Call for Contributions for the Eleventh Issue of the Haris Review to be published in December 2023

For its eleventh issue to be published in December 2023, the Haris Review is looking for contributions on topics of International Relations, Geopolitics or Strategic Studies. Articles should be original and substantive. The standards of presentation of the manuscripts are those of the CAMES (to be consulted on the website of the journal The manuscript must be between 5000 and 8000 words long and must include the full name of the author(s), the name of the institution to which the author(s) belong(s), the email address, a photo of the author(s) and an abstract in French and English of 300 words maximum with 7 keywords.
E-mails (to be sent simultaneously):,


Call for papers: October 1, 2023

Deadline for submission of papers: December 5, 2023

Return to authors after instruction: December 20, 2023

Return of corrected articles: December 27, 2023

Publication: December 30, 2023


Instruction : 25,000 F CFA (39 Euros)

Publication : 40,000 F CFA (61 Euros)

Contact: Dr. SILUE Nahoua Karim Tel (+225) 07 08 33 00 53 (WhatsApp) for the modalities of payment of the fees and all useful information.

Call for Contributions for the Tenth Issue of the Haris Review to be published in June 2023

For its tenth issue to be published in June 2023, the Haris Review is looking for contributions on topics of International Relations, Geopolitics or Strategic Studies. Articles should be original and substantive. The standards of presentation of the manuscripts are those of the CAMES (to be consulted on the website of the journal The manuscript must be between 5000 and 8000 words long and must include the full name of the author(s), the name of the institution to which the author(s) belong(s), the email address, a photo of the author(s) and an abstract in French and English of 300 words maximum with 7 keywords.
E-mails (to be sent simultaneously):,

Call for papers: April 1, 2023
Deadline for submission of papers: June 5, 2023
Return to authors after instruction: June 20, 2023
Return of corrected articles: June 27, 2023
Publication: June 30, 2023
Instruction : 25,000 F CFA (39 Euros)
Publication : 40,000 F CFA (61 Euros)
Contact: Dr. SILUE Nahoua Karim Tel (+225) 07 08 33 00 53 (WhatsApp) for the modalities of payment of the fees and all useful information.