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[10], When Solo and Organa first met, they got off to rough start, with Solo not responding well to Organa's attempts to order him around. Due to the planet's gravity interfering with the tractor beam, Commander Beck ordered the Star Destroyer to move closer to attain its target, but he was ultimately forced to pull out after realizing that utilizing the tractor beam so close to the capital city of Motok would destroy it, turning thousands of citizens against the Empire and resulting in mass media coverage of the atrocity. Kylo felt it was too late as Leia was gone, but Han stated that while Leia was gone, what she stood for and fought for wasn't. [73], Upon arriving at the coordinate's where Skywalker crashed, Solo and Chewbacca saw explosions in the distance, so they quietly landed the Falcon near the source of the commotion. [81] The two of the them, using breath masks, were able to board the Falcon and escape before the Harbinger crashed. Upon their return, they were reinstated to full flight status. Soon after, Chewie came and saved Solo and Karamu. Han counseled his wife to rest for the night, and the couple expressed their love for each other. Recovering the data cubes and fighting their way back to the Falcon, Han and Ralsius were saved by the arrival of Inferno Squad, buying them time to escape the planet. Shortly thereafter, Solo and Artoo revived Threepio and informed him that he had, against all odds, "saved the day." Together, they commemorated the fallen pilots of Red Squadron. Solo decided to delay taking off to wait for the others. Skywalker, meanwhile, trained with a remote with his lightsaber, trying to deflect the sting bolts with the civilized weapon. Mimban was a world highly sought after by the Imperial war machine due to its abundance of natural resources, leading the Empire to launch a full-scale invasion of the planet. 0-0-0 was accompanied by his counterpart, the BT-1 assassin droid BT-1, and their master, Doctor Aphra, who had been hired by Vader to kidnap Skywalker. [94], As the partisans attacked the drill citadel. 12: Rebels and Rogues, Star Wars: Commander, An Echo of Victory, Two Sides to Every Sortie, From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars 12, Bounty Hunters 10, Shattered Empire 1, Hare-Brained Heist, Last Shot, The Rise of Kylo Ren 2, Force Collector, Age of Resistance - Rey 1, Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Expanded Edition, Flight of the Falcon, Part 5: Grand Theft Falcon, Pirate's Price, Star Wars: The Rebel Files, Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide, TIE Fighter Owners' Workshop Manual, Target Vader 5, Bounty Hunters 1, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: Expanded Edition. She described the history of the Dragon Void Run and how her grandmother had founded the race. Solo quipped that she was welcome to return to her cell and be executed rather than rescued if she desired, while they took cover in the corridor and traded fire with the Imperials. [76], Upon to returning to the Rebel Fleet with their new prisoner, Doctor Aphra, Solo and his friends went their separate ways; Organa, Artoo, and Threepio went to detain Aphra at an Alliance-controlled space station, Sunspot Prison, with the assistance of Sana Starros, whom Organa hired to transport them to the prison. [7], The freighter was pulled into Docking Bay 327 where it was boarded and quickly searched by stormtroopers on the orders of Darth Vader,[7] the Emperor's chief lieutenant and a Dark Lord of the Sith. [118], At some point, Solo and his allies ran into the bounty hunter[119] Skorr[120] on Ord Mantell. For most of the battle, Han stayed at the door, trying to open it. [5], After Solo's death, Rey, Chewbacca, and R2-D2 flew in the Millennium Falcon to the planet Ahch-To to recruit Jedi Master Luke Skywalker to the Resistance's cause while Kylo Ren recovered from the injuries he sustained during the Battle of Starkiller Base. Solo chastised Des for making a suicide run and told her not to do it unless there was no other choice. After the Aurora Flare blew up and destroyed one of the Star Destroyers, Solo had the Falcon jump into hyperspace and escape with both the Rebel Alliance fleet and the mercantile fleet. The protocol droid explained that he had not yet arrived because the freighter was being dismantled by native scavengers. She took Han, Chewbacca, Finn, and BB-8 to the Resistance base on D'Qar. Skywalker, angry with Solo's recklessness with credits that weren't theirs, voiced that they could get kicked out of the Rebellion for losing several thousand Rebel-owned credits. When Nico left, Han, Valance, Tamu, and Lyttan then left for the base, being chased and fired at by Qhuloskian ships. This idea, however, was ultimately cut. He decided to contact the TIEs and surrender to them. Han suggested using the Force, but Leia advised him to pick up their son and snuggle him. There, Leia discovered that the Amaxines were funding Rinnrivin's cartel and were also marshaling troops, weapons, and starships for an attack on the New Republic. [101], Leia arrived in the hall with a mission. Solo and the guards cornered Leia. Rey told her that while she didn't hear what Solo told Ben, he didn't fight nor call out, to which Leia assured her that he always knew when to run and when to make a stand. Solo and Chewbacca promised Dryden Vos of Crimson Dawn an equivalent shipment that they would obtain unrefined by making the notorious Kessel Run. [128], When Ben joined the First Order and became Kylo Ren, Solo and Organa, though married, separated to cope with their grief. The smuggler tried but failed to convince both gangs that he would fix things eventually, with one of the gang leaders threatening to take away the Millennium Falcon as payback. [138] Upon becoming aware of Solo's fate, Skywalker regretted not having sensed it, leading Chewbacca to hug him before Rey asked him to train her. But the operation proved to be a trap, and Solo and the Rebels were captured. Solo and Skywalker led the TIE back to the cruiser. [109], Solo was forced to land the Falcon on Ackbar's cruiser after taking heavy damage from Vader. Solo and Chewie drew the droid into a room. Several unused concepts and shots of Solo exist within Star Wars film lore. He headbutted Bot, who was subdued by Chewbacca but not before Bot injected himself with the poison. Broog then suggested to the other cadets that they show Han how basic training is supposed to help flying by hiking up a mountain twice.[26]. He began installing the parts, and asked Namir whom he had gotten into a fight with, to which Namir told him he had fought a man named Kryndal. As a consequence of the walker being just-made, the laser cannons were not yet operational, which kept Artoo and a pair of Jawas busy while they worked on enabling them while Solo and Organa argued. As a result, Han and Norra's team were able to free Chewbacca and a hundred other prisoners including Norra's husband and Temmin's father Brentin Lore Wexley. Solo and Organa looked at each other in realization as Vader succeeded in his task: the walker crashed to the ground. Solo entrusted the coaxium to Nest, who intended to use it to form a rebellion against the Empire. Solo regained his purpose when the scavenger Rey and the former stormtrooper Finn sought his help in smuggling the droid BB-8, who was carrying a Map to Skywalker, to the Resistance. I know this sounds stupid, but literally watching it, I forgot — I forgot that he wasn't his son. [128], Before they could spirit Rethalow away into hiding, Han and his team members decided to rescue Conder, Nim Tar's child, and Sorka's pet jerba. Since Han had resigned his commission as general in the New Republic Defense Force, he was low on their list of priorities. Solo attempted to sneak up on them, but failed to do so, alerting them and allowing two to escape. With the bounty hunters now engaged fighting the stormtroopers, Han and Chewie ran off to meet with their old friend Delia Leighton of the starship Miss Fortune, a mobile bar that could pack up and leave whenever local authorities realized their operations and evasion of property taxes. Physical description On the other hand, Solo and Skywalker were dispatched to buy supplies for the rebellion in the meantime.[77]. Han and his wife attended the peace talks where Chancellor Mothma and Grand Vizier Amedda signed the Imperial Instruments of Surrender and the Galactic Concordance. [186] The scene plays out as follows: One day, a Rebel captain worked on repairs to his freighter in Echo Base's main hangar when a young rebel soldier who looked like he'd been through a beating walked under the captain's ship lugging a canister of bacta. Aside from his seemingly self-centered ways, Han was actually very loyal to his friends, and a good man. During the investigation, they ran into native droids and a male Duros named Akar Duel. Panicked, Solo and Syndulla rushed to the cliff edge and were relieved to see the princess unharmed, having literally stumbled across the lost Rebel ship at the bottom of the pit. Twenty-four years after the Battle of Endor, Han Solo traveled to the planet Theron to manage a prestigious racing championship called the Five Sabers. The gang of bounty hunters they had run into previously followed them after interrogating Delia and threatening to kill her longtime friend. [106], C-3PO put the bounty hunters' weapons on the table on board, and Solo assured Chewbacca that they were not missing the party. Solo did not understand what his friend was doing there, but he would soon find out: Organa promised to pay Starros if she took them to Nar Shaddaa—and Starros accepted. [119], Solo was then tortured by the Empire, but he claimed they didn't even ask him any questions. Feeling responsible and blaming himself for the failure, Luke went into exile. While repairing the Falcon, Han and Leia shared a kiss before being interrupted by C-3PO. There, they learned that Leia was the pilot and got her to the Republic's bridge. She took him aside and led him to a meeting with Airen Cracken. [42], Solo and Chewbacca began repairing the Falcon, which was damaged in the escape, until they realized that the planet was inhabited by the crime lord Rekias Nodo. The saucer was left in space. Outside of his work, Han often raced for charity and sponsored several piloting matches. Later Han and Chewbacca managed to escape aboard the Millennium Falcon. [19], Following the Sibensko mission, Han and his wife returned to Leia's apartment in Hosnian Prime. In private, Han confided that it felt strange that he, Leia, Luke, Chewbacca, C-3PO, and R2-D2 were not part of the final battle. Lyttan and Tamu were surprised that Han survived the crash. Conder used his transceiver tooth to transmit his coordinates to Sinjir. Namir assisted the captain in repairing the ship for over thirty minutes, and when the captain finished—or maybe just gave up—he produced a bottle of Corellian whiskey, and the two shared several drinks while Namir explained how he had ended up on cargo duty, and the captain how his freighter had been damaged. [19], Han and Leia would cross paths again due to unforeseen circumstances. With his shipping business floundering, Han resumed smuggling and incurred large debts with the criminal gangs Kanjiklub and the Guavian Death Gang. When they all arrived at Bagnoro's homestead, Gwarm was already there. [133], Solo pleased to be back aboard the Falcon, Thirty years after the Battle of Endor, while transporting a cargo of three rathtars aboard the Eravana, Han and Chewie found the Falcon floating in space near the desert planet of Jakku, pulling his prized vessel in with a tractor beam. Please follow the article standards laid out in the Layout Guide and the Manual of Style and complete this article to the highest level of quality before continuing on other articles. Han and Tamu were partners for this exercise. Chewbacca also came to and pointed to an Imperial Lambda-class T-4a shuttle that was flying towards space. Believing himself to be leaving, he, after scouting around the frozen wastes of Hoth with Skywalker under the callsign Echo Seven, had a heated conversation with Leia, claiming that she had romantic feelings towards him. Han realized that when he said shut up, he used Han's cadet name, and you were only known as numbers at the Imperial Academy. Loo Re Anno told Vook that it was against the rules to fire on or tamper with another racer's ship and that he could be disqualified if Solo wanted to file a complaint. March 29, 2011 / 8:00 AM [155][162] When asked if Ford was sad when they finally killed off the character, director J.J. Abrams replied, "Nah, he was fine." [99], Solo took Admiral Gial Ackbar, Skywalker, and Leia to Mon Cala. [77], With his new first mate, Solo traveled to Nar Shaddaa aboard the Falcon. Solo jumped to hyperspace and escaped. One of the fighters, a B-wing, collided with the underwater base's ammunition depot, triggering a massive explosion that destroyed the underwater city and the Amaxine army. The troopers blockaded the only exit to the detention block and attacked. U'Il explained that they were ambushed by the Empire because one of the Rebel spies in the group must be a traitor. Organa explained they had undercover agents they had to recover and decided to use the Dragon Void Run as cover to rescue them. [148] Ford was working as a carpenter on the set of the auditions,[151][152] and was brought in by Lucas to feed lines to the actors who were auditioning,[148] including Kurt Russell, Nick Nolte, Christopher Walken,[145] and Perry King. This action led to him being court-martialed and tried by Commodore Almudin. The laser bounced wildly around the compactor, nearly hitting the rebels. Despite their feelings for each other, Qi'ra chose to stay in Crimson Dawn and leave Solo. [111], Starros was forced to drop them off on Hubin, where they were stranded for weeks. "[10] Solo also met with one of her riders, Benthic. [123], Han and his team learned that Grand Moff Lozen Tolruck had fitted all of the Wookiees on Kashyyyk with inhibitor chips. Remarkably, the shuttle's engines blew, and it crashed back to the ground. The princess rejected Solo's invitation: she threw the wine into his face, stormed out of the cave, and berated him for getting side-tracked on their mission—especially when they were in danger. [177][178] T-shirts were produced reading "Han Shot First,"[175] and Lucas was even spotted wearing one on the set of the 2008 film Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. However, he told Chewbacca that he would return if he ever needed help. [127], Some time later, Han and Chewbacca received additional intelligence from the smuggler Imra that the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk would have a decreased Imperial presence. During the ensuing battle, Han rescued Leia from the collapsed command center, leading her towards her transport. Hair color Solo contacted Skywalker via comlink and asked whether he had located Organa yet, to which Skywalker replied with a warning, just as he was knocked unconscious by Imperial stormtroopers and captured. When Han arrived, droids stripped all his clothing off. Skywalker quickly said "no," thereby admitting he had his own feeling for the princess—much to Solo's amusement.[7]. Solo flew the Falcon through the cruiser's debris, hoping Vader would not follow him. Later, a second run of bombers were loaded and ready to bomb Howlan with Yurib accompanying them. Han was born on the planet Corellia during the waning years of the Galactic Republic[21] around 32 BBY. Shortly thereafter, the Cobra arrived on Nar Shaddaa at the coordinates of Chewbacca and Threepio, who had also answered Skywalker's distress call and come to his rescue. The encounter convinced him to leave and fulfill his debt to Jabba, so he began repairing the Falcon on Hoth. Han Solo greets Lando Calrissian on Cloud City. At the village, the Rebels found Leia, and C-3PO managed to befriend the Ewoks. After the Battle of Hoth, Solo sought refuge with Organa—with whom he had fallen in love—Chewbacca, and C-3PO on Cloud City, which was operated by his old friend Lando Calrissian. [19], Their son, Ben, proved to be Force-sensitive and was sent to be trained by his uncle Luke Skywalker in the ways of the Force. In the moment of calm, Solo tried to contact both Chewbacca and Threepio, but both failed to answer, leaving Solo to be very grateful when Skywalker assured him that he was heading towards the rendezvous. Solo, despite his better judgment, took the Falcon close to Star Destroyer and several TIEs following him as he made a run towards one of the cruisers. Infuriated, Solo refused, but with their hyperdrive out of commission, Solo worked his way through the situation—all the while urging Skywalker to control the un-space-worthy nerfs. We have a variety of Ultralight Stakes to choose from. This allowed Solo and his men to enter the base and secure the computers before the base commander could initiate a purge of the computers. Vook complained about the Imperial interference and was attacked by a stormtrooper. [10] Acting under orders from Lady Proxima, Han set up a deal with some individuals to exchange coaxium for credits. Please update the article to reflect recent events, and remove this template when finished. They were then joined by the Rebel Alliance fleet under Ackbar, that would protect the fleet. Mass [25] Solo was expelled from the academy,[13] drafted into the 224th Imperial Armored Division as a Corporal,[3] and deployed to an active combat zone on Mimban. After Leia was captured, Luke Skywalker arrived, and faced off against Jabba's prized Rancor, killing it. [7], Solo arrived in the docking and found Jabba himself, with several of his guards—including[7] Jabba's top bounty hunter Boba Fett—[21]looking for him near the Falcon. Skywalker quickly worked out a subterfuge to bluff their way into the prison using Chewbacca as a prisoner scheduled for a prisoner transfer. Solo and Leia learned about the leak while watching the morning news. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, 224th Imperial Armored Division personnel, Imperial Army enlisted personnel of the Galactic Empire, Imperial Navy pilots of the Galactic Empire, Solo: A Star Wars Story: Expanded Edition, Star Wars Book XIII: The Scourging of Shu-Torun, From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Expanded Edition, Flight of the Falcon, Part 5: Grand Theft Falcon, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: Expanded Edition, Something, Something, Something, Dark Side, Solo: A Star Wars Story Read-Along Storybook and CD. Solo ran afoul of Jabba after ditching a shipment of spice to avoid trouble with the Empire, owing the Hutt a great deal of money as a result. Their actions allowed the Alliance Fleet to destroy the superweapon. Solo, then, in self defense, covertly pulled his DL-44 blaster pistol and shot Greedo from under the table a fraction of a second after Greedo fired his own weapon—though Solo hit his target and Greedo did not. Solo, Chewie, and Makkeer went to the restaurant. Before he could act, the crime boss Lallani showed up looking for Jabba. As a result, the next morning, Solo and the other cadets were assigned to the Quasar Fire-class carrier cruiser 07200823 by Yurib. After R2-D2 was damaged attempting to open it, Han unsuccessfully tried to hotwire the door open. One officer recognized that six people had left the base and six speeders were also missing. While Solo was working on repairs, the ship drifted into an asteroid field. [128], Leia gave birth to a son named Ben Solo. Solo's father wished he could leave Corellia on such a ship, but was never able to afford to. Soon after, he tried to greet a cadet, who told Han to shut up. The Rodian senator was aboard his ship at the northernmost spaceport outside Quarrow. Little is known of his past, but he was a member of King Arthur's court, and arguably the most famous wizard of all time.5 1 Biography 1.1 Early life 1.2 Later life 1.3 Legacy 2 Magical abilities and skills 3 Possessions 4 Behind the scenes 5 Appearances 6 External links 7 Notes and references Merlin … [128], Before the argument could escalate, Chancellor Mon Mothma entered the domicile and asked Temmin and Sinjir about the Imperial presence on Jakku.

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