raised bed meaning

This adds organic matter to the soil. And of course, watering cans are still an effective way for gardeners to get regular exercise. Origin Late 17th century; earliest use found in John Evelyn (1620–1706), diarist and writer. A bed which is at a higher level than the rest of the adjacent garden. You can learn more in our article about fertilizing vegetable gardens. Because the soil level is higher, you stoop less to weed, water, and do other garden chores. Overhead sprinklers can also be used, but because they get the plant foliage wet, they are more likely to spread disease. You can also add additional compost for more nutrients. Row gardening is designed to leave walking paths between plants so you can access everything. Be cautious of recycled lumber as a building material. A raised bed is a freestanding structure, elevating the soil level from the existing grade. (i.e. document.write("googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-716822982333647752-oop'); });"); Raised Bed With Legs. document.write("