Trade unionists trained in social dialogue and the Culture of Peace

The Félix Houphouët-Boigny Foundation for the Peace Research (FHB Foundation) organized a training seminar on December 22-23, 2016 for members of the regional section of the Central Syndicale Humanisme (CSH) ) Of the Autonomous District of Yamoussoukro, led by its Secretary General Adama Ouly.

The theme of this activity coordinated by the Peace Research Department of the institution was "the promotion of social dialogue and the culture of peace: what contribution for professional and associative organizations?"

The purpose of the meeting was to provide participants with the necessary mechanisms to meet both the demands of society in general and to effectively meet the expectations of their peers in their respective organizations in particular.

Dr. Dieneba Doumbia, Director of the Department of Peace Research, briefed the participants on the need for a change of mentality at the social level, moving from a culture of violence to a climate based on the essence of Dialogue and the values ​​of peace. She added that the commitment of all union actor in the direction of these themes is paramount although their missions are delicate. The work focused on democracy and the notion of law in order to find more pragmatic solutions to the real difficulties encountered by trade unions and associations.

This seminar was a time of sharing, conviviality and fraternity, given the enthusiasm of the participants who decided to become peacemakers and singers of social dialogue. The end of this seminar, which was the starting point of a collaboration between the FHB Foundation and the CSH, was marked by the award of diplomas to some thirty trade unionists.

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