nature citizen science

He originally thought that he would need to gather data from tens of thousands of people of all ages over the course of years, a feat that would be financially and logistically impossible for one research team with a limited budget. Sci. All authors provided comments on draft versions. A number of activities can take place in parallel, some of which have already been initiated. There are indications that in the past five years or so, citizen science has become more popular with researchers — and more likely to translate into a legitimate, publishable research project. Since the launch of Old Weather in October 2010, at least 16,400 citizen scientists have entered more than one million log pages to produce 1.6 million weather records, the basis for five atmospheric analyses. & Eggers, O. The latter could contribute to Tier I and II indicators, but more importantly, could provide alternative methodologies and data sources for Tier III (see Box 2). New and non-traditional sources of data are required. 2, 1 (2017). Res. A similar project to deal with poachers will launch this April. The eBird enterprise: an integrated approach to development and application of citizen science. By submitting a comment you agree to abide by our Terms and Community Guidelines. Learn more about New England-based citizen science here! And because users log in to use the system, the researchers can track which citizen scientists are best at which tasks and then give extra weight to results from the best performers. Workshops then need to be held whereby representatives from various citizen-science projects are brought together with UN Environment and experts in marine-debris science, to agree on a consistent set of protocols for measuring and collecting the data for SDG reporting. If successful, these efforts could be scaled up to other countries. For example, the CoP on citizen science and SDGs, running within the EU-funded WeObserve project (, is currently mapping existing contributions of citizen science to SDG indicators and is identifying those indicators where projects could potentially contribute in the future. & Simmons, B. Assessing data quality in citizen science. After transcribing 30 pages of logs, they are promoted to lieutenant. Scientists have to design their projects and protocols for anyone to follow, and must perform regular quality control. The citizen-science community should work with statistical agencies and the scientific community to develop an agreed set of accepted protocols and minimum data quality standards required from citizen-science projects, drawing on a large body of research that already addresses quality issues and involving relevant working groups such as the CSA Data and Metadata Working Group. Tipper, S. Curious noses measure air quality across Flanders. Future iterations of the PPSR core standard can incorporate economic, environmental and societal dimensions of the SDGs. Citizen science and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The project currently samples fossil formations along the east coast of the United States, but Osborne hopes to expand his sampling work to Panama and other countries. Demonstrating high quality will be a key mechanism in overcoming barriers to data use, as will showcasing examples of where the data are already contributing to the SDG indicators. Steffen Fritz. 14, 551–560 (2016). PM2.5 and PM10) in cities (population weighted)’. Trisha Gura is a freelance writer in Boston, Massachusetts. “The science has to be romantic, in a way, so that people want to support the research behind it,” says Jason Osborne, president and co-founder of Paleo Quest, a citizen-science organization focused on palaeontology. Whatever a volunteer's motivation — even if it is just the joy of participating — scientists have to understand and nurture it. The sheer scale of the projects can create quality-control challenges. Figures were provided by I. McCallum, I. Moorthy and U.W., with inputs from others. Scott Stevens, a research associate at the Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites in Asheville, North Carolina, works for a project in which citizen scientists classify images of storms. Collaborating with Muki Haklay, a geographic information scientist at UCL, Lewis sought a way to help, and to document the damage for policy-makers. Data such as the locations of snares will be shared with policy-makers to attempt to reduce the killing of endangered animals. Co-created and collegial projects, in contrast, might promote greater ownership and contributions to key SDG indicators that are driven by the needs of the community. Citizen science can help researchers to address previously insoluble problems. Earth observation (for example, satellite imagery, LiDAR and drones). The National Aeronautical Space Agency (NASA) in the United States is exploring citizen-science potential within general aviation to contribute aerial photos to assess eutrophication42. Geoinf. 3, which has five different aspects. Lett. Rückenwind dank digitaler Tools. The acceptance of data collected by citizens in the Philippines as outlined above is a prime example33 while Australia has developed its own ‘Method for Australia’s SDG baseline assessment’ that allows for the reporting and monitoring of quantities adapted to their specific country context49. T.C. Jeong et al. For example, see, a search engine for citizen-science projects, and a recently published inventory of citizen-science activities in Europe that address environmental policies18. At the same time, much work is still needed to create a trusted environment in which citizen-science data are accepted as a credible source of inputs for statistical reporting at the national level. At the same time, this may positively impact the temporal resolution at which the data are collected, that is, more frequent update cycles as well as better early warnings are possible with data collected by volunteers. In this Perspective, we present a roadmap that outlines how citizen science can be integrated into the formal Sustainable Development Goals reporting mechanisms. 1, Table 1and refs. Created by the UN Statistical Commission, this group is comprised of member states of the UN. Citizen Science. Each reviewer must sift through 4% of the observations to validate them, in essence looking at hundreds of thousands of observations. 352, 3–8 (2015). Ganz neu ist das Konzept von Citizen Science nicht – im Gegenteil. Our citizen science projects invite you to actively contribute to the Museum's science research. An example is the global platform eBird, which has become integrated with existing regional platforms, harmonizing data with existing projects and increasing the size and reach of the data available22. Michael Pocock. At NatureMetrics, we’re passionate about the advancement of knowledge and the accessibility of science, which is why we created the NatureMetrics eDNA Discovery Lab.Whether you’re a school group or a grandparent, a corporate organisation or a community project- when you engage in citizen science you are supporting our natural world and educating through action. In another quality-control measure, multiple users do the same task on the same data, so that mistakes are averaged out. A third activity is to build on existing policy frameworks that advocate citizen science for decision making (for example, the 2015 US White House Memorandum on Citizen Science; the US Crowdsourcing and Citizen Science Act, which was incorporated into Section 402 of the American Innovation and Competitiveness Act; the European Open Science Policy Agenda; the recommendations of the European Open Science Policy Platform; action 8 of the EU roadmap to streamline environmental reporting50; and the Ministerial declaration at the UN Environment Assembly at its fourth session51, which calls for the wider use of data from citizen science). The horizontal line in each box is the median. The Nature Net Calendar is updated monthly with activities happening at Nature Net sites, so you can visit our website to learn about upcoming nature-based and educational events for you and your family. It is difficult to measure the growth in citizen science accurately, in part because many ventures overlap with science-education efforts, but projects are definitely becoming more common. The person who transcribes the most pages on a ship becomes the captain. Projects have to be interesting, tangible and involve discovery, he adds. But that thinking can lead to trouble. Google Scholar A big thank you from the Citizen Science team to everyone who took part in City Nature Challenge this year! Citizen science in schools: students collect valuable mammal data for science, conservation, and community engagement. Ansari, R. R. & Schubert, T. General Aviation Citizen Science Study to Help Tackle Remote Sensing of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) (Glenn Research Center, 2018). The concept of citizen-generated data overlaps with many other terms17 including citizen science, which is the focus of this Perspective because there are now many examples of citizen-science projects around the world covering a diversity of domains that can contribute to the SDGs. KBAs contain more than 13,000 Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas, which are established by BirdLife International using data from their volunteer network30. Tarchiani, V. et al. Birds. Importantly, environmental protection agencies are showing commitment to the use of low-cost sensors and citizen science in air-quality management at the national (for example, the US, Netherlands and Ireland), regional (for example, the EU), and UN level. Localizing the Sustainable Development Goals using CBMS and LOGOD. Correspondence to This development process is still ongoing, whereby Tier III indicators are moved to Tier II and eventually Tier I, with annual reporting to the High-level Political Forum for Sustainable Development. Nat. Bowser, A. et al. See, L. et al. Due to these high costs, the cycle of data collection is often infrequent, and hence these traditional data sources can quickly become outdated. But recruiting non-scientists comes with complications, including finding the right technical tools and partners to organize and execute projects with potentially thousands of data collectors. Natural England. Moreover, data from volunteers have been formally recognized in the Philippine Statistical Development Program as a means for enhancing local data collection for the Philippine Statistical System33. Activities vary widely from transcribing old ship logbooks to digitize the data as part of the Old Weather project to observing and counting birds at home or in the field for eBird. Metadata for Indicator 15.4.2 (United Nations, 2017). Synergies between marine and river pollution monitoring by citizen scientists could also be investigated for SDG reporting43. At the same time, the citizen-science community must identify potential privacy risks and help citizen-science projects adhere to applicable data privacy laws, for example, the EU General Data Protection Regulation effective from 25 May 2018, which requires protection of personal data and addresses the transfer of data out of the EU; this has implications for global-scale citizen-science projects. Sign up for the Nature Briefing newsletter — what matters in science, free to your inbox daily. (2019). Tier I: the indicator is conceptually clear, has an internationally established methodology and standards are available. Increasing national statistical capacity is one approach, but this requires investment. Researchers at Princeton University in New Jersey, for example, have used data from Nature's Notebook to expand a model of the timing of leaf-bud bursting from the Harvard Forest area in Massachusetts to the entire eastern seaboard of the United States. Though citizen-science projects are generally not SDG-related, the data can, nevertheless, be used implicitly for SDG indicators. Over the course of a few months, more than 13,000 individuals — ages 11 to 85 — took the test, and Halberda's team analysed the results. Agencies often ask for some measure of how a research project will affect the lay public: the US National Science Foundation (NSF), for example, requests a description of a project's “broader impact” for many of its grants, including early-career development awards. Evol. First, come up with a question that takes full advantage of a network of amateur data-collectors. Citizen science is recognised as having a strong contribution to make to environmental management and protection [].It has been described as resting upon two pillars: one concerned with the data management of distributed resources, and the other with initiating interest and maintaining motivation amongst volunteers []. Data for Development: A Needs Assessment for SDG Monitoring and Statistical Capacity Development (UNSDSN, 2015). Sci. Compiled by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, the Red List Index provides indicators that capture the risk of extinction over time for four taxonomic groups: birds, mammals, amphibians and corals. Toidujäätmete ja Toidukao teke Eesti Kodumajapidamistes ja Toitlustusasutustes (SEI, 2015). J.L.O., D.F., R.M., M.B., L.A.S., S.S. and U.W.,,,,,,, Citizen Science as Democratic Innovation That Renews Environmental Monitoring and Assessment for the Sustainable Development Goals in Rural Areas, Correcting misclassification errors in crowdsourced ecological data: A Bayesian perspective, A Buzz for Sustainability and Conservation: The Growing Potential of Citizen Science Studies on Bees, Citizen Science for Transformative Air Quality Policy in Germany and Niger, Coordinator Perceptions When Assessing the Impact of Citizen Science towards Sustainable Development Goals. Small-scale farmers who do not have access to expensive soil and crop monitoring services are provided with the technology and knowledge to monitor soil moisture and implement adaptive soil and land management. Int. Hadj-Hammou, J., Loiselle, S., Ophof, D. & Thornhill, I.

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