All 167 people on board were killed. Ensure that, when requesting positions from aircraft approaching Kathmandu, controllers would ask for both distance (DME) and radial infonnation, particularly if the normal approach is modified for any reason.
After further dialogue with the controller, which included requests for a left turn, the crew unilaterally initiated a right turn from the aircraft's 025 degree heading and commenced a climb from an altitude of 10,500 feet to FL180, when the flight was about 7 nm south of the Kathmandu VOR. Coordination be carried out with all Operators into Kathmandu to emphasize the imponance of effective communication.
Coordination be carried out with Operators into Kathmandu to encourage those airlines to provide feedback on any communication problems that might arise. [4], PIA paid for and maintains the Lele PIA Memorial Park at Lele, at the foot of a mountain about 10km north the crash site. Pakistan International Airlines Flight 268 was an Airbus A300, registration AP-BCP, which crashed on approach to Kathmandu's Tribhuvan International Airport on 28 September 1992. [1] Although the pilots of Flight 268 reported their aircraft's altitude accurately to air traffic control, controllers did nothing to alert them of their inappropriate altitude until seconds before the accident. On 10 May the same year, the aircraft was leased to EgyptAir. Bangkok-Don Muang International Airport (BKK/VTBD), Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT) - Mountain, 40 km (25 mls) N of Kathmandu-Tribhuvan Airport (KTM) (, To: Department of Civil Aviation of Nepal. Flight 268 departed Karachi at 11:13 AM Pakistan Standard Time for Kathmandu. Review efforts by Thai International in the area of cockpit resource management; Ensure that all Thai International pilots are reminded at the procedures to be followed when operating in a non-radar controlled terminal area; Ensure that appropriate training or information letters are used to emphasize to Thai International pilots, the importance of determinimg and adhering to the minimum altitude provisions of approaches, particularly at airports with important terrain considerations; Ensure that the depiction of information related to the ROMEO fix near Kathmandu, on approach and enroute charts used by Thai International crews be amended. A flap fault occurred while the flight was on the approach; this caused the crew to ask for clearance back to Calcutta, a decision that was in keeping with both Company and performance requirements, which necessitate the use of full flaps for the steep final approach. Recent US crashes All 167 people on board were killed. PROBABLE CAUSE: "TG311 flight crew's management of the aircraft flight path wherein the flight proceeded in a northerly direction which was opposite to the cleared point Romeo to the South; ineffective radio communication between the area control centre and the TG311 flight crew which allowed the flight to continue in the wrong direction, in that the TG311 crew never provided the aircraft's VOR radial when stating DME and the controller never solicited this information and thus the aircraft's position was not transmitted at any time; and ineffective cockpit crew coordination by the TG311 crew in conducting flight navigation duties. The crew stated to the control tower that they wished to start their approach again and requested a left turn back to the Romeo fix, which is 41 nm south south-west (202 radial) of the Kathmandu VOR. Coordination be carried out with Operators to devise methods wherein Controllers could be given familiarisation flights in order to acquaint them with the duties of the cockpit crew and enhance the controller\'s understanding of the pilot\'s communication requirements. Shortly after reporting at 10 DME, at 2.30 pm the aircraft crashed at approximately 7,300 feet (2,200 m) into the side of the 8,250 ft (2,524 m) mountain at Bhattedanda, disintegrating on impact, instantly killing all aboard; the tail fin separated and fell into the forest at the base of the mountainside.
It was again established that the flight was to proceed to Romeo and the crew agreed to "report over Romeo."
The crew reported to the tower controller that the flight was climbing and the controller replied by instructing the crew to report at 16 nm for the Sierra approach. GPWS manufacturers and ICAO be made aware of the operational and technical information related to GPWS performance in this accident. Crash rates by model The NTSB also stated in this press release that CVR recording from the recent explosion had features that were similar to recorded features of a Philippine Airlines 737-300 center wing fuel tank explosion in May 1990.
Controllers be licensed and rated as recommended by ICAO. The numbered events are those involving at least one airline passenger death where the aircraft flight had a direct or indirect role, and where at least one of the dead passengers was not a stowaway, hijacker, or saboteur.
Review, with the aircraft manufacturer, the requirement for further infonnation on the A310 checklist related to flap faults. An aircraft cleared to use this approach was at the time directed to pass over a reporting point called "Romeo" located 41 miles south of the Kathmandu VOR (or at 41 DME) at an altitude of 15,000 feet. A study be undertaken to assess the benefits and feasibility of adding letter abbreviations of compass cardinal headings for the navigation and primary flight displays of flight management systems.
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