halloween pennant dragonfly meaning

Just above the anus is one inferior appendage. This is a lock-and-key mechanism. Adults: After the adults emerge from their final molt, they will take flight to locate a mate and restart the life cycle. The larval stage can be anywhere from a few days to a few years.

They can also be found in Cuba, the Bahamas, and Ontario, Canada (Dunkle 1989, NatureServe Explorer 2015). They will perch atop plants with their bodies out, looking like a flag starched in the wind and waiting for a tasty meal to come by. They specifically range from Ontario, Canada and Massachusetts to Florida. Only then will the couple detach and go about their business separately. The adult size of Celithemis eponina ranges from 38–42 mm (1.5–1.65 inches) in length (Dunkle 1989, Taber 2005). Though we edit our accounts for accuracy, we cannot guarantee all information in those accounts. Dragonflies have unique mating behavior — and the Halloween Pennant is no exception. They are seldom cannibals.

All adult Halloween pennants catch their prey during flight. (Milne and Margery, 1980). The larvae face contains a prehensile mask with a specially modified labium. This material is based upon work supported by the Besides mosquitos, they'll feast on other flying insects, including other dragonflies.

(Grzimeck, 1972; Lyons, 1999; Milne and Margery, 1980; O'Toole, 1986), Eggs are laid in the water by the female. It can often be seen perched on tips of vegetation near the edges of waterways (Taber 2005). Halloween pennants also have a yellow or red abdominal stripe, which, in males, darkens as they age.

Odonata in the Florida soybean agroecosystem. And more bad news for the mosquito populaton: by our observations, Halloween pennants are among the most abundant, if not the most abundant dragonfly in South Florida.

The Halloween pennant also has an extremely wide range, found as far west as New Mexico and Colorado, east to the Atlantic seaboard, including Florida, and north into Ontario. The spotted wings could mean they could be initially mistaken for a twelve-spotted skimmer.


Like other pennant dragonflies, such as the Halloween Pennant that I photographed earlier this summer, the Banded Pennant likes to perch at the very tip of tall grass and other vegetation. It eats mosquitos for dinner. They're also found in Cuba and the Bahamas. It can often be seen perched on tips of vegetation near the edges of waterways (Taber 2005).

The adults fly around above freshwater habitats and the surrounding vegetation, and feed on smaller insects that they capture in flight. The males also develop red rectangular spots on the front edge of each wing.

As I looked over the images, I couldn’t decide which was the most effective way to present the dragonfly.

I prefer the first shot, in part because the pose is more dynamic and the direct eye contact with the dragonfly draws me in. Observations on the reproductive behaviour of. The male will use his cerci (paired appendages on the rear segments) to grasp the female behind her head so that they are hooked together. Posted in Dragonflies, dragonfly, Insects, Nature, Photography, spring, wildlife, tagged Banded Pennant, Banded Pennant dragonfly, Canon SX50, Celithemis fasciata, emerging in the rain on June 13, 2018|

They're found near ponds and marshes, which is not surprising since they spend the first part of their lives entirely in water. During their final stage as a larvae, they climb out of the water by a stone, plant stalk, or algae.

© Michael Q. Powell.

In flight, the legs are rested against the body to protect them from wind. having a body temperature that fluctuates with that of the immediate environment; having no mechanism or a poorly developed mechanism for regulating internal body temperature. A pennant dragonfly is sometimes easier to spot than those species that perch lower, but the slightest breeze sets the dragonfly in motion and makes it more difficult to photograph. The thorax is also brown. Comparison of a mature male (left) and female (right) Halloween pennant, Celithemis eponina Drury. Their rectal chamber contains gills and can be used to jet them through the water.

Figure 6. Was it better to maximize the size of the dragonfly by cropping it a square or to emphasize the height of the vegetation by using a vertical format? An animal that eats mainly insects or spiders. The “Halloween” part of its name comes from the orange-brown color of its wings. Updated: 10/13/2020; Yes, their butthole!

One of the highlights for me of a short visit yesterday to Meadowlark Botanical Gardens in Vienna, Virginia was spotting this spectacular dragonfly, which I think is a female Banded Pennant (Celithemis fasciata). The wings of mature males are a mix of bright orange and black bands. "Halloween Pennant" (On-line). Like other pennant dragonflies, such as the Halloween Pennant that I photographed earlier this summer, the Banded Pennant likes to perch at the very tip of tall grass and other vegetation.

While ADW staff and contributors provide references to books and websites that we believe are reputable, we cannot necessarily endorse the contents of references beyond our control.

The wings of younger males and females are more yellowish than orange but still have the mix of black. The larvae emerge from these eggs and are aquatic. Their foward protruding eyes overlap allowing for very good judgement of the distance of their prey. If you hate mosquitos, you might like this bug: the Halloween pennant dragonfly, Celithemis eponina.

The red abdomen with the two dark spots on the tail might initially indicate a saddlebags species. Its metamorphosis is almost complete and I am optimistic that it managed to weather the storm and survive its transformation. Even as larvae, it has a taste for mosquito.

Because of the way dragonflies crush prey, it was once believed they possessed teeth. These wings are not attached and operate independently. Mating Behavior and Oviposition: The mating behavior of Halloween pennants is similar to that of other dragonfly species.

The female bends her abdomen to reach the male's abdomen. Before they emerge as adults, the larvae develop compound eyes and tissue from the labium is withdrawn. "Celithemis eponina" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. The larvae (also known as a nymph or naiad) can grow from 5 to 6 cm in length and are yellow to green.

Mature males and females have a similar red and yellow body spots as the Calico Pennants.

As I was looking over the two shots that I chose to use with this posting, I realized that they represent two different approaches that I use when photographing dragonflies. Celithemis eponina Drury, the Halloween pennant dragonfly.

In a study done in south Florida, Celithemis eponina were observed mating only between 8:00 and 10:30 AM (Miller 1982, Dunkle 1989). The whole body (minus the legs) is devoid of hair and quite colorful. Its festive coloring is similar to many types of butterflies, and its fluttering manner of flight makes it reasonable to mistake it for one at first sight. Selective forces propelling genitalic evolution in Odonata. Every culture and civilization throughout human history has developed a folklore and meaning behind the existence of the dragonfly. Two of those genera, Metallic Pennants (Genus Idiataphe) and Genus Macrodiplax, produce one hit wonders, or one single species in the United States.

They can also live in some terrestrial spots such as tree holes and bromeliad leaf-bases. The Halloween Pennant (Celithemis eponina) is a medium sized dragonfly which occurs across most of the eastern U.S. CORRECTION: My initial identification was incorrect. This is when the mating chain becomes the mating wheel.

They propel themselves through the water by shooting air out their anus.

This species has a dorsal stripe on the abdomen that may be a yellow or reddish color (Dunkle 1989).

This species is secure and currently not of any conservation concern. The colorful orange wings of the Halloween Pennant catch the eye of many photographers. Emerging is a dangerous experience for dragonflies and doubly so when they do it in the rain.

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