stupendous example sentence

stupid definition: 1. silly or unwise; showing poor judgment or little intelligence: 2. annoying, or causing a…. Vast Adjective Despite its stupendous size, the General Sherman Tree is by no means the oldest known giant sequoia. This is the opposite of what is done with coordinating conjunctions, or words that join two independent clauses ( for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and sometimes so ). They'll cover: Powerful sentence patterns and; How you can use them to improve your writing Episode resources and links: Useful Sentence Patterns for IELTS Writing Learn how to improve your IELTS band score with Magoosh! Example sentences Thank you so much , l really understoof. ; His memory is stupendous : and his accuracy in all points of detail never failing. Subordinating How to say stupendous in English? ‘The heavy and massive furniture seems doomed to remain anchored to its designated space.’. We are walking home after practice _____ 6. enorm {adj.} Find words for stupendous in Spanish in this Spanish-English dictionary. The real rule is that you have to use “an” in a sentence when a word has a vowel sound at the beginning. 1270.04(b) and (c) were combined into the new first sentence of a revised § 1270.04(b), ... For example, Bill Clinton agreed to lower the US annual output of greenhouse gases by 7% at Cop3. In the example above, the relation is that of cause and result. What An Imagination! 1 Large and heavy or solid. 58. English How to use "stupendous" in a sentence . For example, the difference between 60 and 50 degrees is a measurable 10 degrees, as is the difference between 80 and 70 degrees. You're A Real Trooper! Learn more. It's Everything I Hoped For! Different control measures must be regarded as complementary and not as competing. The database contains 293,646 individual pedigree pages, less about 32,000 pages with no information, omitted to save space. more_vert. The hotel was very nice, and the service was great. far beyond what is usual in magnitude or degree; synonyms: exceeding, olympian, surpassing, exceptional. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "clusters" in a variety of sentences. All are but parts of one stupendous whole, whose body, nature is, and God the soul. YA, NA, or straight adult, it’s only the word choices, sentence structure, and how graphic the work is that changes. Stupendous means very impressive, for instance we could say: ‘Shakuntala Devi's grasp of mathematics was stupendous, she could answer faster than the computer. Sensational! 5. The remedy for a widespread defect was found. Traducir stupendous de Inglés a español. Nasty. The author's stupendous research and grasp of the sources are such that few will contest his core argument that the Enlightenment was a coherent, Europe-wide phenomenon, intellectual in origin, which represented a profound shift in the way that men thought about themselves and the world around them.Mr Israel would like his book to be studied beyond academia. Learn more. Punctuation Exercises for Class 5 CBSE With Answers PDF Punctuation marks are signs such as periods, commas and ... You are stupendous _____ 4. You're Unique! 20 years later, the May Fourth Movement came to be known as the New Culture Movement. Anonymous says: November 28, 2019 at 3:34 am. Reply. Peloponnesian example sentences, listen the pronunciation, easily copy & paste. Short & Simple Example Sentence For Widespread | Widespread Sentence. A mighty fortress is our God; A bulwark never failing. D. Read each sentence and add a period or an exclamation mark to complete each sentence. Don't mistake gratitude for passion. What is an antonym for ” Wonderful ” ? It Couldn't Be Better! Examples of wondrous in a Sentence. gratitude. Object. Gratitude sentence example. The two sentences might be rewritten: ... of words entitled to this position of prominence is usually the logical predicate, that is, the new element in the sentence, as it is in the second example. Simple past tense and past participle of execrate. 1490. It entails widespread ruin and degradation. Which sentence is an example of an idiom? His guitar solos are just unbelievable. 32. fantastic. 12. In order to see whether the heat came out of the chips he compared the capacity for heat of the chips abraded by the boring bar with that of an equal quantity of the metal cut from the block by a fine saw, and obtained the same result in the two cases, from which he concluded that "the heat produced could not possibly have been furnished at the expense of the latent heat of the … Example sentences: Travelers have differed in their measurements of this stupendous growth. at the beginning or at the end of the conditional sentence)? Inferior. Where is the if-clause (e.g. See more. If it refers to Constantine the Great, the change that was made by his conversion to Christianity might be very properly represented under the emblem of an earthquake .” In this episode, Eliot and Naomi talk about a very important IELTS Writing skill: sentence construction. copy. Learn about why adjectives are ordered and how to do it. Incandescent example sentences, listen the pronunciation, easily copy & paste. Synonym Discussion of Stupendous. There are example sentences to show how the language is used. Extract from : « The Grand Old Man » by Richard B. Cook "Fairly bobbish, thank you," he answered, looking at her with stupendous gravity. Pronunciation Guide Compare the recording of a native speaker with TTS voice. For words with vowels at the beginning that sound like consonants, such as the “u” in unicorn, use “a” instead. must be regarded. It includes the words of adjectives, participles, and also adverbs while describing any kind of natural behavior and actions, which enhances and improves the flow of writing. :: Thanks friends for never failing to correct me. unusually large : huge. They’ll cover: Powerful sentence patterns Using sentence patterns to improve your writing If you like this lesson, please subscribe […] It follows that sages must be regarded as extraordinary beings animated by the finest qi-essence. Examples of words with open and closed syllables at sightwordgames. tragic. Example – ‘today I got a stupendous score on the test” which means a very high or perfect score on the test. Meanings Synonyms Sentences You have our undying gratitude for your donation! The Amityville Horror is a good example, ... Stupendous amount of information. Check 'stupendous' translations into Afrikaans. The new houses have been built with astonishing speed. Example sentence: The special effects in Game of Thrones are amazing! 12. This meal was savory and stupendous. open_in_new Link to ; warning Request revision; Following this stupendous success in experimentation, many music directors cashed in his newfound … Similar words and expressions: great, fantastic, awesome, brilliant, stupendous, excellent. Awe-inspiring. –Sentence Completion – 13 questions –Passage-based Reading – 35 questions •Skills ... For example, if you know the answer is in line ... stupendous lethal force, and the Earth is pictured as something delicate, like rising bubbles at the Shawn Coyne says: November 13th, 2014 . Cara, hombros y escote perfectamente bronceados: bronceado natural, aspecto estupendo. (This total includes 6000+ alternate pedigrees, 1200+ missing generation markers, 200 bogus individuals omitted from the Index, and 4200 abstractions (non-people); but does not include about 45,000 children, spouses, or alternates without clickable links.) The real rule is that you have to use “an” in a sentence when a word has a vowel sound at the beginning. stupendous (also: almighty, awesome, colossal, crass, enormous, gigantic, huge, humongous, immense, monstrous) volume_up. One way to measure China’s urge to transform itself is to note how often the word new has been used by Chinese leaders. tragic. She proved all thfough her regency that she not only relied upon the support of the Vatican and of the prelates, but that she was determined to favor the Church and the religious foundations in every possible way. c) Jerry is as fast as a cheetah. Smooth out your speech with conversational connectors, sentence stretchers and filler words in Spanish. Learn about why adjectives are ordered and how to do it. Learn more. Root – Stupendous has classical Latin roots from stupere, to be stunned. 415. ‘a massive rampart of stone’. Something else. chatelaine: [noun] the wife of a castellan : the mistress of a château. One way to measure China’s urge to transform itself is to note how often the word new has been used by Chinese leaders. He was a wonderful father to both his natural and adopted children. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "federation" in a variety of sentences. (For a list of vowel examples, see below.) copy. 6 Useful Sentence Patterns to Improve Your IELTS Writing Listen and subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher. 30. wonderful. what a wondrous discovery fire must have been . Awesome! a) Learning how to ride a bike was a piece of cake. 1. The database contains 293,646 individual pedigree pages, less about 32,000 pages with no information, omitted to save space. enormous definition: 1. extremely large: 2. extremely large: 3. extremely large or great: . the mistress of a household or of a large establishment. 1508. adjective. Stupendous Meaning – amazing, astonishing or overwhelming. ‘It has a heavy skull and a massive neck, and it is also by far the shortest-legged and least cursorial canid.’. b) It is a stupendous strategy to study. Stamina sentence examples:1.but even by his standards the next few days will be a daunting test of nerve and Stamina from which only two outcomes are possible.2.these climbing training exercises can increase athletic Stamina and improve athletic performance, leading to better rock climbing.3.she said: we need patience an The museum featured a display of wondrous tapestries. You're A Good Sport! Tip of using English Dictionary Show English-English Dictionary search result at one go.

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stupendous example sentence