peta kills animals reddit

their actual stance is that animals are better dead than anything but wild. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. You are missrepresenting their stance on pets: they are critising "the institution of 'pet keeping'—i.e., breeding animals to be kept and regarded as 'pets'" - their website (you linked it). To say that there are "numerous instances" seems unfair. I think this negative PR is exactly how PETA became the biggest animal rights organization, there is no bad attention. Wendy's Made to Crave™ burgers good. This seems very much like a lot of people don't like PETA so they villanise them. If you care for either animals or people, here's some solid advice to take to heart: Stay away from PETA. That's really interesting - I had not known what their actual stance was. PETAkillsanimals is taking advantage of peoples' love for animals to actually brainwash them harder, and sell them more dead animals. Much of PETA… I'm not saying they're not viciously deluded dipshits, but I'm not sure some of the stories in this thread actually hold up. Why does PETA offer animals up for adoption as pets? I live in Mississippi, so I see that kind of shit a lot. It was great. One might think that they care about the well-being of animals, but really they work hard on behalf of their animal-ag benefactors to try to smear people who work hard to care for unwanted animals. Also "the intent of the workers in those cases was not sufficiently clear to consider their actions unlawful". Events. This is what is so outrageous, the animals PETA kills are healthy adoptable animal. Share to Pinterest. Although I did look up Nathan Winograd and on his site it said "Since 1998, PETA has killed over 30,000 animals, roughly 2,000 animals a year including kittens and puppies." Jesus fucking christ. The PETA solution: dead “feral” cats in a Florida shelter. Report. The people smearing them are. Don't donate to the group. ... People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). Oh my naive college brain was blown. In the last 11 years, PETA has euthanized 29,426 dogs, cats, rabbits and other domestic animals, the Huffington Post pointed out. All whilst getting paid by people who actually do kill animals, as a matter of routine business. They intentionally create controversy to get people talking, this is all on top of their already controversial position on how our relation to animals should be which gets people to talk on its own. On his last day after six years at the London office, a man accused Peta of being "bat-shit crazy" and "funnelling money into useless demonstrations", in an anonymous chat on the Reddit website. If you are like us, you have probably spent a good deal of time scratching your head wondering what kind of person would do such horrible things. Copy embed to clipboard. Crazy stuff. PT.] He is one hell of a character. You didn't back up the claim that in many instances they rather have an animal euthanised than adopted and the article on their website you linked states the exact opposite: "Contrary to myth, PETA does not want to confiscate animals who are well cared for and “set them free.” What we want is for the population of dogs and cats to be reduced through spaying and neutering and for people to adopt animals (preferably two so that they can keep each other company when their human companions aren’t home) from pounds or animal shelters—never from pet shops or breeders—thereby reducing suffering in the world.". Commonsense. It is about liberation, not welfare. I don't think linked snopes article can be summarized as "numerous instances of PETA workers literally stealing pets from people to euthanize them". PETA's official stance is that "Animals shouldn't be pets" and there are numerous instances of them euthanizing dogs and cats rather than be adopted by people.There have also been numerous instances of PETA workers literally stealing pets from people to euthanize them ().Their big public acts tend to be against large, easily vilified organizations like Fur coat … In the first link, their position is that the institution of pet ownership is bad for animals because of how much suffering they go trough. Additionally, it’s important to remember that just because an animal is someone’s pet, that doesn’t mean the animal is being treated well or even taken care of. PETA belongs to an umbrella group working “to have pit bulls banned across the United States — a move which seems to lead, inexorably, to the dogs being killed.” “We’re not talking about dogs who have done anything wrong,” writes Arin Greenwood in … Feed.,, Their stance is not that all animals are better dead, it is that majority of pets are better off having never been born because their lives are too bad to be worth living, which is why they run the whole sparying and neutering operation on top of shelters. PETA has tried for years to convince late night and daytime talk shows to no longer feature wild animals on their shows. If you wanna make an animal rights thread, I'd be happy to join in. This may just be that the some True Believers who work there are loons but the organization is does have a pretty terrible track record for adopting out pets, especially when you consider how much money they take in and spend on other activities (Atlantic article). ), and zoos while promoting a vegan diet. They SUPPORT this cruelty! peta. Why PETA ‘Kills’ Animals. Some notes: I should have been more specific about the "peta steals pets" bit. Surveillance footage shows two PETA employees luring Maya away from the Zarates' mobile home and into their van. Press J to jump to the feed. “It seems PETA is more dedicated to publicity stunts than to keeping the animals in its own care alive,” Justin Wilson, a senior research analyst at the nonprofit Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF), told the Daily Mail . These facilities are kill shelters out of necessity, because there simply aren’t enough people to adopt all of the healthy, adoptable pets. It's a targeted smear campaign by big industry lobbyists. PETAkillsanimals is taking advantage of peoples' love for animals to actually brainwash them harder, and sell them more dead animals. Share to Tumblr. Let those who support PETA know how their donations are actually spent to fund the salaries of the employees who round up and kill, to purchase the lethal drugs used to poison animals, and to pay the renderer who disposes of the bodies of PETA’s thousands of victims every year. Edit - Hey someone gave me silver, rad. See link peta Actual peta members, employees, kill the animals.,, Interview with Ingrid Newkirk in Satya magazine. The Washington Post reported that in 2015, PETA "euthanized more than 80 percent of the animals in its care last year, a rate so shockingly high … For what it’s worth, PETA has also drawn a lot of attention to fur farms and animal testing and the meat industry, and these are things that we as a society should absolutely be more aware of. PETA's Thanksgiving-themed parody of the popular Majesco video game series Cooking Mama, only with a twist—Mama is evil and thirsty for blood! Their stance on some things is frankly unsupportable. One of PETA's founders has said: I love walking someone else’s dog. - Interview with Ingrid Newkirk in Satya magazine, January 2001. To add to this, I've heard in the past they put support behind eco-terrorists who bomb places doing research on lab animals. It's almost as if there's a campaign to discredit animal rights activists being paid for by animal industry lobbying groups such as the "Center for Consumer Freedom". Edit: i cant copy/pasta for shit. I'm no fan of PETA, but unless I misread badly, the Snopes article here pretty clearly says there's no evidence this is something they do routinely. Streams. Don't speak kindly of PETA in everyday conversation. These cases just get a lot of publicity, we'd need to compare the amount of such cases per accepted animal between PETA shelters and other shelters with euthanasia to get the actual picture. They are best known for their frequent inflammatory and downright irresponsible media stunts, such as throwing red … Menu. CAPTION. AFAIK Their rationale for such high kill rates is that PETA does euthanasia for free and doesn't refuse animals like no-kill shelters or shelters with fees. Peta Peta Kills Animals GIF SD GIF HD GIF MP4. One might think that if they really cared about consumers' rights, they'd be pro-cannabis, but they aren't, because cannabis is a financial threat to their current clients. Virginia’s Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services has published statistics of animal shelter records for 2019, and the numbers for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) are shocking. Can you really call 2 cases in 2007 and 2015 over decades of PETA activity "numerous"? Finally, remember that PETA’s shelters take in pretty much every animal they come by. It is Time to Put Down PETA Sign the Petition to End PETA's Status as an Animal Shelter Shockingly, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is classified by the Commonwealth of Virginia as a legal animal shelter despite killing 93.8 percent of the dogs and cats it took in last year, according to filings with the state. The employee stated that PETA kills healthy and adoptable animals. This represents 88 percent of all pets PETA took into … If YOU support PETA, YOU support this cruelty too!” Article by Nathan Winograd . This thread has been locked by the moderators of r/OutOfTheLoop, More posts from the OutOfTheLoop community. Claim. Share to Facebook. A typical slaughterhouse kills about 1,000 pigs per hour. They've managed to spin a couple of isolated incidents into a wide-reaching and very false meme that "went viral". January 31 marked the last day “shelters” in Virginia could submit statistics for 2018 to the Virginia Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services. Peta is doing so many great things for animals and I do disagree with some of their practices but all in all peta has helped more than they’ve hurt! So they end up killing animals, a lot. Once you know about this, you can see the fucked-up situation for what it really is. One piece of kid-targeted PETA literature tells small children: “Your Mommy Kills Animals!” PETA brags that its messages reach over 1.2 million minor children, including 30,000 kids between the ages of 6 and 12, all contacted by e-mail without parental supervision. usere3po. PETA has also worked to encourage others to kill animals, too, especially community cats and pit bull dogs. They also celebrate well loved and cared for companion animals. Like this one They think breeding animals to be pets is bad, especially as there's so many abandoned animals waiting for adoption. You should look up this guy running it, Richard Berman. Check out our favorite “bacon” products and other recipes that you can make with vegan bacon. Take Action Why am I seeing lots of posts about them hurting or killing animals? PETA also started this shitfest by dissing Steve Irwin. If you’ve ever lived with an animal companion—a dear friend—who was suffering from an incurable condition or at the end of his or her life, you probably know that a peaceful passing was the final act of care that you could do for him or her. We only use essential cookies.Learn More. Of the 2,380 pets the organization took […] PETA is a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) corporation. But it all unravels when you dig under the veneer and learn the real story, and characters behind it. Promoting Personal Responsibility and Protecting Consumer Choice. And PETA’s statistics, as they often are, were posted on the last possible day. Rankings. Contrary to myth, PETA does not want to confiscate animals who are well cared for and “set them free.” What we want is for the population of dogs and cats to be reduced through spaying and neutering and for people to adopt animals (preferably two so that they can keep each other company when their human companions aren’t home) from pounds or animal shelters—never from pet shops or breeders—thereby reducing suffering in the world. While PETA claims the animals it takes in and kills are “unadoptable,” this is a lie. killer. Rabbits and monkeys and such, allegedly defending ALF member Rodney Coronado after he burned a lab at Michigan State University. These figures don't reflect well on an organization dedicated to the cause of animal rights. The PETA Kills Animals project exposes the hypocrisy of the “animal rights” group PETA through award-winning television, print, billboard, social media, and web campaigns. You can still keep and adopt companion animals. If you're involved in a nonprofit or… Monthly Weekly Agenda Archive. Our Cruelty Investigations Department is on call 24/7, helping animals and making sure that those who abuse them are held accountable. I just came back from the shelter today and they let me walk three dogs at lunchtime. They Killed all of them. Share to Twitter. Animals are not ours and they are not here only to serve our interests. Forums. I don’t have the luxury of having a dog myself because I travel too much, but I love walking and cuddling somebody else’s dog. I also had no idea animals in at least most psych research has crazy standards for quality of life. New posts Search forums. I follow several shelters from my hometown and where I live now, and a lot of their posts are usually begging people to come adopt animals because the shelters are always full. Their big public acts tend to be against large, easily vilified organizations like Fur coat makers, factory farms, etc, but their actual stance is that animals are better dead than anything but wild. You can even make your own vegan bacon or buy any of these vegan bacon-flavored products. Did you even read those sources before you linked them? There have also been numerous instances of PETA workers literally stealing pets from people to euthanize them (snopes). Following a 2010 site visit of PETA's animal shelter, the … Those rats lived better than I did. !, they are just the victims of a very successful astroturf meme made up by the animal-ag industry. If you've already sent a check or approved a PayPal transfer to them, cancel it now. - the source you linked (snopes). According to the report, PETA killed 1,593 dogs, cats, and other pets last year–a repulsive 66% kill rate. They’ve done some bad stuff, like their recent criticism of Steve Irwin who we all know was a goddam hero. South Park. Honestly I don't think that their antagonizing attitude is constructive and I don't like that they euthanize animals but I assume that they don't have much of a choice. Humane Society of the United States isn’t the only deceptively named animal rights group. In a similar way it seems to me that PETA's stance on animal rights has been consistent despite being controversial. If they genuinely believe pet animals are better off dead, why is she running around playing with her friend's pets instead of euthanising them, or at least breaking off contact with these friends? Ingrid said Quote Washington Post “she has no reverence for life.” That says it all! Look, I’m no PETA apologist. It should come as no surprise. You Bastards. their actual stance is that animals are better dead than anything but wild. They work hard to smear doctors, environmental groups, scientists, and animal-rights groups, under the guise of "fighting the nanny state". PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) is an American animal rights organization and vegan cult.They oppose hunting, fishing, animal testing, pets, seeing eye dogs (!!! Peta says the animals it puts down are often turned away by other shelters. In a debate between Nathan and a peta attorney, PETA argued that animals were better off dead. In 2010 a Virginia veterinarian inspected PETA’s animal shelter and discovered the truth about the … They made the website and push out press releases which spark most of the anti-PETA talking points you see in threads like these. Now, the org believes i… On the second link, we can read that PETA stole a pet to euthanize it once... and by accident. If you actually read the full article it sounds much less black and white then you present it. Share to iMessage. PETA puts a high proportion of animals down, Nachminovitch explains, because it ministers to those that many other shelters turn away, often because of the shelters’ ”no kill” policies. Cookies help us deliver our Services. They pocket your money while lobbying for animals to suffer and die in kill 'shelters'. In the two cases mentioned, they weren't even prosecuted because there was no criminal intent. I also see a lot of "I thought I was helping by supporting PETA", if you still want to help check out your local or national Humane Society (in the US), they do lots of good work and focus on animal welfare over getting attention for stunts. It's true that between the very common neglect, abuse and the animal hell that are puppy farms, it's true that animals overall do not benefit. That’s hardly “numerous instances” as you say. Multi-Viewer Games. The good news is that you can make a delicious vegan BLT without hurting any animals. So much for the numerous instances. Officially they say they don't do that on purpose and it's against their policy but there have been numerous instances of PETA employees doing so. The second claim you make doesnt seem to be correct either: "Aside from those two incidents, we’ve found no evidence supporting the claim that PETA regularly takes household pets from their homes and euthanizes them." But is that actually their stance? Thankfully they got in after a day or so, but it ruined so much data. I remember in college a bunch of PETA members shoved super glue and toothpicks into all of the lock of the psych research building so the animals couldn't get fed. Fixed the link. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (which has the same radical animal liberation goals as HSUS) killed more than 2,324 cats and dogs in 2014 alone – an average of more than 6 per day – and an increase of 30 percent from 2013. We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. And it said many pets are brought in by low-income owners who can’t afford to care for their elderly or sick animals. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Pinterest Share on Reddit Share via Email. Why PETA Kills is a quick read and the perfect gift for the PETA supporter on your holiday gift list.

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