France is the homeland of the Protestant Reformer John Calvin, but Protestant Christianity remains a small . In . Religion Number of followers Percentage of total population; Islam: 33,096,308: 96.8 %: Christianity: Religion in France is diverse under secular . Religions: Islam (mostly Sunnis) 88%, Eastern Orthodox 9%, other 3%. Uzbekistan: 30,842,796: Muslim 88% (mostly Sunni), Eastern Orthodox 9%, other 3% . Uzbekistan's government once routinely imprisoned Christians, but fines and short . Chi-square tests statistically significant at the .001 for both. Uzbekistan today is the most populous country in Central Asia and is ranked the third-largest state by population in CIS after Russia and Ukraine. Percentage of World Shia Population Approximate Percentage of Muslim Population that is Shia . UZBEKISTAN 2016 INTERNATIONAL RELIGIOUS FREEDOM REPORT . Uzbek is the language of about twenty million Uzbeks living in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan. The majority adheres to Sunni Islam, and approximately . At present, a large percentage of school-going children have zero proficiency in the Russian language in urban centers as well. Religious Activities: In Uzbekistan, religious congregation is only allowed by registered religious communities. The most recent imports of Uzbekistan are led by Vehicle Parts ($952M), Packaged Medicaments ($740M), Refined Petroleum ($548M), Cars . Adherents of World Religions by Country . According to U.S. government estimates, 88 percent of the population is Muslim, while the Ministry of Foreign Affairs estimates 96 percent of the population is Muslim. This entry is an ordered listing of religions by adherents starting with the largest group and sometimes includes the percent of total population. Though he won easily, the official turnout and Mirziyoev's share of the vote were both lower than when he won a snap vote five years ago, with 80.4 percent of the electorate voting (87.7 percent . Unemployment: 4.9% officially, plus another 20% underemployed. The main religion in Uzbekistan is Islam. Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life / Mapping the Global Muslim Population . . 15. Major Religions: Religion percentages are derived from summing Joshua Project's data for all people groups who live in each country. Linguistic Affiliation. Freedom of religion and belief, with interlinked freedoms of expression, association, and assembly, remains severely restricted in Uzbekistan. By religion, Uzbeks are Muslims, mostly Sunni. Mon 27 . Religion; Government Gov. This number, substantially more than the country's population, reflects many citizens' affiliation with . The highest levels of promiscuity naturally belong to Americans who don't claim a denominational affiliation. approximately 80 percent have been forced to flee the country. 2021 World Percentage. Christianity is the second largest religion in Myanmar, making up around 8% of the population. May 29, 2018. Muslims Percent: 88% - mostly Sunni (approx. The number of individuals who practice each religion, by people group, are summed. Christianity. About the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life . Revealingly, the same poll found "not religious" persons are more numerous: 8 percent in Pakistan, 16 percent in Uzbekistan, 19 percent in Saudi Arabia, 29 percent in the West Bank and Gaza . . approximately 80 percent have been forced to flee the country. 84. Uzbeks are the least Russified of the Turkic peoples formerly under Soviet rule, and virtually all of them still claim Uzbek as their primary language. Uzbekistan - Uzbekistan - People: Uzbeks make up more than four-fifths of the population, followed by Tajiks, Kazakhs, Tatars, Russians, and Karakalpaks. religion estimate is based on the 2014 national census, . An additional 9% are Orthodox Christians . 51 in those . Uzbekistan is the geographic and population center of Central Asia. 4. It has been estimated that around ninety percent of the population are Muslims, mostly Sunni with a Shi'a minority of 5 percent. 28th out of 167. Sunni Muslims make up 88 percent of the population though they are secular and not religious Muslims. . Uzbekistan also shares a 150 km (93 mile) with Afghanistan to the south. Uzbekistan Tourism: Road map to success Analyzing the statistics of Uzbekistan, followed by a "SWOT" analysis; it could be inferred that it has all the . Uzbekistan population exceeds 31.5 million people (January, 2016). Over the decade from 2007 to 2017, government restrictions on religion - laws, policies and actions by state officials that restrict religious beliefs and practices - increased markedly around the world. Overall restrictions in 2017. . 96.5%. As Uzbekistan opens to the world, its many important religious sites can form the base of a tourism boom. More than 25 percent of the French are nonbelievers or unaffiliated; among the religious, Roman Catholicism remains dominant by a wide margin. (5%), Kazakhs (3%), Karakalpaks (2.5%), and Tatars (1.5%). 73 out of 78 countries. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. Muslim 88% (mostly Sunni), Eastern Orthodox 9%, other 3%. It guarantees . If you are looking for current information, visit Indeed, more . Coordinates of GM Uzbekistan motor shows all over the country: 193: Vote: Statistics of the population of the country with higher education in the context of regions: 171: Vote: List of cemeteries located on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan: 110: Vote: Number of crimes committed in the Republic by regions: 110: Vote There are more Sunnite than Shi'ite Muslims among the residents in Uzbekistan. Density. 19. Uzbekistan 26 Chad 6 Nigeria 78 Bahrain 1 Ivory Coast 8 Algeria 34 Tanzania 13 South Africa 1 Yemen 23 Syria 20 France 4 Azerbaijan 9 Religion in Uzbekistan (Central Asia Barometer 2018) Islam (95%) Christianity (3%) Unaffiliated (1%) Other or undeclared (2%) Devonaboy Mosque in Andijan. Religious and Spiritual tourism: Many tourists visit Uzbekistan for religious and spiritual purpose. Facts about Uzbekistan - Cotton plantation in the region. 0.63% (2015 est.) 5.9%. Credit: Greek Cultural Center. . 17/03/2012 Uzbekistan Bans Religious Clothing - OnIslam 12/10/2011 'Scarf or hijab' debate stirs Uzbekistan - Khaleej Times Islam is the majority Religion in Uzbekistan with a more than 90% Muslim population. percent of the country's estimated population of 33 million identifies as Muslim. There are no official statistics on membership in various religious groups; however, it is estimated that up to 90 percent of the population is nominally Sunni Muslim, of the Hanafi school. . Uzbekistan reveals volume of tomato exports for 10M2021 Uzbekistan 6 December 18:04 Uzbek Statistics Committee shares data on foreign trade turnover Uzbekistan 6 December 18:03 However, according to a 2003 report, more than half of the country . During the last five reported years the imports of Uzbekistan changed by $8.21B from $13.3B in 2014 to $21.5B in 2019. 2 percent are Christians, including a small fraction of 1 percent who are evangelicals. Major religion (s) Islam. Inflation (CPI): 14.5%. The current population of Uzbekistan is 34,190,401 as of Sunday, December 05, 2021. Leaders Flags; Economy; Energy; Communications . Legislative Chamber - percent of vote by party - NA; seats by party - LDPU 53, National Revival Democratic Party 36, Adolat 24, PDP . Executive Summary The constitution provides for separation of religion and state. Data from the Pew Forum report on the Size and Distribution of the World's Major Religious Groups as of 2010 . For example, as this report went to press, Kazakhstan released the results of its 2009 census, which found that Muslims make up 70.2% of Kazakhstan's population, a substantially higher percentage than reported in the country's 1999 Demographic and Health Survey, the source used to estimate Kazakhstan's Muslim population in 2010 and 2030 . Literacy rate: 99.4% (2011 est.) A report by the Agency for Cultural Affairs (ACA) indicates that membership in religious groups totaled 181 million as of December 31, 2018. . . According to the statistics there were . . Uzbekistan: 2.3: 96.7: 0.8 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1: Vanuatu: 93.3 < 0.1: 1.2 < 0.1 < 0.1: 4.1: 1.4 < 0.1: . The majority of the country's Muslims are Sunni and regard themselves as followers of the Hannafi branch of Sunnism. "Uzbekistan . The information regarding Uzbekistan on this page is re-published from the 2020 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency and other sources.
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