The European Court of Justice (ECJ) interprets community law, settles conflicts between the organization’s institutions, and determines whether members have fulfilled their treaty obligations. Aware that a British application was becoming a distinct possibility, in July 1961 the Lemass government published a White Paper on the EEC and let its six member states know that in the event of Britain applying for EEC membership Ireland would also apply. However, President Charles de Gaulle saw British membership as a Trojan horse for U.S. influence and vetoed membership, and the applications of all four countries were suspended. The Belgian and Luxembourgish francs were 1:1 and theoretically interchangeable as a single currency. [citation needed][10] The European Council in 1984 appointed an ad hoc committee for this purpose. 1985 Portugal leaves EFTA to become a member of the EEC. Germany became a founding member of the EEC, and Konrad Adenauer was made leader in a very short time. With the prospect of further enlargement, and a desire to increase areas of co-operation, the Single European Act was signed by the foreign ministers on 17 and 28 February 1986 in Luxembourg and The Hague respectively. It gave the meetings of the EPC a legal basis, and it called for more intensive coordination of foreign policy among members, though foreign policy decisions were made outside community institutions. Most other institutions, including the European Court of Justice, have some form of national division of its members. 1986 Finland becomes a full member of EFTA. With the aim of creating a federal Europe two further communities were proposed: a European Defence Community and a European Political Community. 1992: The Maastricht Treaty is signed, creating the European Union – into which was the EC was rolled. The first formal meeting of the Hallstein Commission was held on 16 January 1958 at the Chateau de Val-Duchesse. Following the creation of the EU in 1993, it has enlarged to include an additional sixteen countries by 2013. It also required that governments eliminate national regulations favouring domestic industries and cooperate in areas in which they traditionally had acted independently, such as international trade (i.e., trade with countries outside the EEC). One of its members was the President, appointed by the Council, who chaired the body and represented it. 1989 Negotiations start on a European Economic Space, later to become the European Economic Area (EEA). (The United Kingdom had applied for membership in the EEC in 1963 and in 1966, but its application was vetoed by French Pres. The Lisbon Treaty … [3] Together with the Ohlin Report the Spaak Report would provide the basis for the Treaty of Rome. The first enlargement was in 1973, with the accession of Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom. ECSC President Jean Monnet, a leading figure behind the communities, resigned from the High Authority in protest and began work on alternative communities, based on economic integration rather than political integration. 1957. The treaty establishing the EEC required members to eliminate or revise important national laws and regulations. Then-French President Charles de Gaulle's opposition to supranationalism and fear of the other members challenging the CAP led to an "empty chair policy" whereby French representatives were withdrawn from the European institutions until the French veto was reinstated. [21][22][23], The Council of the European Communities was a body holding legislative and executive powers and was thus the main decision making body of the Community. For example, if agriculture was being discussed, the Council would be composed of each national minister for agriculture. The SEA introduced qualified majority voting for all legislation related to the completion of the common market. The European Community, together with its legal personality, was absorbed into the newly consolidated European Union which merged in the other two pillars (however Euratom remained distinct). With less than ten days to go until the UK’s original scheduled departure date from the European Union, The Week looks back at how and why the country joined the bloc in … This agreement also extended the internal market to include most of the member states of the European Free Trade Association, forming the European Economic Area, which encompasses 15 countries. More generally, the SEA set out a timetable for the completion of a common market. The size of members’ delegations varies depending on population. A year later, in February 1962, Spain attempted to join the European Communities. This is a treaty which provides the basis for a vast six-year programme aimed at sorting out the problems with the free flow of trade across EU borders and thus creates the ‘Single Market’. [7], The Treaties of Rome had stated that the European Parliament must be directly elected, however this required the Council to agree on a common voting system first. Following the establishment of the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom), the ECSC Common Assembly was expanded to cover all three communities. On 1 May 2004, 10 new states from Eastern and Southern Europe joined the community. This marks the largest expansion of the EU Customs Union in its history. The exception to this rule is the Foreign Affairs Council, which, since the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty, is under the permanent supervision of the EU high representative for foreign affairs and security policy. The Lisbon Treaty, the latest primary treaty at EU level, was signed on 13 December 2007 and entered into force on 1 December 2009. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. The EC existed in this form until it was abolished by the 2009 Treaty of Lisbon, which incorporated the EC's institutions into the EU's wider framework and provided that the EU would "replace and succeed the European Community". 10 new countries join the EU and the EU Customs Union. Although it was not until 2004 that Athens admitted entry figures had been fudged, the dodgy numbers were an open secret in Brussels. In 2002, the Treaty of Paris which established the ECSC expired, having reached its 50-year limit (as the first treaty, it was the only one with a limit). The four countries resubmitted their applications on 11 May 1967 and with Georges Pompidou succeeding Charles de Gaulle as French president in 1969, the veto was lifted. These institutions (except for the auditors) were created in 1957 by the EEC but from 1967 onwards they applied to all three Communities. EU-Turkey Customs Union enters into force. First, European law has “direct effect,” which means that treaty provisions and legislation are directly binding on individual citizens, regardless of whether their governments have modified national laws accordingly. Council meetings are chaired by a minister from the country that currently holds the presidency. Another crisis was triggered in regard to proposals for the financing of the Common Agricultural Policy, which came into force in 1962. Why did Britain join the EU? The UK has ended its EU membership after 47 years, but the next phase of Brexit has only just begun. The “Yes” and “No” campaigns talked about other issues too The European Economic Community (EEC) was a regional organization that aimed to bring about economic integration among its member states. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. The European Union has been given a single legal personality under this Treaty. [20] After the Maastricht Treaty in 1993, these institutions became those of the European Union, though limited in some areas due to the pillar structure. For 2014-2020, a total of €217.8 million was earmarked for cooperation with Greenland. The referendum Wilson organised to remedy Heath's constitutional breach misled the electorate on a simple constitutional issue and was, therefore, itself illegal. [citation needed] Greece became the first country to join the EC in 1961 as an associate member, however its membership was suspended in 1967 after the Colonels' coup d'état.[6]. After more than 10 years of negotiating, in 1973 the UK joined the European Economic Community (EEC) – also known as the Common Market. Members also made several attempts to manage their exchange rates collectively, resulting in the establishment of the European Monetary System in 1979. The SEA also required the community’s economic policies to incorporate provisions for the protection of the environment, and it provided for a common research and technological-development policy, which was aimed primarily at funding transnational research efforts. Progress on the customs union proceeded much faster than the twelve years planned. It was mentioned in the treaties for the first time in the Single European Act (see below).[12]. [citation needed], Parliament pressured for agreement and on 20 September 1976 the Council agreed part of the necessary instruments for election, deferring details on electoral systems which remain varied to this day. In 1961, Denmark, Ireland, the United Kingdom and Norway (in 1962), applied to join the three Communities. The European Council is led by a president, an office that originally rotated among the heads of state or heads of government of member countries every six months. the Commission) over the integration process. The Norwegian people had finally rejected membership in a referendum on 25 September 1972. The following timeline outlines the legal inception of the European Union (EU)—the principal framework for this unification. It wasn't until 1992 that the European Union was officially formed, with Britain's membership coming into force in November 1993. Who were the original members? All community legislation requires the approval of the council. The fifth institution is the European Court of Auditors, which despite its name had no judicial powers like the Court of Justice. However, after the Treaty of Maastricht, Parliament gained a much bigger role. In 1951, six countries founded the European Coal and Steel Community, and later, in 1957, the European Economic Community and the European Atomic Energy Community: In their October 1974 manifesto, the Conservative party outlined the two key ideas behind the EEC as being to maintain security within Europe and to allow European influence in the world, and control over its own affairs, to grow in a world of polarised superpowers.
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