It’s easy as ABC. A quiz-style crossword for the sports fans.
The daily community puzzles online is worth solving with a friend as well. Spice up your Sundays too with The Hindu Cryptic, now fitted with training wheels!
Clue: Crack. Tip: When an across clue says going west or going left, it means starting from right to left. Well, look no further! Not just because it is just 5 letters long.
If you know your sports trivia, this crossword will be a breeze.
Did you like challenging your mind via these tricky clues? Go ahead and bookmark that link and play the latest puzzle. 1 January 2016 We have 32 answers for the crossword clue 'Excellent!'. You will become a pro if you regularly try.
A one-stop-shop for interactive puzzles offered by THG Publishing Private Limited. Word length rarely ever determines difficulty. It is believed that crossword are.
The first half of the clue gives the definition of the answer and the other half jumbles the letters in the answer, plus sometimes a hint.
Today, these mind teaser games online free have moved a step ahead and the publications have started posting the puzzles online. Finding it difficult to crack the clues? challenging your brain with each unsolved clue.
Are you all set to try cryptic crossword free brain games? The solver has to identify the exact word that fits in the grid.
Clue: Does he lead prayer for openers?
All you have to do is sign up to play. The constructors focus on creating theme-based crosswords related to celebrity names, trivia, places and much more.
A game that can be solved with the apt use of just six numbers.
This may be a charade recipe in this case. Where descriptive clues guide you toward words in a maze of letters. ), Also look at the related clues for crossword clues with similar answers to “crack-seed”.
Tip: A decent cryptic puzzle has some easy clues which are strategically placed to get things going and then the harder clues yield eventually. new The Hindu Cryptic puzzle with annotations for each clue, absolutely free! Think about a synonym of the shopkeeper that sounds like a synonym ruder. A decent cryptic puzzle has some easy clues which are strategically placed to get things going and then the harder clues yield eventually.
Sport On. The popularity of the game has grown because of the linguistic workout that makes your brain sharper. ‘Holding’ clearly means containing or filled up by. Try changing the wording. You want to tell yourself (even if it takes some self-delusional conditioning method, even chanting or other self-affirmation techniques) that this is an easy solve that you already know the answer to. No, it’s easy because it involves a very clear fodder, a very clear indicator.
Did you get a kick out of understanding how to work out the answer to a cryptic crossword clue? Crack is a crossword puzzle clue. It looks like this clue is asking for a homophone. All you have to do is sign up to play. (Enter a dot for each missing letters, e.g. ). With the definition and a hint that you observe, take care of another word that sounds like. Just ask Shashi Tharoor. Meaning you can tell exactly what the setter wants from you without much head-scratching. Crossword games are popular in almost every country and are published majorly in the English language. Well, when ambiguities become a part of the crossword, solving becomes fun! (e.g. Finding it difficult to crack the clues? Moreover, being published in the English language, where one word can have more than one meaning, it becomes a challenge.
It doesn't get harder than this in this number game. The word sweet may have synonym and the five-letter word can be ‘fudge’. The first half of the clue gives the definition of the answer and the other half jumbles the letters in the answer, plus sometimes a hint. Though the clues in it are cryptic, this crossword is recommended for everyone. Keep Puzzling! Challenge your brain today with the most popular puzzle games! Contribute a Clue with Answer(s) Crossword solutions & Synonyms for 'Excellent!' Help us become the best crossword solving site by contributing your own clues and answers. A hint to take the first few letters from some other words for the answer. Make it a habit to play daily online puzzle to enhance your word power. This one is interesting, isn’t it?
The easiest version of the game that requires just nine numbers.
Ok, look just a little further. A quiz-style crossword for the sports fans. A homophone is defined as the word that sounds similar to another word.
Half the clue gives a definition of the answer; the other half is a jumble of the letters in the answer, plus a hint (“dodgy”, “disorganised” etc) that they should be jumbled. Is Mohammed a Muslim? “the”,“it”, etc. Crossword Help, Clues & Answers. The crossword constructor makes it difficult for the solver to solve the grid.
Crossword Puzzle Clue ⇒ CRACK on All Crossword Puzzle Solutions & Answers for CRACK with 4, 7 & 8 Letters Crossword Help
Well, that’s all regarding the tricky clue list! If you know your sports trivia, this crossword will be a breeze. And if you were paying attention in Kindergaten, you may recall that the ‘first and last letters’ are simply A and Z.
But he makes sure the solver ultimately completes and win.
Use our tool to solve regular crosswords, find words with missing letters, solve codeword puzzles or to look up anagrams.
Hint: When you find this type of clue where there are only two clues, it is most likely to be a double-definition recipe.
Similarly, when a down clue says going up or rising, it means starting from the bottom and moving upwards. Clue: Alarming disclosure of beauty (9 letter word), Answer: BOMBSHELL (As they say on that bombshell and blonde bombshell), The answer is described in a misleading way, Clue: They lead the way in the current transport system (8 letter word), Answer: REINDEER (It depicts a noun rather than an adjective). is a free Crossword Solver tool.
Hints help you in the hunt for thematic words in a letter grid. The best thing to do is to start with an easy cryptic crossword. What types of Crossword Puzzles are there?
An online crossword is almost everyone’s favorite game. Figuring out the meanings will help you crack this short and simple crossword. Direct questions get more results. See, self-belief is rather underrated. You will become a pro if you regularly try free word search puzzle games. A quiz-style word search that tests your topical savvy. Look for the synonyms of the answer in the clue. While typing (slowly) suggested clues will appear. Sudoku Easy. Struggling to get that one last answer to a perplexing clue? i.e. These types of clues give different meanings of the answer. Finding it difficult to crack the clues? 5 letter answer(s) to husband wearing tops or leather clothing CHAPS
(4 letter word), Answer: IMAM (First letters of Is Mohammed a Muslim).
try singular instead of plural, try present tense instead of past tense, use a synonym, etc. “P.ZZ..” will find “PUZZLE”.
But he makes sure the solver ultimately completes and win. When you see a cryptic clue, here’s the first thing you want to do.
Did you notice there are no signposts or indicators? Do you feel like you could use some help to guide you towards the answer for each of the 20-30 clues that usually bamboozle you in each puzzle?
Clued In (Blogs) The blog that break down the clues, however cryptic they are. The word ruin means devastation or rearrangement and it is an anagram.
Clue: Collection of documents found to be dodgy i.e. There are related clues (shown below). If you liked the long-winded explanation to the above clue, then you will surely enjoy the crisper versions we give you in The Hindu Cryptic on Sunday puzzles, when you click the button ‘Reveal’ and then ‘Show a hint’. Did you enjoy being given a random sentence that ultimately leads to a completely unexpected but totally decipherable answer? are popular in almost every country and are published majorly in the English language. An easy game where your eyes guide your brain to words. More from Sudoku.
(Enter a dot for each missing letters, e.g.
Copyright 2018 All Rights Reserved, is almost everyone’s favorite game. Crossword Answers 3 Letters. This is kind of an easy one. Figure out the straightforward meanings of clues to solve this crossword.
Search for crossword clues found in the NY Times, Daily Celebrity, Daily Mirror, Telegraph and major publications. Home •Submit New Clue •Archive •CodyCross •Word Unscrambler •Word Descrambler •Contact Road crack filler — Puzzles Crossword Clue. The second clue word terrain when rearranged means coach which is also called a trainer. If you haven't solved the crossword clue crack-seed yet try to search our Crossword Dictionary by entering the letters you already know! Try leaving out common words i.e. Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Husband wearing tops or leather clothing.
If you haven't solved the crossword clue crack-seed yet try to search our Crossword Dictionary by entering the letters you already know!
Known Letters. Was that fun to solve? This can be done by saying it aloud once or twice. “Capital of Norway”,“Small rodent”, etc. Crack is a crossword puzzle clue that we have spotted over 20 times. Because, every Sunday, The Hindu Crossword Plus will be posting a new The Hindu Cryptic puzzle with annotations for each clue!
dross (7 letter word), Answer: DOSSIER (It is an anagram of i.e dross), The definition having words where the answer is concealed or hidden and indicated by something like among, ‘amid’ or ‘in’, Clue: In Scandinavia grandpa discovered potent drug (6 letter word), Answer: VIAGRA (Hidden in Scandinavia grandpa as it is a jumbled word). “P.ZZ..” will find “PUZZLE”.) Although there are a variety of crossword puzzles available online, but cryptic crosswords are considered to be the toughest.
Seemingly meaningless words and phrases hold the key to this crossword.
Search thousands of crossword puzzle answers on
Reversal is another common word in best new puzzle games. Clue: Statement by a filmed divorcee, retracted (6 letter word).
If you believe you know the answer, you will get it. Work it out. No matter whether you are traveling, attending a social event or staying at home, make it a habit to reboot your mind with a great puzzling session. Break down the clue into small fragments.
Synonym of waters is pooled which when reversed gives you sloop which is a type of a boat.
All you need to know about The Hindu Crossword+. We can help you solve those tricky clues in your crossword puzzle. Click right here to subscribe to the interactive THCrosswordPlus, so you can solve on your mobile phone, get hints, and even check your answers on the go!
Grosser sounds like Grocer. A C E. A serve that the receiver is unable to reach. Got the answer? Please Enter the Reason why You want to leave Wealthword eg: Is that a UI, Technical Issue or Business rules etc. So, if CRY contains A and Z, the new word is CRAZY (crazy easy, more like!). You will become a pro if you regularly try free word search puzzle games.
Going west clearly depicts that it is a reversal clue. The cryptic curious individuals love free online puzzle adventure games and are aware of the fact that puzzles will demand anagrams and acrostics but maybe despair as they don’t know how to solve them.
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