Why on earth are they putting dogs down rather than rehoming them? @Brent – Do you have any proof for your claims that vegans are more healthy? Indeed, my favorite of the “pro” letters was from a reader who wrote, “I have heard all sorts of pro and con arguments about PETA over the years, and I wasn’t sure what to believe. Yet PETA also funds a science organization that expects to spend more than $200,000 this year supporting academic researchers and biotech companies working … They were also ordered to pay $5,975 in restitution, split between them, and serve 1 year of probation. Talk about hypocrisy in action… PETA kills 86% of animals entrusted in their care. We need forums like yours, Randy, to help spread the word on how people can help! PETA says they are sending the navy a framed certificate and letter of appreciation. In a bit of supreme ironic timing, one of the Editorial Board members of the New York Times wrote an opinion piece about the PKA organization the weekend after I ran this story. Because the population was too high and it was too dangerous for them and the people in the National Parks; especially on Highway 1 (Trans-Canada). PeTA … I recall this story when it first came out. I’d clap with one hand for you if I could. One who apparently works with animals wrote, “I had to write and say THANK YOU for alerting your readers to the atrocities that PETA commits. You really thought this out, didn’t you, Don? what is the rising action in gathering blue? PETA throws paint on fur coats so that producers go kill more animals to make them. — Anyone professionally involved with animal care knows the seemingly unending list of horrors committed by them, but in our crazy world it is the professionals who are scared and on the defensive.”. In at least one case, court records show that Ingrid Newkirk herself was involved in an ALF arson. If people do not believe they are nuts; maybe this will be hilarious enough for them. — A FLY is a freaking insect and insects will outlive humans regardless of what we attempt to do to exterminate them. PeTA actively worked against the efforts of the museum. -rc, In 2011, Alyssa in CA wrote, “PETA throws paint on fur coats ….”. After more than 100 dead dogs were dumped in a trash dumpster over four weeks, police in Ahoskie, N.C., kept an eye on the trash receptacle behind a supermarket. I said that “promoting” spay/neuter clinics is a good thing. What are they doing with the monthly donation they get (were getting) from me for shelter for one dog freezing somewhere? If your premise is correct, your conclusion seems inescapable. “PETA was founded in 1980 and is dedicated to establishing and defending the rights of all animals. Then tell me HOW in the world you could support them? It’s the money. I’m a little late in reading/commenting on this, and want to state that am not pro-PETA, despite being a vegetarian myself. Quoting you, ‘You are of course welcome to add your own comments above or below the text — even if those comments are to dispute me or disagree with me. The inquiry that happened after the incident showed that the horse had a genetic defect. As someone else already pointed out: they want us to become vegans and have no rights to own animals of any kind! –1/21/10 5:45pm. @James in KC – I couldn’t agree with you more. PETA Donates Funds For Capture Of Those Who Dragged Dog. sometimes the dog was killed before they started the car’s engine. The funds that you raise will go to work instantly helping animals, large and small. They also make Shames to shame you which are ripoffs of good shames. A school that receives hundreds of millions of dollars in NIH funding but has no regulated species may still torment, kill, and discard thousands of mice, rats, birds, reptiles, and fish in repetitive, cruel, and wasteful experiments. Gifts from Donor-Advised Funds You can initiate a grant recommendation from your donor-advised fund (DAF) to make an immediate impact. They don’t work; shelter populations and euthanasia rates increase dramatically after such ordinances are introduced. @millie: actually most of the dogs killed were from people who thought they couldn’t look after them. Download on the App Store; Get it on Google Play; Get Weekly Lifestyle Tips and News. No ads, no fluff, and (as always!) Not the ones that I know. There was a shortage of places dolphins like that could be sent, and if a place could not be found, the dolphin would have to be euthanized. Hinkle and Cook apologized for dumping the animals, but said it was “a very hot day and the smell in their van was unbearable” …which begs the question of why this happened again and again and again. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smAUkhEnkg8. Yet PETA also funds a science organization that expects to spend more than $200,000 this year supporting academic researchers and biotech companies working … If PETA has progressed from “promotion” to only advocating mandatory altering, then indeed they have crossed the line. I was shocked to learn that PETA kills more animals than any other organization. (Source link removed [http://hamptonroads.com/2008/04/peta-workers-convictions-north-carolina-overturned] as it now 404s). Is there any conclusive evidence that this is the case? Since that time I adopted a 6 yr old dog from a no-kill shelter, spent a wonderful 4.5 years with her, and when the time came, had her euthanized when her mast cell cancer got to be too much. I worry less about what PETA “is going” to do, and more about what it is proven to have done. Peta KILLED animals for no reason. And “No-one is forcing Peta down your throat so perhaps reciprocate this gesture”. To see what happened to Toby and Annie, read Day 4 of the trial. While Church, the black German Shepherd who was dragged from behind a car last week, continues to recover, the reward money has now reached thirteen thousand dollars thanks to a donation from PETA. — Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine, http://www.petakillsanimals.com/Trial_Day10.cfm, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smAUkhEnkg8, http://www.petakillsanimals.com:80/Trial_Day4.cfm, http://www.petakillsanimals.com/Trial_Day9.cfm, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/douglas-anthony-cooper/peta-steals-and-kills-lit_b_6156196.html, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/douglas-anthony-cooper/whistleblower-peta-employee-allegations_b_6648696.html, http://jezebel.com/5453982/ingrid-newkirk-is-the-worst-person-in-the-world, Facebook Accused Me of Hate Speech — and I Appealed (Twice! Then I send them to www. I do find it odd that the PETA workers chose to illegally dump the animal bodies into a supermarket dumpster. A PeTA friendly reporter for the local newspaper, The Virginian Pilot, wrote the story that the museum did not comply with FOIA requests and was shredding paperwork rather than turn them over. The most proactive person I know in helping animals all over the world through personal international contacts with animal shelter workers is strongly liberal and extremely anti HSUS and PETA. Your last sentence is a good solution! You quoted the article’s reference to a dog’s autopsy: “The autopsy did reveal a puncture wound on the dog’s front right paw. And now the Prez and the fly. I FOUND troubling Rue McClanahan's recent use of the words "compassionate" and "nonviolent" to describe People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals ("PETA is a compassionate group," "Point of View," May 8). Poor horse. Then, they can end up in the dumpster with their dead dogs. PETA foundation has links with FBI-designated terrorist groups, including SHAC and the Animal Liberation Front (ALF). I am upset to read this stuff about PETA. While it is heavily implied, do we know for a fact that the animals being dumped are the ones which had been picked up from the North Carolina animal shelters? The 2014 adoption rate of the acquired animals was 1%. There are no ads here to flash in your face, interrupt your reading, or attempt to download malware to your phone or computer. I don’t want to see them again. That to me is somewhat different than the people that have never considered what their ‘bacon’ goes through to get to their plate. I am willing to watch the effort. I wonder if any PETA employees drive cars at over 5-10 MPH, walk on grass, etc. This option was requested From 1993 to 2003 I volunteered for a local marine mammal stranding team. It’s very interesting to comment again, because now PETA is going to publish a “XXX” porn site to promote Vegans and Vegetarians. — PETA, considered by many to be the highest-profile animal rights group in the country, kills an average of about 2,000 dogs and cats each year at its animal shelter here. This includes groups such as the American Humane Association, the Humane Society of the United States, and the International Society of Animal Rights. PETA SHARES, formerly known as peta2. -rc. PeTA then used that stolen information to sent US mail to the members of the stranding team at their home addresses. Generally, you’re better off donating to a local group, where you KNOW where your money is going — in this case, your local animal shelter — than some national or international organization where mysterious people spend your money on heaven-knows-what. The League of Conservation Voters is a radical environmental advocacy group that aims to hold … Organization ; Center for Biological Diversity -rc. If you PETA lovers don’t think this is real, google it. ® This is True is a registered trademark of ThisIsTrue.Inc, Ridgway, Colorado, USA I don’t think you “get” PETA. Bad link? Not long ago, PETA released disturbing leaked photos of monkeys at CDC labs who suffered third-degree burns over their arms and backs as a result of incompetence and negligence. On April 15, 2008, the North Carolina Court of Appeals overturned the convictions even though the defendants’ actions were “undisputed” because “the prosecution failed to prove that a Dumpster is not the proper place for trash,” the Hampton Roads Virginian-Pilot reported. There goes the last shred of PETA’s credibility. When I responded and asked about PETA targetting school children leaving school property I was not given a reply. Enough that, even after finding the whole truth, many donors continue to contribute in order to continue the few good things they do. Surveillance footage shows at least two individuals in a white sedan, dragging the dog around the parking lot of the Gospel Mission … …but it haunts me to this day. Regardless of how ethical or unethical this organization is, it’s name is used as an excuse to preserve existing human-centric status quo when everything on Earth has to be a servant to us. I will not pretend to know PETA’s agenda, nor do I support them in any way. Like many other PETA supporters, Jennie Taylor’s compassion for animals began in childhood. I’m offended at the notion that animal’s lives are not equilivent to that of humans. That is what makes PETA so frustrating for those of us who really care about lost/abandoned animals. And 3) Support their LOCAL shelter (municipal or private) shelters if they wish to make a donation — don’t give their money to the national groups, it will not help the animals in their community. Just a note of warning: the “Seakittens” domain redirects to the PETA site. This campaign is not against PETA. According to PETA’s own filings, in 2004 PETA killed 86.3 percent of the animals entrusted to its care — a number that’s rising, not falling. I hate seeing strays. These are allegations of crimes committed fifteen years ago, and the statute of limitations has long expired. Whenever someone (you included Randy) spins a yarn like this that doesn’t even try to give credible rational explanations for the opposite side’s actions and points of view then there’s no point in listening to them. There is no excuse for killing dogs. I would like Peta to come to the forefront and agree or deny that this atrocity is a common practice-or uncommon-matters not does it? Celebrity supporters of PETA, including Bill Clinton, Sting, and Paul McCartney. Wikipedia has more info. These sweet Dalmatians were among several VERY placeable pets. Later, after learning about the suffering of calves on veal farms, it led her to the plight of animals used for laboratory testing, food, clothing, and entertainment. I cannot find a reference, but apparently Ingrid wrote a book advocating a world population of under a million people. I am sorry to say that seem to have missed the opportunity to read the original article on which this story is based, as it no longer appears to be on the Roanoke-Chowan News-Herald site. The organization focuses on four areas in which the largest numbers of animals suffer the most intensely for the longest periods of time: on factory farms, in laboratories, in the clothing trade, and Please use our legal name and federal tax ID number –. How do you solve a multiplication problem like 347 times 892? They had to cull the Elk, what … last year? …Oops, my mistake: that’s “Playing God” Defined. This had really good insight. Easy: if they were, wouldn’t PETA sue the hell out of them? Open your eyes and read. I wish PeTA would relocate to another area far far away. Sorry, bad writing — should have posted: they kill in excess of 95% of the animals. E-Mail Address . I want to be a STRONG member of PETA. you can bet if they were kittens or puppies that peta would be out there protesting. Oh and by the way, I’ve been reading True for two years and I love it. The veterinarian also trusted PETA. Then there’s the web site that I got a bit of backup information from. As much as i love animals, maybe this is what Peta is doing, and although I could never do it and wouldn’t have the heart to witness it, maybe it IS for the best. Following Shadow Minister for Government Services Bill Shorten’s comments likening the 2021 Federal Budget to a “vegan Big Mac” because it wasn’t ‘meaty’ enough , PETA has rushed him a deliciously meaty vegan Biggie burger from iconic fast-food chain Lord of the Fries. — I’m part of your team for success.” info@jnfunds.com (876) 929-7159; Client Login Schedule an appointment. How many novels did Charles Dickens write? A few years back one of their people were in my neighborhood for something and I mentioned the local animal control animals to them. Vice President, Sales & Client Services...“Optimizing your personal or corporate portfolio? Another story from Huliq.com. In at least one provable case, they took an animal control officer’s own pet that the officer was having trouble taking proper care of because they did not have the time to properly train and play with it. Nope: last year PETA took in $29 million in tax-exempt donations. PETA may have started out with the noblest of intentions, but I think the nobility is long gone now. We had brought padlocks for all our dogs’ crate doors with us, and when both of us needed to be in the ring, we locked the dogs we weren’t showing securely into their crates. Let’s see, you can LEGALLY purchase products designed to kill pesky insects. You guessed it: no answers. -rc, Another one just came up, which indicates that this has been policy for many years: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/douglas-anthony-cooper/whistleblower-peta-employee-allegations_b_6648696.html. © Copyright 1994–2021 ThisIsTrue.Inc, All Rights Reserved worldwide. The former might be a matter of opinion; the latter definitely isn’t. Yet they haven’t done so. Start a XXX site!” Huh? Ask yourself, next time you donate: How many animals were killed with my donations? However, after reading this page, following the links, and doing more research, I have resolved to bring fake blood to the next festival I go to, and throw it on any PETA member I see. how do you exspress 1 whole and 19 hundreths into a decimal? PeTA also took the museum to court claiming the museum did not comply with FOIA requests. edition: Q: Why would I want to pay more than the regular rate? Horses sleep standing up, not laying down! I don’t know who PETA thinks they are, or who’s running their marketing program, but I hope they crash and burn. -rc. We are animals now? This is what PETA said: “Those animals would have been put down anyway.”. You sons of bitches. Posted on 13 May 2021 at 3:30PM by PETA Australia. Still haunts me to this day. “Just imagine if the $29 million they collected last year actually went to local SPCAs!” Who funds us The work we do is only possible because of the support we receive from a wide range of partners.
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