Can't really go wrong. See all 23 questions about Drums of Autumn…, Michelle, the Bookshelf Stalker Queen of the Undead, October 2020 - DRUMS OF AUTUMN by Diana Gabaldon (Outlander, book 4), Drums of Autumn (Outlander #4), by Diana Gabaldon. I finally finished this freaking book!!! By this book DG is reusing plots that we've already seen and the characters are becoming two dimensional caricatures of themselves. Roger, who has also seen the newspaper clipping, soon realises what Brianna has done, and sets out after her. They then part company. Videos Music Sound Effects Templates. Welcome back. I mean WTH???!!! Nonetheless, Brianna gets raped by a known scoundrel and gets pregnant. The third starts to teeter on unnecessarily verbose with a wandering plot where characters tend to do things out of character. Two days later, Brianna is raped by Stephen Bonnet, in exchange for her mother's ring.
He deserves all the love!!!! By this book DG is reusing plots that we've already seen and the characters are becoming two dimensional caricatures of themselves. I initially started it on May 23, 2015!!! I’m heartbroken!!! Their daughter unexpectedly joins them from the future and her fiancee follows suit to cause multiple circumstances and events to unravel! I think I found the observations on the various Native American tribe life highly interesting.
Part One, O Brave New World, Chapter One, A Hanging in Eden Chapter Two, In Which we Meet a Ghost, Part Two, Past Imperfect, Chapter Three, The Minister's Cat, Chapter Four, A Blast from the Past, Chapter Five, Two Hundred Years from Yesterday, Part Three, Pirates, Chapter Six, I encounter a Hernia, Chapter Seven, Great Prospects Fraught with Peril, Chapter Eight, Man of Worth Chapter Nine, Two Thirds of a Ghost, Part Four, River Run, Chapter Ten, Jocasta, Chapter Eleven, The Law of Bloodshed, Chapter Twelve, The return of John Quincy Myers, Chapter Thirteen, An Examination of Conscience, Part Five, Strawberry Fields Forever, Chapter Fourteen, Flee from Wrath to Come Chapter Fifteen, Noble Savages Chapter Sixteen, The first Law of Thermodynamics, Part Six, Je T'aime Chapter Seventeen, Home for the Holidays Chapter Eighteen, Unseemly Lust, Part Seven, On the Mountain, Chapter Nineteen, Hearth Blessing, Chapter Twenty, The White Raven, Chapter Twenty-One, Night on a Snowy Mountain, Part Seven, On the Mountain, Chapter Twenty-Two, Spark of an Ancient Flame, Chapter Twenty-Three, The Skull Beneath the Skin, Chapter Twenty-Four, Letter Writing: The Great Art o' Love, Chapter Twenty-Five, Enter a Serpent, Part Seven, Chapter Twenty-Six, Plague and Pestilence, Chapter Twenty-Seven, Trout Fishing in America, Chapter Twenty-Eight, Heated Conversation, Chapter Twenty-Nine, Charnel Houses, Part Eight, Beaucoup, Chapter Thirty, Into Thin Air, Chapter Thirty-One, Return to Inverness, Chapter Thirty-Two, Grimoire, Chapter Thirty-Three, Midsummer's Eve, Part Eight, Beaucoup, Chapter Thirty-Four, Lallybroch, Chapter Thirty-Five, Bon Voyage, Chapter Thirty-Six, You Can't go Home Again, Part Eight, Beaucoup, Chapter Thirty-Seven, Gloriana, Chapter Thirty-Eight, For those in Peril on the Sea, Chapter Thirty-Nine, A Gambling Man, Part Nine, Passionnement, Chapter Forty, Virgin Sacrifice, Chapter Forty-One, Journey's End, Part Ten Impaired Relations, Chapter Forty-Two, Moonlight, Chapter Forty, Three, Whisky in the Jar, Chapter Forty-Four, Three-Cornered Conversation, Chapter Forty-Five, Fifty-Fifty, Part Ten, Impaired Relations, Chapter Forty-Six, Comes a Stranger, Chapter Forty-Seven, A Father's Song, Chapter Forty-Eight, Away in a Manger, Chapter Forty-Nine, Choices, Chapter Fifty, In Which all is Revealed, Part Eleven, Pas Du Tout, Chapter Fifty-One, Betrayal, Chapter Fifty-Two, Desertion, Chapter Fifty-Three, Blame, Part Eleven, Pas Du Tout, Chapter Fifty-Four, Captivity, Chapter Fifty-Five, Captivity II, Chapter Fifty-Six, Confessions of the Flesh, Chapter Fifty-Seven, A Shattered Smile, Part Eleven, Pas Du Tout, Chapter Fifty-Eight, Lord John Returns, Chapter Fifty-Nine, Blackmail, Chapter Sixty, Trial by Fire, Chapter Sixty-One, The Office of a Priest, Chapter Sixty-Two, Three Thirds of a Ghost, Part Twelve, Je T'aime, Chapter Sixty-Three, Forgiveness, Chapter Sixty-Four, Bottom of the Ninth, Chapter Sixty-Five, Return to Fraser's Ridge, Chapter Sixty-Six, Child of My Blood, Part Twelve, Je T'aime, Chapter Sixty-Seven, The Toss of a Coin, Chapter Sixty-Eight, Domestic Bliss, Chapter Sixty-Nine, Jeremiah, Chapter Seventy, The Gathering, Chapter Seventy-One, Circle's Close. I mean, c'mon.. there is a Starz show and its Outlander. Brianna finds an old newspaper posting stating that her parents died in a fire less than ten years after her mother's return. Brianna realises that time is running out if she wishes to see her mother again, and meet her father for the first time, so she undertakes the journey through the stones, into 18th century Scotland. I’m so mad at Jamie!! When I read Voyager I remember towards the end when they are going back to Hispaniola to find Ian Jamie leaves Fergus and Marsali on Jamaica. Urgh! Claire finds herself in 18th Century Scotland and meets her soul mate, Jamie Fraser. HOLY FUCK!!!!!! ... Canal and street scene in amsterdam. Brianna makes her way to Cross Creek, and meets her father. That was so cruel and heartless!!! One conversation could have easily solved this plot's problem. Jamie has a grandson that's truly his own. And much to my dismay the feeling did not last. DAMN IT!!! Claire's daughter Brianna remains in Boston, Massachusetts USA and Claire asks a family friend from Scotland, Roger Wakefield, to watch over her. There is a, joyful reunion back at Fraser's Ridge.
You made great characters disappear, you dragged out scenes for hundreds of pages, you made the characters inner dialogue go on forever AND the overall story fizzled. Brianna is left in her great-aunt Jocasta's care, who tries unsuccessfully to find suitors for her.
*argh*, Drums of Autumn (Outlander #4), Diana Gabaldon, people who wouldn't ever read a romance novel, history buffs. I especially loved watching Brianna and Roger's relationship blossom. * If you would like to discuss topics which cover subsequent books, please go here: *Drums of Autumn*Spoiler Thread* Drums of Autumn Chapter 11: The Law of Bloodshed Since their arrival at least a month earlier, Jamie and Claire have settled into the routine at River Run; however, they are both growing restless.
She’s definitely Jamie’s daughter! Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. The first 3, it only took me 200 pages at the very most for me to be completely absorbed and unable to put the books down to even sleep. Back to Gabaldon's powerful and complex OUTLANDER series, after the Lord John Grey reprieve. It was funny, touching, and made me cry.
I wanted to love this whole series as I loved book one, but it has gotten progressively worse with every book, in my humble opinion. I never thought I'd be the kind of person who would get swept up in a series of thousand-page epic fantasy adventure book, but here I am having finished book #4, mad that I have to wait a couple of days until the next installment arrives in the mail. Bonus: the heroine gets to have many, many rolls in the hay with a handsome hard-bodied Highlander. When last Gabaldon spoke of the Fraser clan, they had made their way across the Atlantic and spent some time in Jamaica before landing in the colony of Georgia. When Roger arrives at Fraser's Ridge, Jamie and Ian, meet him, and thinking that he is the man who raped Brianna, sell him to a group of Indians. Do they explain this later and I am just not there yet? I think I spent too much of the book eye rolling at Brianna and in a state of constant irritation at her self importance and barreling into situations with said importance. Sort of. WTH!!!
I really hope that he’s going to be alright and that he’ll be mentioned in the next books, because if not I’ll never recover from his loss!!! [I posted this excerpt (aka "Daily Lines") from DRUMS OF AUTUMN on my web blog and Facebook page.] Hell, I even cried!!! Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Brianna and Roger can hear the stone's calling just as Claire could. Ms. Gabaldon's editors should be taking a much closer look at the arc, plot, and character development for inconsistency and redundancy. Unforunately, like most series, this one does not get better.
This is book four in a series that is not yet finished (six so far). (I took a lot of breaks and started over twice), I was disappointed in this book because I loved the three before it so much. ... would hate to own River Run, with its abundance of slaves. Brianna tells her parents about, Bonnet raping her. But when Claire gets pregnant with Jamie's child, she is forced to return to her time for the safety of the baby. Quick summation as this this series has been reviewed quite a bit.. Claire tells Brianna, now in her twenties the true identity of her blood father and leaves to reunite with Jamie hoping Brianna will be fine. I struggled throught the last 100 pages as the story seemed to drag on unnecessarily. The romance and adventures of Jamie and Claire Fraser continue as they work to clear a new settlement in the Carolina mountains in the 1700's. The historical fiction phenom is back with her latest romantic time-traveling adventure, Written in My Own Heart's Blood, next in the bestselling... To see what your friends thought of this book. in Marine Biology, and a Ph.D in Ecology. Diana Jean Gabaldon Watkins grew up in Flagstaff, Arizona and is of Mexican-American and English descent. That’s for sure! The Frasers settle in North Carolina, their brood ever growing, as content as they can be in the 1770s. I am reading Drums of Autumn and I am trying to recall how Fergus ended up in America. Ms. Gabaldon drags on for pages at a time about absolutely nothing that pertains to the plot--bee hives, sunsets, the various shades of red of Jamie's hair, you name it.
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