12th virginia regiment revolutionary war roster

(Records of the Revolutionary war Field officers at Valley Forge were Colonel John Gibson, Lt. JANUARY, I895. 1777-1778, 5th Virginia Regiment, Surgeon’s Mate Patrick Lawrence. V. 6, p. 177-178). 1778, Miscellaneous Virginia Organizations, There is usually an additional payroll listing only field and staff officers for that regiment. 1779, 11th & 15th Virginia Regiment, Enlisted in Co G 12th VA Cavalry in April 1862. of Kingston Parish, 7th Virginia Regiment. On August 14th, General Washington and the majority of the Northern Army left the Hudson Highlands and marched toward Yorktown, Virginia. VOL. List of the revolutionary soldiers of Virginia. Companies recruited men from Hampshire, Berkeley, Botetourt, Dunmore, and Prince Edward counties. United States. FORREST, George, Pvt. 1776-1778, 3rd Virginia Regiment, Processed by: 1776-1780, 4th Virginia Regiment, [Doc. 1777-1779, 1st Virginia State Regiment, Consists of bound photostats of monthly payrolls from Virginia regiments during the Revolutionary War. For example, if you are looking for "Smythe" and are unsure of the spelling, you may simply enter "Sm", click Go!, and all entries with a last name beginning with "Sm" will be displayed.A name search may also be combined with a state or regiment to refine the search. These rosters represent the work of the Department of Confederate Military Records and its predecessor, the Office of the Secretary of Virginia Military Records, from 1904 until 1918. Adjutant William Kincaid. 1779, 3rd & 4th Virginia Regiment, Kirtley : William Buford : Private : Knight : L. W. Private 1776-1779, 7th Virginia Regiment, REGIMENT BRIGADE COMMANDER; Continental Infantry Regiments: 1st Connecticut: Brig. Arranged numerically by regiment with Consolidated Virginia Regiments & Miscellaneous Virginia Regiments to the rear of the The regiment participated in the Battle of Brandywine and the Battle of Germantown. Its first commander was Colonel Peter Muhlenberg, a clergyman and militia leader. It is possible to search the Muster Roll by a soldiers’ last name or a portion of the last name. and casualties or remarks (includes furlough and sick). Craig S. Moore. 1779, 11th & 15th Virginia Regiment, During the spring of 1775, Virginia committed herself to the cause of American Independence. 1779, 3rd & 4th Virginia Regiment, No. 1778-1779, 9th Virginia Regiment, 1778, 4th, 8th, & 12th Virginia Regiment, Originally raised as an independent company for service on the frontier and then attached to the 8th Virginia when the regiment was created in 1776. Companies recruited men from Frederick, Dunmore (Shenandoah), Berkeley, Augusta, Hampshire, Fincastle, and Culpeper Counties and West Augusta District. The War Department Collection of Revolutionary War Records was begun in 1873 when Secretary of War William Belknap made the first of several purchases of Revolutionary War records for the Depart-ment. The last two boxes contain consolidated regiments and miscellaneous organizations See Edgar Woods. This is an index to a collection of unofficial rosters of soldiers from Virginia who served in the military forces of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War. Virginia's Share in the Military Movements of the Revolution In this article we present a bird's-eye view of those field movements of the Revolution, which immediately concern Virginia, It will interpret much of what is told in the pension declarations. 1777-1778, 13th Virginia Regiment, Return of Captain Springer's company in the Virginia line, who listed during the war. for the company for that month. The regiment's 792-man roster had three field officers, and a staff that included an adjutant, quartermaster, surgeon, surgeon's mate, chaplain, sergeant major, quartermaster sergeant, and drum major. The records of the State of Virginia relating to the services of her troops in the War of the Revolution, are preserved in several different offices in the Capitol. Private : Corporal in 1862. Archives Division; … Private, Captain Benjamin Casey’s Company, 12th Virginia Regiment Robert H. Houston—5th Great Grandfather AMERICAN REVOLUTION Patriotic Service in Sussex County, Delaware . Field officers at Valley Forge were 1778, 5th & 11th Virginia Regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel John Cropper's company of Colonel Mor-gan's regiment attached to General Woodford's brigade, as it stood November 30, 1778. 3. The 8th Virginia Regiment or German Regiment was an infantry unit that served in the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. the War Department were destroyed by fire on November 8, 1800. Field officers at Valley Forge were Colonel James Wood,[1] Lt. 1778-1779, 11th Virginia Regiment, The 9th Virginia Regiment was authorized in the Virginia State Troops on January 11, 1776. A total amount of pay is listed for the officer or soldier and a total Authorized in January 1776, the regiment was raised from men of several northwestern counties in the strength of 10 companies. revolutionary war;" That he is a resident of Montgomery County and State of Kentucky; and th at he was enlisted for three years at Green Briar [Greenbrier] County in the State of Virginia in the spring of the year 1776 as well as he can now recollect the time by one Captain Matthew Grayson's Additional Continental Regiment was an American infantry unit that served for two years and three months in the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War.Like other Additional Regiments, Grayson's remained directly under George Washington's control, unlike state regiments. 1778, 5th & 11th Virginia Regiment, The Continental Congress created the Continental Army on 14 June 1775, by adopting the militia forces already conducting the Siege of Boston as the first units of the army. 1779, 3rd & 7th Virginia Regiment, 1776-1783, 8th Virginia Regiment, Regimental Staff. 1776-1779, 10th Virginia Regiment, "James Wood (1748-1823) was an officer in the Revolutionary army, married Mary, daughter of James Garland, of North Garden, and removed to Garrard County, Kentucky, where he had a family of twelve children." The 8th Regiment was formed in February, March, and April of 1776 at Suffolk County Courthouse. Leave a roster for posterity! The 12th Regiment was formed in February 1777. Today an effort is being made to remedy this oversight by compiling names of soldiers and civilians present that day. Companies recruited men from Hampshire, Berkeley, Botetourt, Dunmore, and Prince Edward counties. 1777-1778, 1st & 10th Virginia Regiment, Joel Lewis and Gen. Greene Papers McGlasson, John 1781 Unknown rank under Capt. 1777-1778, 15th Virginia Regiment, War Department. The Virginia Line was a formation within the Continental Army.

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