Who or whom checker: What's the difference? Wonder and wander are easy to confuse. Wednesday is a free day, so Liz can wander the area on her own or take part in an optional trip with the group to Granada. Wonder is a mental activity. I wonder at your courage in as I went to a exciting concert last night. i wonder in a sentence. to go idly about : ramble. Isn't it an amazing thought that every time you wander into a park or down an avenue or through a leafy street, you can see the shadows of these great beasts? to question or ponder something. Answer (1 of 11): Definition of Wanderlust a deep urge to travel Use Wanderlust in a sentence * Even though I had sprained my ankle, I could not resist my wanderlust and used crutches to walk to the beach with my friends. Timelessness and wonder are some of fairy tales' most defining features. August or "Auggie" Pullman, a ten-year-old boy living in New York City, was born with a facial deformity that has made it difficult for him to make friends. Rare words are dimmed. I wonder who she was. To wonder means to think, question, or ponder. Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Used with adjectives: " She looked up at the football player with great wonder. Without sentences, language doesn't really work. Death drives the lovely soul to wander under the sky. Whether you need to protect one door or an entire campus, it's an affordable and scalable solution that grows with you. I wandered around for a while. wonder. a feeling of surprise and admiration for something very beautiful or new to you SYN awe The sight of the Taj Mahal filled us with wonder. In Words. We started getting bored, so we wandered off from the hotel to see if anything interesting was happening in the city. Wander vs Wonder Wander and wonder are two English verbs that are quite different in meaning from one another. Wander deals with traveling or moving, while wonder deals with thinking, questioning, and being amazed. I wonder why she is so worried. He has been homeschooled up until the fifth grade, but his parents have decided that it . Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #whentheysayyourname . Find 94 ways to say WONDER, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. He shook his head, his gaze wandering over her face. Furthermore, what is the difference between think . 2. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Improve the bracketed part of the sentence. Students were wandering the halls. Many people wonder what will happen to Cuba following the death of Fidel Castro. "I am wondering" Is present tense. how do you use wander in a sentence? 5. I wonder if regulators even understand how this market works ." I wonder if I should call dibs on the Space Santa. What you say is right, but I must confess that I sometimes put a question mark where it doesn't strictly belong, as in this sentence from a paper currently in preparation: "The question therefore arises naturally of which one is best suited for modelling Rosenâ s ideas on . I'll wander around the mall for half an hour. 2. Her wandering gaze came up to his face and warmth shot painfully up her neck. The definition of Wander is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. Bryan Garner writes: Writers sometimes err by putting a question mark after an indirect question, especially one beginning with I wonder. Wander means to walk or move in a leisurely or aimless way. This page has example sentences to explain the difference between wonder and wander. Much of this sentence is fashioned to create wonder. I wonder what happened to her. They are, however, enough to confuse the students of English language, particularly when they come out of the mouths of Americans and Britons. I wonder if they'll get divorced. The subject is in this sentence is who because the sentence is asking for the identities of people who are attending the show, and not the show or date itself. Wander is a physical activity. Buy Study Guide. It doesn't matter if the word is an adjective, a noun, an adverb, or anything else; the rule is exactly the same. If you are simply telling people what you're wondering about, then it isn't a question and it should not have a question mark. Wander is usually a verb and can mean either 'walk aimlessly' or 'go astray'. (technological) " The eight year old college student is a child wonder. No wonder definition: You can say ' No wonder ' when you find out the reason for something that has been. He lives with his parents, his older sister Via, and his dog Daisy. However, when "I wonder" is moved to the end of the sentence, does the same rule apply? Meaning of wonder. She didn't say anything about wandering around last night. 2) I wonder if + YOU CAN~ / IT'S POSSIBLE TO~ I wonder if you can tell me where the station is. View synonyms. "Wonder" I wonder why. I'm turning my head up and down I'm turning, turning, turning, turning . 3. He wandered away from the trail and got lost. (WRONG) The same rule still applies. I wonder why she didn't tell him about it. With over 200+ professional photography sessions under my belt, I am adept at tailoring your photography session to capturing authentic, impactful, inspiring images. : Also, every year there are a number of serious accidents and injuries involving children who wander unauthorised onto construction sites. 1. no wonder synonyms, no wonder pronunciation, no wonder translation, English dictionary definition of no wonder. Short & Simple Example Sentence For Wander | Wander Sentence. * Jack quit his job and left town to pursue his wanderlust and meet ne. I wonder what he will say. If…. Examples of wander in a Sentence I was just wandering around the house. 3. Define no wonder. b) [ countable] SURPRISED. That tense implies that you're thinking . I wonder if it will rain tomorrow. He has been homeschooled up until the fifth grade, but his parents have decided that it . Listen to each pair, paying attention to how the first word differs from the second. I wonder now no more. It's . WanderGuard BLUE is the only system you will ever need to manage elopement risk. Mostly used English words and usages Find 61 ways to say WANDER, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Problem Words with An vs. In a year where lots of folks will be stuck in their bedrooms during the winter holidays . Definition of wonder in the Definitions.net dictionary. 1. Information and translations of wonder in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. If you are asking a question, then yes. Don't wander from your subject. let your mind wander in a sentence - Use let your mind wander in a sentence and its meaning 1. I thought the kid was still right next to me, but he must have wandered away while I wasn't looking. Wonder Summary. Oh, yeah, I see, he's a durty brown guy and is probably a sooper criminalz type person. I wonder what my friend Betty is doing today since she said she would be bust running errands with her mother? It was wandering in circles and looking around. Phrase the question as if it stood alone, then introduce it with "I wonder", separated by a comma: I wonder, is this the right button to press? How to connect 'wander' with other words to make correct English sentences.wander (v): to walk around slowly in a relaxed way or without any clear purpose or directionUse 'wander' in a sentence Don't wander around the park at night. See more. They wandered down the street. wander meaning: 1. to walk around slowly in a relaxed way or without any clear purpose or direction: 2. wander | wonder net | nut lack | luck boat | but. Click on a word above to view its definition. wandering Sentence Examples I didn't notice how far I was wandering this evening. Men wander on earth like the stars in heaven. It's . I wonder if Jack is coming to the party. . 'he had married her and he was not going to be allowed to wander'. Sentences are everywhere. 172+40 sentence examples: 1. something that causes feelings of wonder; feelings aroused by a marvel; to query in the mind: Sometimes we wonder what we're here for. 2. 18 examples: Both performers shared a sense of wonder and curiosity about the experience… 1. I wonder what happened? 3. (noun) An exa. HOW TO USE - WONDER 1) I wonder if + SUBJECT / VERB. i wonder. With a period. I wonder if it will rain tomorrow. Not only does it offer built-in UL 294 access control, but it integrates seamlessly with the Arial platform for advanced alerting and reporting. He let his eyes wander from Montaigne to Lord Henry. How to use wonder in a sentence. I sometimes wonder whether the greater rule of all is --- to know how to please. Jan 27 Afterlife Issues. In which sentence are all words used correctly? That means you were curious about something, h. I wonder if we will ever get our quiet city back. Without sentences, language doesn't really work. Wander is a physical activity. I wonder why he did that. 3 Be unfaithful to one's regular sexual partner. Why is that, I wonder? Reread the information from sections 10:39-11:36 of the transcript of "For More Wonder, Rewild the World." . They wandered down the street. Sentences are everywhere. You can also find multiple synonyms or similar words of Wander. WANDER The sheep are allowed to roam freely on this land. . The Grand Canyon is also a place to find and explore the wonders of God's creation. Small wonder that he was tired! When you first started learning English, you may have memorized words such as: English meaning of the word "copious"; But now that you have a better understanding of the language, there's a better way for you to learn meaning of "copious" through sentence examples. wander away (from someone or something) To leave, depart, or stray (from someone or something) in a meandering, ambling manner. This is certainly good for short sentences. get lost, lose one's way, go off course, lose one's bearings, go astray, go off at a tangent. Record yourself repeating the words, making sure to focus on the pronunciation of /ʌ/. I wonder if the weather will hold. I wonder how, I wonder why Yesterday you told me 'bout the blue blue sky And all that I can see Is just a yellow lemon tree. Do you wander back to his room nu I'm driving around in my car I'm driving too fast, I'm driving too far I'd like to change my point of view I feel so lonely, I'm waiting for you But nothing ever happens and I wonder. Examples of how to use the word 'wander' in a sentence. See more meanings of wonder. It is a statement. Sometimes I wonder why I bother to read the morning papers. Whether it's a couples session full of love and fun, a family session packed with energy and laughter, a portrait session . 2. Organize by: [Syllables] Letters: Show rare words: [Yes] No: Show phrases: [Yes] No: See wonder used in context: 100+ rhymes, 102 Shakespeare works, 2 Mother Goose rhymes, . winston peters — 2005 speech on immigration policy, entitled "Securing Our Borders and Protecting Our Identity."' Tags: We, now, reached, point, you, can, down, Queen, Street What does wonder mean? The /ʌ/ sound plays an important role in the difference between the paired words below. Then you can let your mind wander to where it wants to go. Saying 'I am wondering' uses the present continuous tense. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Wander definition, to ramble without a definite purpose or objective; roam, rove, or stray: to wander over the earth. He allowed his mind to wander. 0. wonder synonyms, wonder pronunciation, wonder translation, English dictionary definition of wonder. Definition of Wonder. TO: I wonder what happened. Just stand a moment in Independence Hall and let your mind wander. 169+10 sentence examples: 1. The definition of a wonder is someone or something that amazes people, or something miraculous or amazing. You can sum up what Wander does in a sentence, but it takes much longer to explain what makes that so cool. In longer and more involved sentences, it can look odd because the "I wonder" part is swamped by the length of the implied question. Sometimes I wonder if he is honest. It seems harder to deny the writer a question mark in this case if one is felt. A wonder lasts but nine days. Look it up now! You are offline. I wonder who started that rumor. 1. Why need he wander through eternity? click for more sentences of let your mind wander. Is it I wander or wonder? wander off (from someone or something) To leave, depart, or stray (from someone or something) in a meandering, ambling manner.
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