chinese names for girls

Bingyan 冰艳, 冰岩 f & m Chinese This name is a combination of 冰 (Bing) meaning "Cold, Ice" and 艳 (Yan) meaning "Gorgeous, Beautiful" (usually for girls), or 岩 (Yan) meaning "Cliff, Rocks" (usually for boys). It means “precious.” Hua. If you appreciate the beautiful tonal languages of China (all 302 individual living languages) like standard Chinese (Mandarin), Cantonese, Shanghainese, or Fuzhou, your family is Chinese, or maybe you have a multicultural family and want to honor your family's history, this name list is for you. 300 Dark Elf Names for Your Fantasy World. Share with us below which Chinese names you like the most and why you chose this name! This might be something that’s commonly done in other cultures, and it may be considered an honor for a person to name their child after you. This is the “courtesy name” or “style name” These names are how they are referred to among people outside their family and their closest friends. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Author: Laynie H. ico_facebook. In this list, keep in mind that we have omitted some names that have a chauvinistic meaning. Ai (爱) Japanese name meaning love. Boys. Keep in mind that some of these names may mean something different depending on the Chinese characters to be used. Ying means “smart,” and is one of the most popular Chinese names for girls—or boys. Chinese Girl Names are magical. You will find Chinese Girl Names & other fantastic baby girl names at Top 100 Baby Names Search. Parents choose for their children the best combination that will help them grow to have good characters. I wish I could include the Chinese script to make it more thorough. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Each child recorded in the family records of each generation would share an identical character in their names. What Does Seeing a Dead Person Alive in My Dream Mean? Are you looking for the perfect name for your baby boy? This article shares some of the most popular Chinese girl names with characters, meanings, as well as the translation of the Chinese name. How Do I Deal With This? What should I watch out for choosing a Chinese name? Are you looking for the perfect name for your handsome baby boy? This name, pronounced “h-waa” and meaning “flower,” could be a perfectly gorgeous fit. Top Chinese Names for Girls. Here's a list of 150 beautiful, unique, common, and uncommon names for your baby girl. This can also help with identifying which family member one is referring to when two people in the same family have slightly similar names. Chinese names may be short, but they’re packed with meaning and sometimes even a bit of history. Inspired by your Christian faith? China is one of the biggest country on Earth in a couple of ways. Ah Little one. Fenghuang – the Chinese equivalent of the Phoenix Wan – “scholar”; a name for a smart cat Shu – a well-behaved cat Wang Shu – the name of … Have a great day, Randall! For instance, countries like Korea and Vietnam still use adaptations of Chinese names. For those looking to give their baby girl a name that is spiritual in nature, look no … If you want to make a pretty Chinese girl names, these girls' name is for easy reference. Two characters can be chosen for a character’s separate meaning and qualities, though these combination of characters may no longer “mean” anything. Ai Mí: Pronounced eye mee, this lovely Chinese name for girls means “overflowing with love and affection,” and its symbolism evokes a “peaceful cloudy sky.” Bai: It means “outgoing,” and is an adorable choice for a first or middle name. Here are 200+ name ideas for twin girls to choose from. The Name will be with the Baby through the rest of their Life. Here are 250 charming middle names to choose from for your beautiful baby. For girls, you will want Chinese characters with more feminine characteristics such as beauty, gentleness, elegance, sweetness, loveliness and auspiciousness. Looking at ancient Chinese Mythology, “Wang Shu” refers to a god that steers the carriage for the moon. Look no further. There’s also Yehao, which essentially means “also good,” as if to say that the family wished for a son, but a girl is also good. Bao. This name generator will generate 10 random Chinese names. This includes the pleasing sound of a name as well as positive associations with the name and the shape of the Chinese character to be used to spell out the name. Chen the … morning. Ah Little one. However, as we mentioned, there are taboos regarding directly using the given name of someone of higher rank than you, so it would be bad form to use that name when referring to a child. Chinese name generator . Modern Chinese names consist of two parts. Choose from this list of over 100 unforgettable names. Our list of Chinese Names for Boys and Girls with meanings will inspire you to find the perfect name for your cute champ. For instance, a Chinese family from the countryside might name their children with characters that mean “ox” or “land.” However, these names are becoming less common. Changchang … flourishing. Chan juan … the moon; graceful; ladylike. a Name isn't just for a birthday - … Ai Lovable. Cute Chinese Names For Dogs CHINESE NAMES FOR DOGS ACCORDING TO THEIR PERSONALITY. Most people in world discover china’s beauty through movies and tours. Here are 150+ names for you to choose from. Now it's time to pick the perfect name for your daughter. I was worried that it might be in Chinese script. This name come first when pronouncing someone’s full name. Suggest Name. Choose from these meaningful names from the Bible, the New Testament, and the Old Testament. How do foreigners take a suitable Chinese name? Changying means “flourishing” and “lustrous”, LiMing means “one who is pretty and bright”, Ling means “compassion” and “understanding”, Mingmei means “bright and beautiful girl”, Mingxia means “bright glow through the clouds at dawn”, Pangfua means “clouds in the shape of flower”, Qingyuan means “a clear spring or deep water”, Qingling means “celebration of understanding”. Chinese personal names are names used by those from mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and other parts of the Chinese-speaking world through East and Southeast Asia.In addition, many names used in Korea and Vietnam are adaptations of Chinese names or have historical roots in Chinese, due to China's cultural influence in the region historically. There are names such as Laidi, Zhaodi, and Pandi, which actually mean “seeking a little brother.”. Are you looking for a name for your handsome baby boy? It means “treasure.” Bo. This posed quite the conundrum as many Chinese historical figures would then have to use different names depending on the context and who they are speaking to. I studied Japanese and there is much overlap with the kanji but my knowledge is extremely limited. Throughout the history of China, there have been several naming taboos that regulate who is allowed to use a person’s given name without being disrespectful. Let's have a try. Jun. One ravishing expression of China is their names. Feel free to mix and match these elements, or pick from the existing popular names in the list below. Irish names are intricate, beautiful sounding, and wonderfully unique. Choose from common and unique names from the Bible, the Old Testament, and the New Testament. Maybe a native speaker will have some feedback! This list contains both traditional baby names and unique names, so pick a special name just for them! For example, Li Mei is a typical Chinese name, and Li (李) is the surname and Mei is the given name. Chow … summertime. Suggest Name. 望舒 (Wang Shu) is one of the several Singaporean Chinese names that are gender-neutral. … Chinese Girl Names. Chinese Names for Girls Starting with C. Hey, Congratulations for your Newborn. It's important to note that hanzi (characters or logograms) can often be translated into English but not all characters are translatable. 倾城 (Qing Cheng) – It literally means “Flip a city.” There are more than 106,000 individual Chinese characters, and many of these can be used to write someone’s name. Thank you for sharing your positive comment. From Chinese 煌 ( huáng) meaning "bright, shining, luminous" (which is usually only masculine) or 凰 ( huáng) meaning "phoenix" (usually only feminine). However, if a Chinese name is written in English, sometimes the surname and the given name will change the order to be similar to the foreign names. These names are beautiful. Are you looking for the perfect name for your beautiful baby girl? Ai Lovable. JÅ« Dì : This popular choice among Chinese parents is pronounced just as the Western name Judy. What Does It Mean If I Keep Seeing the Same Person... What Does It Mean When You Dream of Getting Shot by... What Does It Mean to Dream About a Guy You’ve Never... What Does It Mean If You Dream About Your Dead Father. Congratulations on your baby girl! Here are 200+ name ideas for twin boys to choose from. Now it's time to choose a special name for your little princess. Parents often assign a Chinese name to their daughter in order to gift her with the traits and characteristics they hope that she will carry with her in this lifetime. Twins certainly share a special connection. i would like to spell this name. The home of Kung Fu, China, is such a unique place. Are you inspired by your Christian faith? The ming is often either monosyllabic or disyllabic. Now, have a great experience of selecting a name for your newborn baby. Chinese girl names: beautiful girl names; The Chinese names for girls in the year of the Rat 2020; Recommend Chinese boy names which … Other hanzi combinations are possible. For instance, a certain generation would have to use the character for “intelligence,” the next generation would have to use the character for “fastidiousness,” and the next would need to use the character for “kindness.” This can turn into a generation poem, especially when sixteen, thirty-two or more generations are worked out in advance by their generation. From traditional baby names to unique names—pick a special name just for them from this extensive list. Happy searching and share your favorite names in the comments! International, Foreign, Meanings Are you looking for the perfect Japanese name for your baby boy? Remember! Chang … free; uninhibited. Whether you are looking for a name rooted in tradition or the most popular name of the year, look no further. Suggest Name. Now is the perfect time to pick the perfect name. This is a useful index. Find the perfect name for the new addition to your family. Are you looking for a special middle name for your baby boy? Would you like a middle name that stands out or is memorable? Wang (王) Chinese babies are assigned two names, and you will realize that the Chinese first names for girls are different from those of boys. Lee or Li is the most common name in Chinese culture, it means ‘plum’. Japan, on the other hand, still use the Chinese characters in their kanji writing, and this also influences their language and naming conventions. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. It’s pronounced like Bao in the Chinese tradition. Got a spring baby coming? Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Are you looking for that perfect name? We’ve selected some of the cute Chinese pet names, would you name your pet after any of these? Thankfully, names like these have become more and more rare. We list a lot of meaningful Chinese girl names. ico_pinterest. An Tranquil. There are 200+ elements of names and names included in this list. Below are some nice Chinese names for girls. From Chinese 欢 ( huān) meaning "happy, pleased", as well as other characters pronounced in a similar way. Layne is an active freelance writer. Huang 煌, 凰 m & f Chinese. Chao-xing … morning star. Perhaps you are looking for a traditional Chinese name or a modern name. Congratulations on your baby boy or girl! Are you looking for a beautiful Japanese name for your baby girl? A person may call someone by their given name if the speaker has more authority than the person they’re calling. 2021 Happy searching! The United States may be a young country, but its history runs deep. Chinese Girl Names. There are names such as Laidi, Zhaodi, and Pandi, which actually mean “seeking a little brother.” There’s also Yehao, which essentially means “also good,” as if to say that the family wished for a son, but a girl is also good. 200+ Chinese Girl Names and Meanings. Suggest Name. We hope you were able to learn more about Chinese names for girls, as well as the many meanings associated with their names. Choose from the 150+ popular male name ideas that follow. There’s another interesting trend in naming Chinese children. There are 22 major languages in India and these popular names find their way across the world. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Congratulations on your baby girl! A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. Girls. The first part is the xing, which is the surname. There is immense diversity due to Mandarin and Cantonese dialects, different dynasties, and religious influence like Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. Many cultures in the East still show significant signs of their association with China, and this includes naming conventions. She enjoys staying up-to-date on trends, media, and emerging topics. An Tranquil. Suggest Name. Check out below these great inspirations for your pet: Ah lam (female) : Peace; Ai (female) : Loving; An (unisex) : Peace or Peaceful; Chong (male) : Powerful; Chung … Thankfully, names like … Both Chinese male and Chinese female names also have their respective meanings. Singaporean Chinese names that work for both boy and girls. Given names are much more diverse than surnames. Baby Names - Boys, Girls Names. A given name can be chosen based on many factors. Our List of Famous Chinese Names with meanings will help you to sort out your ideas for selecting a perfect one. Choose from modern names, unique names, traditional names, Hindi, Bengali, Telugu, English, and more! Meaning: Treasure or bud. Zhen An exotic riff on “Jen” could be this elegant Chinese name that means “innocent.” Pronounced like “bow” (rhymes with how), this is a unisex name that’s given slightly more often to girls. Twins certainly share a special connection. Caihong … a rainbow in the sky. Laynie H (author) from Bend, Oregon on May 21, 2019: Thanks Liz! If you are more intended to figure out the meanings of Chinese girls’ names, here are some popular girl’s Cute names. This means peers and younger relatives are not allowed to directly refer to someone’s name. Chéng Lì: The Chinese name for girls, pronounced cheng leeh, means 'sincere and beautiful' and its associated imagery is a clear and peaceful river. Congratulations on your baby boy. Choose from this list of 100 popular names. Chinese Names 🤔 (Guide For 2021) | Unlock The Secrets Now As with many cultures, Chinese girls are often named after positive qualities like beauty, purity, gracefulness, and happiness. Chinese Baby Names for Girls. Page 2 of Meanings of Female Chinese names, Ruolan, Shan, Shu through Zhilan, Zhu, Zongying. Chinese surnames are often monosyllabic. In order to make your search simple, We classified names into two categories, Chinese Baby Boy Names and Chinese Baby Girl Names. Chenguang … morning light. Throughout China’s history, they have conquered, influenced and traded with numerous nations both around them and across the seas. A Chinese girl’s name can also be influenced by their background. This is a great idea for a series. greeting. Most important task is giving a name to the baby that would be parents usually do. As for naming children after someone famous, this is considered bad form. They may also be named after pleasing things found in nature such as flowers, plants, precious stones, and bodies of water. In this list are only the Romanized names of Chinese names. Maven Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Huan 欢, æ­¡ f & m Chinese. If you are searching for Chinese Names for Girls, you are in the right place. If you are Russian, have Russian heritage, or simply love the Russian language, look no further. Congratulations on your baby girl! Are you looking for an American baby name for your baby girl or baby boy? After the surname is the personal name called ming. Girls. There is so much scope to cover multiple nationalities. I Don’t Trust Anyone. Changying … flourishing and lustrous. In China, many families want to have more sons, and daughters aren’t always greeted with delight. If so, congratulations! China is a huge and populous nation that has been a dominant force in the East since the beginning of history. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. A collection of Chinese Girl Names, Popular and Unique Chinese Girl Names. © 2016-2020 | All rights reserved, 100 Chinese Names for Girls and Their Meaning. Here is the list of top 100 common Chinese last names 1. So for the purposes of this list (and to keep you from being forced to learn Chinese characters), these names are based primarily on their sound using the phonetic alphabet. If you need nicknames that express affection for a lady, try the following cute Chinese nicknames for girls: 倾国 (Qing Guo) – It literally means “Flip a country.” For a girl who is world-changing cute. The purpose of this list is to help Chinese parents in choosing names for newborn baby. Are you looking for a name of Chinese origin? You have entered an incorrect email address! If you are Russian or love the Russian language, here are 150+ incredible names to choose from. There’s such a thing as a Chinese naming scheme, which can serve as a guide for what to name the children born into a certain generation. They can just be a combination of two characters with pleasing sounds, each with separate meanings. Alternative Spellings & Variations: 宝, 苞. pronounced ,,,deiux zeyune,,, thank you. It has the second biggest total area of land, and has the biggest population of any country, 1.4 billion people. Nameberry is a registered trademark of Nameberry, LLC. Are you looking for a perfect flower name for your beautiful baby girl? Before the 20th century, educated Chinese would also use a zi. Boys. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. Choose from popular Hebrew names and discover their various intricate meanings. Now it's time to pick the perfect name. Origin: Chinese. Perhaps you have Irish roots or simply love the Irish language. Holea. © 2021 Maven Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website.

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