rey rivera wife

We blog about hot male celebrities from their washboard abs, boxers or briefs underwear preferences, sculpted muscles, movies and TV shows, and sometimes their shenanigans. I know that he didn't kill himself.". Meurer told Vanity Fair that she was on site when Endres was interviewed. Some think that it is a sign that he was acting out the Davd Fincher movie The Game, others think is a sign that the Free Masons had something to do with Rivera's death, while others have tried to work out if Rivera is writing in code. We believe he would have.’”, “I circled it constantly, just like we’re circling it now,” she said. Thanks! Rey Rivera, a 32-year-old recently married aspiring filmmaker and former editor of a financial newsletter, seemingly had a lot to look forward to in life. “Allison, who knew Rey and knows that note better than anyone, said to me, ‘I know where each of those pieces of that note comes from.

Or else we would get local news footage and produce an update—just to let the audience know what happened in that case.”, Meurer said she feels like she owes Unsolved Mysteries audience members these updates “because they’re rooting for these people to have their mystery solved.” Considering the social media age we live in, Meurer said, “I think we would probably push any solid information out through social media so that we could get it to the world as quickly as possible.” In terms of producing a Netflix update, she and the series creatives are still figuring out what that might look like. (Vanity Fair reached out to Stansberry for comment.). What’s all that about?”. The 32-year-old writer, who had been married to wife Allison just six months, was found dead in an empty conference room of Baltimore's Hotel Belvedere a week after his initial disappearance; it was speculated by authorities that Rey had fallen, jumped, or was forced from the upper roof of the hotel and fell through the ceiling of the conference room. "I kept saying there's something bigger.

He must have other kids too because he wrote an article about the financial advice he would give his children. Since her appearance on Unsolved Mysteries, viewers are wondering: where is Allison Rivera now? But his comments about her recovered remains are strange, to say the least.

Fans of Unsolved Mysteries have been gripped by the episode exploring what happened Rey Rivera, who was found dead in 2006 after seemingly falling through the Baltimore Belvedere Hotel’s roof and into an abandoned room, and the cryptic note he left behind.

For more than four years, she was the president of Colorado-based GIBS Grooming, a men’s grooming brand. Our best wishes for a productive day. To this day, Allison continues to hunt for answers in her husband's mysterious death.

Vanity Fair may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers. From her recent posts, it appears that she hasn’t been in a relationship since she was widowed. It's rare that somebody that commits suicide doesn't leave a note or people didn't see it coming. She has been a financial manager for L.A.-based hair-styling brand Sexy Hair Concepts since 2002. The Unsolved Mysteries creator also revealed that Allison Rivera has ruled out one theory about the note.

“There are often incidents prior where people can say, ‘Oh, I could kind of see where that was coming up.’ That’s Allison’s belief. You have 4 free articles remaining this month, Sign-up to our daily newsletter for more articles like this + access to 5 extra articles. “I think she’s happy that she did [participate].

“I can’t stop trying to figure out this mystery.”. The true crime series Unsolved Mysteries originally aired from 1987 to 2010, and was revived by Netflix.

That’s hearsay, so there’s not much we can do with that, but some new names have come in. "He ran out of the house, saying that he was late for something.

Scottie Pippen's Estranged Wife Still Has His Back. And the bones are all that’s left—the bones are something tangible.”.

I’m still totally baffled.

She also studied writing at adult education classes at UCLA.

“There was no gag order or direction given to employees to not speak to the press, law enforcement or any other party,” Churbuck said. ; The first episode of Netflix's Unsolved Mysteries is about the suspicious death of 32-year-old Rey Rivera in 2006.; Rivera's story is also explored in the book An Unexplained Death: The True Story of a Body at the Belvedere by Mikita Brottman, published in 2018. The 32-year-old writer, who had been married to wife Allison just six months, was found dead in an empty conference room of Baltimore's Hotel Belvedere a … So I was on point with that reach out to him.… We were really sorry that he didn’t interview.

Given the leads she has already received, which case does Meurer think could be solved first? In the second episode, “13 Minutes,” Endres appears to discuss the sudden 2004 disappearance of his ex-wife Patrice. Could Kevin be correct. “His gaydar is pinging and he’s saying Porter Stansberry is gay,” Deena answered pointing at the screen which just splashed a picture of the victim and his college friend Porter Stansberry. Also mentioned in the note was a list of people Rivera knew and a variety of films connected to Free Masons and secret society’s, such as Stanley Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut. Unsolved Mystery on the Rooftop. Adding to the mystery, Rey’s cellphone and glasses were completely intact after the fall. Rivera’s widow Allison, for example, “had to really think long and hard about whether she would do this story.

Very telling!”.

To continue reading login or create an account. In Baltimore, she worked for the same company as a brand manager until 2006. "Unsolved Mysteries" viewers on Netflix have come up with many theories about what Episode 1 subject Rey Rivera's note means, but his wife Allison Rivera has some thoughts of her own. Also Read: Netflix’s Exhibit A Norma Jean Clark Case – What Happened?

We would get an update, [and] John [Cosgrove] would send a crew out as quickly as we could.

Rey Rivera’s death on May 24, 2006 remains a mystery that Allison and his family have been trying to solve. What I don’t understand is why they’re all put together in this letter form.’ So if Allison can’t figure it out, and the FBI can’t figure it out, I wouldn’t even venture a guess.”, Already have an account with us?

We ask because while watching the show, our friend Kevin went: “Ping. When she and Rey Rivera moved to Baltimore, Jones entered the hair styling industry. Rey Omar Rivera was born on June 10, 1973, to Angel and Maria Rivera.

According to a poster on Reddit, he got married on 9 November 2004 and had his first child three years later. Co-creator Terry Dunn Meurer has spoken out about Allison Rivera's thoughts on her husband's "baffling" note. Update: Another Redditor, who goes by tenderleash, claims that “Porter (Frank) was just divorced from his wife.

Unsolved Mysteries on Netflix begins with one of its strangest cases.

… This was just a stranger that this person saw.”, Meurer said the tips continue to roll in.

That does not explain, however, why the note was found taped to the back of his computer. Meurer said that Allison Rivera believes that Rey’s interest in Freemasonry, which saw him both purchase a book titled Freemasons for Dummies and visit a Masonic temple on the day of his disappearance, was all research for a screenplay he was working on. Allison Jones and Rey Rivera Moved to Baltimore from California Born Allison Jones on June 15, 1970, the Colorado native is the daughter of Thomas and Kathleen Jones. After her husband's death, Allison moved to various cities in the U.S., taking on different jobs. Rivera and his wife Allison had relocated from California to Baltimore to work for his longtime friend Porter Stansberryas a writer and videographer for Stansberry's investment company, Stansberry & Associates Investment Research; Rivera left working for the company six months prior to his death. “He ran out of the house saying that he was late for something. Who says, ‘Oh? Rivera’s widow Allison, for example, “had to really think long and hard about whether she would do this story. She has a bachelor’s degree in accounting and business management with a minor communications and French from the University of San Diego. “I think that Rob was very, very honest in his interview, and Rob was Rob. FACT CHECK: Fisher-Price to Sell “Peaceful Protest” Playset.

By: Caroline John - Published: July 2, 2020 at 9:17 am, Allison Rivera, Rey Rivera, Photo Credits: Courtesy of Netflix.

Apparently, he’s got a family. The new generation of Unsolved Mysteries, which launched on Netflix on July 1, looks and feels different from the original iteration of the true-crime series—which spanned 15 seasons and reportedly led to about 260 cases finding resolutions. “Any suggestion to the contrary is untrue.”) And, Stansberry declined to participate in the Unsolved Mysteries episode, leaving audience members to speculate about his possible involvement in his friend’s disappearance. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement (updated 1/1/20) and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement (updated 1/1/20) and Your California Privacy Rights. Rivera’s widow Allison, for example, “had to really think long and hard about whether she would do this story.

I do not know what happened to Rey. From the awards race to the box office, with everything in between: get the entertainment industry's must-read newsletter. Sign up for our daily Hollywood newsletter and never miss a story. Endres—who confesses to having had a rocky relationship with Patrice’s son, Pistol Black—describes his marriage to Patrice as being happy.

Meurer said she has “probably either spoken to Allison or at least texted or emailed her every day” since the series premiered, and that tips have begun rolling in.

She said, "I love you so much," to which he replied with, "Thank you for loving me so much." Porter Stansberry Wife or Girlfriend? Meurer said that Allison did not place any significance on the reference, as “Rey liked a lot of different types of movies”. But since 2019, Allison Rivera has lived in Los Angeles. Earlier this month, Meurer spoke out about a fan theory which linked Rey’s death to the David Fincher film The Game, which he also referenced in his note and features a main character who jumps from the roof of a build through a glass ceiling. Rivera returned to Colorado as the CFO of Dermbiotix in 2014, and once again began handling business development for KeraColor Haircare.

“Probably the most specific leads we’ve had come in have been about the Alonzo Brooks case [that was featured in episode four], because there were people in the town who heard things.

(David Churbuck, a publicist at Sitrick and Company, a crisis management firm hired by the company that owns the now-titled Stansberry Research, denied this to the Baltimore Sun this month. After her husband’s death, Allison Rivera returned to California, where she was a self-employed business consultant in Venice for over a decade. The series' co-creator also said in a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly that he'd spoken to Allison about an Internet theory that pointed out similarities between Rey's death and the movie The Game, which Rey mentioned in his final note: If you have information about Rivera's disappearance, visit Meurer said: "Allison, who knew Rey and knows that note better than anyone, said to me, 'I know where each of those pieces of that note comes from. Four years later, she moved back to California, where she now works as the Vice President of Business Development at Boulevard, a beauty, and technology company. What did producers make of Rob Endres’ eyebrow-raising comments about assembling his wife’s bones and sleeping with her remains?

Our Allison Rivera Wiki details what Rey Rivera’s wife has been doing since his mysterious death. With Xavier [Dupont de Ligonnès, featured in episode three], somebody sent us a photo of someone who looked so much like him. They were married only six months before tragedy struck.

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