best moon signs reddit

In Astrology, The Moon and Moon Signs represent our inner world, our emotions and subconscious and emotional needs, whereas the sun sign represents our conscious needs. Not to say this is the case for that placement in general. I’m very excited to see where this goes from here. There is the promise of a lot of passion, a lot of heat, a lot of understanding. pisces moon is escapist and way too sensitive, scorpio moons are manipulative and deep but loyal id say, gemini aqua are free open minds but argumentative, virgo moon is picky, virgin-like mind, capricorn same but more diplomatic, but all earth moons are kinda stable and practical for life. You cannot be the organizer of someone else’s life. When you’re done with a person or a situation or a job, you’re fucking done. If you’re interested in starting to research and learn more so that you can interpret your chart for yourself, start with The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need (which is not, in fact, the only book you’ll ever need, but is a great starting point). Is this a Virgo Moon trait? Share. “Biggest Pet Peeve: People pushing your boundaries.” Um yes. Many folks in astrology take the easy road and say that your independent streak makes you more open to polyamory and open relationships. Pisces Ascendant (Meena Lagna) - Best career option according to Ascendant. However, the capricorn moon has a tendency to be insensitive and nasty when underdeveloped. Your sun sign is only one part of you. Let’s talk about your badass moon signs! My daughter has a Capricorn moon and she is a delight. you’ve already taught me so much about astrology and i’m really looking forward to the next installments. You literally make your energy work for yourselves as you go — you just have to understand who you are, how you work, and what you need. Not saying any moon sign is worse than the other, but out of the people I've met a capricorn moon has been the one to make the worst out of their moon sign. You’ve got strong boundaries, and you aren’t going to share anything with anyone that you aren’t comfortable sharing. What you want: To be able to trust someone else enough that you don’t always have to be in charge, planning every date and making every move. Facility with language, if you will. You’re attracted to independence – you’re an emotionally independent person, and you require similar qualities in the people (platonic and romantic) you surround yourself with. Biggest Pet Peeve: Clinginess. Emotional is too easy a word; we all have emotions, and the moon rules our emotions, always. Scorpio is comfortable in the dark, in decay. I get so many questions on ideal synastry and it’s always kind of like…anyone can be compatible if you work hard enough! In this new series, we are going to be talking about compatibility with planets that aren’t your sun. so excited for this series! This is what you teach others how to do: to live in the moment, to find joie de vivre in their current situation. She is currently working on a memoir. Your sign is ruled by Venus, who elevates anything she touches. As another astrologer it’s so nice to see more content on this topic and specifically the other ways people can be compatible. The relationship of the Sun and Moon to each other by their position, sign, and aspect and their relationship to the Ascendant can sometimes provide us with an extremely accurate mini-interpretation of the natal chart. Comment below and share the video. <3. You are an excellent social secretary for your friend group and family, the person everyone goes to for advice – but when was the last time you directed all that fixing energy inward? It’s really good to see an explanation for this need. While Libra is a partnership-oriented sign, always seeking harmony in relationships (romantic and platonic), you struggle with indecisiveness. What turns you on: Courage. we had such an on and off relationship its like everything or nothing something that made both of us tired but still, I felt like this relationship has got many potential if he didn’t give up on it…could you please describe this combination please? Even as I write this, Tessa Thompson has come out publicly and said that she and Janelle Monae VIBRATE ON THE SAME FREQUENCY. I believe we are born our personality type. Good food at hole in the wall restaurants. Being punctual, courteous, considerate, thoughtful. This may not be a physical place. It's just that the negative parts of Virgo & Capricorn can be expressed in the person's EMOTIONAL state (moon), which is, as you can imagine, difficult lol. And y’all, I’ve looked at their birth charts. If it seems like your zodiac sign isn't a great match with the sign of your crush, date, or significant other, don't worry. We were great friends in the beginning but it all fell down the drain eventually. The most sensually grounded of the earth signs, Taurus moons express their emotions through their body & environment. We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. I cry in public frequently and I hate it. Just so everyone knows my religious practices don't include child sacrifice. You need to physically feel your way through something, processing it through the body, whether through physically working out, laughing, crying. Arrogant, miserly, judgemental and nasty. I’m gonna frame this comment and hang it on my wall, Ahhh Jeanna! Remember that you are worthy, that you deserve to own your own space, that you absolutely deserve to have people in your life who shower you with love and tenderness. Most Compatible: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius You've decided to leave a comment. And understanding: that’s your life’s work. Aquarians are often called the humanitarians of the zodiac, and folks with Aquarius moons feel strongly about being emotionally connected to a community. Or why do you feel that immediate attraction to someone, as if you know that the energy of both of you has hit perfectly and that you will be great friends, while with someone else you just realize it won’t work? Great! Biggest Pet Peeve: Being called flirtatious when you’re just expressing yourself. ?‍♀️ Either way I’m having a good time. This is mostly for fun, because as established, free-will. Scorpio moons are comfortable with your own company. It’s how you express your tender little queer heart! No placement is inherently bad, people express either the better or the worse parts of their placements. But here’s the thing: it’s not that you’re not emotional – and in fact, you may be like, “why do all of these astrology websites say I’m cold and unemotional? If you don't know what your Moon sign is Check your Horoscope Free. Log In Sign Up. When it comes to relationships, this is important! 139 people checking this page right now. Meet Your Match: Aries, Capricorn All the while being boring - I stay away from them, they need you more than you need them. (Sorry, rambled, just excited!!!). Leading with Gemini. I am looking foreword to more. Copyright 2009 - 2021 The Excitant Group, LLC. (Explicitly clarifying situations and intentions will help a lot here. What you want: To nurture, nourish, and care for others, especially through the means available through a home: food (cooking, going out), cleaning, gardening, child and elder care. What is your moon sign ? Who’s coming along for the ride? Vote. To have someone else explicitly acknowledge and value the nitty-gritty in what you’re saying. Unexpected, unique ambiance. Moon Sign Compatibility and Zodiac Soulmate Compatibility: - Ever wondered why it’s so easy to relate to some people, while it’s so much harder for others? But why don’t you trust your gut, babe? (and to keep learning how to stop fighting my leo moon so hard.) Yes, you’ve got a flare for the theatrical. Your head often wars with your heart, and you end up talking yourself out of the good stuff because you don’t trust it. Rest if you have worked hard lately. What you want: To be heard. Take a risk: Gemini, Aquarius. I love the way you wrote this and your intro, Jeanna. It should be a person that would understand and respect this native’s need for order and routine, but not necessarily the one to share exactly the same habits. What you need: Folks who show up for you the way you show up for them. Just as each sign’s qualities affect us depending on where they fall in our birth chart, they also affect the moon’s specific energies. Take A Risk: Virgo, Scorpio. They need someone to inspire and move them. and I am Pisces sun Sagittarius moon so you can say its a relationship between earth/air and water/fire just like yours!! You sun and moon are more similar than they are different. Meet Your Match: Cancer, Aquarius All readings include both couples and singles. You’re like black licorice; you’re an acquired taste (and you like that). Of course she has many beautiful personality traits, but this negative one is the one that comes out the most and make her feel bad. Biggest Pet Peeve: People who disrespect you, or the people and beliefs you value. I don't see any Moon sign as being "the worst.". Scorpio revels in the transformative, in those liminal moments between life and death, between foreplay and sex and orgasm, between society and the abject. You move at your own pace. I think that it can explain a lot about people, but it rarely explains (or predicts) everything. But it's about me too, our compatibility (and this particular person obviously). Your astrology provides you with information, but it in no way governs who you end up with. But for those who can run with you, who share your desire to know – really know – the depths and mysteries, the nooks and crannies of what makes this world (and you) work. However, the capricorn moon has a tendency to be insensitive and nasty when underdeveloped. So knowing about Jupiter in signs is significant. You process your feels by talking things out – but the real question at the end of the day is, what are you feeling? What you need: To understand what home is, for you. Meet Your Match: Leo, Scorpio You can think of the scales as the head and the heart, and a Libra moon is never not weighing the two. Sagittarius moons are explorers at heart. I've always found it interesting that my ex & I have almost identical charts, the difference being I have a Virgo moon and his is in Capricorn. Timing is important when it comes to Jupiter being able to help with money. A Taurus moon wants to nap it out, eat it out, fuck it out. You are encouraging and optimistic and you make an ideal leader. Maybe you and me should both attend aries moon college some day lol. Best Crystals for Cancer. You get along with Leo, Aries, and Sagittarius. my ex was Capricorn sun Libra moon too!!! There will be some challenges, but with good communication, you can really learn and grow together. The bridge between the shell and the underbelly: this is your life’s work. Your moon is how you are emotional. Go forth and learn! What turns you on: “How do you feel about that?”. People who are unafraid to wear their heart on their sleeve, who fearlessly do their own thing, who are unafraid to be the outsider, who are willing to take a risk for love. JEANNA oh my god i was JUST talking about how i would love to find someone who likes me as much as i like them and takes care of me the way i take care of them and wow from the virgo moon: “What you need: Folks who show up for you the way you show up for them.”, I am also a Virgo moon and holy crap if that isn’t the most accurate description of my needs. Sounds like something you do. The Moon represents our deepest personal needs, our basic habits and emotional reactions, and our unconscious.. This is where magical timing gets just a little more complex, but can also make the results a little more precise. I've seen it before that scorpio is a "guardian". I have 10 books on my night stand at the moment. Press J to jump to the feed. but out of the people I've met a capricorn moon has been the one to make the worst out of their moon sign. I love her but I don't understand why she points out more the negative things people have rather than the positive ones. It takes the moon approximately 29 days to pass through all 12 astrological signs, or one full lunar cycle from new moon to full moon and back to new moon again. Let’s be real: two or more mature and well-adjusted people with good communication and boundaries and a shared commitment to mental and emotional wellness (whatever that looks like for you!) To get the most accurate chart, you need your exact time of birth in addition to your date and place of birth; however, you can still do a chart without a time of birth. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Someone who wants to learn from you. To rent a car with someone and plan a road trip on the fly. That's pretty much it. Leo sun/Aqua moon its an eternal struggle for me. Books like A Room of One’s Own were written for Aries moons. The moon signs also explain our personality and our wants regarding emotion, romance and love. You don’t need labels or boxes, and you do best when you feel trusted. Different on 1 Level - Peace with Narrow Focus. Leo moons have a light heart, and finding loyal mates who appreciate you and who can play just as hard as you? What turns you on: Someone who has their shit together. I look forward to more! Now, you can get to find anything about your horoscope – zodiac sign, and your life secrets with the help of these top best astrology sites for horoscope and zodiac signs. What you want: Independence. I guess it really can depend on the other aspects! I’ve been trying to learn more about my houses and I found out that my moon is in my 12th house, which I read hides or obscures whatever is in it. For Leo moons, your life’s work is learning to claim and own and occupy and revel in your space in that uniquely performative Leo way that ultimately gives permission to the people around you to revel in their own space. There are 12 Moon sign placements. So when it comes to the moon – to the emotional realm – well. I am a Sagittarius and never once in my life have I read a thing about Sagittariuses and been like, “Oh wow yeah! What you want: A one-way ticket to anywhere. We do not make any type of false claims of guaranteed results as we are not GODS or HIS decendants. I can relate. I am a Capricorn Moon, Capricorn rising and have Capricorn all over my chart and yet I cannot relate to this sign at all! Aquarius moon makes me feel pretty unemotional at times. Take a risk: Taurus, Pisces. Sensitivity is strength. That’s me!” However I am an Aries Moon and reading this — holy cats now I understand why people are into astrology! What you want: The finer things – which doesn’t have to mean “expensive” or “luxury” (unless, of course, you want them to). Most Compatible: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces You move quickly and are decisive, but this doesn’t mean you want to U-Haul. That being said I liked the format of your suggestions for matches – I’m a Capricorn Sun Libra Moon in a relationship with a Cancer Sun Aries Moon and while we’re opposites and squares in other regards we really do make it work. What you want: Someone you can’t scare off. Take a Risk – You are the relationship no one in your life saw coming. Whether it's because they're mindful of their facial muscles or they just focus on their own thing, Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are the most serious zodiac signs. Charming and diplomatic, Libra moons are the consummate lawyers of the emotional zodiac: able to see and argue all sides to an issue. Never noticed the awful time warp in season 6, so Jenny and Shane were together less than 3 weeks? Take a risk: Libra, Aquarius. Exploring your personality through the Sun Moon combinations. Astrology helps me live a more self-aware life on a daily basis, and I hope that in learning about your moon sign and moon sign compatibility, it can help you, too. ok found it on ios. Go on to discover millions of awesome videos and pictures in thousands of other categories. I sometimes get worried by own ability to completely detach myself emotionally. If you happen to be born “on the side of” Gemini, then Gemini traits lead your Sun sign expression.The symbol for Gemini is the Roman numeral II, which represents twins. You’re organized AF. Also so much yes to understanding and possibility rather than didactism. What turns you on: Unmitigated, unadulterated self-expression. This is so interesting. You will thrive with a partner who protects your sensitivity and encourages your pursuit of imaginative greatness. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! I am not seen as a boss bitch but as someone people need to take care of. The moon feels deeply here. Stop challenging yourself to be that spontaneous person and feeling guilty. Any energy that wants to contain you. I don't hate my Virgo moon but I definitely know I can be difficult to deal with at times and hard to please. Adaptable and curious, people have to work to keep your attention (you want to bestow it on everyone! Jupiter only passes onto a new zodiac sign once a month. Everyone loves to be appreciated, but you, more than most, appreciate the grand gesture, the one that is specifically attuned to your interests, the one that is over the top. Thank you so much for coming to my channel. i’ve read many scorpio moon descriptions but i think i like this one the best! The lit side of the moon was processed using 25 "tiles" that were stitched together in Photoshop, he told me. Fearless creativity unfolding on a stage. My emotions are rarely just experienced, I think about them first which can be...awkward. When it comes to emotions with Virgo moons, this is challenging! What turns you on: A quick wit and a dry charm. ;) Funny comment. Or maybe when I’ve had a wee bit too much my pants just dont stay up. Let's have a personal and meaningful conversation and thanks for stopping by! But Taurus is also the stubborn bull that moves pretty slowly – you can’t rush this energy through anything. That exactly. Do you like your sun and moon sign combination ? I am an INFJ. Church of Satan's religious freedom. Get your balance back. It’s not that you are more emotional than other moon signs: it’s that your sign understands how to honor and protect and wield emotions in a profound way. The tarot card for Libra is Justice, represented by the scales. You’ve fought like hell to figure out who you are, and you aren’t going to settle for a less-than life, which also means the people you surround yourself with. ??????? This isn't the case for Taurus moons in my experience, so I wouldn't say that all Earth signs struggle with the moon's placement in them. Your sun sign represents your core personality as a whole, while your moon sign represents your inner emotional self. My best bet for dating by moon signs since my moon sign is Leo would be someone with their moon sign set as Sagittarius, Libra or Aries. Take A Risk: Aries, Sagittarius. But your life’s work, Sagittarius, is in establishing boundaries for yourself within this footloose lifestyle. Good smells that evoke a sweet place and time. When you focus on cultivating a sense of self-awareness, sitting with discomfort, sitting in the mess of emotions, resisting the urge to sort them out right away, letting them take their time: there is extraordinary growth and harvest to be had. Jeanna Kadlec's writing has appeared in Narratively, Nylon, The Rumpus, and others. Take a risk: Libra, Capricorn. People like Janelle and Tessa prove that you in no way have to have “ideal” synastry (the term for astrological compatibility) to pop out of vulva pants and inspire queers the world over. And any earth sign moon will indicate a strong sense of emotional fortitude. Here are all the moon sign meanings and the best sun signs to pair up with. Virgos are known for their love of organization, but at the heart of it is a desire to control their environment. I personally like Moon cancer, taurus, libra which is more peaceful and comfy oriented. I think that because I don't have as many Mutable placements in my chart I'd have the most issues with Sagittarius Moons, Virgo Moons, and Pisces Moons. I really deeply want to connect with people as individuals but I feel like sometimes, we're just not on the same level or wavelength. My aunt is a Virgo moon and I'm very worried about her because she keeps having some resentments and negative feelings towards some people in the family and she always expects to get something in return from people that she has helped in the past. Most Compatible: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius Starting with moon sign compatibility! Career analysis for Pisces Ascendant. And our charts contain multitudes! The compatibility rating chart should helps us understand this topic in a better manner. Secretive isn’t quite the right word; you have strong boundaries – fortress-like walls, if you will – and you drop the drawbridge for very few. Meet Your Match: Gemini, Pisces I can’t seem to find it on android. You are more pragmatic than showy, but the occasional romantic gesture goes a long way. Your moon sign is Leo, if you were born when the moon was in this sign of the zodiac. She is a Virgo Rising too and a Gemini sun. You’ll do it if no one else will. You rarely express their worst qualities. Candlelight. I’ve always viewed astrology through the sun signs and have gotten into moon and planet signs just recently. Posted by just now. With you, Virgo, it’s the little things. Love a good debate but for others a debate can be seen as an argument if agreeing has to be the goal. Pisces moons know this better than most; you feel more deeply and are more psychically in tune with this world than others are capable of grasping. View 299 NSFW gifs and enjoy Mooning with the endless random gallery on You want to be able to do your own thing (some might call you impulsive), but you’re still extremely dedicated to your causes, your relationships, your interests, to that which feeds you, to that which you love. Just difficult for me. You know that line from Frozen, “Conceal, don’t feel?” Capricorn moon, right there. The moon sign shows the emotional and spiritual aspect of human beings, and so moon sign compatibility plays a significant role in how we connect with each other. Vote. If Bette and Dani DO end up together, the show will be a complete disappointment! It's very rare so I have a ton of people I know - some consider me a social butterfly but those people and those groups rarely know the other side of me or the more serious side.

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