bible verses can our deceased relatives visit us

I don’t believe they send us signs. Daniel 12:2 and Hebrews 11:39-40 Our memories bring our past alive which can seem like reality at times, especially when we are grieving. What does the Bible say about magic tricks. Memories are physical, rather I am a living being of my mother and to honor her, I must believe that she would never leave me alone. I’m glad you’re back to writing again–I’m looking forward to keeping up with you. Article Images Copyright ©. She looked in the backyard and saw something that had not happened since Buddy became ill: The dog cavorted around the perimeter of the yard, jumped over the tree stump, then played peek-a-boo under the sheets drying on the clothesline. What Scriptures could we use to soothe our anxiety about Election Day? Again, you just do a little bit of logical work here and when it tells us that the witch conjures up Samuel—the Bible is talking about who this demon, of course, is attempting to impersonate.

But the passage in First Samuel shows it is possible for someone who has passed to revisit earth and even speak to us. You’re welcome Molly! But can the dead become angels? I hear it a lot, too, Vicki. I still get nothing." Saul asked for advice and God allowed it through his deceased servant, Samuel. Did Moses and Elijah go directly to heaven when they died? Do near death experiences reveal truth about the spiritual world? Thanks for this comment! Every good and perfect gift—including angels—comes from above, from the Father of life. Our daughter, our first born, has been in Heaven a little over a year now. Could've just been my own wish for it - but - it is nice to have. Can’t the God who knows our hearts determine when and how to send a message of hope? We can know without a doubt that they are happily escaped from a world of great sorrow and pain, and we can console ourselves, knowing that they would not wish to be privy anymore to the sadness and troubles of this life. Jesus is joined by Moses and Elijah, who talk with the Son of God. To say that these emotions are foolish to God and He is more concerned with eternity matters and heavenly matters to me seem again... Not like the God I believe I serve. Blessings and love your way! Please help. 1 In those days the Philistines gathered their forces for war, to fight against Israel.

Walk with God and let Him show you. We can trust God on this. We don’t have to look for signs or hope for the spiritual presence of our loved ones. I know she is with Jesus and with her dad and many others and is happy and joy filed. 1 Thessalonians 4:17 says that we do not grieve like the rest of the world, which has no hope.

• We are cautioned in Deuteronomy 18:10 not to seek out sorcerers and witchcraft. Psalms 116:15 - Precious in the sight of the LORD [is] the death of his saints. So I wonder... Is God answering my prayer by saying no? I don’t know how a dog can so strongly communicate that they’re still with us, but SHE DOES.


I stay quiet when someone says something contrary to my beliefs. It was like an artist or should I say Artist , painted expertly in the fog of the mirror , I even took a picture of it and there is no explanation for it , I even thought if it was a trick of the devil , what would be the point of it , to me ?

So what I say to people who ask me about their loved ones in heaven is this. Years ago, I read an anonymous quote that still encourages me today: “Since God is with us, and our loved ones are with Him – then they’re not very far away.”. Can our loved ones look down on us and occasionally visit? Not just from my experiences, but also from others who have reported similar incidents. I think the best way to put it is, you gotta know him in your heart, not a earthly book. Clarify

Would like to be in touch! There is no indication in these descriptions of Heaven or any other place in Scripture that those in Heaven are involved in or cognizant of the things that are happening on Earth. A common argument asks, “Why would someone in heaven watch what is happening on earth? As the melodies of Bach’s Oratorio filled the cathedral, I waited for our cue. Carol, I’m so sorry about your daughter. I believe the answer is yes. I try to live my life for Him because I love him and want to please Him, not so he will answer a prayer for me. Is There a Right or Wrong Way to Give Thanks? We don't carry on actual conversations with dead people. We can believe His word, and we can enjoy the memories of time with our loved ones until we see them again in Heaven. Maybe this is the reassurance of tears being wiped.We will certainly understand the egregious nature and horror of sin to a Holy God the justice of His righteous wrath and why hell is where sinners do belong. Their stories witness to us about trusting God, and they are the witnesses mentioned in verse 12:1. It says in the Bible that we have a “great cloud of witnesses.” Isn’t that wonderful? And we know you already read Ecclesiastes 9:5, and you could look at Psalm 146:3. In the soprano section, we stood in matching black concert dresses, voices raised with joy. But -- I was quietly accusing God of caring only about my loyalty -- not my feelings of sadness and deep grief. Me, too, Liz. is that real? Not just from my experiences, but also from others who have reported similar incidents. Can our loved ones look down on us and occasionally visit? Did the Witch of Endor Show Samuel to Saul? Prayers for endurance!! Jenah. It thrills me to think that my post might have brought you a small amount of comfort. In the Old Testament God commanded, ‘Let no one be found among you … who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anonymous. Just silence.To say that the dead have no regard for the living seems awfully brutish and harsh. Can’t he “save” our souls with a glimpse into his beautiful world and the affirmation that our loved ones are with him? Never have I thought that he is anywhere but heaven, at peace, no longer in pain, and with the Father. It is a moment of instruction for Peter, James and John, as well as a reminder to us that the saints in glory – when God wills it – can travel back to earth. Thank you for sharing your book. Can the living talk to the dead? Since then, even my fiancee finds both feathers, and pennies, in the oddest places. Its a part of who he is… why would God not let us keep some connection…. Within that cloud stands those gone before, cheering us on, praising God for our progress as we “run with endurance the race set before us.”. I personally have had many experiences of my mother visiting since her passing. using loved ones who have passed away?Kayembe: God is such a loving, affectionate, compassionate Father—more than we could ever imagine. GOD WOULD NOT NEGLECT TO SEND YOU A MESSAGE THROUGH HIS CHOSEN PROPHETS AND MESSENGERS AND CHOSE A DEVIL WORSHIPER TO GIVE YOU A MESSAGE .THAT IS NOT GOD'S WAYS ). Even a great day on Earth is marred by sin and imperfections the likes of which are abolished forever in Heaven, so it seems unlikely that our loved ones are looking down, sending rainbows, or helping us through situations. But her “mission” was to be my guardian, so she stayed as long as possible. But she always pulled through..she was the toughest little bitty. Thank you for this. . That connection allows her the peace now as she does not know our physical pain or physical emotions.

No one, not even our loved ones can know such pain or hardship, especially if they have died. I look forward to reading more and getting “to know” you and your precious family through your blog.

David shows here that the child is now gone, never to return to this Earth.

But that’s God—He’s the one watching over us with His heavenly host, a.k.a. That’s another reason we don’t turn into angels—they were here first. “We are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses” (Hebrews 12:1).

There was a reason for the death at that particular time. Thank you for this comment, Pam! Your words are so perfect and beautiful. What does the Bible say about falling in love?

Accept what you cannot change about the passing of your mom but focus on the living. Sherita!! There's a passage in Hebrews (ch 12?) No one can pray for the dead, as they are dead and gone from the earth, and my research suggests the Bible talks about soul sleep, until the Lord calls us up to judgement. On tape the voices answered our questions before we asked them out loud. My beloved Mother passed away recently, she was a wonderful mother and wife who worked tirelessly for others her whole life. There are many miraculous stories out there about people who receive signs from their deceased loved ones.

I lost my mother Feb 5th, 2017.

My boyfriend and I have no children, and everyone always called us the “3 musketeers”…we were that close to our fur angel. Then one day she heard the dog barking. But God knows I sure do hope so. (a filthy, unkempt puppy mill situation) Regardless, we still went in. Just because there aren't any tears in heaven doesn't mean I'm not dehydrating from my agonizing torment I live in daily.

In the Old Testament, we read the story of King Saul, who asked to speak to the prophet Samuel. Sarita- If you think she’s ready, there’s a ministry that ministers to mothers who have suffered the loss of a child. RJ Thesman is an author and a certified writing coach. Explain how some will not die until they see the kingdom of God. Or am I in some kind of test? I could wish you were cold or hot. I am the LORD your God. describing the great cloud of witnesses. Pastor Steve I recently lost my mother on valentines day she was sick but passed suddenly. The verse in Ecclesiasties 9:5 stating “the dead know nothing” is from an Earthly perspective. Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?” 5 Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. Dogs from the Greek Thayer G2965 metaphorically a man of impure mind, an impudent man. We can’t know everything that happens after death –  and truthfully – we probably don’t want to know everything. Then the still small voice whispered, “He’s here, up in the balcony, on the left.”. Even Christians say the oddest things about dead family members. She was malnourished and very sick looking. You sought the evil one and found him, why are you surprised. I THINK THE VISIONS JOHN HAD IN REVELATION WERE CONCERNING THE CHURCHES IN THE PRESENT AND A WARNING FOR THE PRESENT CHURCHES JUST LIKE HOW GOD SPEAKS THROUGH THE MESSAGES OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TO REFER TO THE THIS PRESENT TIME AND THE VISION REFERS TO THE FUTURE AFTER THE RAPTURE WHEN THE DEAD AND ALIVE WOULD BE ABLE GO TO HEAVEN BECAUSE BOTH THE DEAD AND ALIVE DON'T HAVE THE PROPER BODY TO BE IN THE PRESENCE OF THE ALMIGHTY GOD THE FATHER OF THE SON THAT'S WHY WE MUST ALL BE CHANGE EVEN THE DEAD AND PUT OUR GLORIFIED STATE. “There is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the … It is also mine to sort through, manage and live with. So Sorry for the loss of your mom. They cannot see or hear us and they know not what we are doing. ‘Do his commandments means ALL TEN. The use of the word “cloud” implies a different entity – possibly above us and enveloping us. Melissa you just confirmed that I am not the only one that thinks this way. And we know that we are created in God’s image, whereas angels are not.

How can you be a Christian in a Catholic church? Research shows that people who are dying often have dreams or visions where a deceased friend or relative appears.

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