The Félix Houphouët-Boigny Foundation for Peace Research, published by the F.H.B. Editions, has the mission of making known and disseminating to the scientific community and the general public publications relating to the various program activities of the F.H.B. Foundation. They also host varied studies in the humanities and social sciences.
They offer publications on paper (books and magazines) and multimedia products. And they publish a quarterly Newsletter and an annual academic journal entitled Dialogue & Paix.
Publishing Conditions
The publishing conditions are:
- Send a copy of your manuscript.
- Send a curriculum vitae and your contact information (address, telephone and, if applicable, e-mail).
- After acceptance for publication of the manuscript, send a copy on diskette or CD.Rom.
- Sign an author's contract proposed by the FHB Editions
The authors can deposit their manuscripts at the Foundation's headquarters in Yamoussoukro, or at the Annex in Abidjan (Atta Building, Ground Floor in the Plateau) or send them by post to the following addresses:
Félix Houphouët-Boigny Foundation for Peace Research
P.O. Box 1818 Yamoussoukro
P.O. Box 3941 Abidjan 01
Email: publications@fondation-fhb.org
Website: www.fondation-fhb.org