vegan christian community

It’s easy to get involved in Vegan Outreach’s work, either as a volunteer or as a donor. ), health food stores, food co-ops, vegetarian restaurants, etc. In researching this article, I interviewed Dr. Richard Alan Young, a biblical scholar and author of the book Is God a Vegetarian? It is certainly one way of practicing the Eastern religions (including Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism), and Cortez has joined the "Buddhist Services Group," which has asked the prison for a vegan diet. This is interesting because it is one of the very few examples in the second testament where Christ has a direct interaction with non-human animals. His sculpture, artwork, and writings on animal rights and veganism have appeared in numerous publications, including the New York Times Style Magazine and Encyclopedia Britannica. This in no way means that this interpretation is ubiquitous, but it has been influential. Vegans Going Global This discussion group is for those Christians interested in vegetarianism as a way to witness to the compassion, love, and peace of Christ by choosing vegetarian diets. Thanks y'all. This book has so many elements of helping people who follow Jesus to have healthy community that are not found in other Christian materials I have read–and I am an avid researcher. The Reducetarian Paradox: Rigidly Applying ‘Moderation’ to Eleven... Biden Must Stand Up To Animal Agriculture! If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.” (I Corinthians 14:34-35). I am currently working on publishing the book, “Veganism and the 21st Century Bible” (Name subject to change), You might want to check it out in the mean time =]. Applying for membership. God’s love and strength be with you always, Non-vegans are welcome. Veterinarian Advocates “Humane” Mutilation? The three primary reasons are spiritual, nutritional, and ethical. Copyright © | Free From Harm | All Rights Reserved. The thing I think both of us need to remember is that it is not the responsibility of the Christian, or any other person for that matter, to be correct and moral in every situation. Famous Christian apologist and author C.S. And it is merely a matter of time before the condemnation of meat consumption and any ill treatment of animals becomes a widely held doctrinal tenet of the Christian Church. But hold out hope that giving up dairy and egg will in the end make you less lethargic rather than more tired, as is the experience of nearly every vegan who ate a healthy diet whom I have spoken to. I have written many times on the issue and you can find my responses here, here, here, and here, as well as a few other places I believe. Also, why does God command Abraham to sacrifice a sheep after the whole Mount Moriah ordeal with his son Isaac? I would say that it is impossible to prove 100% that Jesus was a vegan. You are welcome here anytime! 6 years ago I wrote about this epiphany. If you imagine that God is a light then we are a mirror positioned just so that His light reflects off of us at an angle to shine on creation. Interview with Robert Grillo, Founder and Director of Free... On the Claim That “Humane Meat” Leads to... B12: A Magic Pill, or Veganism’s Achilles Heel? I love you all so much and I hope that you are well in the coming winter months and in this time of Christ’s advent. Applicants with at least one year of chef and maintenance experience are preferred. You can read my assessments here, and here. Christian vegetarianism is the practice of keeping to a vegetarian lifestyle for reasons connected to or derived from the Christian faith. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.’”. Out ministry, as children of God, as sanctuaries of His spirit we are called to serve a purpose that Paul describes as being: as having nothing yet possessing  everything. Next week I will finally have time to work on my responses, fear not, I have not forgotten about them! Because Balaam is impure and can’t see the angel, he beats the donkey with his staff, imploring her to get back on the road. This was a wonderful submission! Other people do a longer transition period where they slowly reduce the amount of dairy and egg in their diet while slowly replacing those meals with more vegetable protein and carb. Religious experiences take many forms, vegans can share in these experiences through their holistic … Time and again during our conversation, Young came back to the fact that in biblical times, the horrors of modern factory farming and vivisection (the use of animals in scientific experiments and product testing) did not exist. Polygamy is another example of biblical hermeneutic change over the course of history. We're a sustainable community for vegetarian Christians, vegan or raw foodist Christians. and I happen to think that I am a wonderful person. A Christian vision of delighting in God’s world and living responsibly among the fellow creatures God loves will be an inspiration to many Christians either to adopt a vegan diet, or to move in that direction by reducing their consumption of animal products and seeking out animal products raised to higher welfare standards than those offered within industrialized systems. But … by the assertion that God has allowed it, and, above all, by habit, people entirely lose this natural feeling.”. Some sources said it’s because it represents Christ’s sacrifice as the lamb of God, and other sources said it’s because Egyptians worshipped lambs, and so was therefore used to prove loyalty to praising God and not idols. Write describes the vocation of humanity as that of a mirror. I myself did not experience this, but rather felt much better, generally, after giving up dairy and egg. I cannot see myself being married or dating a non-christian because they hold a different purpose for their life, I cannot see myself married or dating a non-vegan because they hold a different ministry. With that in mind feel free to ask me anything any time just be aware that sometimes, especially during my school sessions, the answer may take me some time. Follow the story of The Farm Community from San Francisco to Tennessee and the 40 years evolution into a modern day ecovillage. And I deeply desire to have a life partner who can challenge and encourage me and for whom I can do the same. Thus, the reason creation fell alongside us is because we stopped serving our purpose of showing creation God’s character. Unfortunately, regardless of my writings or your convictions, you are liable to interact with Christians who disagree with veganism if you go to a church or other gathering where there are Christians. Animal agriculture is also the main factor in deforestation and water pollution throughout the world. It is this: biblical hermeneutics. Meet and chat with Vegan Christians from all over the world. Someone who will fight against injustice with me, and do ministry with me. Hey there,A month ago I became a vegan officially and decidedly after being on and off for about two years. To show creation God’s character is to act as Christ towards it, to be both steward and servant. March 24, 2020. N.T. Over and over, slaves are admonished to obey their masters even if they are harshly treated. Likewise, virtually all scholars agree that the prophetic passages in the book of Isaiah describe the eternal Kingdom of God as a place where there will be absolutely no killing of any kind and all facets of existence will be at peace: “The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together…. And I’m realizing that the worst sacrifices of veganism have nothing to do with what I am eating, but have much more to do with the being socially ostracized and outcast. Though a small vegetarian/vegan minority exists, for the most part Christianity in North and South America is a meat-eating religion. The Atlanta Vegetarian & Vegan Group. By Robert Wayner | October 1, 2014 | Categories Veganism. While we no longer champion the validity of the institution of slavery, until a mere 150 years ago countless numbers of Christians believed otherwise. Pursue wellness in Christian community, enjoy retreats together, find encouragement and fellowship in this healthy and ethical vegan lifestyle! It is no wonder that more church leaders are finally beginning to view the production and consumption of meat as an outright sin. Check out resources, articles, videos, and podcasts on how to thrive on a plant-based diet or vegan lifestyle. We are a world wide and community-based strict vegan religious organization focused on helping make the world around us a better, happier, healthier place by honoring the commandment, "Thou shalt not kill" and ending the oppression of disease by promoting a healthy diet of whole vegetables, supplemented with cereal grains, legumes and nuts. I think it depends a lot on how you view your ministry as a child of God. It destroys both, and just as importantly, it inflicts incalculable anguish on the lives of innocent animals who were created by God to enjoy their freedom just as much as we humans. As Tolstoy said, “So strong is man’s aversion to all killing. But I just feel like no one will want me, and that this choice to live ethically, because it is so counter-cultural, will doom me to be single forever. And thanks for listening. After numerous attempts and beatings to no avail, the donkey actually speaks to Balaam and explains that if he would open his mind and his eyes, he would see that there is a very practical and urgent reason why, after years of service, she has abruptly stopped. Basil. This second method I think is perfectly acceptable if going “cold turkey” is not working for you. So sorry that my response is very delayed, I’m sure you understand how little time is available to those of us studying medicine. You can read my previous comments on the issue here, here, here, here, and I think a few other places. If people actually act and think this way then why should they treat veganism with any serious regard unless there are vegans around them living honestly to their beliefs of non-violence? First, let me assure you that the whole “Jesus ate fish” issue is one that is a stumbling block for many and you are certainly not alone in this. Many are vegetarian. However, in my circle of friends pastors such as a Tim Keller and Mark Driscoll are names that come up often who have online podcasts and such. It was in a van on a mission trip to northern Mexico and a younger girl sitting beside me asked me about why I was vegan. Saint Augustine of Hippo went so far as to say that this event is evidence that Christ simply did not care about animals in his work The Catholic and Manichaean Ways of Life [1]. May the living Christ be with you always giving strength. God bless your life with love and grace always! It is not only an outward expression of compassion, grace, and justice, it is the healthiest lifestyle for our bodies, community, and the planet. What excuse then do we have to kill animals for food or other products, when we are fully capable of leading a life without killing them and we know that we shouldn’t kill them? Now, anyone with non-christian friends knows that they probably have plenty in common with them. I started out trying it for the health reasons, which didn’t keep me vegan, but have now transitioned to ethical veganism, which is keeping me consistent. I have written on the issue of fish several times and you can read some of those responses here, here,here, and here. Most Christians in the Western Hemisphere eat meat. That is not to say that each persons’ ministry must be identical, we all have different spiritual gifts. As a matter of fact, a very strong biblical case for complete abstinence from meat and all animal products has been taught for years. Eco Truly Park, Peru. It is not only an outward expression of compassion, grace, and justice, it is the healthiest lifestyle for our bodies, community, and the planet. Converting plant food into meat wastes approximately 78 percent of the protein, up to 96 percent of the calories, and all of the fiber. But I can’t quite understand why in Leviticus God is telling Moses to have women be valued less than men in shekels, if men and women are equal in worth and dignity spiritually? I don’t know if I am even looking for advice or anything, just for a forum to get out my feelings with people who understand. Even the iconic Fred Rogers of the public-television program Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood, an ordained Presbyterian minister, was a vegetarian and avoided any products derived from animals. I’d be curious to also know about spiritual practices, and if that differs between vegans and non-vegans. It is the way intended by God. Mark 1:9-11 says the Holy Spirit appeared as a dove: “As Jesus was coming up out of the water, He saw heaven being torn open and the Spirit descending on Him in the form of a dove.”. You know your heart and his better than I do and with prayer and the love of God, I believe that you will do the right thing. However, amidst these inconsistencies that naturally result from the different historical and literary contexts in which they were written, there are unmistakable themes that emerge when all elements of hermeneutic criticism are taken into consideration. (Irfan Khan / … However, in my four decades of researching, searching for, and experiencing community, I have found that what this book contains is almost every element of healing and healthy relating that non-Christian communities … / Patricia Mikkelson. Since its founding in 1993, they have distributed more than 20 million vegan-oriented booklets. I want to apologize for my seemingly extended absence. Elements of the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus, for example, are reported somewhat differently in all four Gospels. -2 Corinthians 6:14-15. By this interpretation of scripture, I see it as an essential aspect of the Church’s ministry to re-establish this vocation. When not writing or talking about animal rights, he is working in his garden or foraging in the forest. I have written a few thoughts on that topic. Phoenix Global Green School, a vegan preschool, is hiring a vegan cook/maintenance person. Let me know if you still have questions after going through those and I will be more than happy to discuss the issue in more detail. Ethical veganism, the avoidance of all animal products — including food, clothing, cosmetics, and any other products derived from animal exploitation — is the purest way to honor God and his Creation. Again, most relevant passages throughout both the Old and New Testaments relegate womens’ role in the church to an auxiliary or nonexistent one. Let me know if you still have questions after reading through those and I would be more than happy to go over them with you! In countless passages, Jesus is referred to as the Lamb of God. who has been vegan for a while.) May God come into your heart as He came to Earth so long ago to bring salvation to His beloved creation. Before I became vegan I of course had my moments of thinking I would be single forever…But now that I am vegan I feel like I’ve narrowed down my options even more, because I won’t be desirable to any other Christians who are passionate about the same things I am. I am not a dietician for humans so you might want to find a vegan friendly dietician who can give you more exact advice. Through the Genesis description of the Garden of Eden and the Isaiah account of the eternal Kingdom of God, we vividly sense that God desires a world without killing. I’m sorry this question is so long! But I’ve heard some go as far to argue that the Bible commands us to eat meat, which is simply untrue. I could have given short, non-detailed, responses and gotten them done sooner but I want you to have as much info as possible. However, despite the general acceptance of this ethos of domination within Western Christianity, the fact remains that when all scriptural passages pertaining to animal welfare are viewed within the larger context of the Christian message of grace, atonement, and mercy developed throughout the Bible, there exists an even stronger argument that promotes the humane and compassionate treatment of animals. Also, if there are any vegan Christians in the LA/Pasadena area, I would love to get together. Moreover, he contends that, because a plant-based diet is extremely beneficial for the human body as well as the planet, there is no excuse for us to eat meat. ;). The ideal has clearly been set for us. Hi Chris, I was wondering if you could explain to me the reason why God commanded for lamb’s blood to be smeared on the front door during the time of Moses and his people in Egypt? I’ve tried to do my own research on it. I know my sheep and my sheep know me.” However, according to Luke 24, Jesus ate fish with the disciples. Robert Wayner is a Chicago-based animal rights advocate and artist who has organized many animal rights/vegan events including the annual Chicago Fur Free Friday March. In recent years, Israel has secured its place as the leading vegan country in the world. Likewise, Christian veganism is the abstaining from the use of all animal products for reasons connected to or derived from the Christian … This article first appeared on the Encyclopaedia Britannica’s Advocacy for Animals site and is reprinted with permission of the editors. I began to explain and it was not her but the older woman in the front passenger seat who objected to what I was saying. It is our job, as it were, as those holding the image of God and dominion of creation to demonstrate God’s character toward creation. (For that matter, I can’t imagine coming across any rank-and-file Christians who would endorse slavery, either.) Many others can be found through rental listings in local and alternative media such as Toronto's Now Magazine; or by checking the bulletin boards and newsletters of local community centres, special interest groups (environmental, vegetarian, activist, etc. A “Vegan Friendly Church” is inclusive and respectful of vegan members; includes prayers for animals as well as people; encourages the hosting of films, speakers, and book studies about doing no harm to animals and improving members’ health by learning about plant-based eating; and hosts events that include plant-based meals for members who are vegan. Andrew Linzey has been known to do some online interviews and podcasts however, here is one such talk: John 21 even has Jesus cooking fish for breakfast over an open fire. Scriptures, events,... Vegan Christian Community Encouragement for Your Journey Raw Christian … Biblical hermeneutics analyzes all the historical factors of these writings and searches for eternal truths that last beyond the culture or time in which the texts were written. Many Christians may counteract these points by determinedly pointing out that the Bible condones the consumption of meat—and it’s true, in some instances, the consumption of meat is specifically addressed. I have questions in my inbox that I completely intend on answering but school has been keeping more than a little busy, so I have had to put them off until now. (I’m sorry if my questions are verbose and inaccurate, I’m a recent “born-again” Christian, [previously being agnostic/atheist.] He reiterates the same sentiments in a letter to Timothy (I Timothy 2:8). We are a fellowship of families and singles, practicing radical discipleship in the spirit of the first church in Jerusalem. Veda. It is also a prominent passage referenced by critics of Christianity as it show’s Christ’s indifference to non-human animals. But today, the term vegetarian is largely interchangeable with “lacto-ovo vegetarian,” or one who consumes dairy and eggs but no meat. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says. Eating meat is the worst way imaginable to sustain our bodies and our planet. I hope everyone is willing to be patient with me in this endeavor! We gladly renounce private property and share everything in common. Saint Thomas Aquinas has been noted as a prominent figure to continue that line of reasoning but with the specific stipulation that God will do whatever is in man’s best interest regardless of what harm it brings to lesser creation, thus leading to the general concurrence, and silence, in much of Western Christian theology. I will of course keep your wonderful feline friend in my prayers and you as well, that you will find comfort in your grieving process. 10 Mothers On Why They’re Saying NO To Dairy. Veganism: "A philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of humans, animals and the environment. We're thrilled that has resulted in tens of thousands of connections, friendships, partnerships, marriages, and love. Veganism is a community and it’s growing. However, even if any or both of these are true, why would a lamb have to be used? I have given you a glimpse of my perspective on the issue as food for thought. Free from Harm is dedicated to helping end animal exploitation through public education and grassroots action. Monastery Living, Uncategorized. I am sure others here will be praying along with me. “Strict vegetarianism” is the same as dietary veganism: abstinence from all animal-derived foods. Chapter 22 in the Book of Numbers tells the interesting story of the Israelite Balaam, whose faithful donkey sees an angel with its sword drawn blocking the road and wisely chooses to turn off into a field. No respected biblical scholar would deny that, according to the biblical account as laid forth in Genesis, the Garden of Eden (and hence the essence of God’s vision of Creation) was vegan. They will neither harm nor destroy on my holy mountain, for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” (Isaiah 11: 6-9). News. However, there is so much proof, just from the four gospels, that he was a vegan. To get a better appreciation of what we are talking about I will go over the basics of the story and then try to pick apart some of the finer details and alternate interpretations in order to shed some light on what this means for modern-day Christians and animal rights activists alike. When asked about the morality of killing animals for food, the response from most self-described Christians is almost always the same: the Bible teaches that humans have dominion over animals, and that killing them for food or any other service to humans is allowable. Veganism is an extreme form of vegetarianism, and though the term was coined in 1944, the concept of flesh-avoidance can be traced back to ancient Indian and eastern Mediterranean societies. If she had not turned away, I would certainly have killed you by now, but spared her.”, In the New Testament the contradiction of the teachings continues. The dramatic doctrinal change that we now take for granted occurred gradually over the course of the last 1,500 years as biblical scholars hermeneutically wrestled their way to the conclusion that the overall message of the Bible, culminated by Christ’s atonement for all people regardless of race or gender, prohibits the ownership of one human over another, despite specific biblical passages that contend the exact opposite. A vegan, Christian Universalist community in the process of being formed. On another occasion he worked a miracle so they could bring in a huge catch in their nets. I will do my best to address each of your questions individually, but I should say upfront that there is a lot of theological crossover between them. 2 Corinthians 6:14 warns the dangers of being intimately involved with non-believers. As a matter of fact, throughout both the Old and New Testaments, slavery is fully accepted as a legitimate economic institution. Sadly, I am not sure what you should do about your relationship. September 17, 2020 — 0 Comments. This is a tough question. The Farm Community has not only survived, but remains as a model lifestyle for humanity, demonstrating that people can live together in a way that is ecological, peaceful, and viable. They will be yours for food. If after reading those you still have questions feel free to ask! Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? In 2006, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization reported that the world’s meat-producing industry contributes more greenhouse gases (which cause global warming) into the Earth’s atmosphere than the emissions of all cars, trucks, airplanes, and trains put together. … Hi there! I didn’t think that being vegan would mean putting such a huge mark on me as someone who is weird or undesirable…I feel like I’m only just being authentic, having my behaviors match the convictions of my heart. Author’s Note: For historical context I mention both vegetarianism and veganism throughout this article, but it should be noted that there is a big difference between the two. Steven Rosen in his book, Food for the Spirit, 1987, argues: The early Christian fathers adhered to a meatless regime...many early Christian groups supported the meatless way of life. As noted in the article, it is clear that the Garden of Eden was vegan and that animals were not exploited in any way. In Matthew 23:37, Jesus compares his own love of Jerusalem to that of a mother hen gathering her chicks: “How often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing.” In John 10:14, Jesus simply says, “I am the good shepherd. All are welcome here, as all are welcomed by Christ. The cow will feed with the bear, their young will lie down together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox. The Bible implores us to produce fruit with our repentance (no pun intended). I feel like I’ve signed my life over, and I feel totally out of control and a little hopeless about myself. Luckily, it doesn’t have to be rare – you can do your part to introduce veganism to your church, synagogue, mosque or temple. The church’s teachings are among the reasons why Loma Linda has the Blue Zone distinction of having more long-living, healthy residents than usual. Always wonderful to see people moving towards a more inclusive and loving Christianity! In numerous verses, animal imagery is used to reflect not only righteous attributes but even God himself. Vegans participate in dietary religious rituals; abstaining from any foods derived from animals and the use of products that require the suffering or death of animals for their production. I am so sorry for your loss. This passage is prefaced with an elaboration of Paul’s ministry. ______________________________________. The Christian Vegetarian Association (CVA) A plant-based diet helps preserve our health and serves God by avoiding the animal cruelty, environmental damage, and human misery associated with factory farms. Virtually the entire New Testament is based upon the idea that as sanctified members of the body of Christ who have experienced God’s grace, Christians are called to lead a godly and righteous life to the best of their ability. Most modern-day Christians would be surprised to know that not once in the Bible is slavery condemned. Another hermeneutic transformation that has taken place in the Church regards the role of women. It looks like something out of a fairy tale: adorable little cone-shaped … 2 talking about this. Why unethical plant crops like coffee, bananas, palm oil and... Megan McCain Challenges Cory Booker’s Veganism on The View, A Hurricane of Distortions Surrounding Animals and Veganism. Today one would be very hard pressed to find any church leader or scholar, brutally conservative, wildly liberal or anywhere in between, who would endorse the idea that one human being has the right to own another human being. Another option is to replace those meals with high protein meals like beans and rice supplemented with lots of fiber as in root veggies or greens so that you remain full and are getting enough protein that your body doesn’t notice the sudden drop in whey. April 19, … I see this as a relevant passage for your question because I view animal advocacy as a crucial aspect of my ministry. There are so many plans I have for ministry and for social justice projects, and so many blessings I can see in my life as a result of being single at this time.

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