agriculture makes an important contribution to the income and employment . All the ethnic communities identify themselves as Assamese people.Their contributions to the Assamese society cannot be ignored. In this article, you will get a quick overview of Assam. The vernacular media is completely functioning in collaboration with the government, and critical voices in the state are few. As part of this, it has offered incentives to farmers . Chouudhury.) The Assam government, in an effort to salvage this native tree from further disappearance, notified the Assam Agarwood Promotion Policy 2020. Renowned for its tea, wildlife and silk, Assam is a state with rich biodiversity. Helps in preparation of exams. General Knowledge symbols of Assam Gk questions answers. Indian State Quiz. It is also used as a home-remedy for many diseases. Assam Tourism. Some of the most widely recounted folk traditions in Assam have been folktales (Xadhukotha), idioms (Jotua thaas) and proverbs (Fokora Jujona) - a part of the rich repository of oral traditions found across the state. Assam covers an area of 78,438 km 2 (30,285 sq mi). Assam State Board of Secondary Education Board (SEBA), Class 10th grade English Medium, Hindi Medium, Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Manipuri, Garo, Nepali Medium understudies students can search SEBA Class 10 Question Answer download, SEBA HSLC Question Papers Pdf with study material for all administration and non-public schools under SEBA board.SEBA Class Question answers guidance is very . It is a melting pot of the numerous ethnic tribes and sub-tribes residing in the state. Q: Which is the Assam state Tree? Festivals of Assam in Assamese. The Assam government led by the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) announced a judicial inquiry into the incident that has sent shock waves among the civil society. Traditional Dress of Assam. (a) Snow leopard (b) Asiatic Lion (c) Asian elephant (d) Indian rhinoceros Ans: Indian rhinoceros.
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