laboratory animal welfare act penalties

have gained, common acceptance as a global model for the review of, Areas that present an opportunity for further progress, are identified through data generated by the Association, Care International (AAALAC International) resulting, from its accreditation site visit outcomes. The binding theme throughout this chapter is the, acknowledgment of the numerous achievements in, enhancing laboratory animal welfare while anticipat-. Code of Practice for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific, required the establishment of Animal Experimentation, tralia, along with Canada and Sweden, among the first, countries to adopt the ethical review process. 0000004132 00000 n 136 39 <<27E06D4C4FA8B2110A00005131C8FE7F>]/Prev 1393168>> The adequacy of the overarching program of, veterinary care was also the most frequently identified, mandatory deficiency in the Pacific Rim region, with the, second most common mandatory finding also being the, aspects of the preventive medicine program related to, surveillance, diagnosis, treatment, and control of dis-, ease. In addition, ICLAS, has had a long-standing relationship with the WHO and, recently entered into a formal agreement with the OIE to. In the United, States, signs of the growing recognition of this fact as, signaled by inclusion of animal welfare as a strategic. H��T[n�@��S���u�!�J�9�R? an engineering, approach)—often with the conclusion that more space, is automatically better for the animal—and a reliance, on provision of sufficient space to accommodate vari-, ous behaviors expressed by the animal (a performance, approach), though there is not yet consensus regard-, space requirements occurring around the world, this, The expected role veterinarians must play in ensur-, ing and promoting animal welfare is increasing. Laboratory Animal Welfare provides a comprehensive, up-to-date look into the new science of animal welfare within laboratory research. tion does not always cover the use of animals in science. of welfare in a context of what is ethically acceptable. Passing of the (Laboratory) Animal Welfare Act (Public Law 89-544) August 24, 1966 Rep. Resnick's efforts lead to the passage of the (Laboratory) Animal Welfare Act , of which the stated intention is "to protect the owners of dogs and cats from theft of such pets and to prevent the sale or use of stolen dogs and cats for purposes of research and experimentation." %PDF-1.7 %���� 0000001543 00000 n Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. responsibilities for fostering proper animal care and welfare. (province level). Additional equipment, such as envi-, ronmental enrichment, while less expensive than major, equipment necessary to a well-managed program, rep-, resent a recurring expense that should be accounted, animal care and use program requires an institutional, commitment initially and for the long term by offering, continuing educational and professional development, Second, the religious and cultural context of the coun-, try where animal research is performed may influence, Jainism, Hinduism, and Buddhism variably speak to, a relationship between human beings and nonhuman, superior to other animals and view animals as a source, son treats an animal with kindness “not because of their, inherent value but as a reflection of one's own refine-, A DIVERSITY OF DEFINITIONS OF ANIMAL WELFARE, that emphasize reincarnation, place value on animals as a, addition to religious influences, societal mores—, teachings, etc.—can affect commonly held opinions. endobj Summary. Official Journal of the European Union L 276, 33–79. 0000008065 00000 n Prefecture of Japan. products and agricultural products, can be manufactured, transported and used more economically and more safely, whilst the current reliance on animal test procedures is progr, That original Directive has now been revised and, replaced with Directive 2010/63/EU, under which, use of alternatives to procedures including in the, areas of basic and applied research and regulatory. Demers, G., 2007. Also, insti-, tutions that outsource animal-based research want, assurance that the work will be done at a level similar to. Our results suggest that: a) more encouragement by journal editors might improve the attitude of scientists in terms of animal welfare; and b) the progress of replacement appears to be a more long-term effort in the field of biomedical research. This latter item suggests that, the investigator report to the director of the institution, the number of animals used, whether any changes were. cific focus is on the Three Rs (replacement, reduction. Evidence of laboratory analysis on certificate, etc. These experiences are generated in part by sensory inputs that reflect the animal's internal functional state and by neural processing linked to the animal's perception of its external circumstances. <>/Border[0 0 0]/Rect[81.0 154.941 255.474 163.95]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> Such appraisal, must also cover scientific, educational, or regulatory jus-, tification; the need for animals to be used; a harm/ben-, efit analysis; as well as a determination of the need for, retrospective assessment. Each country recognizes modern society's ethical concerns over the use of animals in research and each has developed their own regulatory framework to support the humane care and use of laboratory animals. endobj Participation in the program by, institutions that use animals for research, testing, or, responsible care and use of animals, thereby enhancing. They. I. Overview . To verify these findings on a national level, we conducted a survey among scientists throughout The Netherlands. 0000027089 00000 n The diverse backgrounds of, participants is exemplified by the list of sponsors over, the years, which include cosmetic companies, chemical. Potentially compromised animal welfare is a significant, concern in and of itself, but the use of such animals may, also lead to inaccurate data and ultimately jeopardize, public and animal health. U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1991. It established a central governing body that reviewed and approved all animal use in research. The minimization/elimination of, experimental confounding variables and the resulting, comparability of studies has a direct impact on reducing, the number of animals used worldwide for research—, an outcome consistent with the goals of the Three Rs. Our study area comprised of 636,000 ha in Gunma ation of the relevance and reliability of tests for specific pur-, poses, so that chemicals and products of various kinds, includ-, ing medicines, vaccines, medical devices, cosmetics, household. Asian Nations (ASEAN), East African Community (EAC), Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Pan American Network, African Development Community (SADC)) and countries, of Korea, Russia, and Singapore) where the majority of. Los paradigmas del siglo XXI de cara al tercer milenio, en un contexto de sobrepoblación humana, deforestación, minería, cambio climático y tensión política, entre otros; hacen que repensemos nuestras relaciones y vínculos con aquello que nos rodea: la naturaleza y, como parte fundamental de ella, los animales. For example, iconic wildlife species such as the, giant panda, polar bear, gorilla, and a variety of whale, species have caught the attention of the global public so, that preserving the welfare of these animals, and oth-, ers like them, has become of paramount interest to the. qualifications for personnel working with animals. This landscape will be illustrated by describing, changes made in the legal/regulatory oversight frame-. In terms of raising awareness of animal welfare, within the research and testing communities, the series, the Life Sciences have played an important part. The OIE has affirmed in, sight framework at institutions that use animals for, research and education should include a veterinarian, “with the necessary expertise to work with research ani-. Guidance on the trans-, port of laboratory animals. Since, 2003 this number has ranged from less than 5% of all, deficiencies observed to approximately 8%. representation of, these colleges and their diplomates. The internally generated subjective experiences represent motivational urges or drives that are predominantly negative and include breathlessness, thirst, hunger and pain. tional database on Laboratory Registration Codes. %%EOF National Academies Pr, National Research Council, 2008. Applied Research Ethics National Association (ARENA)/Office of. Establishing a culture of care, conscience, and responsibility: addressing the improvement of scientific dis-, covery and animal welfare through science-based performance, Leenaars, M., Savenije, B., Nagtegaal, A., van der V, Hoitinga, M., 2009. El objetivo de este ensayo es mostrar de forma global algunos ejemplos de las relaciones entre humanos y animales, las con-secuencias y los nuevos paradigmas que se gestan en esta nueva humanidad; finalmente, mostrar algunos consejos útiles de acciones cotidianas, que pue-den generar una masa crítica capaz de impulsar cambios globales en pro del bienestar de todos los animales del planeta, lo que conlleva al mantenimiento de la salud, el bienestar y la paz global, que incluye humanos, animales y ambiente. characteristics (species, age, etc.) Other recent reports published by ILAR that, Alleviation of Pain in Laboratory Animals, Recognition and Alleviation of Distress in Laboratory Ani-, Care and Use of Mammals in Neuroscience and Behavioral, International Association of Colleges of Laboratory, The International Association of Colleges of Labora-, tory Animal Medicine (IACLAM) is an association of, medicine. It shall be unlawful for any person to torture any animal, to neglect to provide adequate care, sustenance or shelter, or maltreat any animals or to subject any dog or horse to dogfights or horse fights, kill or cause or procure to be tortured or deprived of adequate care sustenance or shelter, or maltreat or use the same in research or experiments not … Over the years, it has evolved into an interna-, tional guidance document, in part because of its use, by AAALAC International in its global accreditation, program. consideration of alternatives to current practices. Summary proceedings. proposed length-radius dimension and those landscape patterns. World Population Pr. This strategy produced animal welfare benefits, but at best it could only lift a poor net welfare status to a neutral one. 0000002603 00000 n 0000004626 00000 n IACLAM assists achieving the shared objectives of all, these laboratory animal medicine specialty organiza-, tions to promote the welfare and responsible use of labo-, ratory animals through the certification of veterinary, specialists, education, the dissemination of information. The veter-, inary professionals participating in the consultation also, held the opinion that the laboratory animal veterinarian, should be knowledgeable in the moral and ethical issues, surrounding the use of animals in research, testing, and, education, in the tenets of the Three Rs (, use of the country in which s/he is working. drug production and clinical research is done. The challenge associated, with characterizing animal welfare is that personal, opinions and experiences may bias individuals' accep-, being’ and ‘quality of life,’ are rather nebulous concepts. <>stream Some, countries, such as China, use diagnostic testing agents/, kits produced by multinational companies with sites in. The committee was, responsible for oversight of animal procedures, the stan-, dards of care and the facilities for the animals, the train-, ing and qualifications of personnel working with the. These 11 principles served as the basis for “U.S. A uniformly accepted definition of animal welfare is, made more difficult by the inclusion of related aspects, such as welfare assessment, human responsibility for, ensuring good welfare, and/or the treatment an animal, For example, the economic development of the coun-, try can have a significant impact on how many resources, are allocated to ensuring the research animal's environ-, ment is appropriate, that trained and qualified individu-, als manage the program, and that quality assurance is, sustainable. IACLAM, notes that “While basic veterinary education imparts, some of the specialized skills and information necessary, to care for laboratory animals, the diversity and complex-, ity of the laboratory environment, and the species used, within that environment, requires additional experience, ulatory environment to determine the extent to which, veterinary qualifications, and the resulting programs of. Costs of prosecution. {��:oiZ�������8��30"�Qo$������|�p��� And, the public has high expectations for science and the way, in which it is conducted. 151 0 obj 140 0 obj The Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) initiated this web-based survey to obtain greater understanding of 'principal investigators' and 'other researchers' (i.e. As early as 1968 the CCAC, recommended a local animal care committee, although, there were no specific details for the composition or func-, tion of the local committee (M. Bedard, CCAC, personal, were developed that did address these points. In this manner, There are a number of external influences on animal, research that pressure acceptance of harmonized, high, quality animal care standards. Collaboration, among government agencies is exemplified by three, oversight bodies in the United States. 142 0 obj Rather than using a literature search, many researchers obtain information on these methods through personal communication, which means that published information on possible Three Rs methods often remains unfound and unused. Guide to the Care. endobj The court can impose a fine up to the maximum in the Regulations. with the aim of increasing the implementation of the, Three Rs in Canada. AECs are also responsible for mon-, itoring compliance with approved protocols, as well as. The objectives. However, another study, tions in categories of biomedical experiments based on, increasing ethical concern for laboratory animals from, between 1998 and 2003, although there was a dramatic, increase—from 24% in 1998 to over 90% in 2003—in, the number of articles including a statement about, “the relevant laws and institutional guidelines with. endobj It is comprised of 48 international member orga-, nizations representing biomedical disciplines and 18, national members representing national academies of, The objectives of the organization are: (1) to facilitate, and promote international activities in the field of bio-, medical sciences, especially when the participation of sev-, eral international associations and national institutions is, deemed necessary; (2) to maintain collaborative relations, with the UN and its specialized agencies, in particular, with WHO and UNESCO; and (3) to serve the scientific, interests of the international biomedical community in, general. so too does the level of welfare afforded them. Because the public has enhanced, information access through the Internet and the distribu-, tion of consumer products occurs on a global basis, the, public is now an international entity that demands the, best research practices. at the institutional level), followed by aspects of the preventive medicine pro-, gram (surveillance, diagnosis, treatment, and control of, disease). These scientists are customers of the Central Animal Laboratory of Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre. Oxford University, Canadian Council on Animal Care, 1993. second ed. areas of animal welfare. Because AAALAC International uses as, emphasis on the provision of environmental enrich-, ment to animals since 1996, institutions participating, in AAALAC's accreditation program have voluntarily, ment environmental enrichment. ILAR Journal 37 (2), 55–56, Institute of Medicine (IOM), 1995. Of those journals that do have policies the majority simply request that the research be carried out in accordance with standard regulatory requirements. facilitate collaboration in several areas of mutual interest, including cooperation in the development and revision, of international animal welfare standards and guidelines, and the roles and responsibilities of the veterinary profes-. <> Due to economic, practical, ethical, and scientific reasons, researchers, among others, are pushing for alternative in vitro test methods to replace or reduce existing animal experiments. at the landscape level. Similarly, agencies that have mutual interest in the pending regula-, tions (or policies or guidelines) will collaborate to ensure, that conflicting requirements are avoided as regulations, In the United States, for example, the U.S. Depart-, ment of Agriculture (USDA) is charged with imple-, implement the law and conducts annual unannounced, inspections of research institutions to assess compli-, ance with the regulations. meeting the sustainability claims often associated with emerging ties in promoting proper laboratory animal care and welfare. As a result, we obtain Reference is made to major elements of the neural/cognitive foundations of motivational drives that energise and direct particular behaviours and their related subjective or emotional experiences. Science 312, 700–701, Federation of Animal Science Societies (F, and Use of Agricultural Animals in Research and T, mal-based researchers' views on the Three Rs: replacement, reduc-, tion and refinement. Guidelines on the Care and Use of Animals for Sci-, 55C0-3933-4EBC-B869-84621A9BF682/13557/Attach3_Animalsfor, National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of. tion and best practices among the participating programs, resulting in harmonization of practices and procedures and. While the regulatory environment is important, regardless of how the standards are developed and, implemented by oversight bodies, daily compliance by, ture” has a profound impact on the degree of compliance, with requirements as well as attention to quality science, the establishment of a culture of care, conscience, and, responsibility is as or more important than the regulatory, framework itself because it promotes an environment of, communication of institutional expectations, clear lines. �J <>stream endobj Other topics covered include laboratory animal selection, and receipt, the care and management of laboratory ani-, mals, laboratory animal health management, as well as, education and training. <>stream Since 1991, FRAME has funded an Alternatives Labora-. The penalty level is determined by whether the offence is: an infringement – resulting in a fine but no criminal conviction a prosecution under regulations – more serious than an infringement offence and may result in a criminal conviction. endobj Societal, expectations, both nationally and internationally, placing substantial pressure on veterinarians to ensure, good welfare of the animals that are our companions, and that we use for food, for work, for entertainment, for, exhibition, for education, and for research. The Laws, Regulations, and Guidelines for Animal Research in China Mainland (China), Japan, and South Korea (Korea) will be discussed in this chapter. The, well-being of animals used for scientific purposes: The assess-, ment and alleviation of pain and distress in research animals, contains no specific provisions relating to the use, Research Council has published Guidelines on Ethics, for Medical Research: Use of Animals in Research and, mentation refers specifically to the Three Rs and sug-, gests that under the current legislation, it “may be an, animal for scientific or educational purposes without, justification which is ratified by a formal process of. Passed by Congress in 1966, the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) sets general standards for humane care and treatment that must be provided for certain animals that are bred for commercial sale, sold sight unseen (Internet sales), exhibited to the public, used in biomedical research, or transported commercially. 0000021455 00000 n Animal Welfare. be better modelled by applying the empirical approach. Animal wel-, fare was identified by the OIE as a priority in its 2001–, to the long-distance transport of animals and to the kill-, ing of animals for both human consumption and dis-. 51. Worldwide, the first law to regulate animal experimentation was Cruelty to Animals Act 1876, passed by the Parliament of the United Kingdom. 0000021629 00000 n cioms-and-iclas-release-the-new-international-guiding-, principles-for-biomedical-research-involving-animals, to reflect contemporary opinion on the proper use of, animals in research. The only province that has specific legislation relating, to this use is Ontario where the Animals for Research, of control based on the registration of research facilities, and the issuance of licenses for supply facilities. The American, The convergence of people, animals, and our environment, has created a new dynamic in which the health of each group is, inextricably interconnected. Exceptions include the United States, and the 27 member states of the EU (Directive, 2010/63/. The rationale is based largely, but not exclusively, on an experimentally supported neuropsychological understanding of relationships between emotions and behaviour, an understanding that has not yet been incorporated into animal welfare science thinking. to enhance the life-time experience of the animals”. Good, animal welfare requires disease prevention and veterinary treat-, ment, appropriate shelter, management, nutrition, humane han-, dling and humane slaughter/killing. Its members vary from practitioners, to government employees, but also include veterinar-. The envisioned profiles are expected to have A third potentially significant influence on an individ-, ual's concept of animal welfare is that person's exposure, to other cultures and philosophies. In: Bernardi, C., Gamble, M.R. Such testing cannot be eliminated at present, but every, effort should be made to discover, develop and validate alterna-, The importance of MAD is that it promotes reduction, in the numbers of animals used in testing by requiring, that “data generated in the testing of chemicals in an, OECD member country in accordance with OECD T, Guidelines and OECD Principles of Good Laboratory, Practice, shall be accepted in other member and adher-, ing non member countries for purposes of assessment, and other uses relating to the protection of man and the, Role of the European Consensus Platform for, Three Rs Alternatives to Animal Experimentation, A number of European countries have formed national, consensus platforms on alternatives (ecopa) to using, parties—academia, animal welfare, industry. One must, be a veterinarian nominated by the New Zealand V, an animal welfare organization approved under the, and one must be nominated by a territorial authority or, regional council. While most countries adopt the, AEC model as their “competent authority”, this function. regions of the world (United States, Canada, Europe, mittee was to develop baseline standards on laboratory, animal welfare for use by the governments of the 178, member countries of the OIE via incorporation of these, int/eng/normes/mcode/en_chapitre_1.7.8.htm, The two most common models for providing over-, sight of animal use in RTT is through a local institutional, committee or an external, usually governmental, agency, In some parts of the world, such as the United States, and Europe—with the adoption of the European Direc-, tive 2010/63/EC—a matrix of external and institutional, oversight systems is used. cover diversity and land cover connectivity. endstream Animal Welfare Act of 1970. In Defense of Globalization. They noted that in the United States and Canada, it is desirable, though not required, that the laboratory, animal veterinarian achieve ACLAM certification. 0000013209 00000 n The AEC, is also charged with monitoring animal housing and, husbandry within the institution as well as compliance, Regulation of the use of animals in RTT in New Zea-, land began in 1983 with an amendment to the Animals, Use of animals is restricted to institutions holding a. Henry Cohen * . Following adoption of the Directive, member states, were given two years to transpose the Directive into. It explicitly states an ultimate goal, that the time has not yet come (although a ban on the. Introduction. It is argued that early thinking about animal welfare management focused mainly on minimising disturbances to the internal functional states that generate associated unpleasant motivational urges or drives. In the laboratory animal medicine and science, Medical Sciences (CIOMS) is primarily known for its, national Guiding Principles for Biomedical Research Involving,, Government Principles for the Utilization and Care of, Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, ciples are designed to assist ethics committees, animal, care committees, organizations, societies, and countries in, developing programs for the humane care and use of ani-, mals in research and education, especially those entities. Implementation of the ‘Three, Chapple, C.K., 2000. promoting our membership as having the knowledge, skills and leadership in the field of animal welfare and, The increasing importance and awareness of animal, welfare to New Zealand in general has resulted in the, current development, led by MPI, of a national animal, welfare strategy that will influence the planned review, of the country's animal welfare legislation. their usefulness and limitations for testing purposes, with attention to the Three Rs as the backdrop for con-, to federal agencies regarding appropriate uses of these, ENHANCING RESEARCH ANIMAL WELFARE THROUGH THE THREE RS, methods based on their scientific validity (, then determines whether the test methods are accept-, able for their respective programs and must respond, toxicity tests; the use of cellular models to simulate, test for screening various chemicals and other products, actively support the development, validation, and accep-, tance of methods that could reduce, refine, or replace the, use of laboratory animals. The Act also controls the breeding and sup-, ply of certain types of animals (where the animals are, intended for use in regulated procedures). Based on input from the, consultation, it was determined that the laboratory ani-, mal veterinarian should, at a minimum: have a sound. For example, in the, Pacific Rim region, the three most commonly identified. They concluded that, in most cases, standards for vet-, erinary care originate from professional organizations, of laboratory animal medicine rather than from govern-, ment requirements. The spe-. and other organizations with animal welfare interests; and develop a shared view of animal welfare across all, sectors, organizations, and people of the country, anticipated that the strategy will address New Zealand. Offence — body corporate. Initially, it should be determined if the contractor/collabora-, tor has the capacity and experience to do the type of, work proposed, with the species proposed. portation becomes increasingly difficult. A, ticipants, including research scientists who rely on the, support of laboratory animal veterinarians, stated that, the veterinarian should be familiar with basic research, methodology and be research “literate”. endobj This paper presents a rationale that may significantly boost the drive to promote positive welfare states in animals. It is the purpose of this Act to protect and promote ... animals, the penalty of two (2) years and one (1) day to three (3) years ad/or a fine not exceeding Two hundred fifty thousand pesos (P250,000.00) shall be imposed if the offense is committed by any of the following: (1) a … license, project license, and certificate of designation. In Singapore, the Animals and Birds, and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes) Rules 2004, detailed guidelines developed by a committee of sub-, ject experts from the government, academia, and indus-, research and education is covered by provisions of the, Act is the authority for the government to appoint a, Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision, of Experiments on Animals (CPCSEA). There has been increasing pressure from the public against animal experimentation for testing and research purposes. Son muchos los tipos de relaciones que hemos creado con ellos, desde vestido, alimento, compañía e incluso entretenimiento y experimenta-ción. Encouragement and financial support for Three Rs initiatives may result in valuable contributions to Three Rs knowledge and improve welfare for animals used in science.

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