battle of yorktown muster rolls

Joseph Savage of the former regiment.   The Waterloo Medal Roll was the first military award issued to all ranks that fought in the Battle of Waterloo, as well as the preceding conflicts at Ligny and Quatre Bras.   The Grand American Battery, on the right of the American line near the York River, was completed by the afternoon of October 9 and the Left Battery and Bomb Battery were completed early the next day. 20. 19, 1781 If you wish to search for a specific person or group of people, enter a first name, last name, town or county in the search box at the top of the page. As this list is now incomplete, we suggest using the National Archives' database of Trafalgar Ancestors instead.. Some defended against the invasion of the ‘Young Pretender’, Charles Edward Stuart, in 1745, and others surrendered to the American forces at the Battle of Yorktown in 1781.   6x gr.grandfather and John ludwig married his daughter and Mailing Address: Colonial National Historical Park - Yorktown Battlefield P.O. Regimental musters, from the early 18th century onwards, were taken every month or quarter (frequency varied over the years) for pay and accounting purposes. One of the militiamen, Peter Peiner, died after being wounded during the day beginning October 16, for a total of four killed and five wounded among the artillerymen out of the total American casualties of twenty-four killed and sixty-five wounded. The discrepancy may be accounted for by absences upon furloughs, and perhaps some irregularities in the manner of keeping the muster rolls of a force, made up of various material, by inexperienced adjutants and company officers, each desirous of appearing at … Private   This board gives a list of the 820 men who were awarded prize money and a Government Grant for enemy ships destroyed or captured during the battle VICE ADMIRAL HORATIO LORD NELSON KB. Oct . Your email address will not be published. Captain Richard T. W. Duke, commanding. Battle of Yorktown. 19, 1781 Daniel Morgan would later serve in the U.S. House of Representatives from Virginia. External Web sites related to the Battle of Olustee. Open daily 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.   present General Knox ordered Colonel Lamb to take charge of transporting the artillery and supplies, including captured pieces, to Philadelphia and the 2nd Continental Artillery accompanied the guns there before going into winter quarters at Burlington, New Jersey. The regiment saw action at the Battle of Trenton, Battle of Princeton, Battle of Brandywine, Battle of Germantown, Battle of Monmouth and the Siege of Charleston. Included on those returns were the names of at least 755 Blacks serving in the ranks. For the militia’s contribution see William W. Reynolds, “The Virginia Militia at the Siege of Yorktown,” Military Collector & Historian 67 (2015): 175-176. Most of the regiment was captured at Charlestown, South Carolina on May 12, 1780 by the British and the regiment was formally disbanded on January 1, 1783. Initially eight companies of 50 men each were formed. This involved the checking of their names against written lists. Thomas Lynch Montgomery, ed., Pennsylvania Archives, Fifth Series (Harrisburg: Harrisburg Publishing Company, 1906), 3:1021, records that among the wounded artillerymen was Henry Love of Pennsylvania who lost a leg during the siege. The siege of Yorktown, also known as the Battle of Yorktown, the surrender at Yorktown, or the German battle, ending on October 19, 1781, at Yorktown, Virginia, was a decisive victory by a combined force of the American Continental Army troops led by General George Washington and Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette, and French Army troops led by Comte de Rochambeau over a British army commanded … Each reenactor takes on the role of one of the men listed below. As one of four experienced field officers of artillery, he would prove to be a valuable addition to Knox’s force during the siege.[8]. Ancestry. 1783 Army List. One observer, Feltman, The Journal of Lt. William Feltman, 21, counted twenty-seven American and thirty-three French artillery pieces (not counting the leftmost French battery) in the batteries on October 18.   These details were comprised of members of all four artillery regiments and the three auxiliary units, with the artillerymen providing approximately half of each detail. However, Paul Aussaresses, “L’artillerie francaise au siege de Yorktown (1781),” Revue Historique de l’Armee 26 (2) (1970): 38 stated that the French had deployed sixty-four pieces, though that double-counted pieces in the first and second parallel. Captain Richard T. W. Duke, commanding. Private   The battle lasted less than an hour, but had a huge impact on the war. Colonel Tarleton managed to escape with most of his cavalry. 70-104-1 (Washington: U.S. Army Center of Military History, 2007), 43; Robert Arthur, The End of a Revolution (New York: Vantage Press, 1965), 159. Private “Muster Rolls,” Roll # 87, courtesy of the U.S. National Archives. [6], Washington next ordered Brig. Sick at F [8] Heitman, Historical Register, 337; Carrington to Knox, August 7, 1781, GLC02437.01123, “Return of all Continental spare ordnance and Military Stores in the field and the Waggons which contain them. Muster Roll of Company B Joining Up Uniforms Battle Strengths and Casualties. I would curate a show on an unheralded yet important aide to General Washington, Colonel (later Brevet Brigadier General) Samuel Blachley Webb. Volunteers.It was taken while they were prisoners after the died Oct. 29, 1781 Fredk. Captain John L. Cochran, commanding. Brownlee, T. 1810?. These show a total of 235 officers and men which, with the addition of regimental staff, is consistent with the total of 242 in the October 1, 1781 return. [ digital copy] [ text copy] Published 1858 the book Citizen Soldiers at North Point and Fort McHenry, September 12 & 13, 1814 includes muster rolls and other insightful details such as the resolve of the citizens in a town meeting, particulars relating to the battle, official correspondence and honorable discharge of the troops. For goods over £10 the same applied bow arrows and bill being the lowest … The table can be sorted by clicking on the column headers. Oct . Sergt. [4] Commissary General Samuel Hogdgon to Gen. Henry Knox, September 8, 1781, GLC02437.01173 and “Invoice of Ordnance & Military Stores forwarded to the Southern Army,” GLC02437.01168, GLI; Col. John Lamb to Lt. George Leacraft, September 25, 1781, and Col. John Lamb to Gen. Henry Knox, September 28, 1781, John Lamb Letterbooks, New York Historical Society, New York, NY; Francis S. Drake, Life and Correspondence of Henry Knox (Boston: Samuel G. Drake, 1873), 71. Muster Rolls, 2nd Continental Artillery Regiment, September 1781, found at, accessed January 15, 2017. He asked for a cease fire that day leading to his surrender two days later. The latter was comprised of three companies, two of which were commanded by Captains William Ferguson and Patrick Duffy. Let’s also Army Muster Rolls, 1641-1707. The 1st Continental Artillery Regiment, raised in Virginia and commanded by Col. Charles Harrison, had marched from New York in April 1780 to the support of Gen. Benjamin Lincoln, whose force was under siege at Charleston, South Carolina. Capt. [3]  It accompanied the artillery and supplies brought from New York on the march south through New Jersey to Trenton.     Their daily rate of fire averaged 686 rounds varying from a low of about 240 to a high of over 1,600; American gunners hurled over one hundred tons of metal at the British during the bombardment.   We feature smart, groundbreaking research and well-written narratives from expert writers. Shelfmark: Sp Coll RB 2499/35. [7] Washington to Brig. You can also discover the muster roll from Lord Nelson’s *HMS Victory* from August to October of 1805, only weeks before the Royal Navy’s greatest achievement at the Battle of Trafalgar. Missing Oct .   Althause's Company of New York Volunteers   Gen. Henry Knox directed Col. John Lamb, commanding the 2nd Artillery, to begin the march towards Yorktown early on August 19. Sick at F Samuel Eddins’ Company of the 1st Regiment was detached to Yorktown in February 1781 to protect prizes anchored in York River, and Capt. [1], Gen. George Washington’s determination of units from the American Army in New York that would march to Yorktown in August 1781 included only one artillery regiment, the 2nd Continental Artillery Regiment. Your email address will not be published. present   This medal was the British Army’s first campaign medal, awarded to almost 37,000 Waterloo veterans. Therefore…. [17] “Report of the stores expended in the Grand Battery Octo 15 1781 under the command of Capt. French Navy Casualty List. Alex Collins   Sick at F Try an Free Trial Chevalier de Chastellux, aide to Rochambeau at Yorktown . No casualties. Early in the siege a typical detail from the 2nd Regiment numbered fourteen, to which were added men from the other artillery regiments as well as the three auxiliary units.   Greaves SIMCOE Esqr. Oct . Knox’s order for ricochet firing may account for many of the unexploded shells since fuses could have been damaged or torn out from ground contact before the shells exploded. Gen. Anthony Wayne, February 26 and April 8, 1781, and Wayne to Washington, May 26 and July 8, 1781, Founders Online website, accessed January 12, 2017; “A General Return of the American Artillery & Stores Appropriated Thereto with the Army in Virginia Sept 22 1781,” GLC02437.01187, GLI; George W. Kyte, “General Wayne Marches South, 1781,” Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies 30 (1963): 305-307; Berg, Encyclopedia of Continental Army Units, 26; Orderly Book of the Siege of Yorktown (Philadelphia: Horace W. Smith, 1865), 35-36; Frances B. Heitman, Historical Register of Officers of the Continental Army During the War of the Revolution (Washington: W.H. present To use the description commonly applied by historians, the soldiers wer… Battle of Seven Pines, June 1, 1862: 54 officers and men. Later, it is said that the British band played the tune “The World’s Turned Upside Down” during the surrender at Yorktown—an apocryphal story that has become part of American folklore. Contact Us.   [11] Gaspard de Gallatin, Journal of the Siege of Yorktown (Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1931), 31. To read more about the history of this unit, please see our Regimental History of the Queen's Rangers. Check out the Genealogy Books written by Olive Tree Genealogy! Archive/Library: Glasgow University Library. On that date less than one thousand American and French artillerymen began bombarding the British lines, initiating an eight-day assault that directly resulted in the British surrender and which had the eventual consequence of American independence. present William Stevens provided support to the infantry by advancing six 3-pounders, though the attackers were successful without that support. Oct . Colonel Commandant from the 25th December 1779, to the 23rd February 1780.) Index to Muster Rolls. Dead Oct . Private   died Oct. 21, 1781 James Moore Oct . William Feltman (Philadelphia: Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1853), 18; “Diary of Captain James Duncan, of Colonel Moses Hazen’s Regiment in the Yorktown Campaign, 1781,” Pennsylvania Archives, Second Series (Harrisburg: E.K. Francis Bilas I've attached Muster Roll of John Althause's Company of New Brig. The Siege of Yorktown began subsequent to the movement of about fifty thousand American and French soldiers and sailors to eastern Virginia, twenty-eight thousand sailors and marines in the French blockade fleet and twenty-two thousand American and French soldiers surrounding the British Army on land. Roseman Captain Richard T. W. Duke, commanding. Search Compiled Service Records of Soldiers Who Served from New Jersey in the American Army During the Revolution from The National Archives : NARA M881 . Private The digitized "muster roll" at Pennsylvania's Valley Forge National Historical Park, started on paper in the 1940s, now contains the names of more than … Assuming he brought forty-five artillery pieces as planned, he would have needed approximately eight hundred men to provide crews for all pieces for alternating days on duty. 19, 1781 Counting only those in the first parallel yields a total of thirty-eight pieces. [18], Daily reports by the field officer of the batteries were required to mention casualties as well as ammunition consumed. She and her husband head to Salt Lake City Utah to research Janie's elusive 4th great-grandmother. Muster Rolls. [5], Washington had ordered Maj. Gen.Marquis de Lafayette to take 1,200 Continentals from the army in New York to Virginia in February 1781 to oppose British forces then threatening that state, instructing Lafayette to confer with General Knox concerning needed artillery support. The Yorktown PoWs were definitely kept in America and were not released until early 1783. Previously served with Emmerichs Chasseurs in 1777. 19, 1781 Caveat: This list was complied in 1988. William Tryon and the Park that Still Bears His Name, The Death of Lt. Michael Grosh: the Maryland Militia at Germantown, A Reconsideration of Continental Army Numerical Strength at Valley Forge, This Week on Dispatches: Eric Sterner on South Carolina’s John Rutledge, Detachment of the 1st Continental Artillery Regiment – 44, Entire 2nd Continental Artillery Regiment – 242, Detachment of the 3rd Continental Artillery Regiment – 25, Detachment of the 4th Continental Artillery Regiment – 71. The muster rolls are on Muster rolls for the other two regiments for early 1782 are proxies for the September 1781 rolls. The Field Officer of the Trenches was also supposed to report daily on “the apparent effect on the enemy’s works” of the bombardment, but the fact that none of the nine reports contain such information indicates that the damage to the British works was obvious. The Battle of Kings Mountain Troop Movement Timeline-- All Roads Lead to the Cowpens -- ... William Campbell Musters Washington County, VA Militia & Rockbridge Rifles Skirmish at Cane Creek –Burke County, NC C. McDowell with Burke County Regiment A. Hampton with Rutherford County Regiment Sam W. Haynes' Introduction, which tells a little about General Thomas Jefferson Green's military service in Texas before the ill-fated Mier Expedition: If you wish to search for a specific person or group of people, enter a first name, last name, town or county in the search box at the top of the page. This database celebrates the 18,000 plus individuals who fought in the This collection is comprised of seventy muster rolls and 15 related letters and documents of the German regiments employed by the British to fight in the American Revolutionary War. grandfather. Death Finds a Way: A Janie Riley Mystery by Lorine McGinnis Schulze, Organize Your Genealogy in Evernote in 10 Easy Steps, Immigration (Ships Passenger Lists, Naturalization, etc), From Van Valkenburg to Vollick: The Loyalist Isaac Van Valkenburg aka Vollick and his Vollick & Follick Children. . Shelfmark: E/100. Mar.   They date 1835-1846, and undated. On October 1, 1781, he mustered 382 officers and men present and fit for duty representing the Continental artillery regiments as follows: Much credit must go to the thirty-one-year-old Knox and his field officers for training his regiments from the beginning of the war such that the officers and men in this diverse corps, supported by a large group of non-artillerists, could perform as efficiently as they did during the siege. Missing   Oct . Oct . Since the artillery’s draft horses had travelled overland and only arrived in early October, moving the guns to the Artillery Park at Yorktown was not accomplished until October 6. The Turmoil Begins In the summer of 1781, after being unable to hold onto the Carolinas due to patriot resistance, British General and Earl Charles Cornwallis was sent to Yorktown to take hold of a fort near the river. [21] “Knox’s Brigade Orders,” The Magazine of American History 6: 51. 1st Lieutenant Richard W. Wirt, commanding. Knox testified to the importance of this work through his complaint about the quality of the shells which had been cast by Pennsylvania ironworks, compared with those from a New Jersey supplier; workers in the laboratory did essential duty in proof-testing the shells and sending the batteries only good ammunition. Sick at F Muster Roll of H.M.S. Sub Era: The War for Independence. The other hundreds included unable men. 6 1782 Some defended against the invasion of the ‘Young Pretender’, Charles Edward Stuart, in 1745, and others surrendered to the American forces at the Battle of Yorktown in 1781. There were casualties in equipment also: two 18-pounders burst; one 10-inch mortar was disabled; and one howitzer was dismounted. Between the King's troops, and the covenanters/By the Laird of Torfoot, an officer in the Presbyterian army. The 1569 Muster was to include all able men between the ages of 16 and 60 however only the hundreds of Powder, Pydar, West and East limited themselves to able men. [18] Tilden, “Extracts from the Journal of Lieutenant John Bell Tilden, 61; “Minutes of Occurrences respecting the Seige (sic) and Capture of York in Virginia, extracted from the Journal of Colonel Jonathan Trumbull, Secretary to the General, 1781,” Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society 14 (1875-76): 336; Henry Lee, Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department of the United States (Washington: Peter Force, 1827), 360, 365; Benjamin Franklin Stevens, ed., The Campaign in Virginia 1781: An Exact Reprint of Six Rare Pamphlets on the Clinton-Cornwallis Controversy (London, 1888), II:205; Howard C. Rice, Jr., and Anne S.K. He said at that time, in 1778, the war was somewhat in a lull in the Charleston area, and … Mathias Fredom Oct . After the British had been escorted away towards prisoner of war camps, the artillerymen loaded the siege guns and supplies on transports for return up the Chesapeake Bay. There are also other counties such as Hertfordshire, Essex, Northamptonshire, Oxfordshire, … 19, 1781 [10], In comparison to the resources available to Knox, the French Army at Yorktown included 600 artillerymen under the command of fifty-one-year-old Lt. Col. Francois Marie d’Aboville to manage their installation of perhaps thirty-eight guns. This small diverse group performed brilliantly, winning the respect of their French counterparts. Searching the muster. My index to muster rolls in case your viewers want to see if any of the men served in other units or want to know more about the archive source A10. Choose from Overview ~ Muster Rolls ~ Biographies ~ Battles. 1. Wm. Originally named BON HOMME RICHARD, the carrier was renamed YORKTOWN on September 26, 1942, to honor CV 5 which was lost three months earlier during the Battle of … [12], Most of the artillery had been hauled from Trebell’s Landing across the peninsula six miles to the artillery park by October 6 allowing Knox’s men to concentrate on completing the batteries and moving guns and mortars into them. [3] The seven companies are mentioned in the assignments for responsibility of ordnance in “Regimental Orders,” October 1, 1781, Orderly Book of the Second Regiment of Continental Artillery, MS2003.12, Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, Williamsburg, Virginia.   The majority of muster books and pay lists cover the period from 1812 to 1817, during the Napoleonic Wars and the Anglo-American War, though some rolls go back as far as 1779 and also up to 1821. Olive Tree Genealogy was chosen by Family Tree Magazine as one of the 101 Best Genealogy Websites 2017! Phone: (757) 898-2410. Benj. The army assembled in early July in several locations along the south coast. Isaac Deal You can also discover the muster roll from Lord Nelson’s HMS Victory from August to October of 1805, only weeks before the Royal Navy’s greatest achievement at the Battle of Trafalgar. 2. Passenger lists for nonenlisted personnel are also included. For wages over £5 a certain amount of weaponry/armour had to be provided. Lieut. During the day beginning on October 14 American artillerymen suffered one killed and two wounded, while the next day two men were killed and three wounded. It was essential for the government to check that the captains had brought the troops they had promised. [Names in bold are believed to have … Continue reading … Sick at F Battle of First Manassas, July 21, 1861: 76 officers and men. Sick at F Picking up additional ordnance in Philadelphia, the regiment continued via the Delaware River and Christiana Creek to Christiana Bridge, overland to Head of Elk, and down the Chesapeake Bay to the James River.

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